Vaisala MM70 User Manual



Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held
Moisture and Temperature in Oil Mete
North America
PUBLISHED BY Vaisala Oyj Phone (int.): +358 9 8949 1
P.O. Box 26 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227 FIN-00421 Helsinki Finland
Visit our Internet pages at
© Vaisala 2007 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be communicated to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder.
The contents are subject to change without prior notice.
Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally binding commitments and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale.
Table of Contents
GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................5
About This Manual...................................................................5
Product Related Safety Precautions...................................... 5
ESD Protection.........................................................................5
Recycling ..................................................................................6
Trademarks............................................................................... 6
License Agreement..................................................................6
PRODUCT OVERVIEW AND MECHANICS.................................................. 9
Vaisala´s Hand-held MM70 Device .........................................9
Structure of the MI70 Indicator............................................ 10
Structure of the MMP78 Probe............................................11
Display Parameters................................................................12
INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING OPTIONS.............................................13
Installing and Recharging the Batteries .............................. 13
Turning On the Device...........................................................13
Installing the Probe................................................................14
Mounting the Probe for Pressurized Pipelines/Oils ...........14
Tightening the Clasp Nut.....................................................15
Ball Valve Installation ............................................................ 17
Mounting the Probe for Direct Measurement
(No Pressure)..........................................................................19
MENU OPERATIONS AND SETTINGS.......................................................21
Function Keys and Menu Structure......................................21
Navigating in Menu .............................................................21
Basic Display....................................................................... 22
Graphical Display................................................................23
Main Menu...........................................................................23
Settings ................................................................................... 24
Display Settings ..................................................................24
Quantities and Units............................................................24
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Hold/Save Display...............................................................25
Graphic History....................................................................25
User Interface Settings........................................................26
Selecting Language.............................................................27
Automatic Power Off............................................................27
Changing the Shorcut Keys.................................................28
Turning Key Click and Backlight On/Off..............................28
Setting Date and Time.........................................................28
Device Information...............................................................29
Restoring Factory Settings..................................................30
Other Functions......................................................................30
Setting the Alarm Levels .....................................................30
Selecting and Scaling the Analog Output............................32
Taking Measurements............................................................33
Measuring Other Parameters Simultaneously.....................33
Recording Data.......................................................................34
Stopping Recording.............................................................35
Viewing Recorded Data.......................................................36
Checking the Memory Status..............................................36
Deleting All Recorded Files.................................................36
Transferring Recorded Data to PC......................................37
CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENT...........................................................39
General Notes about Calibration and Adjustment of
Using MM70 in Checking and Adjusting .............................39
Using Calibration Cables.....................................................39
Calibration and Adjustment of HMP228 Series Transmitters Relative Humidity Adjustment by Using a Calibrated Referenc 1-point Relative Humidity Adjustment by Using a Calibrator 2-point Relative Humidity Adjustment by Using a Calibrator
Calibration and Adjustment of MMT318 Transmitters.........43
Field Checking and Adjustment by Using a Calibrated
Reference Probe .................................................................43
1-point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator............................44
2-point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator............................45
Calibration and Adjustment of MMT330 Transmitters.........46
Field Checking and Adjustment by Using a Calibrated
Reference Probe .................................................................46
1-point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator............................47
2-point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator............................48
Calibration and Adjustment of MM70 Series Probes..........49
General about Calibrations..................................................49
Preparations before the Calibration.....................................49
Relative Humidity Adjustment .............................................49
Li-Cl-NaCl Automatic Adjustment........................................49
e Probe .................................................................41
2 ___________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
2-point Adjustment..............................................................50
1-point Adjustment..............................................................51
Temperature Adjustment.....................................................51
1-point Adjustment..............................................................52
2-point Adjustment..............................................................52
Last Adjustment Date..........................................................53
Error Messages ......................................................................53
Error Message Types..........................................................53
MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................... 55
Changing the Filter and Sensor............................................55
Cleaning the Sensor...............................................................55
Changing the Battery.............................................................56
Vaisala Service Centers......................................................... 57
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................59
Measured Variables................................................................59
Water Activity aw..................................................................59
MMP78 Probe.....................................................................60
MI70 Indicator .....................................................................60
Battery Pack........................................................................61
General Facts about the MM70 Hand-held Humidity and
Temperature Meter .............................................................61
Electromagnetic Compatibility.............................................61
Options and Accessories Available.....................................62
Dimensions in mm (inches) ..................................................63
List of Figures
Figure 1 MI Indicator...............................................................................10
Figure 2 MMP78 Probe ..........................................................................11
Figure 3 Protecting Cap and Plastic Wrench ......................................... 11
Figure 4 MMP78 Pipe Dimensions (in mm); 400 mm (adjustment range
340 mm) ...................................................................................15
Figure 5 Tightening Clasp Nut................................................................ 16
Figure 6 Sealing Thread Cutting for the Fitting Body............................. 17
Figure 7 Ball Valve Installation...............................................................18
Figure 8 Direct Mounting........................................................................19
Figure 9 Keypad ..................................................................................... 21
Figure 10 Basic Display............................................................................22
Figure 11 Display Setting Menus..............................................................24
Figure 12 User Interface Setting Menus...................................................26
Figure 13 Device Information Setting Menus...........................................29
Figure 14 Device Information Submenus................................................. 30
Figure 15 Alarm Function Menus .............................................................30
Figure 16 Analog Output Menus...............................................................32
Figure 17 Record and View Menu............................................................34
Figure 18 Adjustment Mode .....................................................................41
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Figure 19
Figure 20 MI70 Indicator...........................................................................63
Figure 21 MMP78 Probe...........................................................................64
Installing the Battery Pack........................................................56
List of Tables
Table 1 Measurement Intervals and Max. Recording Times.................35
Table 2 List of Options and Accessories...............................................62
4 ___________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 1 __________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION


About This Manual

This manual provides information for installing, operating, and maintaining the product.

Product Related Safety Precautions

The MM70 delivered to you has been tested for safety and approved as shipped from the factory. Note the following precautions:
Ground the product, and verify outdoor installation grounding periodically to minimize shock hazard.
Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can damage the product or lead to malfunction.

ESD Protection

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent damage to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are adequately protected against ESD for their intended use. However, it is possible to damage the product by delivering electrostatic discharges when touching, removing, or inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.
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To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages yourself:
- Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly grounded and protected ESD workbench. When this is not possible, ground yourself with a wrist strap and a resistive connection cord to the equipment chassis before touching the boards. When neither of the above is possible, at least touch a conductive part of the equipment chassis with your other hand before touching the boards.
- Always hold the boards by the edges and avoid touching the component contacts.



Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows NT®, and Windows® 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

License Agreement

All rights to any software are held by Vaisala or third parties. The customer is allowed to use the software only to the extent that is provided by the applicable supply contract or Software License Agreement.
6 ___________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 1 __________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION


Vaisala hereby represents and warrants all Products manufactured by Vaisala and sold hereunder to be free from defects in workmanship or material during a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery save for products for which a special warranty is given. If any Product proves however to be defective in workmanship or material within the period herein provided Vaisala undertakes to the exclusion of any other remedy to repair or at its own option replace the defective Product or part thereof free of charge and otherwise on the same conditions as for the original Product or part without extension to original warranty time. Defective parts replaced in accordance with this clause shall be placed at the disposal of Vaisala.
Vaisala also warrants the quality of all repair and servi
ce works performed by its employees to products sold by it. In case the repair or service works should appear inadequate or faulty and should this cause malfunction or nonfunction of the product to which the service was performed Vaisala shall at its free option either repair or have repaired or replace the product in question. The working hours used by employees of Vaisala for such repair or replacement shall be free of charge to the client. This service warranty shall be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date the service measures were completed.
This warranty does not however apply when the
has been caused through
a) normal wear and tear or accident;
b) misuse or other unsuitable or unauthorized use
the Product or negligence or error in storing, maintaining or in handling the Product or any equipment thereof;
c) wrong installation or assembly or failure to
service the Vaisala's service instructions including any repairs or installation or assembly or service made by unauthorized personnel not approved by Vaisala or replacements with parts not manufactured or supplied by Vaisala;
d) modifications or changes of the Product as well
as an
y adding to it without Vaisala's prior
e) other factors depending on the Customer or a
ird party.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid Vaisala's liability
nder this clause shall not apply to any defects
u arising out of materials, designs or instructions provided by the Customer.
Product or otherwise follow
This warranty is however subject to following
a) A substantiated written claim as to any alleged
s shall have been received by Vaisala
defect within thirty (30) days after the defect or fault became known or occurred, and
b) The allegedly defective Product or part shall,
d Vaisala so require, be sent to the works of Vaisala or to such other place as Vaisala may indicate in writing, freight and insurance prepaid and properly packed and labelled, unless Vaisala agrees to inspect and repair the Product or replace it on site.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of and excludes all o
ther conditions, warranties and liabilities, express or implied, whether under law, statute or otherwise, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and all other obligations and liabilities of Vaisala or its representatives with respect to any defect or deficiency applicable to or resulting directly or indirectly from the Products supplied hereunder, which obligations and liabilities are hereby expressly cancelled and waived. Vaisala's liability shall under no circumstances exceed the invoice price of any Product for which a warranty claim is made, nor shall Vaisala in any circumstances be liable for lost profits or other consequential loss whether direct or indirect or for special damages.
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8 ___________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 2 _____________________________________ PRODUCT OVERVIEW AND MECHANICS


Vaisala´s Hand-held MM70 Device

MM70 consists of two main units: MI70 indicator and MMP78 probe. MM70 Hand-held humidity meter incorporates Vaisala's advanced HUMICAP technology which enables reliable and high performance moisture in oil measurement.
Vaisala MM70 is delivered with a factory calibration certificate.
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Structure of the MI70 Indicator

Figure 1 MI Indicator
The following numbers refer to Figure 1 on page 10. 1 = MI70 indicator 2 = Recharger connector 3 = Power On/Off key 4 = Connector port for cable 5 = Connector port for probe
10 __________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 2 _____________________________________ PRODUCT OVERVIEW AND MECHANICS

Structure of the MMP78 Probe

Figure 2 MMP78 Probe
The following numbers refer to Figure 2 on page 11. 1 = Probe MMP78. Rugged probe with a long stainless steel
shaft. 2 = Probe filter 3 = Calibration button under the screw 4 = Manual press tool 5 = Clasp nut 6 = Fitting body


Figure 3 Protecting Cap and Plastic Wrench
The following numbers refer to Figure 3 on page 11: 1 = Protecting cap (including plastic wire for attaching the cap to
the probe) 2 = Plastic wrench
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Display Parameters

- aw: water activity
- T: temperature (°C/F)


- carrying case for the indicator and the probe
- connection cables for the fixed transmitters: HMP228, MMT318, and MMT330.
- MI70 Link software kit. The software can be used for transferring recorded data to a PC using a serial line or a USB instrument cable. The MM70 readings can be easily monitored and examined direcly in a Windows environment on a PC display. The data can even be transferred further to a spreadsheet software (such as Microsoft Excel) for modification. The MI70 Link Software can be ordered from Vaisala. For more information, see section Options and Accessories Available on page 62.
- extension cable (10m)
12 __________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 3 ____________________________________ INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING OPTIONS


Installing and Recharging the Batteries

1. If you are using alkaline batteries, unscrew the back plate of the indicator and insert the alkalines. If MM70 is ordered with rechargeable battery, it is already in place as shipped from the factory.
2. Recharge the battery as follows: Plug in charger connector to the indicator. The plug is located at the top of the indicator, covered by rubber seal. Then connect the charger to wall socket. A battery symbol in the left corner of the display starts to roll.
3. It is not recommended to use MM70 during the first recharging. Later on MM70 can be used while recharging.
4. Duration of recharging depends on the charge level of the battery being 4 hours typical. The recommended first recharging time is 6 hours.
5. The battery is full when the battery symbol stops rolling.
6. Disconnect the charger.

Turning On the Device

1. Connect the probe to either one of the bottom connectors of the indicator. To ensure durable connection, screw the metal ring clockwise until it tightens up. (Respectively, when disconnecting the cable, first screw the metal ring counterclockwise until it loosens and then pull out the plug.)
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2. Press the power on/off key.
3. Select the language by using the arrow up/down keys. Confirm
by pressing the SELECT key. You can select the language later on, as well. For more information, see Selecting Language on page 27.
4. To change the date, select Date and press the SET key. Change
the date by using any of the arrow keys: up/down/left/right. To confirm the date, press the OK key. The default date presentation format is: year-month-date. If you want to change the format, see Setting Date and Time on page 28.
5. To change the time, select Time and press the SET key. Change
the time by using any of the arrow keys. To confirm the time, press the OK key. The default time presentation format is 24­hour clock. If you want to use 12-hour clock, select 12-hour clock, and press the On key.
6. Press the EXIT key. To check and change the pressure setting, select YES. Otherwise select NO, basic display appears.

Installing the Probe

First select a place for the probe that simulates real conditions of the process. Oil should circulate freely around the sensor; a rapid oil flow is recommended. Install the probe directly into the circulation system and not into the oil reservoir because of deposition.It is recommended that the sensor head is installed directly in the process through the ball valve assembly. When the ball valve assembly is used, the pipe does not have to be emptied or shut down for installation or removal of the probe. Install the sensor head transversely against the direction of the process flow. Avoid installing into a bend in the pipe.
Take care not to damage the pipe of the probe. If the pipe is damaged, the probe head is less tight and will not go through the clasp nut. Make sure that the filter is tightly fastened to protect the sensors..

Mounting the Probe for Pressurized Pipelines/Oils

Due to the sliding fit, the MMP78 is easy to install into and remove from the pressurized process. The probe is especially suitable for the
14 __________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 3 ____________________________________ INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING OPTIONS
measurements in pipelines. The maximum installation pressure is 10 bar and the maximum operation pressure is 20 bar.
Figure 4 MMP78 Pipe Dimensions (in mm); 400 mm
(adjustment range 340 mm)
The following numbers refer to Figure 4 on page 15. 1 = Clasp nut, 27 mm hex nut) 2 = Fitting body, 24 mm hex head

Tightening the Clasp Nut

1. Adjust the probe to a suitable depth according to the type of
installation and tighten the clasp nut first manually.
2. Tighten the clasp nut first manually. Mark the fitting screw and
the clasp nut. Tighten the nut a further 30 - 40° (ca.1/12" turn) with a plastic wrench. If you have a suitable torque spanner, tighten the nut to max 35±5 Nm (25±4 ft-lbs).
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Figure 5 Tightening Clasp Nut
The following numbers refer to Figure 5 on page 16 above 1 = Probe 2 = Clasp nut 3 = Fitting screw 4 = Pen
Take care not to over tighten the clasp nut to avoid difficulties when opening it.
When the probe is used in a pressurized processes the sensor head should preferebly be installed through a ball valve assembly.
16 __________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 3 ____________________________________ INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING OPTIONS
Figure 6 Sealing Thread Cutting for the Fitting Body
In pressurized processed it is essential to tighten the supporting nuts and screws very carefully to prevent loosening of the probe by the action of pressure
Take care not to damage the probe body. A damaged body makes the probe head less tight and may prevent it from going through the clasp nut.

Ball Valve Installation

The ball valve installation is preferred when connecting the probe to a pressurized process or pipeline. Use the Vaisala BALLVALVE-1 ball valve set or a 1/2" ball valve assembly with a ball hole of 14 mm or more. If you install the sensor head ( 12 mm) in a process pipe, please note that the nominal size of the pipe must be at least 1 inch (2.54 cm). Use the manual press tool to press the sensor head into the pressurized (< 10 bar) process or pipeline.
1. Shut down the process if the process pressure is more than 10
bars. If the pressure is lower there is no need to shut down the process.
2. Make the installation according to the figure below. Install the
sensor head transversely against the direction of the process flow.
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3. Make sure that the temperature at the measurement point is equal to that of the process, otherwise the moisture reading may be incorrect.
Figure 7 Ball Valve Installation
The following numbes refer to Figure 7 on page 18 above. 1 = Probe 2 = Clasp nut. The probe slides easily in place when you first fix
the clasp nut manually. Then complete the installation and make it stable by tightening the clasp nut with a plastic
wrench. Do not overtighten the screw. 3 = Handle of the ball valve 4 = Process chamber/pipeline 5 = Manual press tool 6 = The groove on the probe indicates the upper adjustment limit 7 = Ball of the ball valve
18 __________________________________________________________________ M210878EN-A
Chapter 3 ____________________________________ INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING OPTIONS
The probe can be installed in the process through the ball valve assembly provided that the process pressure is less than 10 bars. This way, the process does not have to be shut down for installing or removing the probe. However, if the process is shut down before removing the probe, the process pressure can be max. 20 bars.

Mounting the Probe for Direct Measurement (No Pressure)

1. Lift up the clasp nut, see picture below.
2. Install the probe into measuring position. When stopping the measurement, pull down the clasp nut to clean the probe or just wipe the probe with soft cloth.
Figure 8 Direct Mounting
The following numbers refer to Figure 8 on page 19 above: 1 = Lift up the clasp nut 2 = Pull down to clean the probe
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