Table of Contents
( I ) First time plug in
( II ) Hardware installation
( III )
Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
( IV ) General information
................................................................................................................................... 13( 1 ) DLL installing
................................................................................................................................... 14( 2 ) VM167 demo application
................................................................................................................................... 15( 3 ) Developing your own software
................................................................................................................................... 16( 4 ) Technical Support
( V ) Connection examples
................................................................................................................................... 18( 1 ) button matrix (4 x 4) connected to four digital outputs and to four digital inputs.
................................................................................................................................... 19( 2 ) Single button connected between digital output and digital input
................................................................................................................................... 20( 3 ) Single button connected between external +5V and digital input
................................................................................................................................... 21( 4 ) VM167 connected to the relay card K6714-16
................................................................................................................................... 22( 5 ) Circuit diagram of a PWM to analog converter
© 2010 ... Velleman

Plugging in your board for the first time
First, you will need to plug your VM167 into an available USB (1.1/2.0) port on your computer
so Windows can detect this new device.
Follow the instructions to install the hardware driver.
Step-by-step screenshot images for following operating systems are included here for
Windows XP and Windows 7.
Note that you need administrative privileges to install new hardware.
Note: If you are using the Velleman K8061 or VM140 USB board in the same PC with the
VM167, you have to install the driver from the folder \VM167DriverWinUSB.
Also if you encounter any problems with the driver installed from the folder \VM167Driver,
you can remove this driver and install the driver from the folder \VM167DriverWinUSB.
Note: Only the driver from the folder \VM167Driver is usable with Windows 2000.
Velleman Projects

Hardware Installation
Windows 2000/XP(32/64 bit)
After you've plugged in your device you should be prompted with the Windows 'Found New
Hardware Wizard'.
If the wizard did not open, you can open it manually through the following steps:
• Click Start -> Run..
• Type devmgmt.msc and press OK
• Search for a 'VM167 USB Interface Board' entry under the Other devices category
• Right-click the entry and click Update Driver..
You should now be prompted with the 'Hardware Update Wizard'.
Velleman Projects

Select 'No, not this time' and click 'Next' to continue.
Then select 'Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)'.
Click 'Next' to continue.
You will be asked for the location of your driver files. Complete the dialog as indicated below.
Velleman Projects