Vir2 Acoustic Legends HD User Manual

User Manual
©2006 Vir2 Instruments
A division of Big Fish Audio, Inc.
Manual Revision 1.0
PART 1: ACOUSTIC LEGENDS HD ...................... 5
Welcome ..................................................................................5
System Requirements ..............................................................5
Updating ...................................................................................7
Registration ..............................................................................7
A Tour of the Library ................................................................8
Chord Banks ...................................................................9
Harmonics .....................................................................11
Muted ............................................................................12
Nylon String ...................................................................12
Steel String (Finger Picked and Picked) .......................13
Twelve String Picked.....................................................13
Xtra Bonus Content.......................................................13
Xtra Special Effects .......................................................14
Controls .........................................................................16
Remote Controls ...........................................................18
Tech Support .........................................................................19
Advanced Notes.....................................................................19
Removing Parts of Acoustic Legends HD ....................19
Using Acoustic Legends HD in Kontakt 2 ....................21
License Agreement ................................................................21
Credits ....................................................................................22
Introduction ............................................................................23
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Installation under Windows XP .............................................. 23
Installed Folders, Files, and Links ................................. 23
Updating........................................................................ 24
Installation under Mac OS X................................................... 25
Installation Type ................................................................. 25
Easy Install..................................................................... 25
Custom Install ............................................................... 25
Updating........................................................................ 26
Authorizing the Library ........................................................... 26
Methods of Using Kontakt Player 2 ....................................... 27
Standalone Use ................................................................. 27
Audio Setup and Soundcard settings .......................... 27
MIDI Setup .................................................................... 30
Plug-in Use ........................................................................ 31
Using Kontakt Player 2 in a Sequencer ............................ 33
Native Instruments Kore ............................................... 33
Cubase and Nuendo ..................................................... 34
Apple Logic Pro and Logic Express ............................. 36
MOTU Digital Performer................................................ 38
Apple GarageBand ....................................................... 39
Cakewalk Sonar ............................................................ 40
Digidesign Pro Tools ..................................................... 41
Using Kontakt Player 2........................................................... 42
Browser.............................................................................. 43
Libraries ......................................................................... 43
Library Box .................................................................... 43
Engine............................................................................ 45
Automation .................................................................... 45
Main Control Panel ............................................................ 48
Output Section .............................................................. 48
Output Routing.............................................................. 51
Keyboard ....................................................................... 53
MasterKontrol................................................................ 53
Options .......................................................................... 56
Instrument Options........................................................ 65
Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 68
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Part 1: Acoustic Legends HD
Thank you for buying Vir2 Instruments' Acoustic Legends HD. In this collection are $40,000 of the finest acoustic guitars, sampled in glorious high definition 24-bit, 96kHz stereo. This broad collection of acoustic guitars is sampled in the finest detail in a variety of playing styles, including picked notes, finger picked notes, natural and artificial harmonics, harmonic chords, mutes, chords, release layers, and even fret noise sampled for each guitar. You'll find several different steel string guitars, nylon strings, twelve strings, acoustic bass, as well as a bonus folder featuring mandolin, ukulele, and banjo. Acoustic Legends HD features the world's best guitars from McPherson, Taylor, Gibson, Martin, and other manufacturers. Also included are numerous bonus patches of special effects, doubled guitars, and more. Acoustic Legends HD also features chord banks containing twelve different chord types in varying positions, with multiple velocity layers and multiple takes per layer, and with both up-strokes and down-strokes, making it simple to create fully authentic rhythm guitar parts. Experience legendary acoustic guitars, sampled in gorgeous detail and now available in one exquisite virtual instrument.
System Requirements
In order to use Acoustic Legends HD, you will need a computer meeting or surpassing these specifications:
Mac OS 10.4.x, G4 1.4gHz or higher, 512MB RAM
Windows XP SP2, 1.4gHz or higher, 512MB RAM
DVD drive, 20GB of available hard drive space, and 1GB RAM for plug-in use
It's worth noting that these are minimum system requirements. To get the most out of Acoustic Legends HD, a faster processor will be beneficial, and more RAM (preferably 1.5GB or more) will give you much better results. Acoustic Legends HD also utilizes disk streaming technology, which means that faster hard drives will also give you better performance.
To install Acoustic Legends HD, simply insert Disc 1 into your computer and run the Acoustic Legends HD installer.
The installer will install three separate components of the product: the library (which is approximately 19GB in size, and can be placed anywhere on your system), the engine (Kontakt Player 2, which should be installed in either the Applications folder for Mac users, or the Program Files folder for PC users), and the authorizer (NI Service Center, which like the engine should also be installed in either the Applications folder for Mac users, or the Program Files folder for PC users).
Important note: The installer will copy over only the sample data that resides on Disc 1. You must then manually copy over the sample data from the other discs (the NKX and NKC files) so that they sit alongside the NKX and NKC files that were installed by the factory installer.
When running the installer in its default mode, it will install not only the standalone application of the Kontakt Player 2 engine, but also all plug-in versions so that you can use Acoustic Legends HD within any major sequencer. If you do not plan to use the plug-in versions, or
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only need certain plug-in versions, you can use the Custom Install option in the installer. However, it is generally recommended to use the Easy Install option unless you are certain you will never use another version.
After installation, please make sure that you are fully updated to the most recent versions of the three components that make up the Acoustic Legends HD package: the library (which contains all the patch information and programming), the engine (which is powered by Kontakt Player 2), and the authorizer (Service Center). It is possible that any of these components may have a more recent version than shipped in your physical package, so you should check for updates to each of these three.
You can do this by visiting the web site and checking the Support area.
After you've installed Acoustic Legends HD, your computer will begin a 30-day demo period of the library. The library will work fully during the demo period. To permanently authorize your computer, you must register the software. Registration is handled by the Native Instruments Service Center application. If you are a Mac user, this will be located in your Applications folder. If you are a Windows user, this will be in Program Files.
Launch the Native Instruments Service Center. You will be prompted to enter your e-mail address and password that make up your Native Instruments account, or will be given an option to create an Native Instruments account if you don't already have one.
Once inside the Native Instruments Service Center, it will give you a list of all the Native Instruments and NI-powered products on your hard drive and give you the option to activate them.
You are allowed to install and use Acoustic Legends HD on up to two computers simultaneously. You can manage your two authorizations, and can deactivate the license for computers you no longer use or own, on the Native Instruments web site.
A Tour of the Library
There are two types of patches included in Acoustic Legends HD: instruments and multis. Instruments are the core of the library, and
you'll find dozens of different instruments spread throughout several folders.
Multis are combinations of instruments. We have provided some interesting combination instruments in the "Multis" folder for your usage. You can also create your own multis by loading two or more individual instruments at a time. Some of the multis are simple combinations of guitars, while others are unorthodox combinations of special effects with guitars, some panned, transposed, or with other programming.
We'll take some time to step through all the different instrument folders to give you some details behind them and some performance tips. We have made an effort to make the entire library playable in a similar style with similar features, but occasionally a certain instrument may offer special features not available in other instruments.
You'll find that some instruments contain abbreviations in their titles (such as "KSW", "QL", "VL", and so on). Check our guide to Abbreviations in this booklet below.
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Chord Banks
Six String Chords Twelve String Chords
The Chord Banks folder is designed to help you play realistic rhythm guitar patterns using either a 6-string or 12-string steel-stringed guitar. There are two master keyswitched instruments ("Six Str Chords KSW" and "Twelve Str Chords KSW") and then a number of subsets which will be described shortly.
The two master instruments operate identically and differ only in the type of guitar used for the recordings. They have a specific layout that is arranged in octaves:
The lowest octave from C0-B0 contains silent keyswitch triggers. They tell the engine to switch chord types. When a keyswitch trigger is hit, no sound is made, but the next chord played will come from the layer triggered by the keyswitch. With a little practice, it's easy to reach for these keyswitches with the left hand while the right hand is strumming chords. The chord types available are:
C0 = major C#0 = major, alternate inversion D0 = minor D#0 = minor, alternate inversion E0 = major 7 F0 = dominant 7 F#0 = minor 7 G0 = sus2 G#0 = sus4 A0 = half diminished (min7b5) A#0 = diminished 7 B0 = augmented
The octave from C1-B1 contains single note samples from the lowest octave of the guitar.
The next two octaves (C2-B2 and C3-B3) feature down-strokes and up-strokes, respectively. Many chords contain multiple samples per note. Playing an alternating pattern between down- and up-strokes results in a simple rhythm guitar pattern.
Above the chords, in the octave from C4-B4, mute strums are provided. A large number of varying samples were recorded by asking the guitarist to mute all strings with his left hand and strum with his right. Mute strums are often used in certain types of rhythm guitar playing.
The highest octave from C5-B5 contains body knocks. These can be used for percussive effect.
Some variant patches ("QL" and "VL") are also provided; see below for information on abbreviations to learn more about these. There are also folders for each guitar labeled "Diatonic"; these are simple patches that have mapped only the most common chords used in a particular key. For example, if you load the "C Diatonic" patch, only the following chords will play: C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor, and B half diminished (or m7b5). The Diatonic patches do not require keyswitching because the chord types have already been selected for you; these patches can be a useful tool if you're writing in a simpler style and know that you will stay within the limits of simple diatonic chords.
The large chord banks include a special knob in the interface not available elsewhere: a Capo knob. This is a "virtual" capo. When this is used, samples are transposed according to the fret that you place the capo on. Unlike a real guitar, transposition of your playing is taken care for you; that is, if you strike an E major chord with the capo at 0 (off) or at 2 (2nd fret), you will always hear a E major chord. However, if the Capo knob is set to the 2nd fret, then the actual
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sample playing is a D major sample which has been transposed up by two half steps. The net effect is very similar to playing a real guitar with a capo engaged.
With a combination of keyswitches, single notes, strummed chords, mute strums, body knocks, and the virtual capo, a wide variety of rhythm guitar patterns and styles can easily and realistically be simulated.
Gibson J45 Rosewood Artificial Harmonics Gibson J200 Harmonic Chords Gibson L130 Harmonics Hofner Nylon Harmonics
The Harmonics folder contains a variety of different types of harmonics played by a variety of guitars. Artificial harmonics (designated "Art Hrm"), harmonic chords (designated "Hrm Chords"), natural harmonics, and nylon guitar harmonics are all included.
In some cases - for example, the natural harmonics and harmonic chords - a real guitar is not able to physically produce chromatic notes. In Acoustic Legends HD, the raw sampled notes have been stretched to cover all notes in between the naturally available ones. In this way, you have the capability to play chromatically and do things beyond what a real acoustic guitar can do.
There are a number of alternate special effects provided alongside the dry patches, such as chorused, flanged, tremolo, and distorted versions of the original. These can be useful for unorthodox effects.
Gibson J45 Rosewood Muted Taylor 914 Muted Taylor 955 Twelve String Muted Vantage Twelve String Muted
The "Muted" folder contains four very different guitars (two six-strings and two twelve-strings) playing muted notes, along with some special effects variations on them. All muted instruments employ a random sample selection technique for added realism: each time you strike a note, it will randomly choose one of four possible samples to play, for increased realism.
Nylon String
Hofner Nylon Langejan Nylon
Two different nylon-stringed guitars have been sampled: a Hofner and a Langejan. For each guitar, three different picking positions were sampled: finger, nail, and thumb. While it would be uncommon for a real nylon guitarist to play the higher strings with a thumb, we have sampled and provided the full range of the guitar sampled with the thumb. Each of the three picking position gives a different character to the same guitar.
There are three different ways to approach the nylon picking positions. First, the individual patches for finger, nail, and thumb are provided for individual loading. Second, the basic patches (labeled simply "Hofner Nylon" and "Langejan Nylon") employ a split point selected for you: notes below D3 are played with the thumb and notes above D3 are played with the finger, and no nail samples are used. Third, keyswitch patches are provided that load all three layers simultaneously and allow you to use three keyswitch triggers to switch between them: C0 triggers thumb samples, D0 triggers finger samples, and E0 triggers nail samples. A number of variant patches, including NR and QL patches, are also provided.
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Steel String (Finger Picked and Picked)
Lowden 025 Finger Picked Martin D35 Finger Picked Gibson J45 Rosewood Picked Gibson J200 Picked Martin DC1E Picked McPherson MG4.5 Picked Taylor 914 Picked
Two folders of steel string guitars are provided, some finger-picked and some picked with a plastic pick. The finger-picked guitars are extremely mellow and gentle, while the plastic-picked guitars have more attack and percussiveness to them. A number of variant patches, including "NR" and "QL" patches, are also provided.
Twelve String Picked
Taylor 955 Twelve String Vantage Twelve String
Two different twelve-string guitars are provided, each with a very contrasting tone. A number of variant patches, including "NR" and "QL" patches, are also provided.
Xtra Bonus Content Acoustic Bass Banjo Body Knocks 88 Fret Noise 88 Mandolin Mandolin Chords Ukulele Ukulele Chords
As a bonus, several other acoustic stringed instruments have been recorded and included in Acoustic Legends HD: an acoustic bass, banjo, mandolin, and ukulele. The mandolin and ukulele have been sampled both as single notes and as chords. There are also two patches of guitar effects: "Body Knocks 88" and "Fret Noise 88". In these patches, all 88 keys of the MIDI keyboard are filled with various samples of that effect.
The mandolin patches allow you to switch to a tremolo layer by moving the mod wheel to its upper half (65 to 127). "Mandolin Tremolo" is also available as an independent patch.
Mandolin and ukulele chord instruments have been recorded with both major and minor chords, played with down and up strokes, then mapped out in a simple way:
Xtra Special Effects
This folder is filled with numerous unusual effects. The raw guitar samples are still being used, but are being warped beyond recognition to the point that they may sound nothing like guitars anymore. This is a useful folder for sound designers and other programmers who want to extend their sonic palette. There are percussive, legato, melodic, detuned, arpeggiated, and many other types of sounds included.
These effects can be used by themselves and can also sometimes be combined with traditional guitar patches for interesting layers.
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Note that due to the unusual effects used by the Xtra Special Effects patches, not all external controllers work with every instrument.
Chrs: Chorus effect.
Dly: Delay effect.
DTune: Instruments that are artificially detuned on a random per-
note basis.
Flg: Flanger effect.
Gentle: Instruments labeled "gentle" use only the lower velocity
samples of the instrument. While you can still play a "gentle" instrument dynamically, you'll find that there is less of a dynamic range than loading the full version of the same instrument. These instruments can be more appropriate for ballad or background playing in which you may not want the more aggressive samples that would normally be triggered by high velocities.
KSW: Keyswitch patch. Keyswitches are silent key triggers that tell the engine to play back a different layer of sounds. For example, in a certain keyswitched instrument, hitting the key C0 will make no sound, but will tell the instrument to play only muted samples, while hitting the key D0 will tell the instrument to play only sustained samples. In the chord banks, keyswitching is used to switch between various types of chords. You can use the keyswitches in real-time to switch between various layers. In each keyswitched instrument, you'll see a visual indication in the interface of which layer is currently active, along with which keyswitch triggers it.
NR: No randomization. These versions of the instrument insure that each time you hit a certain key at a certain velocity, the exact same sample will be triggered. Instruments that are not labeled as NR will automatically use a special technique to choose a random sample each time a certain key is pressed at a certain velocity. In general, randomization creates a more realistic sound, because each time you play a note on a real guitar it will sound slightly different, but we have provided NR patches if you do not wish to utilize this feature.
QL: Quickload instrument. These versions of the instrument utilize only a few samples which are representative of the full sample set. They load much faster than the full versions and use much less memory, but they contain much less sonic detail. They can be useful if you want to audition guitars (to listen to the flavor of a guitar). QL instruments also lack some extras, such as release layers.
Trem: Tremolo effect.
VL: Voice limit. Chord banks with the VL tag only allow one chord to
sound at a time. If two chords are played at once, the second chord will cut off the first one. These patches are ideal for rhythmic chordal playing with mute strums; when using the VL patch, the mute strum will fully mute any currently playing chord. However, a mute strum will not silence single notes.
Each instrument in Acoustic Legends HD may contain slightly different controls, but most follow a similar basic layout:
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M and S buttons allow you to mute and solo the instrument, respectively.
Tune, pan, and volume controls are available in all instruments. Pan is the left control which normally stays centered; volume is the right control which can be swept from minimum to maximum.
The top row of knobs provide specially optimized EQ controls, giving you access to a low shelf control, a mid gain control with a mid frequency sweep, and a high shelf.
Chord banks contain a Capo knob in the second row, allowing you to "virtual capo" the guitar to achieve a different timbre. Transposition is taken care of automatically by the Capo knob.
A basic Reverb module is provided, and controls to adjust the level and the reverb size are onscreen. When the level is set to 0, the Reverb is effectively bypassed and uses no CPU.
The third row may contain a variety of controls, such as a stereo
width control (allowing you to collapse or expand the stereo field), fret noise control, and release layer control.
Some instruments contain keyswitch readouts, allowing you to see what keyswitch is currently active.
Consult the Kontakt Player 2 manual for more details on some of the other features visible, such as MIDI channel assignments, output selection, sample purging, and so on.
Remote Controls
Many parameters of Acoustic Legends HD can be controlled remotely via MIDI continuous controllers (CC's) sent from a controller keyboard. These apply to most instruments in the library, however, in a few cases the effect may not be noticeable (e.g. vibrato on very short samples like the muted guitars) or may not be relevant (e.g. the instruments in the Xtra Special Effects folder).
CC#1 - Vibrato: In most instruments, sending CC#1 (normally the mod wheel) will add a touch of artificial vibrato to the guitars.
CC#7 - Volume: Controls the volume of the guitar.
CC#10 - Pan: Controls the pan of the guitar. At its mid position (64)
the guitar will be perfectly centered.
CC#11 - Expression: Acts as another volume control in addition to CC#7. Some users prefer to use CC#11 instead of CC#7, so this has been programmed for that purpose. CC#11's volume acts within the volume set by CC#7.
CC#12 - Attack: Controls the attack time of the guitar. Each guitar defaults to 0ms attack (CC#12=0) but you can raise this to soften the attack and produce a gentler sound.
CC#13 - Release: Controls the release time of the guitar. This refers to the amount of time after the key is released to the time the instrument is completely silenced. In most guitars, this is set by default to somewhere between 100-200ms. However, you can manually control release time by assigning a controller knob to transmit CC#13. This may be useful for harmonics patches if you
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prefer each note to ring out to the end of the sample instead of being cut off when the key is released.
CC#14 - Falls: In most guitars, this knob acts as an on-off switch. If CC#14 is in its lower half (0-64) then when each key is released, a very quiet release sample is triggered. This sample is the sound of the finger being lifted off the fretboard, and adds an additional degree of realism to sequenced guitar playing. (Note that you can control the level of the release layer via the onscreen knob within the instrument.) If CC#14 is turned to its upper half (65-127) then the release layer is silenced and is replaced with a layer of falls, which is the sound of the finger zooming towards the first fret. This can effectively be used for soloistic playing, for example, for the last note in a phrase.
Tech Support
Vir2 Instruments stands behind its products and is committed to helping you get the most out of using them. Please check the Support area of the web site if you encounter any difficulties in using the product. You may also e-mail
Before getting in touch with Vir2 Instruments regarding problems with the product, make sure you are running the latest versions of the library, engine, and Service Center. Many problems are rectified by interim updates that may have been released after the physical manufacturing of your installation discs.
Advanced Notes
Removing Parts of
Acoustic Legends HD
Due to the large size of the Acoustic Legends HD library, we have designed it in such a way that if you would like to delete a specific
part of the library from your hard drive to save space, you may do so manually. Please note that when the encoded sample files are deleted, the corresponding instrument files that rely on those samples can no longer be used, and will give an error if loaded. The removal of the encoded sample files should only be done by an experienced user who is sure they will not use those specific samples. In addition, the Xtra Special Effects folder of patches relies on a variety of samples from all across the entire library, so if you intend to explore this folder, you should not delete any of the encoded sample files.
To remove parts of the library, locate the Acoustic Legends HD Library folder on your hard drive. In it, you will find numerous files with the .nkx and .nkc suffixes, along with an Instruments and Multis folder. The .nkx/.nkc files are the encoded sample files, and they are numbered. You may remove as many of these as you want (except for "002" and "Info") if you do not plan to use them and do not plan to use the Xtra Special Effects folder. Both the NKX and corresponding NKC file(s) can be removed. Here is a guide to the numbering to assist you in removing specific portions of the library:
001: Acoustic Bass 002: Acoustic Essentials (do NOT delete this under any
circumstance; many patches in the library rely on this)
003: Banjo 004-006: Chords Six String 007-009: Chords Twelve String 010: Gibson J45RW Artificial Harmonics 011: Gibson J45RW Mute 012: Gibson J45RW Pick 013: Gibson J200 Harmonic Chords 014: Gibson J200 Pick 015: Gibson L130 Harmonics 016: Hofner Nylon 017: Hofner Nylon Harmonics 018: Langejan Nylon 019: Lowden 025 Finger
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020: Mandolin 021: Martin D35 Finger Pick 022: Martin DC1E Pick 023: McPherson Pick 024: Taylor 914 Mute 025: Taylor 914 Pick 026: Taylor 955 12-String 027: Taylor 955 Mute 028: Ukulele 029: Vantage 12 String Mute 030: Vantage 12 String Pick Info: Important library-wide information (do NOT delete this
under any circumstance)
Acoustic Legends HD
in Kontakt 2
Acoustic Legends HD ships with the Kontakt Player 2 software as its playback engine. Advanced users may also open Acoustic Legends HD in the full version of Kontakt 2 to access deeper editing features, or to use Acoustic Legends HD alongside libraries in other formats. Visit the Native Instruments web site for special offers to upgrade from Kontakt Player 2 to the full version of Kontakt 2.
License Agreement
The samples contained herein are licensed, not sold to you, the individual end user, by Vir2 Instruments. This non-exclusive, non­transferable license is granted only to the individual end user who has purchased an unopened, new, and lawfully made copy of this product from a dealer or distributor authorized by Vir2 Instruments. All samples remain the property of Vir2 Instruments and are licensed only for use in the creation of a live or recorded performance that includes the licensed samples as part of a derivative musical work created by the licensed end user. This license expressly forbids resale, rental, loan, gift, or transfer of these samples in any format or via any medium, except as part of a derivative musical work. The
samples may not be included, whether unmodified or as part of a derivative work, in any sample library product. Any unlicensed usage will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
Produced by Vir2 Instruments.
Programming by David Das, Steven Bolar, Michael Elsner, and Matt Haines.
Special thanks to Michael Elsner, Chuck Yamek, Jamie Harvill, Dan Santucci, Martin Jann, Markus Krieg, Wolfgang Schneider, Nicki Marinic, Frank Elting, Peter and Arjen at, Antoni Ozynski at, Ev and Audiofile Engineering.
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Part 2: The Kontakt Player 2 Engine
This section of the manual is designed to help you get up and running with the engine portion of Acoustic Legends HD. The engine powering the library is the Native Instruments Kontakt Player 2.
Kontakt Player 2 may be used either as a standalone application or as a plug-in within a sequencer. We will describe the installation and registration process that applies to both modes, and then go into detail about how to use it in a variety of situations.
Installation under Windows XP
If this is your first Kontakt Player 2 product, then the Player will be installed with the library. If you already own a Kontakt Player 2 library, the Player installation will be skipped and the library will be installed.
•Insert the Acoustic Legends HD Disc 1 into the optical drive.
•Use the Windows Explorer to view the contents of the disk.
•Start the installation by double-clicking Acoustic Legends HD Setup.exe.
•The setup program will suggest C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt Player 2 as the path for the destination folder. You may also choose another folder.
Installed Folders, Files, and Links
The setup program creates a new folder called Kontakt Player 2 in the installation directory (Program Files\Native Instruments). This folder contains the files required to operate the software. If you do not choose a different program path during installation, links to
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