MITRAS Transmissometer
Reliable RVR with MITRAS Transmissometer
Accurate RVR measurement reduces airport down­time and improves safety and reliability of operations. The MITRAS Transmissometer system provides You with correct visibility data without breaks.
Vaisala’s MITRAS is a well­proven solution to Runway Visual Range assessment. The system has been in operational use since 1986 and has demons­trated excellent performance in international intercomparisons. MITRAS provides many operat­ional and reliability benefits:
• Conformance to all ICAO and WMO requirements for RVR and Meteorological Optical Range (MOR)
• Fully automatic operation with excellent accuracy and stability
• Unique contamination detect­ion and compensation
• Double baseline for CAT IIIB by means of two different beams from one transmitter
• Extensive built-in monitoring to verify performance and to generate warnings before failures actually occur
• Verified operation in all weather conditions
The standard MITRAS Trans­missometer consists of a light transmitter and a light receiver installed at a suitable distance from each other. MITRAS meas­ures transmission of white light over the baseline path and con­verts the measurement value to the corresponding MOR value. The transmittance measurement resolution of MITRAS is better than 0.1 % and the measurement accuracy is better than 1 %.
Vaisala’s LM11 Background Luminance Meter can be con­nected to a MITRAS transmitter unit. The luminance sensor is interfaced to the MITRAS pro­cessor unit and it shares the same communication line with the transmissometer.
MITRAS communicates the measurement results to a host system via a modem line. RVR calculations are carried out by a dedicated RVR computer or an integrated airport weather observation system and the results are sent to various displays.
Contamination of the optical windows with time is inevitable and it can have a significant impact on RVR accuracy. MIT­RAS measures the window con­tamination and automatically compensates for the loss in measured transmittance. When
The visibility measurement ranges achieved by single and double baseline MITRAS systems are shown below. The baseline of MITRAS can be freely selected between 10 ... 200 m.
Baseline MOR range RVR range*)
35 m 25 ... 1500 m 100 ... 1500 m 50 m 40 ... 2000 m 150 ... 2000 m 75 m 50 ... 3000 m 200 ... 3000 m 100 m 70 ... 5000 m 300 ... 5000 m 200 m 150 ... 10 000 m 500 ... 10 000 m
*) The actual RVR range is dependent on runway lighting. The values shown are based on usual lighting arrangements.
Baseline MOR range RVR range*)
10 and 75 m 7 ... 3000 m 40 ... 3000 m 10 and 200 m 7 ... 10 000 m 40 ... 10 000 m
(Double baseline is required in CAT IIIB operating category.)
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