Dear Parent,
Ever nice the look on your baby’s face when th learn something
new through their own discovery? ese self-accomplished
moments are a parent’s greatest reward. To help fulfill them,
VTech® created the Jungle Gym® series ts.
ese unique interactive learning ts directly respond to what
children do naturally – play! Using innovative technology, these
ts react to baby’s interactions, making each play perience fun
and unique as th learn age-appropriate concepts like first words,
numbers, shapes, colors and music. More importantly, VTech®’s
Jungle Gym® ts develop baby’s mental and physical abilities by
inspiring, engaging and teaching.
At VTech®, we know that a child has the ability to do great things.
at’s why all our electronic learning products are uniquely
designed to develop a child’s mind and allow them to learn to the
best their ability. We thank you for trusting VTech® with the
important job helping your child learn and grow!
Your iends at VTech®
To learn more about the Jungle Gym® series and her VTech® ts, visit www.vtechkids.com

Thank you for purchasing the VTech® Smart Friends Bowling™
learning toy!
Learning and fun are right up your child’s alley with Smart Friends
Bowling™ by VTech®. This innovative bowling set will get your little
ones into the game as they roll the colorful ball toward the five pins.
As the animal-themed pins fall, they teach counting, numbers, animals
and more. Bright bumpers that extend from the set help keep the ball
on track and flashing buttons keep score for easy play.
Mode selector
Animal pins
Bowling ball
Score buttons
Reset button
Right bumperLeft bumper

One VTech® Smart Friends Bowling™
One left bumper One right bumper
One base support One bowling ball
One base bottom One base
One instruction manual
Included in This Package