DC repeater without auxiliary power
• Output EEx ia IIC
• Device installation permissible in
zone 2
• Polarity reversal protected
• Accuracy 1 %
• EMC acc. to NAMUR NE 21
Each channel (4 terminals per channel)
functions like a "DC current isolator".
Both channels have separate reverse
polarity protection. The input and output
are galvanically isolated from each
These units are designed for the
connection of fire detectors, smoke
detectors, temperature sensors, etc.
Their increased current range and the
higher accuracy allow for differentiation
between normal operation, fire alarm,
lead breakage and short circuit currents
in the safe area. In many cases they
may also be used for controlling I/P
converters. A separate power supply
with auxiliary power is not required. The
2 channel version allows for the
connection of 2 independent circuits in
a single housing. Due to the input
voltage limiting of 24 V, the maximum
voltage output is 21 V.
Channel I EEx ia IIC
I/P converter
Fire detector
Channel II EEx ia IIC
2- 1+
2- 1+
12- 11+
Channel I Channel II
8- 10- 9+
Test resistor
(only in 2 channel version)
5- 4+
5- 4+
Voltage supply
current source
Safe area or hazardous area, zone 2
• The isolation of power loops for the
control of positioner, I/P converters
etc. A current source is connected to
the safe area terminals.
• The isolation of a current signal from
fire detectors or similar sensors. In
this case, a voltage source can be
connected to the safe area terminals.
A specific measurement current
across a passive sensor can be
measured in the safe area with a
series resistor.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group • Tel.: Germany +49 621 776-0 • USA +1 330 4253555 • Singapore +65 67799091 • Internet http://www.pepperl-fuchs.com
071984_ENG.xml 2003-03-24

Technical Data
Power loss 0,2 W
Inputs/Outputs (not intrinsically safe)
Connection terminals 12-, 11+; 8-, 10-, 9+
Voltage 4 ... 35 V DC
Safety maximum voltage U
Current 0 ... 40 mA
Power loss at 40 mA and Uin < 24 V: 700 mW per channel
Inputs/Outputs (Intrinsically safe)
Connection terminals 1+, 2-; 4+, 5-
Output voltage for 4 V < U
Short-circuit current at Uin > 24 V: ≤ 65 mA
Transfer current ≤ 40 mA
Transfer characteristics
After calibration ≤ ± 200 µA; incl. calibration, linearity, hysteresis and load fluctuations at the output up to a load of 1 kOhm at
Temperature < 2 µA/K (0 °C ... +50 °C); < 5 µA/K (-20 °C ... +60 °C)
Rise time ≤ 20 ms at 4 ... 20 mA and 250 Ohm load
Electrical isolation
Input/Output safe electrical isolation acc. to EN 50020, voltage peak value 375 V
Standard conformity
Coordination of insulation acc. to DIN EN 50178
Electrical isolation acc. to DIN EN 50178
Electromagnetic compatibility acc. to EN 50081-2 / EN 50082-2, NAMUR NE 21
Climatic conditions acc. to DIN IEC 721
Directive conformity
Electromagnetic compatibility standards
Directive 89/336/EG on request
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature -20 ... 60 °C (253 ... 333 K)
Mechanical specifications
Protection degree IP20
Mass approx. 100 g
Data for application in conjunction
with hazardous areas
EC-Type Examination Certificate BAS 98 ATEX 7343 ; for additional certificates see www.pepperl-fuchs.com
Group, category, type of protection ¬ II (1) G D [EEx ia] IIC (-20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 60 °C)
Voltage U0 25,2 V
Current I0 93 mA
Power P0 585 mW
Type of protection [EEx ia]
Explosion group IIA IIB IIC
External capacitance 75 µF 16,8 µF 2,41 µF
External inductance 32 mH 17 mH 4 mH
Statement of conformity TÜV 99 ATEX 1499 X (observe statement of conformity)
Group, category, type of protection,
Temperature classification
Electrical isolation
Input/Output safe electrical isolation acc. to EN 50020, voltage peak value 375 V
Directive conformity standards
Directive 94/9 EU on request
Entity parameter
Certification number 4Z6A5.AX
FM control drawing No. 116-0129
Suitable for installation in division 2 yes
Connection terminals 2, 1
Input I
Voltage VOC 28,5 V
Current It 96 mA
Explosion group A&B C&E D, F&G
Max. external capacitance Ca 0,13 µF 0,41 µF 1,09 µF
Max. external inductance La 3,93 mH 15,93 mH 32,21 mH
Safety parameter
071984_ENG.xml 2003-03-24
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
at 40 mA and UE > 24 V: 1.2 W per channel
< 24 V: ≥ Uin - (0.4 x current in mA) - 1
for Uin > 24 V: ≥ 23 V - (0.4 x current in mA)
20 °C (293 K)
¬ II 3 G EEx nA II T4
Pepperl+Fuchs Group • Tel.: Germany +49 621 776-0 • USA +1 330 4253555 • Singapore +65 67799091 • Internet http://www.pepperl-fuchs.com