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communicated to a third par ty withou t pri o r writ ten perm iss i on of the
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The contents are subject to change without prior notice.
Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding
obligations for Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally
binding commitments and agre ements are included exclusively in the
applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale.
Chapter 1 ___________________________________________ General Information
This chapter provides general notes for the manual and the
About This Manual
This manual provides information for operating, and
maintaining Vaisala Humidity Calibrator HMK15.
General Safety Considerations
Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are
highlighted as follows:
Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read
and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is
a risk of injury or eve n death.
Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read
and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product
could be damaged or im porta nt da ta cou ld be lost.
Vaisala Customer Documentation T eam welcomes your
comments and s uggestions on t he quality and usefulness of
this publication. If you find errors or have other suggestions
for improvement, please indicate the chapter, section, and
page number. You can send comments to us by e-mail:
Product Related Safety Precautions
Note the following precautions:
Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can damage
the product o r lead to malfunct ion.
Remember to check fr om the user's guide of y our device if
the adapter fitti ng is needed. If sensor accidently soaks in
salt liquid, remove it quickly and rinse with clean water.
Let it dry before taking into use again.
Never add water to dry LiCl salt; the salt may heat up so
rapidly that it splashes out of the chamber.
LiCl is harmful w hen swallowed; the solution is also
Vaisala hereby represents and warrants all Products
manufactured by Vaisala and sold hereunder to be
free from defects in workmanship or material
during a period of twelve (12) months from the date
of delivery save for products for which a special
warranty is gi ven. If any Product p ro ve s ho we ve r to
be defective in workmanship or material within the
period herein provided Vaisala undertakes to the
exclusion of any other remedy to repair or at its
own option replace the defective Product or part
thereof free of charge and otherwise on the same
conditions as for the original Product or part
without extension to original warranty time.
Defective parts replaced in accordance with this
clause shall be placed at the disposal of Vaisala.
Vaisala also warrants the quality of all repair and
service works performed by its employees to
products sold by it. In case the repair or service
works should appear inadequate or faulty and
should this cause malfunction or nonfunction of the
product to which the service was performed Vaisala
shall at its free option either repair or have repaired
or replace the product in question. The working
hours used by employees of Vaisala for such repair
or replacement shall be free of charge to the client.
This service warranty shall be valid for a period of
six (6) mont hs from the date the service measure s
were completed.
This warranty does not however apply when the
defect has been caused through
a) normal wear and tear or accident;
b) misu se or other unsuitable o r unauthorized use
of the Product or negligence or error in storing,
maintaining or in handling the Product or any
equipment thereof;
c) wrong installation or assembly or failure to
service the Product or otherwise follow
Vaisala's service instructions including any
repairs or installation or assembly or service
made by unauthorized personnel not approved
by Vaisala or replacements with parts not
manufactured or supplied by Vaisala;
d) modifications or changes of the Product as well
as any adding to it without Vaisala's prior
e) other factors depending on the Customer or a
third party.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid Vaisala's liability
under this clause shall not apply to any defects
arising out of materials, designs or instructions
provided by the Customer.
This warranty is however subject to following
a) A substantiated written claim as to any alleged
defects shall have been received by Vaisala
within thirty (30) days after the defect or fault
became known or occurred, and
b) The allegedly defective Product or part shall,
should Vaisala so require, be sent to the works
of Vaisala or to such other place as Vaisala may
indicate in writing, freight and insurance
prepaid and properly packed and labelled,
unless Vaisala agrees to inspect and repair the
Product or replace it on site.
This warrant y is expressly in lieu of and excludes
all other conditions, warranties and liabilities,
express or implied, whether under law, statute or
otherwise, including without li mitation any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose and all other obligations and
liabilities of Vaisala or its representatives with
respect to any defect or deficiency applicable to or
resulting directly or indirectly from the Products
supplied hereunder, which obligations and
liabilities are hereby expressly cancelled and
waived. Vaisala's liability shall under no
circumstances exceed the invoice price of any
Product for which a warranty claim is made, nor
shall Vaisala in any circumstances be liable for lost
profits or other consequential loss whether direct or
indirect or for special damages.
The HMK15 humidity calibrator has been developed for
calibration and checking of humidity probes and
transmitters. The functioning of the calibrator is based on
the fact that certain salt solutions generate a certain relative
humidity in the air above them.
The four holes in the chamber cover are designed for
Vaisala probe s and transmitters with 12 mm , 13.5 mm (2
holes) and 18.5 mm diameters.
The salt solutions suitable for the HMK15 calibrator are for
example lithium chloride LiCl (11 %RH), magnesium
chloride MgCl
and potassium sulphate K
In calibration, the sensor head is inserted into a salt chamber
containing a saturated salt solution. The probe/transmitter
reading is then adjusted to the correct value, that is to the
humidity that the specific salt solution generates at that
particular temperature.
Calibration is usually performed at least at two different
humidities to ensure the sensor accuracy over the entire
humidity range (0 … 100 %RH).
The HMK15 calibrator is suitable for both laboratory and
field usage. Du ring transportation, the chambers can be
tightly closed with specially designed transit covers. The
optional transit bag (order code HM27032) helps to
transport the calibrator in the vertical position. F urthermore,
the bag can be used for housing the calibrator also during
The following photo shows the HMK15 calibrator with
some accessories (marked with *):
Figure 1 The HMK15 calibrator with some
accessories (*)
The following numbers refer to Figure 1 above:
1 =
Salt chamber
2 = Thermometer
3 = Adapter fitting
4 = Plugs
5 = Base plate
7 = Calibration certificate for thermometer
8 = * Ion-exchanged water
9 = Measurement cup
10 = Measurement spoon
Accessories include additional salt chambers, ion exchanged
water, transit ba g and ready-dosed salt packages (LiCl
11 %RH, MgCl
33 %RH, NaCl 75 %RH, K2SO4 97 %RH).
Salt Package Calibration
Vaisala's ready-dosed salt packages are delivered with
calibration certificates given on the basis of a batch check.
In other words, a sample of packages are taken from a batch
and salts are prepared according to the instructions given in
this manual. These salt solutions are then checked at Vaisala
Oy's Measurement St andards Laboratory (this calibration
laboratory is accredited by FINAS, a member of the
European Cooperation for Accreditation of Laboratorie s).
The calibration certificate certif ies th at the eq ui libr ium
humidities generated by these salt solutions correspond to
Greenspan's ca libration table within the specified accuracy