Vaisala HMD82M, HMW88M Technical Note

Technical Note
Adjustment of Relative Humidity and Temperature
HMD82M and HMW88M Transmitters
This document provides instructions for adjustment of relative humidity and temperature in Vaisala HMD82M and HMW88M humidity and temperature transmitters.
For the adjustment procedure, you will need the following:
USB service cable (order code ASM212800)
Computer with:
Windows operating system
Free USB port
(page 2).
Terminal application (for example PuTTy). See Connecting to HMD82M/HMW88M
(page 2).
Medium-size crosshead screwdriver (Pozidriv) for the screws on the cover
Small slotted screwdriver for the screw terminals
Using Service Port
The HMD82M and HMW88M transmitters have a serial interface on the component board for user adjustment. You can connect to it through the 4-pin M8 service port connector on the transmitter. Vaisala your PC.
oers an optional USB service cable (order code ASM212800) for connecting the transmitter to
The service port is intended for short-term use such as adjustment. For permanent installation, use the analog output.
PUBLISHED BY Vaisala Oyj Vanha Nurmijärventie 21 FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland Phone:+358 9 8949 1 © Vaisala 2018
All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. Any reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this document is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.
Technical Note M212167EN-A
If you have not used the HMD82M/HMW88M USB service cable before, install first the driver for the cable. See Taking USB Service Cable into Use (page 2).
Taking USB Service Cable into Use
Before taking the USB service cable into use, you must install the USB driver on your PC. The following instructions are for PCs with Windowsâ operating system.
1. Check that the USB service cable is not connected. Disconnect the cable if you have already connected it.
2. Download the driver from
3. Execute the USB driver installation program (setup.exe), and accept the installation defaults. The installation of the driver may take several minutes.
4. After the driver has been installed, connect the USB service cable to a USB port on your PC. Windows will detect the new device, and use the driver automatically.
5. The installation has reserved a COM port for the USB service cable. Remember to use the correct port in the settings of your terminal program. To check the reserved COM port number:
a. Open Control Panel from the Windowsâ Start menu. Search for "devices and printers" in
the Control Panel application. b. Locate the USB cable 'TTL232R-3V3' in the list of devices. c. Right-click to select Properties, then select Hardware. The COM port number is given in
brackets in the Properties dialog of the cable.
Connecting to HMD82M/HMW88M
The following steps describe how to connect to the HMD82M/HMW88M transmitter using a USB service cable and PuTTY terminal application for Windows (available for download at
For the default serial interface settings, see Table 1 (page 3).
Connecting the USB service cable to the transmitter may distort the readings from the analog outputs on the module component board due to ground loop.
1. Connect the USB cable between your PC and the service port of the transmitter.
2. Start the PuTTY application.
3. Select the Serial & USB settings category, and check that the correct COM port is selected in the Serial or USB line to connect to
4. Check that the other serial settings are correct for your connection, and change if necessary. Flow control should be set to None unless you have a reason to change it.
5. Select Open to open the connection window and start using the serial line.
If PuTTY is unable to open the serial port you selected, it will show you an error message instead. If this happens, restart PuTTY and check the settings.
HUM and T
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Technical Note M212167EN-A
6. You may need to adjust the Local echo setting in the Terminal category to see what you are typing on the serial line. To access the configuration screen while a session is running, click the right mouse button over the session window, and select Change Settings... from the pop-up menu.
Figure 1 PuTTY Terminal Application
Table 1 HMD82M and HMW88M Default Serial Interface Settings
Property Description / Value
Baud rate 19200
Parity None
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
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