Vanguard ATRT-01-01B-01D User Manual

Models ATRT-01, ATRT-01B, and ATRT-01D
Single Phase Transformer Turns-Ratio Meter
Vanguard Instruments Co., Inc.
1710 Grevillea Court Ontario, California 91761
TEL: 909-923-9390 May 2002 FAX: 909-923-9391 REV. 02
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
This manual applies to Models ATRT-01, ATRT-01B, and ATRT-01D; the operating procedures are virtually the same for all models; any differences, which relate to the test units’ power sources, are clearly described within the step-by-step procedures.
This device shall be used only by trained operators.
All transformers under test shall be off line and fully isolated
Do not Service or Test alone.
Do not perform test procedures or service unless another person is also present who is capable of rendering aid and resuscitation.
Do Not Modify Test Equipment
Because of the added risk of introducing additional or unknown hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to any Model ATRT-01 Test unit. To ensure that all designed safety features are maintained, it is recommended that repairs be performed only by Vanguard Instrument Co. factory personnel or by an authorized repair service. Unauthorized modifications can cause serious safety hazards and will nullify the manufacturer's warranty.
Follow Exact Operating Procedures
Any deviation from procedures described in this operator’s manual may create one or more safety hazards, damage the ATRT-01 or the test transformer, or cause errors in the test results; VIC assumes no liability for unsafe or improper use of the ATRT-01.
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................4
2.0 Applicability...........................................................................................................................4
3.0 Operating Configuration .........................................................................................................4
4.0 Principle of Operation.............................................................................................................5
5.0 Specifications..........................................................................................................................5
6.0 Cable Marking and Identification:...........................................................................................6
7.0 ATRT-01 Operating Controls And Indicators..........................................................................7
8.0 ATRT-01B Operating Control And Indicators.........................................................................8
9.0 ATRT-01D Control And Indicators.........................................................................................9
10.0 ATRT-01 Power Switch Configurations................................................................................10
10.1 ATRT-01 Power Turn On/Off...........................................................................................10
10.2 ATRT-01B Power Turn On/Off.........................................................................................10
10.3. ATRT-01D Power Turn On/Off .......................................................................................10
11.0 ATRT-01B Charger Indicator ...............................................................................................10
12.0 ATRT-01 LCD Control.........................................................................................................10
12.1. Contrast Control...............................................................................................................10
12.2. Display Back-light Control...............................................................................................10
13.0 ATRT-01 RS-232C Computer-Control port ..........................................................................10
14.0 IBM PC Transformer Analysis Software...............................................................................10
15.0 ATRT-01 Battery replacement..............................................................................................11
15-1. ATRT-01B Battery Replacement.....................................................................................11
15-2. ATRT-01D Battery Replacement....................................................................................11
16.0 DISPLAY and MENU DESCRIPTIONS..............................................................................12
16-1 Start-Up Menu..................................................................................................................12
17.0 Test Transformer Selection ...................................................................................................15
18.0 Transformer Voltage Selection..............................................................................................16
19.0 Transformer Voltage Data Entry Menu .................................................................................17
20.0 Start Test Menu.....................................................................................................................19
21.0 Transformer Turns-Ratio Test Result Display .......................................................................20
22.0 Three Phase Transformer Test Cable Connection Display .....................................................21
23.0 Set Time and Date.................................................................................................................22
24.0 Enable Computer Interface....................................................................................................23
25.0 Step-by-Step Turns Ratio Testing Procedures .......................................................................24
25-1 Single-Phase Transformer Test Procedure.........................................................................24
25-2 Single-Phase Transformer Test Procedure using nameplate voltages.................................25
25-3. Three-Phase Transformer Test Procedure using nameplate voltages................................26
25-4 ATRT-01 Quick-Test Mode..............................................................................................28
25-5 Test Single Phase Transformer Using Preset Voltage Table..............................................28
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
List of Tables
Table 5-1. Model ATRT-01 (v) Turns-Ratio Meter Specifications .................................................5
Table 5-2: ATRT-01, ATRT-01B, and ATRT-01D Cable Set.........................................................6
Table 6-1. Cable Markings and Identification .................................................................................6
Table 25-1. Single-Phase Transformer Test Procedure.................................................................24
Table 25-2. Single-Phase Transformer Test (with name plate voltages) Procedure.......................25
Table 25-3. Three-Phase Transformer Test Procedure..................................................................26
List of Figures
Figure 7-0. Model ATRT-01 Front-Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors.............................7
Figure 8-0. Model ATRT-01B Front-Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors...........................8
Figure 9-0. Model ATRT-01D Front-Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors ..........................9
Figure 16-0 Start-up menu............................................................................................................12
Figure 16-1 ATRT-01 Menu Diagram...........................................................................................13
Figure 17-0 Transformer Selection menu......................................................................................15
Figure 18-0. Nameplate Voltage Selection Menu.........................................................................16
Figure 19-1. H-Winding Voltage Entry Display............................................................................17
Figure 19-2. H-Winding Voltage Entry Display............................................................................17
Figure 19-3. X-Winding Voltage Entry Display............................................................................17
Figure 19-4. X-Winding Voltage Entry Display............................................................................17
Figure 20-0. Start Test Screen......................................................................................................19
Figure 21-0. Test Result Display...................................................................................................20
Figure 22-0. Cable Connection Display........................................................................................21
Figure 23-0. Time and Date Display ............................................................................................22
Figure 24-0. Select Computer Interface Display..........................................................................23
Figure 25-4 Quick Test Menu.......................................................................................................28
Figure 25-5A Preset Voltage Menu...............................................................................................28
Figure 25-5B Test Result Menu....................................................................................................28
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
1.0 Introduction
The Model ATRT-01 is a microprocessor-based, field-portable, automatic, transformer, turns­ratio test meter designed for on-site measuring of: turns ratios, winding polarity, and no-load excitation currents of single and 3-phase utility transformers. The ATRT-01 can also test potential transformers (PTs) and primary current transformers (CTs). The ATRT-01 may not test some types of donut transformers (i.e., toroidal windings), since its not designed for that application.
2.0 Applicability
The ATRT-01 is available in three models: ATRT-01 (basic), ATRT-01B, and ATRT-01D.
a. The basic ATRT-01 is a line-powered 120/240 V ac (selectable), 50/60Hz unit. b. The ATRT-01B is powered by a rechargeable lead-acid-gel battery cell. An ATRT-01B
with a fully charged battery will provide a minimum 0f 4 hours of continuous operation. A built-in charger allows the ATRT-01B’s battery to be recharged while it is testing.
c. The ATRT-01D is powered by 6 D-cell batteries (no ac is used). To conserve battery
power, the ATRT-01D will automatically turn off after sitting idle for 1 minute. A fully charged set of batteries in the ATRT-01D provides power for up to 200 tests.
3.0 Operating Configuration
The ATRT-01 tests transformer ratio by applying an excitation voltage to primary (H) windings and monitors secondary (X) winding voltage. The users can also test 3-phase transformers using the ATRT-01. The user is required to connect the H and X cable leads to the appropriate windings for each phase. Since the ATRT-01 test lead connections to the (3-phase) transformer bushings are different for each phase, the ATRT-01 simplifies this procedure by displaying hook-up instructions on the LCD screen as testing progresses.
The ATRT-01 detects test-lead hook-ups for errors before a test: The ATRT-01 applies a low­level test voltage (300 mV) across the winding being tested and senses the induced secondary voltages. Any time an induced voltage is greater than the applied excitation voltage, it's detected as a hookup error. If a cross-connection error is detected, the ATRT-01 aborts the test and displays: “Hook-Up Error." But, if no hookup error is detected, the ATRT-01 applies a full 40-volt (20-volt for ATRT-01B/-01D) test voltage to the transformer being tested and the winding (voltage) ratio is displayed. Excitation current (in milliamperes) and winding polarity are also displayed.
The ATRT-01 lets users enter nameplate voltages for the specified turns-ratio calculation. From this calculated turns-ratio, the ATRT-01 will calculate and display the percentage of difference (based on the difference between the calculated and measured values).
A built-in RS-232C port allows the ATRT-01 to interface with an IBM PC. Transformer-testing program software, supplied with each ATRT-01, runs on an IBM Windows?-based computer and lets users control the ATRT-01 from a computer in the field. With a computer, users can run a test and save the test results in the field, then recall the test later in an office to generate a test report. Since data are stored in an ASCII format, test results can be exported into any database desired.
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
4.0 Principle of Operation
The ATRT-01 measures transformer turns ratio by applying a test voltage across the (H) winding and sensing induced voltage on the secondary (X) winding. (For safety, testing is always done in a step-down transfer, regardless of the transformer’s actual use.) There's no load on windings during testing, so measured voltage ratio is virtually the same as the winding turns ratio. The ATRT-01 measures turns ratios in a range from 0.8 to 15,000. Excitation current (via H leads) is measured for reference and ranges from 0.0 to 2,000 mA (0 to 200 milliamperes for ATRT-01B and ATRT-
01D). Winding polarity is displayed as "+" (in phase) or "-" (out of phase). The ATRT-01 calibrates its own sensing circuits before each test; therefore, calibration by the operator is not required.
5.0 Specifications
Model ATRT-01(v) specifications are listed below in Table 5-1
Table 5-1. Model ATRT-01 (v) Turns-Ratio Meter Specifications
(Unless otherwise indicated, each specification is the same for all three ATRT-01 models.)
Type Portable, Automatic, Single-Phase Transformer Turns-Ratio Meter Size (inches) 12 L by 8 W by 9 H Weight (pounds) ATRT-01: 8, ATRT-01B: 9.5, ATRT-01D: 9.5 Turns Ratio-Measuring Ranges 0.800 to 15,000.00 Turns-Ratio Accuracy 0.8-999: ?0.1 %
1,000-1,499: ?0.2 % 1,500-1,999: ?1.0 % 2,000-15,000: ?2.0%
Calibration Self Calibrating; No operator calibration required Excitation Voltage ATRT-01: 40 Volts ac, ATRT-01B/ATRT-01D: 20 Volts ac Excitation Current ATRT-01: 2 amps, ATRT-01B/ATRT-01D: 0 to 200 milliamperes Current Accuracy ? 2 % of Reading (? 1 Digit) Winding Polarity Displayed on LCD screen Display LCD: 20 Characters wide by 4 Lines, viewable in bright sunlight Serial Interface RS-232C, 19200 baud, 8 data bits, 2 start bits, 1 stop bit Temperature ? Operating: -20 ?C to 55 ?C ? Storage: -40 ?C to 65 ?C Warranty One-Year on Parts and Labor
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
Table 5-2: ATRT-01, ATRT-01B, and ATRT-01D Cable Set
Item Description Qty
Test-Lead Cable, 15-foot
Single-Phase Connections
2 3
Power Cord (Note 1) 1
RS-232C Cable 1
1. The ATRT-01D requires no power cord.
2. A Canvas Cable-Carrying Bag is included with the cable set.
6.0 Cable Marking and Identification:
Both H and X cable test leads are terminated with heavy-duty battery clips. Test cables are
identified as follows:
Table 6-1. Cable Markings and Identification
Test Cable Name Transformer Terminals Clip Color Identification
H Cables H Red H1, H2 X Cables X Black X1, X2
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
7.0 ATRT-01 Operating Controls And Indicators
Figure 7-0. Model ATRT-01 Front-Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
Fig. 7-0 Index Panel Markings Functional Description
3 4
RS-232C Computer-Interface port, 9-pin, female DB type
connector; RS-232C interface port allows ATRT-01 to interface with an IBM computer. Data rate is set to 19,200 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, and no parity bit. Connector pin functions are: PIN SIGNAL 2 Tx 3 Rx 5 Gnd
None (display) LCD screen: 4 line by 20 character; back-lighted,
sunlight readable; Displays menus, test results, and
status readouts. None High and Low voltage connector, 16-pin male. 120/220Vac, 1A, 50/60Hz Input power connector and fused power switch with
third-wire safety ground.
5 None (Keypad) Pushbutton operating controls, 16-keys.
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
8.0 ATRT-01B Operating Control And Indicators
Figure 8-0. Model ATRT-01B Front-Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
Fig. 8-0
Panel Markings Functional Description
3 4
5 6
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
RS-232C Computer-Interface port, 9-pin, female DB type connector; This
RS-232C interface allows ATRT-01B to interface with an IBM computer. Data rate is set to 19,200 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, and no parity bit. PIN SIGNAL 2 Tx
3 Rx
5 Gnd
None (display) LCD: 4 line by 20 character screen; backlighted, sunlight
readable; Displays menus, test results, and status readouts. None (H & X) High voltage and Low voltage connector, 16-pin male. 120/220Vac, 1A, 50/60Hz
Input power connector with third-wire safety ground.
None (Keypad) Pushbutton operating controls, 16-keys. POWER Power Switch, Momentary contact.
9.0 ATRT-01D Control And Indicators
Model ATRT-01 (v) Operating Instructions
Figure 9-0. Model ATRT-01D Front-Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
Fig. 9-2,
Panel Markings Functional Description
1 RS-232C Computer-Interface port, 9-pin, female DB type connector;
This RS-232C interface port allows the ATRT-01D to interface with an IBM computer. Data rate is set to 19,200 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, and no parity bit. PIN SIGNAL 2 Tx 3 Rx 5 Gnd
2 None (display) Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD): 4 line by 20 character screen;
backlighted, sunlight readable; Displays menus, test results, and status readouts.
3 None (H & X
High voltage and Low voltage connector, 16-pin male.
4 None (Keypad) Pushbutton operating controls, 16-keys. 5 POWER Power Switch, Momentary.
Rev 02 May 02, 2002
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