Application Version FRET462
VeriFone Part Number 25445, Revision C
Manual Revision 1.0
First Data Corporation
TRANZ 460 Retail/Debit Purchasing Card
Reference Manual
VeriFone Part Number 25445, Revision C
Manual Revision 1.0
Published: April 1997
VeriFone, Inc.
Three Lagoon Drive
Redwood City, CA 94065
Printed in the United States of America
Copyright 1997 VeriFone, Inc.
No part of this manual may be copied, distributed, stored in a retrieval
system, translated into any human or computer language, transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior written consent of VeriFone, Inc.
Publications are not stocked at the address given above. Requests for
VeriFone publications should be made to your VeriFone representative.
VeriFone and TRANZ are registered trademarks of VeriFone, Inc.
PINpad is a trademark of VeriFone, Inc. All other trademarks or tradenames
appearing in this document are the property of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
1. In tro d ucti o n
Unique Features ............ ................................ ................................ ...........1-1
Congratulations on your choice of the VeriFone® TRANZ® 460 transaction
terminal. The TRANZ 460 terminal has many outstanding features that will
enable you and your merchants to perform your jobs faster and easier.
Please take the time to read this manual carefully so you become familiar
with the equipment and procedures you need to know to perform functions
and transactions on your terminal.
Unique Features
Unique features of the TRANZ 460 are its compact design allowing
hand-held operation, and an integral roll printer. The TRANZ 460 terminal
operates on an external power supply. This TRANZ 460 application is similar
to the FDC TRANZ 380 Retail Debit Purchasing Card application.
Software Version
The FDC application software package loads only in TRANZ 460 terminals
having EPROM version NEAEU200 or higher. To determine the software
version your terminal contains, unplug the power cord, then plug it in again.
The terminal’s display shows the current software version installed. This
reference manual is for application version FRET462.
Figure 1-1. The TRANZ 460 Terminal
TRANZ 460 Terminal1 - 1
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
Integral Printer
The TRANZ 460 terminal supports an integral roll printer for printing receipts
and reports. This application allows you to program a unique merchant
header of up to six lines for your receipts. Appendix A provides printer
details as well as sample receipts and reports.
PINpad Devices
The TRANZ 460 terminal supports the PINpadTM 101 and PINpad 201
devices for debit transactions that require customer entry of Personal
Identification Numbers (PINs) to verify transaction amounts and totals. Either
PINpad device attaches easily to the terminal’s side panel. See Appendices
B and C for installation instructions and operating procedures.
Figure 1-2. PINpad 101 Device
1 - 2TRANZ 460 T erminal
Figure 1-3. PINpad 201 Device
2. Features and Transactions Summary
New Features
Following is a list of new features that have been added to the FDC
Retail/Debit Purchasing Card application.
The application runs on a TRANZ 460 terminal.★
All receipts and reports are modified to conform to the TRANZ 460
terminal’s 24-column format.
The Virtual Private Line (VPL) communications feature is now enabled
through Host setup.
Existing Features
•The Purchasing Card feature can be enabled by turning on the Customer
Code prompt in Account Range setup.
•You can enable Virtual Private Line (VPL) communications (DDOV/ISDN)
in the Options setup for faster host response during transactions.
•There are two possible DDOV configurations using a single phone line:
— One POS terminal and a standard telephone, or
— Up to 5 POS devices using a multi-lane traffic controller (MTC).
•The terminal features fraud control checks for manual entry and dual
track transactions.
•You can enable tax calculation in Options setup and establish a tax rate
for calculation purposes.
•An option in Account Range setup enables the Address Verification Sys-
tem (AVS) prompt. If enabled, the AVS code prints on receipts and
•The application supports VISA Payment System (PS) 2000 functionality.
•Two extended prompt fields can be enabled in Options setup for use dur-
ing Sale, Ticket, or Return transactions.
•Expanded Account Ranges
TRANZ 460 Terminal2 - 1
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
•You can select Debit functionality in the Setup function.
•Two PINpad devices are available to support Debit functions.
•You can enable split dial for the AMEX and Discover hosts in setup.
•The Auto Close option in Setup enabl es the terminal t o automatically per-
form the Close transaction and print reports.
•The setup option Sale Type Description is available, enabling the termi-
nal to prompt the operator to enter the description of a Sale transaction.
•Current settings are displayed at each setup prompt.
•While reviewing a transaction, the Item Review function allows you to
Void, Edit, and print each transaction.
•You can print terminal totals by card type and detail reports by item
•All captured transactions are numbered for buffer review.
•The idle prompt includes the total number of spaces left for transaction
storage in the current batch.
•The prompt for entry of the card account number indicates the item num-
ber for that transaction.
•You can customize up to 6 merchant header lines for receipts and re-
ports, as well as 6 flexible customer agreement lines and 3 flexible
message lines.
•The abbreviated record display, as well as the full buffer review, includes
code letters indicating transaction type: S = Sale, R = Return, VS = Void
Sale, VR = Void Return, etc.
•Card ranging includes the option for the Retail Terms prompt.
•The application performs expiration date checking for expired cards.
•A setup option allows you to customize the idle prompt.
•Demo Mode simulates the communications process and host response.
2 - 2TRANZ 460 T erminal
2. Features and Transactions Summary
Local or Terminal
Functions Summary
Key Key NameExplanation
1SALEObtains credit card sale authorization and
2RETURNAuthorizes a return/credit
3AUTH ONLYAuthorizes a transaction without ticket
4VOIDVoids any host-captured transaction
5TKT ONLYProcesses Offline Ticket transactions
6INQUIRYChecks previous business day’s deposits
8Not used
9CLOSECloses the terminal batch
Key SequenceExplanation
BLUE KEY + 1 Item Review of captured tickets
BLUE KEY + 2Terminal Totals
BLUE KEY + 3Demo Mode
BLUE KEY + 4 + (code)Setup functions:
Code 1 = Host Setup
Code 2 = Account Range Setup
Code 3 = Security Setup
Code 4 = Change Password
Code 5 = Terminal Options Setup
Code 6 = Sale Type Description
Code 7 = Printer/PINpad Device Type
Code 8 = Change Idle Prompt
Code 9 = Clear Batch
Code 0 = Card Type Label
BLUE KEY + 5Print (item, totals and reprint)
BLUE KEY + 6Display Current Time
TRANZ 460 Terminal2 - 3
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
2 - 4TRANZ 460 T erminal
3. TRANZ 460 Terminal
The TRANZ 460 terminal is an authorization and electronic transaction
terminal that performs Point-Of-Sale (POS) credit and debit authorizations. It
features the convenience of an integral roll printer for printing transaction
receipts and reports.
Figure 3-1. TRANZ 460 Terminal
Carefully inspect the shipping carton and its contents for shipping damage. If
the TRANZ 460 is damaged, file a claim immediately with the shipping
company or carrier and notify VeriFone. Do not use a damaged terminal.
1. Remove all of the items from the carton. You should have:
•TRANZ 460 terminal
•Power pack
•Telephone line cord
•Roll of carbon paper (for ribbonless operation), or
printer ribbon cassette and paper roll
•TRANZ 460 Installation Guide
2. Remove any protective plastic wrapping from the terminal and place all the
components on a table or counter top.
3. Remove the plastic strip from the display panel . This strip protects the
plastic panel during shipment.
4. Save the carton and packing material for repacking or moving the terminal
in the future.
TRANZ 460 Terminal3 - 1
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
Figure 3-2. TRANZ 460 Components
Note: If your TRANZ 460 terminal operates ribbonless, disregard the
following steps.
Loading/Unloading a Ribbon Cassette in the Printer
If a ribbon cassette is not already loaded in the printer, or if a new cassette
is required, perform the following steps:
1. Press in on the two finger grooves
on either side of the print
mechanism cover, lift up and
remove the cover (see Figure 3-3).
2. Press in on the two finger grooves
on either side of the paper roll
cover and pull back to remove.
3. Push down on the right side of the
ribbon cassette (labeled PUSH) and
remove the cassette
(see Figure 3-4, Step 1).
4. Insert the new ribbon cassette (Figure
3-4, Step 2) and gently push the
cassette down without locking the rotation of the ribbon feed roller.
5. Turn the cassette "knob" (marked by an arrow; Figure 3-4, Step 3)
clockwise to stretch the ribbon .
Figure 3-3. Removing the Printer
Figure 3-4. Loading and Unloading the Ri bbon Cassette
3 - 2TRANZ 460 T erminal
3. TRANZ 460 Terminal
This application can operate i n either of two configurations, both using a
single telephone line. One configuration consists of a TRANZ 460 terminal
and a standard telephone sharing the same telephone line. The other
configuration supports up to five terminals per phone line, using a multi-lane
traffic controller.
Single Terminal
In a single terminal configuration, there are two RS-232 devices: a
Data-Over-Voice Multiplexer (DVM) and a printer. The TRANZ 460 terminal
can connect to a TRANZport 232 device, which enables it to communicate
with the DVM and printer, or both terminal and printer can connect directly to
the DVM, provided the printer port on that device is compatible wi th VeriFone
Follow these steps to connect your TRANZ 460 terminal to the printer and to
the DVM device. Refer also to Appendix F,
complete details of the various serial interface and power cables available to
install your DDOV TRANZ 460 terminal. Figures 3-5 through 3-7 illustrate
connections to a TRANZport 232 device.
TRANZport 232
, for more
Note: In the following configuration the TRANZ 460 receives its power from
the TRANZport 232. The power pack that came with your TRANZ 460
should be used with the TRANZport 232.
Data Connections1. Using one of the supplied serial interface cables (PN 00446-04), plug the
DIN-8 end into the TRANZ 460 serial port. Plug the DB-9 end of this
cable into the connector labeled TERMINAL on the TRANZport 232.
(See Figure 3-5.)
2. Plug the DIN-8 end of the second supplied serial interface cable into the
connector labeled B on the TRANZport 232. The DB-9 end of this cable
should be plugged into the DVM (Figure 3-6).
TRANZport 232
(back vi ew)
Serial Inte rfa ce Cab le
Figure 3-5. Serial Interface Cable Connection
Note: If connection is via DVM only, the terminal’s RS-232 cable plugs into
the DVM’s RS-232 connector. The DVM also features a 25-pin connector for
the serial port connection.
TRANZ 460 Terminal3 - 3
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
DTR/RTS Switch and
Power Connections
DTR switch up
Connect t o
serial po rt on
Serial Inte rfa ce Cab le
TRANZport 232
(front view)
B Port
Figure 3-6. TRANZport 232 Data Connections
1. Set the DTR/RTS switch on the TRANZport 232 to the UP position.
2. Plug one end of the power pass-thru cable into the Power In connector
on the TRANZ 460. Plug the other end of this cable into the connector
labeled POWE R O U T on the TRANZport 232. Plug the TRANZ 460 power
pack into the connector labeled POWER IN on the TRANZport 232.
3. Plug the power pack into an indoor, 120 volt AC outlet.
TRANZ 460 Power Pack
(or optional TRANZ port 232 p ower pack )
Figure 3-7. TRANZ 460/TRANZport 232 Power Connections
4. Remove the paper roll cover as shown in Figure 3-8 to expose the on/off
switch on the inside back panel. Turn the battery on by sliding the
switch to the right "on" position.
5. Once the battery is turned "on" and the terminal is connected to the power
pack, notice that the POWER indicator at the top, left-hand corner of the
terminal comes on, either "blinking" on and off (indicating that the battery
is recharging) or "steady" (indicating that the battery is already fully
6. Upon receiving power the terminal displays "FRET462" to identify the
software application.
Note: The application is loaded only if it came from
your bank or Independent Service Organization (ISO). If you received a
terminal directly from VeriFone, contact your bank or ISO for application
download information.
3 - 4TRANZ 460 T erminal
Figure 3-8. TRANZ 460 Battery Switch
Note: Because the power on/off switch is the only way the terminal can be
completely powered down, set it to "off" and then "on" again any time you
wish to reset the terminal (for example, during the software development
Telephone Connection1. Connect one end of the telephone line
cord to the modular jack on the rear of
the terminal (see Figure 3-9).
3. TRANZ 460 Terminal
On/Feed Switch
On/Off Switch
2. Connect the other end of the line cord to
a modular telephone wall jack. If you
do not have a modular wall jack, obtain
an adapter from your local telephone
In a multi-lane configuration, a Multi-lane Traffic Controller (MTC) device
supports up to five POS terminals and connects to an RJ11 dialup port.
Terminal s that support printers use a smart "Y" cable to connect to the MTC.
The MTC device connects to the DVM (single entry multiplexer), which then
sends data to the host over a single telephone line via a PAD (packet
assembler-disassembler) at the telephone company using T3POS protocol
for rapid host response. Figure 3-10 is a block diagram showing a multi-lane
environment connection layout.
Note: In a single terminal configuration, the printer and terminal connect
separately to the DVM, each using its own cable. In a multi-lane
configuration, the printer and terminal connect to the MTC via one "Smart" Y
Loading the Printer with Paper
Caution: Because impact, friction, temperature, humidity, light, and oil affect
the coloring and storage characteristics of no-carbon-required paper, handle
this type of paper carefully. Never load a roll of paper that has any folds,
wrinkles, tears, or holes at edges or in the printing area.
1. Remove both printer mechanism cover and paper roll cover.
2. Unroll several inches of paper. With the cut edges of the paper pointing
up, insert the paper spindle through the paper roll and place the roll into
the slots on the inside of the terminal.
3. Slide the edges o f the paper over the second paper spindl e and insert
them into the slot at back of printer, making sure that the left edge of the
paper is at the left edge of the slot and that the roll is aligned properly
(upper and lower paper edges match).
4. Press the On/Feed key located at the top of the terminal to feed the paper
through the printer (see top right, Figure 3-11).
5. Replace the paper roll cover.
6. Replace the printer mechanism cover on the terminal, making sure the
paper is free to feed through the opening on the top of the cover.
On/Fe ed Ke y
Figure 3-11. Loading the Printer with Paper
3 - 6TRANZ 460 T erminal
3. TRANZ 460 Terminal
Hardware Features
Display PanelThe 16-character alphanumeric display panel provides the visual prompts
and information needed to operate the TRANZ 460. This bright blue,
vacuum fluorescent display is easy to read, even under poor lighting
conditions. It displays fully-formed numerals, letters and punctuation symbols.
Figure 3-12. TRANZ 460 Display Panel
CardreaderThe TRANZ 460 features an ISO Track 2 or optional Track 1 cardreader (slot
on the right-hand side) for reading the magnetic stripe data on most major
credit, private and debit cards.
Customer identification information
can be entered simply by slidi ng the
credit or debit card through the slot.
Place the card at the back of the
cardreader slot with the magnetic
stripe down and to the right, as
illustrated in Figure 3-13. Slide the
card towards you without stopping.
The cardreader reads the card data for validation by the terminal’s
Figure 3-13. Cardreader
KeypadThe keypad has 16 keys for entering alphabetical and numeric data. The
functions of the keys are as shown on the following page.
, ’ "
- SP
TRANZ 460 Terminal3 - 7
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
Q Z .
, ’ "
- SP
The keypad overlay for the FDC ETC PLUS Retail Debit application is
VeriFone Part Number 10730-37. Please contact your VeriFone
representative for ordering information.
CleaningPeriodically clean your TRANZ 460 terminal using a cloth dampened with
water and a mild soap or cleaner. Do not use harsh chemicals.
Warning: Because your terminal can be damaged by liquids, do not spray
liquid cleaners directly on the terminal. Always apply the cleaner to the cloth
before cleaning the terminal.
Returning the
TRANZ 460 Terminal
for Service
3 - 8TRANZ 460 T erminal
For replacement or repair of your TRANZ 460 terminal, call the toll free
number given below. Be sure to mention the serial number found on the
bottom of your terminal.
•If you are located in the United States, call 800-834-9133.
•If you are located outside the United States, call 714-979-1870.
•Unless otherwise instructed in this reference manual, do not, under
•If your equipment failure cannot be resolved, call the toll free (800-
These troubleshooting guidelines identify various problems and the
appropriate corrective action. If you have problems operating your TRANZ
460 terminal, read these troubleshooting examples. If your problem persists,
or if it is not listed here, call the VeriFone Customer Support Hot Line listed
3. TRANZ 460 Terminal
any circumstances, attempt any service, adjustments, or repairs on
this unit.
834-9133) VeriFone Customer Support Hot Line and ask for an MRA
(Merchandise Return Authorization) approval number. You must
have an MRA approval number before returning your equipment for
Error MessagesAppendix D of this manual lists the different prompts and error messages
that may appear on the display panel. If you see any of these messages,
refer to this appendix for an explanation of the message.
Display Panel Does
Not Display Correct
Telephone Does Not
If the TRANZ 460 displays incorrect information, such as an unreadable
message or nothing at all, you may have a power problem or a defective
terminal. Follow these steps to determine the cause of the problem:
1. Your application may not have been properly loaded; repeat the
downloading procedure again .
2. Run the Display Test, as described in Section 4,
TRANZ 460 Reference Manual, to ensure the display components are
3. If the problem persists, call the toll free VeriFone Customer Support Hot
Line to have your terminal repaired or replaced.
1. Check your telephone line and telephone connections.
Work Properly
2. Check the phone lines using another standard telephone. If the other
telephone works, have your telephone repaired or replaced.
Printer Does Not
1. Verify that there is a ribbon cassette properly loaded in the printer, (or
disregard this step if your terminal operates ribbonless).
, of the
2. Verify that the printer paper is properly loaded in the printer. The printer will
not operate without a paper roll correctly installed.
3. Check the terminal for signs of power failure.
TRANZ 460 Terminal3 - 9
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
4. Press the CLEAR key and try the operation again; an improper command
may have been used.
Transactions Do
Not Work
Keypad Does Not
1. Perform your transactions using several credit cards to ensure the problem
is not a defective card. When sliding the cards through the cardreader,
be sure the magnetic stripe faces down and to the right of the terminal.
2. Your application may not be properly loaded.
3. Perform a manual transaction using the keypad instead of the cardreader.
If the transaction works, call the toll free VeriFone Customer Support Hot
Line to have your terminal repaired or replaced.
1. Check your display panel. If it displays the wrong characters or nothing at
all, refer to the first item in this troubleshooting section, "Display Panel
Does Not Display Correct Information."
2. Press several keys. If Memory Location 0009 contains a "0," you should
hear a short beep each time you press a key. If key beep works, make
sure you are entering the correct data.
3. Run the Keypad Test described in Section 4 of the TRANZ 460 Reference
Manual to ensure the keypad components are working properly.
4. If Memory Location 0009 contains a "0" or is <empty> and you do not hear
a beep, or if the keys do not operate as the applicaton says they should,
contact the MRA desk.
3 - 10TRANZ 460 T erminal
Terminal Specifications
Microprocessor: Z80A CPU operating at 3.579 MHz
Memory: 32 Kbyte EPROM and 32 Kbyte RAM
Cardreader: ISO 7811 Track 2 or Track 1 compatible
Display: 16-character fluorescent, alphanumeric, 14-segment with decimal
point and comma
Communication: Automatic dialing
Auto answer: Terminal dials whether touch tone or pulse (rotary mode) and
accepts 32-digit telephone numbers
Automatically dials host computer and call center numbers
Modem: Internal modem with modular jack
Model 103, 300 baud (Bell 103 type) modem
Model 212A Standard Bell 212A high-speed dial-up modem,
1200/300 baud
to 40oC, 32oto 104oF
Humidity: 20% to 80%; no condensation
3. TRANZ 460 Terminal
Voltage: 95 to 130 VAC, 60 Hz (USA Model)
194 to 260 VAC, 50 Hz (International Model)
and Weight
Height: 4.57 in. (116 mm)
Width: 5.83 in. (148 mm)
Depth: 11.85 in. (301 mm)
Shipping Weight: Approximately 4 lb
Part NumberDescription
Direct Download Cable00764-XXTRANZ 460 to I BM PC or compatible personal computer
00765-XXTRANZ 460 to IBM AT or compatible personal computer
10600-XXTRANZ 460 to TRANZ 460
10602-XXAdapter, mini 8 DIN (used with pn 10600-XX)
Peripheral Devices00302-03Bar Code Wand
10601-XXAdapter, mini 6 DIN
P003-106-02PINpad 101 Device
01582-00Cable, TRANZ 460 to PINpad 101 device
10601-XXAdapter, mini 6 DIN
P003-120-05PINpad 201 Device
01582-00Cable, TRANZ 460 to PINpad 201 device
To enter the general programming mode, press BLUE + 7. The terminal
Review a FieldTo review the contents of a specific field, enter the memory location you wish
to review, then press [ENTER]. For example, if you entered 0100, you would
see a message similar to the following:
0100 = 18002289074
To review the contents of another specific field, enter the memory location
number, then press [ENTER].
To quickly move to adjacent fields, press [ENTER] to go to the next field (or
keep pressing the key to move through several fields) or press [ALPHA] to
go back to the previous field.
Change a FieldTo program or change a field, press BLUE + 7.
0100=18002289074Press [BACKSPACE]
0100=Key in new data, press [ENTER].
*Once you enter the password, the terminal will remain unlocked and not
require a password entry until you press both the [CLEAR] and a function
key or you remove the power cord from the terminal.
TRANZ 460 Terminal4 - 1
Key in "1[ALPHA] [ALPHA] 66831", press
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
Note: FDC TRANZ software has been designed with ten unique Setup
codes: BLUE + 4 + Codes 0 through 9. You should always use the Setup
functions to enter data in the various fields. Use this alternate programming
procedure only for entering data in other unique fields such as Fraud Control.
Setting the Calendar/Clock
You can set the calendar/clock after unpacking your new TRANZ 460
terminal. The calendar/clock will not copy when you perform a
terminal-to-terminal appl ication copy.
To set the clock, simultaneously press the [*] and [3] keys. Release both
keys. The display shows:
RTC CHIP TESTRespond to each prompt that follows.
YEAR 1980-2079 =Enter a 2-digit number (94, 95, etc.), then
press [ENTER].
MONTH =Enter a number (1–12) representing the
month, then press [ENTER].
January = 1
February = 2
March = 3, etc.
DAY = Enter the day of the month, then press
[ENTER]. You can enter "2" or "02" for
February 2nd.
HOUR 0-23 = Enter a number, 0 through 23, to identify the
hour of the day in 24-hour format, then press
[ENTER]. Enter "10" for 10 A.M. or "16" for 4
MINUTES = Enter the number of minutes, from 0 to 59,
currently past the hour, then press [ENTER].
For example, enter "14" if the time is 10:14.
SECONDS = Enter the number of seconds, from 0 to 59,
currently past the minute, then press
[ENTER]. For example, enter "23" if the time
is 10:14 and 23 seconds.
(day of week, date and
The terminal displays the new date and time.
Note: If you press the [CLEAR] key at any time before you complete this
function, the terminal does not accept any of the data you entered and will
default to a "zero out" date and time.
4 - 2TRANZ 460 Terminal
"Emptying" a Field
You can easily delete data previously entered in a memory location in the
TRANZ terminal.
1. Press [CLEAR], [BLUE] and [7].
2. Key in the field you wish to delete. The terminal displays the contents
already stored in that field.
3. Press [BACKSPACE].
4. Key in "1 [ALPHA] [ALPHA] 66831" and press [ENTER].
5. Press [ENTER] again.
6. The terminal displ ays that field again as <E MPTY >.
Entering Alphanumeric Characters
4. General Programming
Twelve of the terminal’s sixteen keys can be used to enter alphanumeric
characters. These characters are the letters A through Z, the numerals 0
through 9, and the following special characters: * , ’ " - . # : : @ and [space].
Press the key containing the desired character, then press [ALPHA] as many
times as required to display the correct character.
Note: The terminal must be in a mode that allows data entry, such as the
STORE or RECALL modes, before information can be entered from the
keypad. Transaction codes which require entry of alpha characters are an
exception to this rule.
The following examples demonstrate how the characters 2, A, B, and C are
entered using the [2] key and the [ALPHA] key.
CharacterKeys to Press
2Press the [2] key
APress the [2] key
Press the [ALPHA] key once
BPress the [2] key
Press the [ALPHA] key twice.
CPress the [2] key.
Press the [ALPHA] key three times.
TRANZ 460 Terminal4 - 3
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
Copying or Downloading Data to Another Terminal
Downloading is the process of copying data from one computer or terminal to
another. VeriFone supports direct downloadi ng which lets you quickly copy
an application from one terminal to another, using the proper download
Note: The TRANZ download cable, P/N 00490-00, will copy both TRANZ
and XL terminals.
Follow these steps to perform a terminal-to-terminal download.
1. Plug both terminals into a 120 VAC power outlet.
2. Connect the download cable to the round 8-pin connector on the backs of
both terminals. This is the same connector used for the printer.
3. Press [BLUE] + [*] on the sending terminal (the one which contains the
application to be transferred to the other terminal). The terminal displays:
4. Press [BLUE] + [#] on the receiving terminal. The terminal displays:
Note: Steps 3 and 4 can be done in either order.
5. If the transfer is OK, the terminals display "UNIT SENDING" and "UNIT
Note: If the displays do not change to UNIT SENDING and UNIT
RECEIVING, you may be using an XL only download cable.
6. Wait approximately 23 seconds and DO NOT TOUCH ANY KEY.
7. When copying is completed, both displays read "SUCCESSFUL."
Fraud Control Programming
You can help control credit card fraud at the merchant location several ways
using a TRANZ 460 terminal.
•Require the clerk to key in the last four digits of the embossed card number after sliding the card through the cardreader. The terminal compares
data read off the card’s magnetic stripe with data entered on the keypad.
•Check the contents of the card’s magnetic stripe on the terminal di spl ay
after sliding it through the card reader.
•Program your terminal for both features.
4 - 4TRANZ 460 Terminal
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