User's Guide
Vaisala Remote Display Panel

Vaisala Oyj
Street address: Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, F I-01670 Vantaa, Finland
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Phone: +358 9 8949 1
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RDP100 Remote Display Panel
Vaisala Remote Display Panel RDP100 is a digital display that shows the live
measurement of one or two environmental m easurement parameters, supplied
by a compatible Vaisala measurement instrument. RDP100 shows the data
from the instrument as-is - there are no adjustments or calibrations on the
display side. The parameter(s) to be displayed are select ed using D IPswitches
on the display's component board.
The housing of the RDP100 is designed t o be recessed into a wall, wit h only the
front cover visible. There is no user interface on t he outside of the RDP100.
Note: Datasheet isavailable from the product page at
www. vaisala.com/ rdp100.
Following Vaisala instruments are compatible with the RDP100:
l DMT132, DMT143, and DMT152 dewpoint transmitters
l DPT145 and DPT146 dewpoint and pressure transmitters
l HMDW110 series humidity and temperature transmitt ers:
l HMD110/112
l HMW110/112
l HMS110/112
l HMP60/63/110/113 series humidity and t emperature probes
l MMT162 moisture in oil and temperature transmitt er

Serial Port Settings
RDP100 and t he measuring inst rument communicate on the RS-485 line using a
Vaisala proprietary protocol. There must be only one RDP100 and one
compatible inst rument on the RS-485 line - no other devices. The serial port
settings of the connected measuring instrument must be:
l 19200bits per second
l 8 data bits
l no parity bit
l one stop bit
Note: The requiredsettings are t he factory default s ettings for all of t he
compatible inst ruments. However, if you have changed the serial port
settings, y ou must change them back to 19200-8-N-1before RDP100 c an
read the instrument.
There are no requirements for the serial port operating mode (f or example,
STOPmode), address, or measurement message format of the measuring
Power Supply and Wiring Considerations
RDP100 requires a regulated 12 ... 28 VDC supply voltage. To simplify t he
wiring and avoid ground loops, use only a single power supply to power both the
RDP100 and t he measurement instrument. The recommended wiring
arrangement depends on the instrument that is connected:
l HMDW110 series t ransmitters are designed t o supply operating
power to the RDP100. For wiring instructions, see sect ion Wiring
HMDW110 with RDP100 on page9.
l The rest of the supported instruments s houldbe powered through the
RDP100. For wiring instructions, s ee section Wiring on page8.

RDP100 Parts
1 = Detachable screw t erminal, max wire size 1.5 mm2(AWG16).
2 = Display element (do not touch).
3 = Direction arrow, point up duringinstallation.
4 = Electronics housing.
5 = Stainless steel front cover.
6 = DIPswitc hes f or parameter selection and unit select ion.
7 = Power pass-through jumper. Connecting t he jumper t o position 1-2 allows
the s upply voltage to pass through the RDP100 unregulated. Connecting
the jumper to position 2-3 regulates the pass-through voltage to 7.5 VDC.
8 = Mounting screws (4 pcs).