VDO M5 WR User Manual [de]

Installation video Operating video Settings video
Pack contents
Congratulations In choosing a VDO computer, you have opted for high-quality device with first rate technology. To optimally use the computer, we recommend that you read this manual carefully. It contains full operating instructions and many useful tips. We hope you enjoy cycling with your VDO computer.
Cycle Parts GmbH
First, please ensure that the contents of this pack are complete:
1 VDO computer 1 battery for the computer 1 speed transmitter, battery installed 1 handlebar bracket 1 spoke magnet (clip magnet) cable ties for attaching the bracket and the transmitter 1 quick-start instruction manual
Table of contents
Display .................................................................. 04
................................................................. 07
.............................................................. 08
Accessing the total values
..................................... 11
Operation while cycling
......................................... 13
Sleep mode ........................................................... 13
Attaching the handlebar bracket
........................... 14
Attaching the speed transmitter
............................ 15
Inserting the computer into the bracket
................. 16
Pairing the transmitter (initial use) ........................ 16
Function testing
.................................................... 17
Settings ................................................................ 18
Language ....................................................................... 18
Unit ............................................................................... 20
Wheel circumference ..................................................... 22
My data ......................................................................... 26
Sensor selection ..............................................................28
Clock ............................................................................. 30
Switching the beeper on or off.........................................32
Total distance ................................................................ 33
Total ride time ............................................................... 35
Total calorie burn ........................................................... 37
Setting the navigator ............................................. 39
Resetting the navigator to zero
.............................. 40
Trip section counter .............................................. 41
Resetting the trip section counter to zero
.............. 42
Resetting trip data after the trip ............................ 42
Bike selection: bike 1 or bike 2
.............................. 43
Backlight mode
...................................................... 44
Heart rate option
................................................... 45
Activating the heart rate option ..................................... 45
Display when using the heart rate option ....................... 46
Button allocation with the heart rate option ................... 46
Functions in the heart rate option .................................. 47
Selecting heart rate zones ............................................. 49
Cadence option
..................................................... 50
Activating the cadence option ........................................ 50
Display when using the cadence option ......................... 51
Button allocation and functions
with the cadence function ............................................. 52
Attaching the cadence transmitter ................................. 52
Heart rate and cadence options
simultaneously activated ...................................... 52
Display with heart rate and cadence .............................. 53
Buttons/functions with
heart rate and cadence options ..................................... 54
Battery status indicator ......................................... 55
Replacing the battery in the computer ................... 55
Replacing the battery in the speed transmitter
...... 56
Terms of guarantee ............................................... 57
.................................................... 58
Technical specifications ........................................ 59
The VDO M5 has a large, easy-to-read display that can be divided into four areas.
Area 1:
The top line permanently displays the time on the left and the temperature on the right. If the heart rate function is selected: the heart rate is permanently displayed on the left. If the cadence function is selected: the cadence is permanently displayed on the right. If the heart rate + cadence option is selected: the heart rate is displayed on the left and the cadence on the right.
Area 2: The middle line of the display permanently indicates the current speed.
Area 3: The third line uses clear text to display a description of the selected indicator function.
Area 4:
The bottom line of the display shows the value for the selected function.
Display with heart rate option
Display with cadence option
Display with heart rate + cadence option
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 1
Area 1
Area 1
On the right of the display, under the speed indicator, the unit kmh or mph is displayed.
“ ” The VDO M5 can be used on two bikes. The indicator icons 1 and 2 show you whether your VDO M5 is currently using the settings for bike 1 or bike 2.
A description of how to switch between bike 1 and bike 2 can be found on page 43.
“UP/DOWN arrow” The arrows indicate whether you are currently travelling quicker or slower than your current average speed.
The following icons are shown on the left of the display next to the speed:
“ ”: the icon is ON if the trip section counter has been started. A more detailed description of the trip section counter can be found on page 41.
Light mode ON/OFF This icon indicates whether the display backlight mode is switched on or off.
Left/right arrows next to the description of the selected indicator function (area 3 of the display).
In setting mode, these arrows indicate that you can scroll by pressing the BIKE or the TOTAL/PULSE/CAD (TPC) button or increase/reduce the value with both buttons.
The VDO M5 has three buttons.
In function mode:
– Scroll backwards through the functions – Open the setting mode (press and hold) – Access the total values for distance and ride time (press and hold)
In setting mode:
– Open the setting – Confirm the setting once ready – Exit setting mode and return to function mode
In function mode:
– Access the functions (scroll forwards through the functions) – Reset trip data to zero (press and hold)
In setting mode:
– Scroll in the setting menu (forwards) – Change the data to be set (increase) – Exit setting mode (one level back); hold down button a second time, back to function mode
In function mode:
– Access the totals for distance/ride time – Access the heart rate functions if the heart rate option is activated – Access the cadence functions if the cadence option is activated
In setting mode:
– Scroll in the setting menu (backwards) – Change the data to be set (decrease)
The VDO M5 has the following functions:
Current speed
The current speed is permanently shown on the display. For a wheel circumference of 2,155 mm, the maximum possible speed is 199 kmh or 124 mph.
The current time is permanently displayed at the top left.
ATTENTION: if the HEART RATE option is activated,
the current heart rate is displayed here. See page 45.
Current temperature
The current temperature is permanently displayed on the top right.
ATTENTION: if the CADENCE option is activated,
the current cadence is displayed here. See page 50.
CADENCE option
Average speed
for the current trip
The average speed is specified to two decimal places.
Press the BIKE button to access the following information:
Current distance
The current distance counts up to 9,999.99 km or miles. If this value is exceeded, the counter restarts the current distance count at zero.
Current ride time
The current ride time counts up to 99:59:59 HH:MM:SS. If this value is exceeded, the ride time counter restarts at zero.
Maximum speed
for the current trip
The maximum speed is specified to two decimal places.
Section distance
Shows the distance travelled while the trip section counter is activated.
The navigator is a second, completely independent trip distance counter.
The navigator is used to measure trip sections. The navigator is particularly helpful when riding a route shown in a road book (e.g. Moser Bike Guide).
The navigator can: – be reset to zero as often as desired and independently of the trip distance counter – be preset to a specific value – count forwards or backwards from this value
Information on how to operate the navigator can be found on page 39.
Navigator setting range: -99.99 to +999.99 km or miles.
Section time
The VDO M5 has a trip section counter. The trip section counter is like a stopwatch. If the trip section counter is running, the section time is recorded, as with a stopwatch. When the trip section counter is running, the section distance is also recorded.
The trip section counter is started and stopped by pressing the BIKE + SET buttons (simultaneously press both buttons – do NOT hold).
ATTENTION: the trip section counter stops automatically
when the speed is zero.
Total distance 1
(Cumulative value for all trips on bike 1)
The total distance counts up to 99,999 km or miles. If this value is exceeded, the total distance counter restarts at zero. If the unit is switched from miles to km and the conversion result is greater than 100,000 km, the counter is reset to zero.
Now press theTPC (TOTAL/PULSE/CAD) button to scroll to the total ride time
(Cumulative value for all trips) The total ride time counts up to 9999:59 HHHH:MM. If this value is exceeded, the total ride time count restarts at zero.
Accessing the total values
The total values for the distance travelled, the ride time and the altitude data are accessed separately to the data for the CURRENT trip. There are two options for displaying the totals.
Access the totals by pressing the TPC (TOTAL/PULSE/ CAD) button.
If you have also used bike 2, the values for bike 2 are also displayed here.
Press the TPC (TOTAL/PULSE/CAD) button to scroll to the other values for bike 2.
You can also access the total values (cumulative data for bike 1 and bike 2).
Accessing the total values
Press and hold the SET button until the TOTAL VALUES menu opens.
– Press theSET button to open the total values display. – Press the BIKE or TPC button to scroll in the total values. The total distance 1 (cumulative distance for all individual trips on bike 1) is displayed first. – Press the BIKE or TPC button to scroll to the other totals.
– Total distance 1 – Total ride time 1
If you have also used bike 2, the values for bike 2 are also displayed here.
– Total distance bike 2 – Total ride time bike 2
You can also access the total values for bike 1 + bike 2 here:
– Total distance bike 1 + bike 2 – Total ride time bike 1 + bike 2
If the HEART RATE option is activated, you will also receive cumulative data for your calorie burn: – Calorie burn with bike 1Calorie burn with bike 2Total calorie burn with bike 1 + bike 2
Press (and hold) the SET button to return from the total values information to the normal function mode.
Operation while cycling
While cycling, the display functions can be accessed by pressing the BIKE button (scroll forwards through the functions).
Pressing the BIKE button shows the next function on the display.
ATTENTION: if the HEART RATE option is activated, the
heart rate functions are displayed by pressing the TPC button.
By pressing the SET button you can also scroll backwards through the functions. This enables you to quickly display the desired function.
The totals can be accessed by pressing the TPC (TOTAL/ PULSE/CAD) button.
A detailed description can be found on page 47.
Sleep mode
If you take a break and the M5 is in the bracket, the computer switches to standby mode after five minutes.
If you set off again after a break, the VDO M5 has an auto-start function. The auto-start function is activated by a movement sensor.
Moving the handlebars is enough to wake up the M5 from sleep mode. The VDO M5 immediately switches to function mode. The current speed and the distance are once again displayed after a few seconds.
Attaching the handlebar bracket
You can attach the computer to the right or left of the handlebars or in the centre on the stem. Attach the handlebar bracket in the corresponding position.
Decide whether you want to attach the computer to the handlebars or the stem.
Rotate the foot of the handlebar bracket by 90° accordingly. To do so, undo the screws in the bracket, remove the foot and rotate it 90° then insert and tighten the screws again.
Attention: do not overtighten the screws.
Guide the cable ties through the slot in the handlebar bracket, place around the handlebars or the stem and pull (do not pull tight just yet).
For handlebar attachment: align the computer angle to achieve optimum readability. Now pull the cable ties tight.
Use clippers to snip off protruding ends.
90° 45°
Attaching the speed transmitter
The transmitter can be attached to the fork leg on the right or left.
Note: If you have attached the computer to the stem or the left of the handlebars, the speed transmitter MUST be attached to the LEFT fork leg.
Place the rubber shim under the transmitter. Fit the transmitter on the same side of the forks where you later want to fit the computer to the handlebars (right or left) using the cable ties supplied (loosely at first, do not pull tight just yet).
ATTENTION: The cross-hatched marking on the lid of
the transmitter‘s battery compartment must point toward the spokes.
Depending on the available space, the transmitter can be mounted along the front of the fork, on the inside of the fork, or the back of the fork.
Place the spoke magnet around an outside spoke. The VDO logo of the rod-shaped magnet core should point toward the transmitter. Align the magnet with the cross-hatched sensor marking on the transmitter at a distance of 1- 5 mm.
Align the transmitter and magnet in their final positions and fasten them in place: pull the cable ties tight and push the magnet in firmly. The transmitter should be folded down at a maximum angle of 45° to the spokes. If you cannot achieve this angle, move the transmitter down along the fork leg towards the hub until you have reduced the angle to less than 45°.
Inserting the computer into the bracket
The VDO twist-click system securely connects the computer to the handlebar bracket.
How to insert the computer:
Place the computer into the bracket in a 10 o’clock position.
Rotate the computer to the right into the 12 o’clock position and click it into the bracket system. A noticeable resistance must be overcome to move it into place.
To remove the computer, rotate it to the left (without pushing or pulling).
Memory aid: Rigid to the Right, Loose to the Left
Function testing
Once the transmitter has been attached, check that it functions correctly.
How to test the transmitter:
– Insert the computer into the bracket. The speed indicator flashes. The computer now searches for its speed transmitter. – Lift and spin the front wheel. The green LED on the transmitter flashes several times. – A speed should now be displayed on the computer.
If the cadence option is activated, the cadence transmitter must also be paired:
– The cadence indicator flashes. The computer now searches for its cadence transmitter. – Rotate the crank or set off. The green LED on the cadence transmitter flashes several times. – A cadence should now be displayed on the computer.
If the heart rate option is activated, the heart rate transmitter must also be paired:
– The heart rate indicator flashes. The computer now searches for its heart rate transmitter. – Put on the heart rate transmitter and wait a few seconds. – A heart rate should now be displayed on the computer. If no speed, cadence or heart rate is displayed, there can be several reasons for this.
The possible reasons are described in the “Troubleshooting” section.
Pairing the transmitter (initial use)
The VDO M5 automatically pairs the transmitter.
Once the computer has been rotated into place in the bracket, it starts searching for the transmitter.
The transmitter search is identified by the flashing digits for: – Speed – Heart rate (if the heart rate option is activated) – Cadence (if the cadence option is activated)
The VDO M5 has an automatic bike recognition function. Depending on whether you are using bike 1 or bike 2, the data is recorded for bike 1 or bike 2.
ATTENTION: When other radio signals interfere during the
pairing function, the display shows the message “Too Many Signals”. Confirm this message by pressing any key. You will then need to leave this location and move to another location. Untwist the computer from the handlbar bracket. Then reinsert the computer into the handlebar bracket. The computer will now attempt another pairing. Potential source of interference: – LED lights – Mobile telephone – GPS recever – WLAN – Anti-theft security systems inside the store These sources can interfere with the pairing.
ATTENTION: when using the transmitter for the first time, the
bike recognition switch must be set to either BIKE 1 or BIKE 2. Only then will the automatic bike recognition work.
Press and HOLD the button until the LED flashes. Green flashes once = bike 1 is selected Red flashes twice = bike 2 is selected
Settings – language
The following display languages can be selected for the VDO M5: – German – English – French – Italian – Spanish – Dutch
How to select the language: Press and hold the SET button until the settings menu
The Totals first appear on the display.
Press the BIKE button to scroll to Settings.
Press the SET button to open the settings. “Language” appears on the display.
Press SET to open the language settings. English flashes.
Settings – language
You can now press the BIKE button to select a different language.
Press the SET button to confirm your language setting. The response “Set OK” appears on the display.
If you want to configure further settings, press the BIKE button to access these.
If you do not want to configure any further settings, press and hold the SET button.
The settings menu closes. The VDO M5 returns to function mode.
Settings – unit
Use the unit settings to specify the measurement formats for: – Speed (kmh or mph) – Temperature (C or F) – Weight (kg or lbs) – Time (24-hour or 12-hour with AM/PM)
How to set the units: Press and hold the SET button until the settings menu
opens. Press the BIKE button to scroll from Totals to Settings.
Press the SET button to open the settings. “Language” appears on the display. Press the BIKE button to scroll to the setting for the Dimension.
Press the SET button to open the unit setting. First set the unit for the speed.
“KMH” flashes in the bottom line of the display. Press the BIKE button to change the unit to “MPH”.
Press the SET button to confirm the setting.
The setting for the temperature unit next appears on the display. Set whether the temperature should be displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Press the BIKE button to make your setting.
Press the SET button to confirm your setting.
The setting for the unit weight now appears on the display. KG or LBS (POUNDS) can be selected.
Press the BIKE button to make the setting.
Press the SET button to confirm the setting.
Settings – unit
The setting for the time format now appears on the display. Here, you can select a 24-hour format or a 12-hour format with AM/PM.
Press the BIKE button to make the setting.
Press the SET button to confirm the setting.
The response “Set OK” appears on the display.
If you want to configure further settings, press the BIKE or TPC button to access these.
If you do not want to configure any further settings,
press and hold the SET button.
The settings menu closes.
The VDO M5 returns to function mode.
You can set the roll circumference of your wheel in millimetres on the VDO M5 or select the applicable tyres from a tyre table.
The more accurate this setting, the more accurate your speed indicator and the measurement of the distance you have travelled. You can find the values for your tyres in the tyre size table and set these in the device.
ATTENTION: the values in the table are approximations only.
The actual values can deviate from the values in the table depending on the manufacturer and the tyre tread.
If your tyre size is not listed in the table, you can accurately measure the roll circumference.
How to measure the roll circumference:
Stand your bike up and position the wheel to which you want to attach the sensor so that the valve is directly on the ground. Ensure that the tyres are fully pumped up in accordance with the usage instructions. Mark the position of the valve on the ground with a line or adhesive strip.
Now push your bike forwards in a straight line until the valve is back on the ground after one rotation. Again mark the position of the valve on the ground with a line or adhesive strip.
The distance between the two marks corresponds to your wheel circumference or wheel size in millimetres.
Settings – wheel circumference/wheel size
Wheel circumference in mm/inches
Tyre size ETRTO
KMH Wheel circum­ference in mm
MPH Wheel circum­ference in inches
16 x 1.75 47-305 1,272 50.1 20 x 1.75 47-406 1,590 62.6 24 x 1.75 47-507 1,907 75.1 26 x 1.5 40-559 2,026 79.8 26 x 1.75 47-559 2,070 81.5 26 x 1.9 2,089 82.2 26 x 2.00 50-559 2,114 83.2 26 x 2.10 54-559 2,125 83.7 26 x 2.25 57-559 2,155 84.8 26 x 2.35 60 -559 2,160 85.0 26 x 2.40 62-559 2,170 85.4 28 x 1.5 40-622 2,224 87.6 28 x 1.6 42-622 2,235 88.0 28 x 1.7 5 47-622 2,268 89.3 29 x 2.10 54-622 2,295 90.4 29 x 2.25 57-622 2,288 90.1 29 x 2.40 62-622 2,300 90.6 650 B 2,100 82.7 700 x 18C 18-622 2,102 82 .8 700 x 20C 20-622 2,114 83.2 700 x 23C 23-622 2,095 82.5 700 x 25C 25-622 2,146 84.5 700 x 30C 30-622 2,149 84.6 700 x 32C 32-622 2,174 85.6 700 x 38C 38-622 2,224 87.6
Settings – wheel circumference/wheel size
How to set your wheel circumference: Press and hold the SET button until the settings menu
Press the BIKE button to switch from Totals to Settings. Press the SET button to open the settings.
“Language” appears on the display. Press the BIKE or TPC button to scroll to the setting for the Wheelsize.
Press the SET button to open the setting (description here is for bike 1).
In the display, you can now choose whether you want
to manually set the wheel size in millimetres or select the appropriate tyres from a tyre list.
Press the BIKE button to make the selection. Confirm the setting by pressing the SET button.
Press the SET button to open the setting for the wheel size.
You can set the wheel size separately for bike 1 and bike 2. Press the BIKE button to scroll from the setting for bike 1 to the setting for bike 2.
Settings – wheel circumference/wheel size
Manual setting by entering the roll circumference in millimetres
The first two digits (in the example “21”) flash. Press the BIKE or TPC button to set these digits to the desired value.
Press the SET button to confirm your setting.
The third digit now flashes and is ready to be set. Press the BIKE or TPC button to set this digit.
Press the SET button to confirm your setting.
The final digit on the right now flashes. Press the BIKE or TPC button to set this digit.
Press the SET button to confirm your setting. Your wheel circumference setting is now complete. The response ‘Set OK’ appears on the display.
If you want to configure further settings, press the BIKE button to access these.
If you do not want to configure any further settings, press and hold the SET button. The settings menu closes.
The VDO M5 returns to function mode.
Settings – wheel circumference/wheel size
Setting the wheel size using the tyre list
Open the wheel size settings via the tyre list by pressing the SET button (see previous page).
Press the BIKE or TPC button to scroll through the tyre list until your tyres are displayed (in the example shown 26 x 2.35)
SELECT (or the last selected tyre size) appears on the display.
Press the SET button to confirm the setting. The response “Set OK” appears on the display.
If you want to configure further settings, press the BIKE button to access these.
If you do not want to configure any further settings, press and hold the SET button. The settings menu closes.
The VDO M5 returns to function mode.
Settings – my data
Use the My data settings to set your data for your age, weight, gender and HR max. These are required to calculate the heart rate training zones. The following are calculated on the basis of the data: – Maximum personal heart rate (HR max) – FIT zone – FAT zone
How to set your My data information:
Press and hold the SET button until the settings menu opens.
Press the BIKE button to switch from Totals to Settings.
Press the SET button to open the settings. “Language” appears on the display.
Press the BIKE or TPC button to scroll to the My Data settings.
Press the SET button to open the settings. First, set your age. Press the BIKE button to increase the value and the TPC button to decrease the value.
Press the SET button to confirm the value you have set.
Now set your weight. Press the BIKE button to increase the value and the TPC button to decrease the value.
Press the SET button to confirm the value you have set.
Now set your gender. Press the BIKE or TPC button to select your gender.
Press the SET button to confirm the value you have set.
Settings – my data
The calculated upper limit for your personal maximum heart rate (HR max) is now displayed. The calculated value flashes and can be changed.
Press the BIKE button to increase the value and the TPC button to decrease the value.
Press the SET button to confirm the value you have set.
The value for the calculated upper limit of the training zone Own is then displayed.
Press the BIKE button to increase the value and the TPC button to decrease the value.
The calculated lower limit for the training zone Own is now displayed.
Press the BIKE button to increase the value and the TPC button to decrease the value.
Press the SET button to confirm the value you have set.
Press the SET button to confirm the value you have set. The response “Set OK” appears on the display.
If you want to configure further settings, press the BIKE button to access these.
If you do not want to configure any further settings, press and hold the SET button. The settings menu closes.
The VDO M5 returns to function mode.
Settings – sensor selection
The M5 can display heart rate and (simultaneously) cadence data. To do this, a heart rate and/or cadence transmitter must be available and installed. Use the sensor selection menu to select the sensor that should be activated.
ATTENTION: once a transmitter has been selected, the
sensor values (heart rate/cadence) appear on the display. The display changes. The layout of the functions on the buttons also changes. Further information on this is provided on page 51 for the
heart rate option and on page 53 for the cadence option.
How to select the sensors:
Press and hold the SET button until the settings menu opens. Press the BIKE button to move from Totals to Settings.
Press the SET button to open the settings. “Language” appears on the display.
Press the BIKE or TPC button to scroll to the setting for the Sensor.
Press the SET button to open the settings.
Heart rate OFF or ON flashes. Press the BIKE or TPC button to select ON or OFF.
Press the SET button to confirm the setting.
You can now select whether the cadence transmitter should be activated.
Press the BIKE or TPC button to select ON or OFF.
Settings – sensor selection
Press the SET button to confirm the setting. The response “Set OK” appears on the display.
If you want to configure further settings, press the BIKE button to access these.
If you do not want to configure any further settings, press and hold the SET button. The settings menu closes.
The VDO M5 returns to function mode.
Settings – clock
On the VDO M5, you can set the time in 12-hour AM/PM format or 24-hour format.
Specify the desired time format in the unit settings (see page 20).
How to set the time: Press and hold the SET button until the settings menu
opens. Press the BIKE button to move from Totals to Settings. Press the SET button to open the settings. “Language” appears on the display.
Press the BIKE or TPC button to scroll to the setting for the Clock.
Press the SET button to open the setting for the clock.
The hour digits flash. Press the BIKE or TPC button to change the setting for the hours.
Press the SET button to confirm your setting.
Display in 24-h format
Display in 12-h format
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