Your c all cent er is important to your orga nizatio n. Afte r a ll, it’s where
you and your customers meet, where every call is a revenuegenerating opportunity. This means that there is a direct relationship
between your call center’s performance and business success.
Discovery ACD can play a significant role in that relationship,
because with Discove ry ACD you can measure cust omer sati sfacti on,
as well as e mployee productivity. Discovery ACD provides real time,
visual feedback on agent/ rep activity, queue status and cumula tive
statistics combined with a flexible reporting package, integrating all
the activities of your call cente r to offer managers the information
needed for effective de cision making.
Statistical information can be accessed in two ways:
Real Time Displays
Real Time Screens
Discovery ACD provides an extensive set of user-configurable real
time windows that display key info rmat ion such as agent status, call
queue, longest wait time or calls answered and abandoned on the PC
monitor as well as on external (traditional) wallboa rds. To help you
get familiari zed with the program and t he endless n umber of re al tim e
displays that ca n be created, Discovery ACD comes with a collection
of predefined real-time screen templates. In a typical call center
environment, a number of real-t ime screens are combined to provide
a composite view of important parameters to monitor.
With this in mind, Discovery ACD offers five types of real time
windows from which to select. Each window type has many opti ons
that can be combined and saved as a template. The f ive types of real
time windows a re as follows:
Status display - lines, extens ions, and agents can be monitored
Statistics displays - lines, DIDs, extensions, agents, and their
corresponding groups can be displayed
Calls in queue graph - five options available
Wait-time graph - five options available
Large character display – Discovery ACD
than 250 differe nt types from which to choose.
includes more
Supervisor machine must remain active 24 hours each
day; reboot sit uations cause a tempor ary loss of real-tim e
display visibility (visibility can be regai ned by inView
client logging-off/-on ACD groups).
Color Codes of Displays
Discovery ACD simplif ies visuals using color coding to highlight the
current state of a device. The color s are as follows:
Green - device is free (i .e. , agen t av ai lab le , line free )
Blue - device is busy (i.e., agent on a call, in wrap-up,
Yellow - device is ringing
Red - device alarmed (i.e., waitin g time threshold exceeded)
Grey - device logged off
Real Time Window
Discovery ACD has extensive flexibility that provides easy
customization of real -time window properties with just a click of the
mouse. Perform the following steps:
1. Use the left mouse button to select the window to be edited by
clicking anywhere within that window.
2. Click-on the right mous e button to view the window pr opert ies.
A dialog box is displayed with the curr ent settings for the
selected window.
3. Edit the properties using drop-down list boxes, radio buttons,
and check boxes as appropriate. Click -on OK to view th e
updated window.
If you are creating mult iple windows of the same type or
size, edit and siz e them before creating a ne w one. Using
this method, only the device, de vice name, and
parameter need to be changed. When a new window is
created, that window default s to the same properties and
size of the last selected window.
Creating a composite real time screen
With Discovery ACD, you can create your own real time composite
screens. The easiest way to do this, is to start with one of the default
templates wit hin the system (refer to Figure 1), copy it and change the
copy by adding new windows to match your requirements.
1. Start by select ing the template you wish to copy from the dropdown list box on the toolbar, as shown:
Figure 1: Composite Real-time Screen Template Drop Down Menu
2. Use the left mouse button to highlight and select the name of
the template, then type a new template na me over the current
name, then press Enter. This makes a copy of the template that
allows you to make changes without affecting the original.
3. Edit any windows within the default template as described in
the section, Editing a Real T ime Window in this chapter.
4. Click-on the
desired new window from the list displayed in the dialog box.
5. Windows can be moved, resized and minimized as needed
similar to othe r Windows application.
6. Save the template by clicking-on the down arrow next to the
drop-down list box on the toolbar, then selecting the template
name you are using. The new template then can be saved if
document icon on the toolbar and select the
Composit e screens (refer to Figure 2) can be designed
on a per s upervisor ba sis. Howe ver, the windows should
be laid out logically and should only display relevant
information. Too many windows and too much
information can be confusing.
Figure 2: Composite Real Time Screen
Graph Windows
Discovery ACD also allows you the option of displaying certain
device clients in a graph-window format. Graph windows use
information from super groups – super groups must be set up in the
1. Open the Configurator. Select the
for the device to which you wish to add a Super Group.
2. Click-on the next number on the lis t of curr ent Super Group s or
edit an existing Super Group.
3. Click-on
(unless editing an existing Super Group), the n
click-on OK in the next dialogue box.
4. Click-on
Edit Super Group
select groups fr om the bottom right list to Add t o the Groups in
Super Groups list on the le ft.
5. When complete click-on OK, then
6. In the real-time display create a new graph window.
7. Right-click to change the graph window properties.
Edit Super Grou ps
. Give the Super Group a name and
again, and
8. Select the De vice Type and in Device Name select the new
Super Group.
9. When complete click-on OK, then resize the graph window as
Statistics Windows - Changing Shift/
Inter val Ti m e
Advanced Statistic s Windows can be used to show real-time displays
at designated inter vals. The daily/interval tim es on the real-time
statistics can be amended to reflect the current shift and set to an
interval time of your choice (refer to Figure 3).
1. Add a new statistics window to the real-time display.
2. Select Setup then Real-time St atistics from the Setup pull -down
menu in the menu bar.
3. Set the interval time to the required length. (Between 1 and
1440 minutes).
4. Select the required daily shi ft from the list on the right
(Available Shifts) and Add to the list on the left (Daily Shifts).
You also can move the desir ed shif t to the lef t screen by
double-clicki ng on it. I f two shifts are selected, the top
shift will take priority.
5. When complete select OK.
Figure 3: Real Tim e Call Statistics Dialogue Box.
For further information on any part of this dialog box,
refer to Help by pressing the F1 key on your keyboar d .
Using Alternative Labels
The titles in all stati stics windows can be changed to reflect the
appropriate inf ormation. To change the titles in the darkened area of
the Statistic s Windows (as displayed in Figure 4), use the alternative
label feature, and perform the following steps:
Figure 4: Agent Statistics Window. For further information on an y part
of this window box, refer to Help by pressing the F1 key on your keyboard .
1. Click-on the
Alternative Label
button in the properties box
(refer to Figure 5).
Figur e 5: Pr op erties for th e A g ent St ati s tic s Wi n do w .
For further information on any part of this dialog box,
refer to Help by pressing the F1 key on your keyboar d .
2. Create a new Real-time Statistics window (or you can change
the properties of an existing statistics window).
3. Open up the properties for the window by clicking-on the icon
or right-clicking the window.
4. In the Displayed Parameters box select the parameters you
want to show in the window.
5. In the same box, select the parameter of which you wish to
change the name. With the parameter highlighted, click-on t he
Alternative Label button.
6. In the New Label box type the name that you require for that
parameter. When done click-on OK. The new label will be
displayed next to the original label.
7. Click-on OK and notic e the new label displaye d in the
Statistics window.
Lock Function
Occasionally, supervisors might encounter the need to m onitor and
focus on a specific device. The lock fun ction provides you with the
ability to lock ont o one line, agent, etc., to view only those statistics.
This helps to avoid having too much space wasted on a display by
having all statistic s displayed.
1. With a real-tim e statistics window displayed in restored mode,
resize the window to only show titles a nd the first column of
2. You can now scroll across to the column you wish to view and
click-on lock. This will remove the scroll ba rs and lock to that
column. To view another column click-on lock again and the
scroll bar reappears.
Large Character Windows
Parameter Title Bars
This is anothe r way of crea ting a title b ar for a large ch ara ct er
window, without having to manually t ype in text. By doing titles this
way , if a name is changed in the Configu rator , i t will autom atic ally be
updated here.
1. Create a new large character window in the real-time display.
2. Right-click to open up the properties.
3. Select the same device type as the window containing the
4. Select the same device name.
5. In the parameter list select the relevant title, i.e. Agent number ,
Agent name (short), Agent Name (long).
When generating a multipl e number of Large C haracte r
Windows, the Discovery ACD always revert s to the
format of the last created Large Character Window. If
you wish to make the Large Character resemble another
selection, left-click once on a La rge Charact er Window
that you wish to copy, then click-on the New Window
icon, and sel ect Large Character from the list. This wi ll
create a copy of the win dow you cl icked-on inst ead of a
copy of the last large character window created.
Status Windows
Alarms Configuration
With Discovery ACD, audible and visual thresholds can be
configured to help al ert managers of particular situations and address
immediate issues. The alarm feature can be set up for each type of
device in the Alarm s Co nfi g urat ion dia log box (refer to Figure 6).
Figure 6: Alar ms Configuration Dialog Box.
For further information on any part of this dialog box,
refer to Help by pressing the F1 key on your keyboar d .
1. Select
, then
from the pull-down menu.
2. From the Alarms Configuration dialog box (refer to Figure 7),
click-on Audible Alarms to enable the alarms.
Figure 7: Alarms Configuration Dialogue Box.
For further information on any part of this dialog box,
refer to Help by pressing the F1 key on your keyboar d .
3. You can now apply filters to the alarms so that only cer tain
exceeded thresholds will beep.
4. T o apply a fi lter select the de vice you wish to f ilt er. Now select
the filter group and remove the ticks on the alarm thresholds
you do not want to be audible.
5. When complete click-on OK, and then Close.
What is the Reporter?
The convenience and flexibility of Discovery ACD goes beyond an
extensive set of user- configur able real time displ ays, visu al feedback,
audible and visual alarms , and color-coded windows. The Reporter,
Discovery ACD’s reporting application, provides a wide variety of
fully configurable reports on inbound and outbound call activities to
supply you the information neede d to improve operational controls.
Call volume, handling time, service leve ls and staff requirements can
be analyzed in a variety of ways. Discovery ACD can examine
workload trends and compare staff availability to actual needs.
Access to unlimited historical data can be used to forecast future
trends. Reports can even be schedule d to run automatically, saving
you time and e ffort.
All reports c an be viewed on screen or printed, and can be compiled
using data originati ng as far back as the origina l installation date,
even if upgrades are applied.
How Does the Reporter W ork?
T o enable users to creat e the appropriate reports , raw data is collec ted
by Discovery ACD from the telephone system, through the
The Configurator must mirro r the tel ephone system
configuratio n otherwise the information collated by the
Reporter will be inaccurate.
While the Discovery ACD is running, all monit ored telephone traffic
is logged to hard disk for analysis by the Report er. To simplify the
process of reporting, the Discovery ACD Reporter provides the
concept of a “report template” to define the contents of a report. You
can create any number of report templates. Once created, the report
template handles most of the details concerning the collation of
individual reports.
Report Concepts and Terminology
T o understand the Discovery ACD Reporter, it is vital to understand
some of the key concepts and terminology used in the prod uct.
Reference is made to devices , temp l ates , sh ifts an d filters, which are
all described in this se ction.
Discovery ACD treats lines, DIDs, ext ensions and agents as devices.
Create “groups” and “super groups ” of devices; a group is simply a
collection of devic es, and a super gro up is a colle ction of groups.
The Discovery ACD Reporter reports on individual devices, groups
and super groups. The following devices (refer to Table 1) can be
configured using the Configurator:
Table 1: D evices
A Direct Inward Dial (DID) number is a dynamic numeri c at tribute assigned to a line on an
incoming call. A DID call can be rout ed to a group of extensions/agents or to an indivi dual
extension/age nt dependi ng on how the call routing s oftware within t he switc h is programme d. If
configured correctly, the Discovery ACD can monitor in real-time and historically the activity
of inbound calls associated with DID numbers.
While handling a telephone cal l it is possible for an extension /agent to enter account codes tha t
describe the nat ure of the call. Up to nine-digits can be entered per account code, and up to 20
account codes can be en tered per call. The Discovery ACD Reporter provides anal ysis of
to the swit ch being monitor ed, or one of your networ k tie li nes con nec ti ng the mon ito red swit ch
to an external switch. Each line can handle one telephone call at a time. Calls are denoted as
incoming or outgoi ng calls depending on whether it was originated outside or inside the
monitored switch.
calls, make outgoing calls, or handle other forms of internal te lephony traffic.
telephony routing facilities within the switch. T he PI N should uniquely identif y the agent if the
Discovery ACD is to give m eaningful statistics concerning the agents’ activity.
account code usage.
LinesIn the context of Discove ry ACD, a line represents either one of the external trunks connected
ExtensionsExtension is the physical telephone handset or station at which an agent can receive incoming
AgentAn agent is the telephone operator who handles calls at an exte nsion to enable call center
* Not Supported Until KSU Feature Package 2.
Before a report can be created, the user must program the appropria te
shifts into the Discover y ACD Configur ator. In addition to bei ng used
to create reports during r eal wor king shifts, other shift times can be
used to allow the user to better understand what happens outside
normal working hours, or perhaps at certain times of the week (for
example, on Mondays) or at certain times of the day (such as during
break times). In this way it is possible for a report to cover a sixmonth period only looking at the activity on Mondays.
The standard items that make up a report templat e tend to analyze a
call center from a singular point of view only. For example, consider
the Agent Traffic Report and the Extension Traffic Report. These two
reports anal yze A g ent traffi c an d the asso ci a te d Exte n sion traffic in
If your call center is set up to route calls to a part icular group of
extensions, the performance of each agent on a per extension basis
could be obtained by attaching r epo rt filters the report items. For this
example you could either create a series of Agent traffic reports, each
filtered to a dif ferent extension. Or you could create a series of
extension traffic reports, each filte red to a different Agent.
Filter elements supported
A report filter is made up of a logical combination of filter elements.
Each report item within a report te mplate can have a different report
filter attached to it if nece ssary; the following filter elements are
Table 2: Filter Elements Supported
Accepts only calls related to a specific account codes within a specified account code
Line FilterAccepts only calls that were connected to a specific CO line.
DID FilterAccepts only calls that were associated with a spec ific DID number.
Extension FilterAccepts only calls that were connected to a specific extension.
Agent FilterAccepts only calls that were connected to a specific agent.
Account Code FilterAccepts only ca lls related to a specific account code.
Line Group FilterAccepts only calls that were connected to CO lines within a specified line group.
DID Group FilterAccepts only calls that were associated with DID numbers within a specified exte nsion
Extension Group FilterAccepts only calls that were connected to agents within a specifi ed extension group.
Agent Group FilterAccepts only calls that were connected to agents within a specifi ed agent group
Account Code Group
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