Managing vSphere Datastores 66
Managing Stranded Items 66
Managing Organizations 69
Enable or Disable an Organization 69
Delete an Organization 69
Modify an Organization Name 70
Modify an Organization Full Name and Description 70
Modify Organization LDAP Options 70
Modify Organization Catalog Publishing Policy 71
Modify Organization Email Preferences 72
Modify Organization Lease, Quota, and Limit Settings 72
Add a Catalog to an Organization 73
Managing Organization Resources 73
Managing Organization Users and Groups 74
Managing Organization vApps 74
Managing System Administrators and Roles 77
Add a System Administrator 77
Import a System Administrator 78
Enable or Disable a System Administrator 78
Delete a System Administrator 78
Edit System Administrator Profile and Contact Information 78
Send an Email Notification to Users 79
Delete a System Administrator Who Lost Access to the System 79
Import an LDAP Group 79
Delete an LDAP Group 80
Change an LDAP Group Description 80
Roles and Rights 80
Create a Role 80
Copy a Role 81
Edit a Role 81
Delete a Role 81
Managing System Settings 83
Modify General System Settings 83
General System Settings 83
Configure SMTP Settings 84
Configure System Notification Settings 85
Configuring the System LDAP Settings 85
Customize the Cloud Director Client UI 88
Configure the Public Web URL 89
Configure the Public Console Proxy Address 89
Configure the Public REST API Base URL 90
Monitoring Cloud Director 91
Viewing Tasks and Events 91
View Usage Information for a Provider vDC 93
Cloud Director Administrator's Guide
4 VMware, Inc.