VMware Horizon View - 6.2 Security Guide

View Security
VMware Horizon 6
Version 6.2
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View Security 5
View Security Reference 7
View Accounts 7
View Security Settings 8
View Resources 17
View Log Files 17
View TCP and UDP Ports 18
Services on a View Connection Server Host 22
Services on a Security Server 23
Configuring Security Protocols and Cipher Suites on a View Connection Server Instance or on a
Security Server 23
Deploying USB Devices in a Secure View Environment 29
Index 33
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View Security

View Security provides a concise reference to the security features of VMware Horizon 6™.
Required system and database login accounts.
Configuration options and settings that have security implications.
Resources that must be protected, such as security-relevant configuration files and passwords, and the
recommended access controls for secure operation.
Location of log files and their purpose.
External interfaces, ports, and services that must be open or enabled for the correct operation of View.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for IT decision makers, architects, administrators, and others who must familiarize themselves with the security components of View.
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View Security Reference 1

When you are configuring a secure View environment, you can change settings and make adjustments in several areas to protect your systems.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“View Accounts,” on page 7
“View Security Settings,” on page 8
“View Resources,” on page 17
“View Log Files,” on page 17
“View TCP and UDP Ports,” on page 18
“Services on a View Connection Server Host,” on page 22
“Services on a Security Server,” on page 23
“Configuring Security Protocols and Cipher Suites on a View Connection Server Instance or on a
Security Server,” on page 23
“Deploying USB Devices in a Secure View Environment,” on page 29

View Accounts

You must set up system and database accounts to administer View components.
Table 11. View System Accounts
View Component Required Accounts
Horizon Client Configure user accounts in Active Directory for the users who have access to remote desktops
and applications. The user accounts must be members of the Remote Desktop Users group, but the accounts do not require View administrator privileges.
vCenter Server Configure a user account in Active Directory with permission to perform the operations in
vCenter Server that are necessary to support View.
For information about the required privileges, see the View Installation document.
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Table 11. View System Accounts (Continued)
View Component Required Accounts
View Composer Create a user account in Active Directory to use with View Composer. View Composer requires
this account to join linked-clone desktops to your Active Directory domain.
The user account should not be a View administrative account. Give the account the minimum privileges that it requires to create and remove computer objects in a specified Active Directory container. For example, the account does not require domain administrator privileges.
For information about the required privileges, see the View Installation document.
View Connection Server
When you install View, you can specify a specific domain user, the local Administrators group, or a specific domain user group as View administrators. We recommend creating a dedicated domain user group of View administrators. The default is the currently logged in domain user.
In View Administrator, you can use View Configuration > Administrators to change the list of View administrators.
See the View Administration document for information about the privileges that are required.
Table 12. View Database Accounts
View Component Required Accounts
View Composer database
Event database used by View Connection Server
An SQL Server or Oracle database stores View Composer data. You create an administrative account for the database that you can associate with the View Composer user account.
For information about setting up a View Composer database, see the View Installation document.
An SQL Server or Oracle database stores View event data. You create an administrative account for the database that View Administrator can use to access the event data.
For information about setting up a View Composer database, see the View Installation document.
To reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities, take the following actions:
Configure View databases on servers that are separate from other database servers that your
organization uses.
Do not allow a single user account to access multiple databases.
Configure separate accounts for access to the View Composer and event databases.

View Security Settings

View includes several settings that you can use to adjust the security of the configuration. You can access the settings by using View Administrator, by editing group profiles, or by using the ADSI Edit utility, as appropriate.
Security-Related Global Settings in View Administrator
Security-related global settings for client sessions and connections are accessible under View Configuration > Global Settings in View Administrator.
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Chapter 1 View Security Reference
Table 13. Security-Related Global Settings
Setting Description
Change data recovery password
Message security mode Determines the security mechanism used when JMS messages are passed between View
Enhanced Security Status
Reauthenticate secure tunnel connections after network interruption
Forcibly disconnect users Disconnects all desktops and applications after the specified number of minutes has passed
For clients that support applications.
If the user stops using the keyboard and mouse, disconnect their applications and discard SSO credentials
The password is required when you restore the View LDAP configuration from an encrypted backup.
When you install View Connection Server version 5.1 or later, you provide a data recovery password. After installation, you can change this password in View Administrator.
When you back up View Connection Server, the View LDAP configuration is exported as encrypted LDIF data. To restore the encrypted backup with the vdmimport utility, you must provide the data recovery password. The password must contain between 1 and 128 characters. Follow your organization's best practices for generating secure passwords.
If set to Disabled, message security mode is disabled.
If set to Enabled, legacy message signing and verification of JMS messages takes place.
View components reject unsigned messages. This mode supports a mix of SSL and plain JMS connections.
If set to Enhanced, SSL is used for all JMS connections, to encrypt all messages. Access
control is also enabled to restrict the JMS topics that View components can send messages to and receive messages from.
If set to Mixed, message security mode is enabled, but not enforced for View
components that predate View Manager 3.0.
The default setting is Enhanced for new installations. If you upgrade from a previous version, the setting used in the previous version is retained.
IMPORTANT VMware strongly recommends setting the message security mode to Enhanced after you upgrade all View Connection Server instances, security servers, and View desktops to this release. The Enhanced setting provides many important security improvements and MQ (message queue) updates.
Read-only field that appears when Message security mode is changed from Enabled to Enhanced. Because the change is made in phases, this field shows the progress through the phases:
Waiting for Message Bus restart is the first phase. This state is displayed until you
manually restart either all View Connection Server instances in the pod or the VMware Horizon View Message Bus Component service on all View Connection Server hosts in the pod.
Pending Enhanced is the next state. After all View Message Bus Component services
have been restarted, the system begins changing the message security mode to
Enhanced for all desktops and security servers.
Enhanced is the final state, indicating that all components are now using Enhanced
message security mode.
Determines if user credentials must be reauthenticated after a network interruption when Horizon Clients use secure tunnel connections to View desktops and applications.
This setting offers increased security. For example, if a laptop is stolen and moved to a different network, the user cannot automatically gain access to the View desktops and applications because the network connection was temporarily interrupted.
This setting is disabled by default.
since the user logged in to View. All desktops and applications will be disconnected at the same time regardless of when the user opened them.
The default is 600 minutes.
Protects application sessions when there is no keyboard or mouse activity on the client device. If set to After ... minutes, View disconnects all applications and discards SSO credentials after the specified number of minutes without user activity. Desktop sessions are disconnected. Users must log in again to reconnect to the applications that were disconnected or launch a new desktop or application.
If set to Never, View never disconnects applications or discards SSO credentials due to user inactivity.
The default is Never.
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Table 13. Security-Related Global Settings (Continued)
Setting Description
Other clients.
Discard SSO credentials
Enable IPSec for Security Server pairing
View Administrator session timeout
Discards the SSO credentials after a certain time period. This setting is for clients that do not support application remoting. If set to After ... minutes, users must log in again to connect to a desktop after the specified number of minutes has passed since the user logged in to View, regardless of any user activity on the client device.
The default is After 15 minutes.
Determines whether to use Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) for connections between security servers and View Connection Server instances. This setting must be disabled before installing a security server in FIPS mode; otherwise pairing will fail.
By default, IPSec for security server connections is enabled.
Determines how long an idle View Administrator session continues before the session times out.
IMPORTANT Setting the View Administrator session timeout to a high number of minutes increases the risk of unauthorized use of View Administrator. Use caution when you allow an idle session to persist a long time.
By default, the View Administrator session timeout is 30 minutes. You can set a session timeout from 1 to 4320 minutes.
For more information about these settings and their security implications, see the View Administration document.
NOTE SSL is required for all Horizon Client connections and View Administrator connections to View. If your View deployment uses load balancers or other client-facing, intermediate servers, you can off-load SSL to them and then configure non-SSL connections on individual View Connection Server instances and security servers. See "Off-load SSL Connections to Intermediate Servers" in the View Administration document.
Security-Related Server Settings in View Administrator
Security-related server settings are accessible under View Configuration > Servers in View Administrator.
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Table 14. Security-Related Server Settings
Setting Description
Use PCoIP Secure Gateway for PCoIP connections to machine
Use Secure Tunnel connection to machine
Use Blast Secure Gateway for HTML Access to machine
Determines whether Horizon Client makes a further secure connection to the View Connection Server or security server host when users connect to View desktops and applications with the PCoIP display protocol.
If this setting is disabled, the desktop or application session is established directly between the client and the View desktop or the Remote Desktop Services (RDS) host, bypassing the View Connection Server or security server host.
This setting is disabled by default.
Determines whether Horizon Client makes a further HTTPS connection to the View Connection Server or security server host when users connect to a View desktop or an application.
If this setting is disabled, the desktop or application session is established directly between the client and the View desktop or the Remote Desktop Services (RDS) host, bypassing the View Connection Server or security server host.
This setting is enabled by default.
Determines whether clients that use a Web browser to access desktops use Blast Secure Gateway to establish a secure tunnel to View Connection Server.
If not enabled, Web browsers make direct connections to View desktops, bypassing View Connection Server.
This setting is disabled by default.
Chapter 1 View Security Reference
For more information about these settings and their security implications, see the View Administration document.
Security-Related Settings in the View Agent Configuration Template
Security-related settings are provided in the ADM template file for View Agent (vdm_agent.adm). Unless noted otherwise, the settings include only a Computer Configuration setting.
Security Settings are stored in the registry on the guest machine under HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware
Table 15. Security-Related Settings in the View Agent Configuration Template
Setting Description
Determines whether non-Horizon Clients can connect directly to View desktops with RDP. When this setting is disabled, View Agent permits only View-managed connections through Horizon Client.
By default, while a user is logged in to a View desktop session, you can use RDP to connect to the virtual machine from outside of View. The RDP connection terminates the View desktop session, and the View user's unsaved data and settings might be lost. The View user cannot log in to the desktop until the external RDP connection is closed. To avoid this situation, disable the AllowDirectRDP setting.
IMPORTANT For View to operate correctly, the Windows Remote Desktop Services service must be running on the guest operating system of each desktop. You can use this setting to prevent users from making direct RDP connections to their desktops.
This setting is enabled by default. The equivalent Windows Registry value is AllowDirectRDP.
Determines whether single sign-on (SSO) is used to connect users to desktops and applications. When this setting is enabled, users are required to enter only their credentials when connecting with Horizon Client. When it is disabled, users must reauthenticate when the remote connection is made.
This setting is enabled by default. The equivalent Windows Registry value is AllowSingleSignon.
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