Vaisala MMT310 User Manual

Vaisala HUMICAP® Moisture and
Temperature Transmitter Series for Oil
Vaisala Oyj Street address: Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland Mailing address: P.O. Box 26, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland Phone: +358 9 8949 1 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227
Visit our Internet pages at
© Vaisala 2014
No part of this manual may be reproduced, published or publicly displayed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be modified, translated, adapted, sold or disclosed to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Translated manuals and translated portions of multilingual documents are based on the original English versions. In ambiguous cases, the English versions are applicable, not the translations.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
This manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards customers or end users. All legally binding obligations and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or the General Conditions of Sale and General Conditions of Service of Vaisala.

Table of Contents

GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................ 7
About This Manual ................................................................... 7
Contents of This Manual ....................................................... 7
Version Information ............................................................... 8
Related Manuals ................................................................... 8
Documentation Conventions ................................................. 8
Safety ......................................................................................... 9
ESD Protection ...................................................................... 9
Recycling ................................................................................ 10
Regulatory Compliances ....................................................... 10
Emissions ....................................................................... 10
Immunity ......................................................................... 10
Trademarks ............................................................................. 10
Software License .................................................................... 11
Warranty .................................................................................. 11
PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 13
Introduction to MMT310 Series ............................................. 13
MMT310 Transmitter Parts ................................................. 15
Probe Options ..................................................................... 16
Filter Options ....................................................................... 16
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................ 17
Mounting ................................................................................. 17
Selecting a Place for the Probe........................................... 17
Mounting the Transmitter /
Removing the Transmitter Unit ........................................... 18
Mounting the Transmitter with Optional Rain Shield ........... 19
Mounting the Rain Shield with
Larger Transmitter Mounting Plate...................................... 19
Mounting the MMT318 ........................................................ 20
Mounting for Pressurized Pipelines/Oils ............................. 20
Tightening the Clasp Nut ............................................... 21
Ball Valve Installation Kit for MMT318 ................................ 23
Sampling Cell for MMT318 .................................................. 25
Mounting the MMT317 ........................................................ 25
MMT317 Probe with Swagelok Connector
for Tight-place Installations ............................................ 26
Connections ............................................................................ 28
Cable Wiring ........................................................................ 28
Power Supply Requirements ................................................ 29
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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
OPERATION ................................................................................................. 31
Power Supply .......................................................................... 31
Transmitter Start-Up ............................................................... 31
Serial Line and Analog Communication Options ................ 32
RS-232 Serial Port Connection ........................................... 32
USB Connection .................................................................. 33
Installing the Driver for the USB Cable .......................... 33
Connection to an MI70 Hand-held Indicator ........................ 34
Terminal Program Settings .................................................... 35
Opening a Serial/USB Connection with PuTTY ............. 35
List of Serial Commands ....................................................... 36
Measurement Output .............................................................. 38
Starting the Continuous Reading Output............................. 38
Stopping the Continuous Reading Output ........................... 38
Set Continuous Output Interval for RUN Mode ................... 38
Output Reading Once .......................................................... 39
Set Serial Interface Mode .................................................... 39
Serial Line Settings .............................................................. 40
Set Transmitter Address for Use in POLL Mode ................. 40
Temporarily Open Transmitter from POLL Mode
to Receive Serial Commands .............................................. 41
Set Transmitter in POLL Mode ............................................ 41
Output Formatting .................................................................. 42
Set Serial Output Format ..................................................... 42
Set Time and Date ............................................................... 43
Add Time and Date to SEND and R Outputs ...................... 43
Select Metric or Nonmetric Output Units ............................. 44
Setting, Scaling and Testing the Analog Outputs ............... 44
Set Analog Outputs ............................................................. 44
Select Parameter for Analog Outputs .................................. 45
Scale Analog Outputs .......................................................... 46
Test Analog Outputs ............................................................ 46
Test Analog Outputs for Desired Readings ......................... 47
Set Error Outputs ................................................................. 47
Other Commands.................................................................... 48
Check Transmitter Settings ................................................. 48
Serial Bus Echo ................................................................... 49
All Devices in POLL Mode Send Their Addresses .............. 49
List Commands .................................................................... 49
Set Result Filtering .............................................................. 49
Reset Transmitter ................................................................ 50
Display Error Messages ...................................................... 50
MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................ 51
Periodic Maintenance ............................................................. 51
Calibration Interval ............................................................... 51
Replacing Consumables ........................................................ 51
Changing the Filter .............................................................. 51
Changing the Sensor ........................................................... 52
Clean the Sensor Before Storing the Transmitter ............... 53
Technical Support .................................................................. 53
4 ____________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Product Returns ..................................................................... 53
CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENT ........................................................... 55
Preparations Before the Calibration .................................... 56
Relative Humidity Calibration and Adjustment
(in Two Points) .................................................................... 56
Low End Adjustment ...................................................... 57
High End Adjustment ..................................................... 58
Temperature Calibration and Adjustment
(in One Point) ...................................................................... 59
Revert Factory Calibration .................................................. 60
View Current Offset and Gain Adjustment .......................... 60
Relative Humidity Calibration after Sensor Change............ 61
Set Calibration Information Text.......................................... 61
Set Calibration Date ............................................................ 61
Analog Output Calibration ................................................... 62
Adjustment Using an MI70 Indicator .................................... 62
Starting MI70 Adjustment .................................................... 62
Adjusting RH with MI70 ....................................................... 63
1-point RH Adjustment ................................................... 63
2-point RH Adjustment ................................................... 63
LiCl – NaCl Automatic Adjustment ................................. 64
Adjusting T with MI70 .......................................................... 65
1-point T adjustment ...................................................... 65
2-point T adjustment ...................................................... 65
Environment Settings .......................................................... 66
Last Adjustment Date .......................................................... 66
TECHNICAL DATA ...................................................................................... 67
Specifications ......................................................................... 67
Spare Parts and Accessories ................................................ 69
Dimensions in mm (inches) .................................................. 70
Transmitter Enclosure and Mounting Plates ....................... 70
Rain Shield Dimensions ...................................................... 71
MMT318 Probe Dimensions ................................................ 72
Ball Valve Set Dimensions .................................................. 73
MMT317 Probe with Optional Swagelok Connector,
Dimensions .......................................................................... 74
APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................... 75
Transformer Oils .................................................................... 75
PPM Calculation for Transformer Oils ................................ 76
Calculation Model with Average Coefficients ...................... 77
Calculation Model with Oil Specific Coefficients ................. 77
PPM Calculation Setting ........................................................ 78
Calculation Setting (Calculation Model with Average
Coefficients) ........................................................................ 78
Changing the Calculation Coefficients
(Calculation Model with Oil Specific Coefficients) ............... 78
Technical Data ............................................................... 79
Paper Machine Application ................................................... 80
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List of Figures
Figure 1 MMT310 Transmitter Parts ...................................................... 15
Figure 2 MMT310 Probes ....................................................................... 16
Figure 3 Mounting with Mounting Plates ................................................. 18
Figure 4 Rain Shield with Large Mounting Plate .................................... 19
Figure 5 MMT318 Probe ......................................................................... 20
Figure 6 Sealing of Fitting Body into Process ......................................... 21
Figure 7 Tightening the Clasp Nut .......................................................... 22
Figure 8 MMT318 Ball Valve Assembly Installation ............................... 23
Figure 9 Sampling Cell DMT242SC2 ...................................................... 25
Figure 10 MMT317 Probe with Swagelok Installation Kit ......................... 26
Figure 11 MMT317 Probe Installation to Pipeline with Swagelok
Installation Kit ........................................................................... 26
Figure 12 8-Pin Connector (Left) and
Screw Terminal Connector (Right) ........................................... 28
Figure 13 PuTTY Serial Line Configuration .............................................. 35
Figure 14 Changing the Sensor ................................................................ 52
Figure 15 Location of Adjustment Button .................................................. 56
Figure 16 Transmitter Enclosure and Mounting Plate Dimensions .......... 70
Figure 17 Rain Shield Dimensions (Back) ................................................ 71
Figure 18 Rain Shield Dimensions (Side and Outer) ................................ 71
Figure 19 MMT318 Probe Dimensions ..................................................... 72
Figure 20 Ball Valve Set Dimensions ....................................................... 73
Figure 21 MMT317 Probe with Swagelok Connector ............................... 74
Figure 22 The Water Solubility of Transformer Oils
Versus Temperature ................................................................. 76
Figure 23 Maximum Errors Caused by Deviation of Mineral Oils Using
Calculation Model with Average Coefficients ........................... 79
List of Tables
Table 1 Manual Revisions ....................................................................... 8
Table 2 Related Manuals ......................................................................... 8
Table 3 MMT310 Measurement and Calculation Quantities ................. 13
Table 4 MMT318 Pipe Dimensions ....................................................... 21
Table 5 Current Consumption by Output Type ...................................... 29
Table 6 Measurement Output ................................................................ 36
Table 7 Output Formatting ..................................................................... 36
Table 8 Calibration and Adjustment* ..................................................... 36
Table 9 Setting, Scaling and Testing Analog Outputs ........................... 37
Table 10 Other Commands ..................................................................... 37
Table 11 Modifiers ................................................................................... 42
Table 12 Analog Output Quantity Abbreviations ..................................... 42
Table 13 Analog Output Quantity Abbreviations ..................................... 45
Table 14 Water Activity ............................................................................ 67
Table 15 Temperature ............................................................................. 67
Table 16 Electrical Connections .............................................................. 68
Table 17 General ..................................................................................... 68
Table 18 Spare Parts and Accessories ................................................... 69
6 ____________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information


This chapter provides general notes for the manual and the MMT310.

About This Manual

This manual provides information for installing, operating, and maintaining Vaisala HUMICAP® Moisture and Temperature Transmitter Series for Oil MMT310 (MMT317 and MMT318).

Contents of This Manual

This manual consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, General Information, provides general notes for the manual and the MMT310.
- Chapter 2, Product Overview, introduces the features, advantages, and the product nomenclature.
- Chapter 3, Installation, provides you with information that is intended to help you install the MMT310.
- Chapter 4, Operation, contains information that is needed to operate the MMT310.
- Chapter 5, Maintenance, provides information that is needed in basic maintenance of the MMT310.
- Chapter 6, Calibration and adjustment, describes the calibration and adjustment procedures.
- Chapter 7, Technical Data, provides the technical data of the MMT310.
- Appendix A, Applications, describes typical applications where MMT310 is used.
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 7
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Manual Code
March 2014. This manual. New software
template updated, quality improvement updates.
Previous version. MMT318 and MMT317 User's
dimension figure.
Manual Code
Manual Name
Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-held Moisture Meter for Oil MM70 User’s Guide
Vaisala Humidity calibrator HMK15 User’s Guide

Version Information

Table 1 Manual Revisions
functionality applicable from version 2.0.1 onward. Voltage output added to analog output options, new voltage parameters in the AMODE command. Added information on rain shield, sampling cell, MI70 hand-held indicator, and USB connection. Transmitter plastic housing material changed to PPS. Updated serial terminal instructions, list of optional accessories and operating voltage and power consumption specifications. Document
Guide. The manual has been updated with MMT317 installation instructions and MMT317

Related Manuals

Table 2 Related Manuals

Documentation Conventions

Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are highlighted as follows:
Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
8 ____________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
Ground the product and verify outdoor installation grounding periodically to minimize shock hazard.
Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can or lead to malfunction.
Do not touch the sensor plate.
In pressurized processes it is essential to tighten the supporting nuts and screws very carefully to prevent loosening of the probe by the action of pressure.
Take care not to damage the probe body. A damaged body makes the probe less tight and may prevent it from going through the clasp nut.


The Vaisala HUMICAP® Moisture and Temperature Transmitter Series for Oil MMT310 is delivered to you tested for safety and approved as shipped from the factory. Note the following precautions:
damage the product

ESD Protection

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent damage to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are adequately protected against ESD for their intended use. It is possible to damage the product, however, by delivering electrostatic discharges when touching, removing, or inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.
To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages yourself:
- Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly grounded and protected ESD workbench.
- When an ESD workbench is not available, ground yourself to the equipment chassis with a wrist strap and a resistive connection cord.
- If you are unable to take either of the above precautions, touch a conductive part of the equipment chassis with your other hand before touching ESD sensitive components.
- Always hold component boards by the edges and avoid touching the component contacts.
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 9
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Complies with Standard
Radiated emissions
EN/IEC 55022 / CISPR16/22 Class B
Complies with Standard
Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
EN/IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated immunity
EN/IEC 61000-4-3
EFT burst (Electric fast transients)
EN/IEC 61000-4-4 Surge
EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted immunity
EN/IEC 61000-4-6


Recycle all applicable material.
Dispose of the unit according to statutory regulations. Do not dispose of with regular household refuse.

Regulatory Compliances

MMT310 complies with the following performance and environmental test standards:
- EN 61326-1, Industrial environment.




HUMICAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
10 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information

Software License

This product contains software developed by Vaisala. Use of the software is governed by license terms and conditions included in the applicable supply contract or, in the absence of separate license terms and conditions, by the General License Conditions of Vaisala Group.


Visit our Internet pages for standard warranty terms and conditions:
Please observe that any such warranty may not be valid in case of damage due to normal wear and tear, exceptional operating conditions, negligent handling or installation, or unauthorized modifications. Please see the applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale for details of the warranty for each product.
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This page intentionally left blank.
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Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ Product Overview
Metric Unit
Non Metric Unit
Water activity
Parts per million (for transformer oil only)


This chapter introduces the features, advantages, and the product nomenclature.

Introduction to MMT310 Series

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Moisture and Temperature Transmitter Series for Oil MMT310 is a small-size oil moisture and temperature transmitter that powers up with 10 ... 35 VDC (mode-dependent power supply requirements).
The MMT310 probe options are:
- MMT317 – small pressure-tight probe
- MMT318 – probe for pressurized pipelines
MMT310 supports the following output alternatives:
- Analog outputs 0/4 ... 20 mA and 0 … 5/10 V (1 … 5 V available as scaled output: see section Setting, Scaling and Testing the Analog Outputs on page 44).
- RS-232 serial line
- USB cable (optional accessory, order code 238607)
- MI70 handheld indicator connection (optional connection cable DRW216050)
For a list of MMT310 optional accessories and spare parts, see section Spare Parts and Accessories on page 69.
The transmitter measures and calculates the following quantities:
Table 3 MMT310 Measurement and Calculation Quantities
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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Vaisala HUMICAP moisture in oil transmitters MMT318 and MMT317 are designed for industrial applications. They measure water in oil in terms of water activity (aw) which can be determined as follows: water activity indicates the amount of oil in the scale of 0 - 1 aw. In this scale, 0 aw is an indication of completely water free oil and 1 aw an indication of oil fully saturated with water. Water is present in free form. The water activity is used for alarming at the point of > 0.9 aw where the risk for free water is obvious.
The most advanced feature which distinguishes the measurement of water activity (aw) from the traditional measurement of absolute water content (in ppm) is that in the water activity measurement the saturation point remains stable regardless of the oil type, aging of oil or additives used. As water activity of the oil exceeds 0.9 aw, there is a risk for segregation (especially if the temperature decreases).
The MMT318 and MMT317 transmitters can be used for continuous on­line measurements and can be calibrated against salt solutions, no reference oils are needed.
Appendix A on page 75 presents application information when using the MMT318 and MMT317 with transformer oil (output unit= ppm). General information on paper machine use is also included in the Appendix.
14 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ Product Overview
The following numbers refer to Figure 1 above: 1 = Transmitter unit
2 = Mounting plate (smaller mounting plate also available)
3 = Connector for signal output and power supply. Available with female connector with 5 m cable or screw terminal connector.
4 = Probe

MMT310 Transmitter Parts

Figure 1 MMT310 Transmitter Parts
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 15
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
The following numbers refer to Figure 2 above:
1 = MMT317 probe with optional Swagelok connector for tight-place installations.
2 = MMT318 probe for pressurized pipelines with two adjustable probe lengths and optional ball valve set.

Probe Options

Figure 2 MMT310 Probes
For probe dimensions, see section MMT317 Probe with Optional Swagelok Connector, Dimensions on page 74 and section MMT318 Probe Dimensions on page 72.

Filter Options

MMT310 filter options include stainless steel filters with 3.15 mm and
1.5 mm (for high flow velocity oil measurements) holes. The filters are 12 mm in diameter with a female thread. The filters recommended for a probe type can be selected on the corresponding MMT310 order form.
For information on ordering accessories, see section Spare Parts and Accessories on page 69.
16 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Avoid mounting the transmitter housing close to steam sources or directly exposed to rain. To ensure an IP 6 mount the transmit downwards.
Take care not to damage the pipe of the probe. If the pipe the probe head is less tight and will not go through the clasp nut. Make sure that the filter is tightly fastened to


This chapter provides you with information that is intended to help you install the MMT310.


Selecting a Place for the Probe

Select a place which gives a true picture of the process. Oil should circulate freely around the sensor; clear oil flow is recommended. Install the probe directly into the circulation system and not into the oil reservoir because of deposition.
It is recommended that the sensor head is installed directly in the process through the ball valve assembly. When the ball valve assembly is used, the pipe does not have to be emptied or shut down for installation or removal of the probe. Install the sensor head transversely against the direction of the process flow.
6 class protection, always
ter housing with the cable bushings pointing
protect the sensors.
is damaged,
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 17
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
The following letters and numbers refer to Figure 3: A = Mounting with larger mounting plate (mount from flanges)
B = Mounting with smaller mounting plate (remove the transmitter and mount using the holes in mounting plate base)
1 = Two Allen screws for fastening or removing the transmitter module (Allen key provided)
2 = Four screw holes (Ø 4.5 mm) for wall mounting (screws not provided)
3 = Two screw holes (Ø 6.0 mm) on the base of the plate for wall mounting (screws not provided)

Mounting the Transmitter/Removing the Transmitter Unit

Select a place with stable conditions for mounting the transmitter. Do not expose the transmitter to direct sunlight or rain. Always mount the transmitter housing with the cable bushings pointing downwards.
If the transmitter is mounted outdoors, cover it with a shelter (purchased by customer). A rain shield designed for MMT310 is available as an optional accessory. For information on ordering accessories, see section Spare Parts and Accessories on page 69.
1. Mount the plate onto the wall with four/two screws (Ø 4.5 mm/6.0 mm).
2. Place the transmitter onto the mounting plate and fasten it with two Allen screws.
The transmitter module can be unfastened for calibration by releasing the two Allen screws on the left side.
Figure 3 Mounting with Mounting Plates
18 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
It is recommended that plug to transmitter during installation or service/calibration.
Vaisala does not recommend installing the transmitter outdoors with the smaller with flanges for outdoor installations.
The following numbers refer to Figure 4 above:
1 = Transmitter’s larger mounting plate: attaches to rain shield from flanges with four Ø 4.5 mm screws (not provided).
2 = Rain shield: Four Ø 8.5 mm holes for (U-bolt) mounting. The maximum diameter of the pole in U-bolt mounting is 60 mm.
3 = Rain shield: Four Ø 4.5 mm screw holes for mounting.
the supply is switched off before connecting the cable

Mounting the Transmitter with Optional Rain Shield

If you mount MMT310 outdoors, use a shelter to protect the transmitter. An MMT310 rain shield is available from Vaisala as an optional accessory (order code ASM211103).
mounting plate (without flanges). Use the larger mounting plate

Mounting the Rain Shield with Larger Transmitter Mounting Plate

Figure 4 Rain Shield with Large Mounting Plate
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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
The following numbers refer to Figure 5 above: 1 = Clasp nut; 24 mm hex nut
2 = Fitting body; 27 mm hex head
You can mount the rain shield and transmitter directly to a wall with screws through both the mounting plate and the rain shield, or attach the transmitter mounting plate to the rain shield and use for example U-bolt mounting depending on the requirements of the installation site.
For rain shield measurements, see section Rain Shield Dimensions on page 71.

Mounting the MMT318

Do not unsolder and then again resolder the sensor head cable from and to the printed board during installation; this procedure may alter the humidity calibration of the transmitter.

Mounting for Pressurized Pipelines/Oils

Due to the sliding fit, MMT318 is easy to install into and remove from the pressurized process. The probe is especially suitable for measurements in pipelines.
Figure 5 MMT318 Probe
20 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Pipe Dimension
Adjustment Range
178 mm
120 mm
400 mm
340 mm
The following two fitting body options are available:
- Fitting Body ISO1/2 solid structure (DRW212076SP)
- Fitting Body NPT1/2 solid structure (NPTFITBODASP)
Table 4 MMT318 Pipe Dimensions
Use teflon tape or thread sealant to seal the connection between the fitting body and the process/ball valve.
Figure 6 Sealing of Fitting Body into Process
Tightening the Clasp Nut
1. Adjust the probe to a suitable depth according to the type of
2. Tighten the clasp nut first manually.
3. Mark the fitting screw and the clasp nut.
4. Tighten the nut a further 50 - 60º (ca. 1/6 turn) with a wrench. If
you have suitable torque wrench, tighten the nut to max 45 ± 5 Nm (33 ± 4 ft-lbs).
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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
The following numbers refer to Figure 7: 1 = Probe
2 = Clasp nut
3 = Fitting screw
4 = Pen (for marking)
Figure 7 Tightening the Clasp Nut
Take care not to overtighten the clasp nut to avoid difficulties when opening it.
Take care not to damage the probe body. A damaged body makes the probe less tight and may prevent it from going through the clasp nut.
In pressurized processes it is essential to tighten the supporting nuts and screws very carefully to prevent loosening of the probe by the action of pressure.
When the probe is used in a pressurized process the sensor head should preferably be installed through a ball valve assembly. See section Ball Valve Installation Kit for MMT318 for more information on the optional ball valve installation kit.
22 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
The following numbers refer to Figure 8 above: 1 = Manual press tool
2 = Handle of the ball valve
3 = Probe
4 = Process chamber or pipeline
5 = Groove on the probe indicates the upper adjustment limit
6 = Filter
7 = Ball of the ball valve
8 = Fitting screw

Ball Valve Installation Kit for MMT318

The optional ball valve installation kit (Vaisala order code: BALLVALVE-1) is preferred when connecting the probe to a pressurized process or pipeline. Use the ball valve set or a 1/2" ball valve assembly with a ball hole of Ø14 mm or more.
If you install the sensor head (Ø 12 mm) in a process pipe, please note that the nominal size of the pipe must be at least 1 inch (2.54 cm). Use a manual press handle to press the sensor head into the pressurized (< 10 bar) process or pipeline.
Figure 8 MMT318 Ball Valve Assembly Installation
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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
The probe can be installed assembly provided that the process pressure is less than 10 bars. This way, the process does not have to be shut down when installing or removing the probe. However, if the process is shut down before removing the prob
When measuring temperature dependent quantities make sure that the temperature at the measurement point is equal to that of the process, otherwise the moisture reading may be incorrect.
in the process through the ball valve
e, the process pressure can be max. 20 bars.
Follow the steps below to install the MMT318 probe through a ball valve assembly. After the installation, the probe should be sitting in the process chamber or pipeline as shown in Figure 8 on page 23.
1. Shut down the process if the process pressure is more than 10 bars. If the pressure is lower there is no need to shut down the process.
2. Close the ball valve.
3. Seal the threads on the fitting body; refer to Figure 6 Sealing of Fitting Body into Process on page 21.
4. Attach the fitting body to the ball valve and tighten it.
5. Slide the clasp nut of the probe toward the filter, as far as it will go.
6. Insert the probe to the fitting body, and manually tighten the clasp nut to the fitting body.
7. Open the ball valve.
8. Push the probe through the ball valve assembly into the process. If the pressure is high, use the pressing handle that is provided with the probe. If you push the probe hard without using the handle, you may damage the cable.
Note that the probe must be pushed to a depth where the filter is completely inside the process flow.
9. Mark the fitting screw and the clasp nut.
10. Tighten the clasp nut with an open-end wrench a further 50 ... 60º (ca. 1/6 turn). If you have a suitable torque wrench, tighten the nut to max 45 ± 5 Nm (33 ± 4 ft-lbs). Refer to Figure 7 on page 22.
Take care not to tighten the clasp nut more than 60° to avoid difficulties when opening it.
24 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
The following numbers refer to Figure 9 above: 1 = Male pipe weld connector Swagelok 1/4"
2 = G1/2"
Do not unsolder and then again resolder the sensor head cable from and to the printed board during installation; this procedure may alter the calibration of the transmitter.
If you wish to remove the probe from the process, note that you have to pull the probe out far enough. You cannot close the valve if the groove on the probe body is not visible.

Sampling Cell for MMT318

It may be necessary to use a sampling cell if the MMT318 probe cannot be installed directly into the process pipe, for example, if the pipe is too small for the probe. Using a bypass sampling line may be feasible in these cases. Sampling Cell with Swagelok Connectors (Vaisala order code: DMT242SC2) is available as an optional accessory.
Figure 9 Sampling Cell DMT242SC2

Mounting the MMT317

The MMT317 uses a small pressure-tight probe and is ideal for tight spaces with threaded connection. The small probe is installed using the threaded fitting bodies as instructed in this section.
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+ 56 hidden pages