VMware vSphere Replication - 5.8 User’s Manual

vSphere Replication for Disaster
Recovery to Cloud
vSphere Replication 5.8
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About vSphere Replication for Disaster Recovery to Cloud Documentation 5
Updated Information 7
About Disaster Recovery to Cloud 9
Disaster Recovery to Cloud System Requirements and Compatibility 11
Roles and Permissions that Disaster Recovery to Cloud Requires 11
Installing and Conguring vSphere Replication to Cloud 13
Installing vSphere Replication for Disaster Recovery to Cloud 13
Upgrading from Earlier Product Versions 14
How vSphere Replication Connects to Cloud 14
Conguring the Connection to the Cloud 16
Congure NTP Synchronisation in Your Environment 20
Replicating Virtual Machines to Cloud 21
Congure a Replication to Cloud for a Single Virtual Machine 21
Congure a Cloud Replication Task for Multiple Virtual Machines 23
Using Replication Seeds 25
Reconguring Replications to the Cloud 27
Recongure a Replication to Cloud 27
Monitoring and Managing Replication Tasks 29
States of Replication Tasks 29
Pause or Resume a Replication Task 30
Stop a Replication Task 30
Recovering Virtual Machines to Cloud 33
Test Recovery to Cloud 33
Planned Migration to Cloud 34
Troubleshooting vSphere Replication for Disaster Recovery to Cloud 37
vSphere Replication UI is Missing After a vCenter Server Upgrade 37
Index 39
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About vSphere Replication for Disaster Recovery to Cloud Documentation

The Disaster Recovery to Cloud Documentation supplements the vSphere Replication Administration document to provide information about conguring your instance of vSphere Replication to allow replications to and from cloud.
In addition, this documentation includes reference information about user roles and permissions that the vCloud Air Disaster Recovery service requires, and procedures on conguring, monitoring, and managing replications to and from cloud.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for anyone who wants to use vSphere Replication to replicate virtual machines from their vSphere environment to clouds managed by vCloud Air. The information is wrien for experienced Windows and Linux system administrators who are familiar with virtual machines technology, virtual networks, and datacenter operations.
VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For denitions of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to
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Updated Information

This vSphere Replication for Disaster Recovery document is updated with each release of the product or when necessary.
This table provides the update history of the vSphere Replication for Disaster Recovery document.
Revision Description
001502-01 Updated topic Chapter 1, “About Disaster Recovery to Cloud,” on page 9 to clarify that
vSphere Replication for Disaster Recovery works with vCloud Air.
001502-00 Initial release.
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About Disaster Recovery to Cloud 1

You can subscribe to the VMware vCloud® Air™ Disaster Recovery service to protect your vSphere workloads.
vCloud Air Disaster Recovery lets administrators of small sites to protect their vSphere virtual workloads from a wide class of disasters by replicating those workloads into the cloud. vCloud Air Disaster Recovery uses the host-based replication feature of vSphere Replication to copy the protected source virtual machines into the infrastructure of the cloud provider. If a disaster occurs, the vCloud Air Disaster Recovery servers can convert the replicated data into vApps and virtual machines in the cloud.
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Disaster Recovery to Cloud System
Requirements and Compatibility 2
To enable replications to the cloud, your environment must meet certain requirements in terms of additional conguration and specic versions of the VMware products that you use.
System Requirements
Disaster Recovery to Cloud has the same requirements to the environment as vSphere Replication. In addition, Disaster Recovery to Cloud requires that ports 10000 to 10010 of ESXi hosts are open for outgoing trac . The required ports are open automatically when you install a VIB on each supported ESXi host in the environment where the vSphere Replication appliance is deployed. See “How vSphere Replication Connects
to Cloud,” on page 14.
Product Compatibility
Replications to the cloud require that you run certain versions of VMware products on the source site and on the target site. Your cloud provider ensures that the target environment is congured for replications to cloud. You must verify that you run a supported version of the following products on the source site.
Table 21. Compatible Product Versions on the Source Site for Replications to the Cloud
Product Supported Version
vSphere Replication appliance 5.6
ESXi host 5.0, 5.1, and 5.5
vCenter Server 5.1 and 5.5
vSphere Web Client 5.1 and 5.5

Roles and Permissions that Disaster Recovery to Cloud Requires

Replications to the cloud require certain users, roles, and permissions.
vSphere Web Client
On the vSphere side, you need the same credentials as the ones required for vSphere Replication. See topic vSphere Replication Roles Reference in the VMware vSphere Replication Administration document.
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vCloud User Credentials
When you create a connection to the target virtual data center, you provide two pairs of credentials.
Connection Credentials
System Monitoring Credentials
Used to authenticate within the cloud organization, these credentials initiate a user session with your cloud provider. The privileges for your user account are managed by your cloud provider.
Organization.View Organization Networks
Organization.View Organizations
Organization VDC.View Organization VDCs
Credentials to the cloud are required for each target site, once per user session, and not per operation in the vSphere Web Client. When the authenticated user session to a target site expires, users are prompted to input their credentials again.
Used at runtime to let the source and the target site communicate. These credentials are stored in the vSphere Replication appliance on the source site. The user that you provide should be assigned the vSphere Replication role, or the following rights in your cloud organization .
Organization.View Organization Networks
Organization.View Organizations
Organization VDC.View Organization VDCs
Although you can use the same credentials for both connection and system monitoring, a good practice is to use dierent pairs of credentials.
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