Vaisala HMD60 Series, HMD65 User Manual

User Guide
HMD60 Series Humidity and Temperature
Transmitters for Ducts in HVAC
Vaisala Oyj Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland P.O. Box 26, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland +358 9 8949 1
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© Vaisala Oyj 2019
No part of this document may be reproduced, published or publicly displayed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be modified, translated, adapted, sold or disclosed to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Translated documents and translated portions of multilingual documents are based on the original English versions. In ambiguous cases, the English versions are applicable, not the translations.
The contents of this document are subject to change without prior notice.
Local rules and regulations may vary and they shall take precedence over the information contained in this document. Vaisala makes no representations on this document’s compliance with the local
rules and regulations applicable at any given time, and hereby disclaims any and all responsibilities related thereto.
This document does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards customers or end users. All legally binding obligations and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or the General Conditions of Sale and General Conditions of Service of Vaisala.
This product contains software developed by Vaisala or third parties. Use of the software is governed by license terms and conditions included in the applicable supply contract or, in the absence of separate license terms and conditions, by the General License Conditions of Vaisala Group.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. About This Document................................................................................... 3
1.1 Version Information..........................................................................................3
1.2 Related Manuals................................................................................................3
1.3 Documentation Conventions...........................................................................3
1.4 Trademarks........................................................................................................ 4
2. Product Overview........................................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction to HMD60 Series.........................................................................5
2.2 HMD65 Basic Features and Options...............................................................5
2.3 Available Parameters and Default Scaling.....................................................5
2.4 Connectivity to Vaisala Insight Software....................................................... 6
2.5 Transmitter Parts...............................................................................................7
2.5.1 Cable Gland and Conduit Options...........................................................8
2.5.2 Filter Options..............................................................................................8
2.5.3 Transmitter Board......................................................................................9
2.5.4 Trimmers................................................................................................... 10
2.5.5 DIP Switch Humidity Output Selection...................................................11
2.6 Filtering Factor.................................................................................................12
2.7 Environmental Compensation........................................................................12
3. Installation........................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Transmitter Dimensions..................................................................................13
3.2 Duct Mounting Overview................................................................................14
3.3 Installing into Duct.......................................................................................... 15
3.4 Wiring............................................................................................................... 16
4. Operating with Insight PC Software......................................................18
4.1 Vaisala Insight Software................................................................................. 18
4.2 Connecting to Insight Software.....................................................................18
4.3 Insight Main View............................................................................................ 19
4.3.1 Basic and Advanced User Modes..........................................................20
4.4 Configuring Analog Outputs with Insight...................................................20
4.4.1 Testing and Adjusting Analog Output Voltage (V) Level....................21
4.5 Configuring Minimum and Maximum RH and T Errors with Insight.........22
4.6 Changing Pressure Compensation Settings with Insight..........................24
4.7 Setting Filtering Factor with Insight............................................................ 25
5. Modbus and BACnet Communication..................................................26
5.1 Modbus and BACnet Overview.....................................................................26
5.2 Modbus and BACnet Configuration with Insight........................................ 27
5.2.1 Configuring Modbus Response Delay with Insight.............................28
5.2.2 Configuring BACnet with Insight...........................................................28
6. Operating with MI70 Indicator............................................................... 30
6.1 Overview of MI70 Support............................................................................30
6.1.1 MI70 Indicator Parts............................................................................... 30
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A
6.2 Connecting HMD60 to MI70 Indicator.......................................................... 31
6.3 Basic Display................................................................................................... 32
6.4 Graphical Display............................................................................................32
6.5 Main Menu....................................................................................................... 32
6.6 Holding and Saving the Display....................................................................33
6.7 Recording Data............................................................................................... 33
7. Calibration and Adjustment.....................................................................34
7.1 Calibration and Adjustment Overview........................................................ 34
7.2 Calibration and Adjustment Using Trimmers.............................................. 34
7.2.1 1-Point Adjustment Using Trimmers and Reference Calibrator.........35
7.2.2 Adjusting Output Using Trimmers and Reference
Transmitter (1-point adjustment).......................................................... 35
7.2.3 Resetting Trimmers Back to Zero..........................................................36
7.3 Calibration and Adjustment with Insight PC Software.............................. 37
7.3.1 2-Point Adjustment with Insight and Reference Calibrator...............38
7.3.2 1-Point Adjustment with Insight and Reference Transmitter............. 38
7.4 Calibration and Adjustment with MI70 Hand-Held Indicator...................40
7.4.1 1-Point Adjustment Using Reference Environment............................40
8. Maintenance....................................................................................................43
8.1 Cleaning........................................................................................................... 43
9. Technical Data............................................................................................... 44
9.1 Specifications................................................................................................. 44
9.2 Spare Parts and Accessories.........................................................................46
9.3 Transmitter Dimensions.................................................................................47
Appendix A:
Modbus Registers.................................................................. 48
A.1 Measurement Data Registers........................................................................48
A.2 Status Registers...............................................................................................51
A.3 Configuration Registers.................................................................................53
A.4 Communication Test Registers.....................................................................53
Appendix B:
BACnet Reference..................................................................54
B.1 BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement ................... 56
B.2 Device Object..................................................................................................59
B.3 Relative Humidity Object.............................................................................. 62
B.4 Temperature Object.......................................................................................64
B.5 Calculated Humidity Objects........................................................................ 67
B.6 Operation Pressure Object............................................................................69
B.7 BIBBs Supported............................................................................................ 70
B.8 Application Services Supported....................................................................71
Warranty............................................................................................................ 75
Technical Support............................................................................................ 75
Recycling........................................................................................................... 75
Chapter 1 – About This Document

1. About This Document

1.1 Version Information

Table 1 Document versions
Document Code Date Description
M212243EN-A April 2019 This manual. First version of the document.

1.2 Related Manuals

Table 2 Related Manuals
Document Code Description
M212264EN HMD65 Multilingual Quick Guide
M212016EN HMD62 and TMD62 User Guide
M212049EN HMD62 and TMD62 Multilingual Quick Guide

1.3 Documentation Conventions

instructions carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Tip gives information for using the product more eciently.
alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow
warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A

1.4 Trademarks

Vaisalaâ and HUMICAPâ are registered trademarks of Vaisala Oyj.
Windowsâ is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
All other product or company names that may be mentioned in this publication are trade names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Chapter 2 – Product Overview

2. Product Overview

2.1 Introduction to HMD60 Series

The duct mounted HMD60 HUMICAPâ Humidity and Temperature Transmitters are designed for monitoring humidity and temperature in demanding HVAC and light industrial applications. HMD60 series transmitters provide stable, reliable, and highly accurate (up to ±1.5 %RH and ±0.1 °C (0.18 °F)) measurements, and are resistant to chemicals and dust.
HMD60 series transmitter options include the HMD62 and TMD62 analog output transmitters with loop powered 4 … 20 mA current output, and the analog and digital output transmitter HMD65 with analog voltage output (0 … 10 V) and digital Modbus RTU and Bacnet output (RS-485).
Thanks to easy access to electronics also when the transmitter is installed to a duct,
configuration and adjustment can be carried out quickly and conveniently. Available configuration and adjustment interface options range from physical trimmers and DIP switches
on the transmitter's circuit board to Modbus, BACnet, and Vaisala Insight PC software for Windowsâ.

 HMD65 Basic Features and Options

• Humidity and temperature measurement:
• available humidity parameters: RH, Td, Tdf, A, X, Tw, H
• T measurement in °C or °F
• Analog output: 2 analog 0 … 10 V output channels for humidity and temperature measurements
• Digital output (RS-485): Modbus RTU and BACnet MS/TP
• Power supply input: 15 … 35 VDC / 16 … 24 VAC
Configuration and adjustment options:
• RH and T measurement field adjustment with trimmers
• Humidity output parameter selection and Modbus/BACnet serial setting configuration with DIP switches
Configuration and adjustment with Vaisala Insight PC software
Configuration with Modbus and BACnet
• Field adjustment with MI70 hand-held indicator

 Available Parameters and Default Scaling

HMD65 Measurement Parameters and Default Analog Output Scaling
Table 3 (page 6) shows the available output parameters and the default analog output
scaling of the parameters for HMD65.
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A
Table 3 HMD65 Measurement Parameters and Default Scaling
Parameter Default Scaling for 1 … 10 V Output Range
Relative humidity (RH) 0 … 100 %RH
Temperature (T) -20 ... +80 °C (-4 ... +176 °F)
Dew point temperature (Td) -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Dew point/frost point temperature (Tdf)
Absolute humidity (A)
Mixing ratio (X) 0 … 600 g/kg (0 … 4200 gr/lb)
Wet-bulb temperature (Tw) -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Enthalpy (H) -40 … 1600 kJ/kg (-9.5 ... 695.6 Btu/lb)
-40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
0 … 300 g/m3 (0 … 131.1 gr/ft3)
Changing Measurement Parameter Scaling
If your application requires an analog output scaling that diers from the defaults shown in
Table 3 (page 6), you can configure the scaling by connecting the transmitter to Vaisala Insight
PC software (requires Vaisala USB cable 219690).

 Connectivity to Vaisala Insight Software

The transmitter can be connected to Vaisala Insight software using a Vaisala USB cable (order code 219690). With the Insight software, you can:
• See device information and status.
• See real-time measurement.
Configure output parameters and scaling.
Configure serial communication settings.
More Information
Connecting to Insight Software (page 18)

2.5 Transmitter Parts

Chapter 2 – Product Overview
Figure 1 HMD65 Transmitter Parts Overview
Captive screw (2 pcs, cross-head) for attaching the lid of the transmitter.
1 2 Screw (2 pcs) for mounting the transmitter on the installation surface. 3 Transmitter lid. Open the captive screws of the lid to access input and output electronics. 4 Transmitter base. Contains the input and output connectors on the transmitter board: see
Transmitter Board (page 9). 5 Cable gland (M16 x 1.5 lead-through) for leading wires into the transmitter. 6 Alternative lead-through (M20 x 1.5) for wiring. 7 Probe body. Long (shown) and short probe options available: see Transmitter Dimensions
(page 13). 8 Probe filter (default option: AISI 316L stainless steel). 9 HUMICAPâ sensor inside the probe filter.
Do not touch the sensor element.CAUTION!
1 2
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A

2.5.1 Cable Gland and Conduit Options

HMD60 has 2 lead-throughs (M16x1.5 and M20x1.5) that can be used with a variety of cable gland and conduit options. Figure 2 (page 8) shows the cable gland and conduit options available from Vaisala.
Figure 2 HMD60 Cable Gland and Conduit Options
1 Cable Gland and O-ring M16 x 1.5
(Vaisala order code: 254280SP). This is the default option delivered with HMD60.
2 Conduit fitting and O-ring (M16x1.5 /
NPT1/2") (Vaisala order code: 210675SP).

2.5.2 Filter Options

Figure 3 (page 8) shows the filter options available for HMD60.
Figure 3 HMD60 Filter Options
Metal Grid with PTFE Membrane (Vaisala order code ASM212652SP). This is the default
option delivered with HMD60.
2 Sintered Filter (Vaisala order code HM46670SP).

2.5.3 Transmitter Board

Chapter 2 – Product Overview
Figure 4  HMD65 Transmitter Board: Service Port, DIP switches, Trimmers, and Screw Terminals
RS-485 termination (120 Ω resistor) ON/OFF switch.
1 2 RS-485 (Modbus/BACnet) screw terminals. 3 Power supply input (15 … 35 VDC or 16 … 24 VAC) screw terminals. 4 Service port for MI70 hand-held indicator and Insight PC software cable connection. 5 DIP switches for setting the HMD65 Modbus RTU or BACnet MS/TP MAC address. 6 DIP switches for selecting Modbus/BACnet communication bit rate and parity (Modbus
7 DIP switches for humidity output parameter selection. 8 DIP switch for selecting either Modbus or BACnet mode. 9 Trimmer for humidity measurement adjustment. 10 Screw terminals for humidity measurement output. 11 Screw terminals for temperature measurement output. 12 Trimmer for temperature measurement adjustment. 13 Indicator LEDs: flash when there is RS-485 transmit (TX) or receive (RX) activity.
More Information
Wiring (page 16) Modbus and BACnet Overview (page 26)
±0 %RH
−1 %RH
−2 %RH
−3 %RH
−4 %RH
−5 %RH
+1 %RH
+2 %RH
+3 %RH
+4 %RH
+5 %RH
±0 °C
−0.06 °C
−0.12 °C
−0.18 °C
−0.24 °C
−0.3 °C
+0.06 °C
+0.12 °C
+0.18 °C
+0.24 °C
+0.3 °C
RH: −5 %RH ... +5 %RH T: −0.3 °C ... +0.3 °C
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A

2.5.4 Trimmers

Figure 5 Component Board Adjustment Trimmer
1 Use a Phillips head screwdriver (PH0)
to rotate the RH or T adjustment trimmer. To increase the measurement output value, rotate the trimmer clockwise. To decrease, rotate counterclockwise. Note that there is a slight delay before the measurement output changes after rotating the trimmer.
You can adjust the transmitter's RH or T measurement output with the trimmers on the component board. During trimmer adjustment, the output of the transmitter is corrected using the trimmers until the output matches the known value of a reference.
Figure 6 RH and T Trimmer Adjustment Ranges (Indicative)
You can only calibrate the relative humidity measurement (RH) and temperature measurement (T). Other parameters (available for HMD62) are calculated internally based on RH and T. Check that the output selection DIP switch is set to RH when making adjustments with the physical trimmer; when using the Insight PC software, set all DIP switches to the OFF position.
restore the factory settings, always return the physical trimmer to the middle position before starting. When you make an adjustment with Insight, the
position in which the trimmer is at that point is set as the ±0 point.
If you use the Insight PC software to adjust the measurement or to

2.5.5 DIP Switch Humidity Output Selection

Chapter 2 – Product Overview
Figure 7 HMD65 DIP Switch Example: T Output Selected
RH Relative humidity Td Dew point temperature Tdf Dew point/frost point temperature A Absolute humidity X Mixing ratio Tw Wet-bulb temperature H Enthalpy
You can change the humidity parameter that is output on the RH channel of HMD65 with the DIP switches on the component board. Select the parameter you want the transmitter to output by sliding the parameter's DIP switch to the right (ON). In the example in Figure 7
(page 11), the selected output parameter is dew point/frost point temperature (Tdf). Keep the
other DIP switches in the OFF position (left).
The selected parameter uses the default scaling shown in Table 4 (page 11).
Table 4 HMD65 Default Parameter Scaling
Parameter Default Scaling for 0 … 10 V Output Range
RH 0 … 100 %RH
X 0 … 600 g/kg (0 … 4200 gr/lb)
H -40 … 1600 kJ/kg (-9.5 ... 695.6 Btu/lb)
-40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
-40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
0 … 300 g/m3 (0 … 131.1 gr/ft3)
-40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Note that the humidity output parameter selected with the DIP switches on the transmitter component board will be used instead of the parameter selected with Insight. When using Insight to configure the output, set all humidity parameter selection DIP switches on the transmitter component board to the OFF position (left) to ensure they do not cause a conflict with the Insight settings.
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A
If you use Insight to set both analog output channels to output T measurement, the humidity parameter DIP switches do not have an eect on the output.

2.6 Filtering Factor

If the measuring environment produces occasional exceptionally high or low readings that need to be averaged out in the output, you can apply a filtering factor to the RH or T output (filtering factor range: 0.001 … 1.000). The filtering factor defines the speed at which the latest measurement is integrated into the transmitter's output. By default, the filtering factor is set to
0.500, which means that the displayed output is a 50%+50% combination of the previous measurement and the most recent measurement. To show the latest measurement directly in the output, set the filtering factor to 1.000 (no filtering).
The following formula is used when calculating the output:
output = [(new (unfiltered) measurement × filtering factor) + (previous output × (1.0 - filtering factor))]
The filtering factor can be configured with the Insight PC software.
More Information
Setting Filtering Factor with Insight (page 25)

 Environmental Compensation

By default, the pressure value used in HMD65 measurement calculation is 1013.2 hPa. If the pressure of your measurement environment diers from this, you can configure the transmitter's pressure compensation value with the Insight PC software.
More Information
Changing Pressure Compensation Settings with Insight (page 24)

3. Installation

299 [11.77]
49 [1.92]
250 [9.84]
101 [3.97]
mm [in]
101 [3.97]
82 [3.23]
Ø 12 [0.47]
19.5 [0.77]
149 [5.87]
49 [1.92]
100 [3.94]
101 [3.97]
Ø 12 [0.47]
19.5 [0.77]

3.1 Transmitter Dimensions

The dimensions are given in millimeters and [inches].
Chapter 3 – Installation
Figure 8 Dimensions with Long and Short Probe
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A

3.2 Duct Mounting Overview

Figure 9 Duct Installation Overview
Make sure there is a minimum clearance of 5 m (16.5 ft) between the probe body and any
possible humidifier. Avoid installing in a location where condensation can fall on the sensor inside the duct.
2 When installing the transmitter, drill a second hole approximately 30 cm (12 in) from the
installation hole, towards the direction of the air flow, and plug it with a removable seal. This second hole is intended for later use in reference measurement with another device when calibrating or adjusting the transmitter.
3 Check that the duct diameter is suitable for the probe body (see Transmitter Dimensions
(page 13)). Ideally, the sensor (probe head) should be installed in the middle of the duct. 4 Maximum air flow speed: 50 m/s (with sintered filter). 5 Avoid installing the transmitter in dead legs. Supersaturation can occur in areas where
there is no air flow.
6 Do not install the probe in a downward angle. Condensation can travel to the sensor along
the probe body if the probe points down.
7 Install the probe in a 90° angle so that the sensor is placed as close to the middle of the
duct as possible.

3.3 Installing into Duct

2 x Ø 3.5 [0.14]
Ø 13 ... 15 [0.51 ... 0.59]
Ø 12 [0.47]
82 [3.23]
82 [3.23]
mm [in]
Ø 3.5 [0.14]
Ø 3.5 [0.14]
3.1 ... 3.4 Nm [2.3 ... 2.5 ft-lbs]
• Medium size crosshead screwdriver for mounting screws and lid screws.
• Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals.
• Drill with 3.5 mm (0.14 in) and 13 … 15 mm (0.51 … 0.59 in) bits for making the installation holes.
• Tools for cutting and stripping wires.
Chapter 3 – Installation
Figure 10 Drilling and Mounting Screws
1. Select an installation location for the transmitter on the duct surface and drill a Ø 13 … 15 mm (0.51 … 0.59 in) hole for inserting the probe.
2. Push the probe through the hole on the duct until the transmitter body meets the duct.
3. Attach the transmitter body to the duct with 2 Ø 3.5 mm (0.14 in) screws.
Check that the insulation ring sits tightly over the installation hole. If the duct has a negative pressure, external air can be drawn into the duct and aect the measurement if the installation hole is not sealed tightly.
4. Optional: Drill a second hole for reference measurements approximately 30 cm (12 in) from the transmitter installation hole. See Figure 9 (page 14).
5. Open the 2 captive screws on the transmitter body and remove the lid.
6. Attach the input/output wiring to the screw terminals on the transmitter component board. See Wiring (page 16). Tighten cable glands firmly after wiring.
7. Check that the DIP switches and trimmers are in the correct position. See Transmitter
Board (page 9) for more information on DIP switches and trimmers.
RS-485 + RS-485 - RSGND
(16 ... 24 VAC)
15 ...35 VDC
(16 ... 24 VAC)
15 ...35 VDC
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A
8. Close the transmitter lid and switch on the transmitter's power supply input.

3.4 Wiring

Figure 11 HMD65 Wiring Diagrams (Analog and Digital Output Options)
Chapter 3 – Installation
• Screw terminal wire size: 0.5 ... 2.5 mm
• Flat head screwdriver: 0.6×3.5 mm
Make sure that you prepare or connect only de-energized wires.WARNING!
Do not connect any wires to unused terminals (for example, if you are using only analog outputs, do not connect wires to the RS-485 terminals). Connecting unnecessary wires can increase the power consumption and cause heating.
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A

4. Operating with Insight PC Software

4.1 Vaisala Insight Software

Vaisala Insight software is a configuration software for Vaisala Indigo-compatible probes and transmitters. The supported operating systems are Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit), and Windows 10 (64-bit).
To ensure support for your HMD60 series transmitter, download the latest version of Insight at
With the Insight software, you can:
• See real-time measurements, device information and status.
Configure outputs and scaling.
• Calibrate and adjust the device.
HMD60 can be connected to Insight using a Vaisala USB cable (order code 219690).

 Connecting to Insight Software

Figure 12 Connecting Transmitter to Insight
1. Open the Insight software.
2. Connect the USB cable to a free USB port on the PC.
3. Connect the USB cable to the service port of the transmitter.
4. Wait for Insight software to detect the transmitter.
Chapter 4 – Operating with Insight PC Software

4.3 Insight Main View

Figure 13 Insight Main Menu and Settings
1 Select to access Insight main menu.
Configure Device: environmental compensation settings, analog output 1 and 2 settings, Modbus and BACnet configuration, filtering factor, error limits and general settings.
Export Settings: creates a text file export of the device settings.
Calibrate: options for calibrating and adjusting RH and T output, testing and adjusting voltage (V) output levels, and restoring factory adjustments.
Communication: contains a quick access selection for restarting the device.
Factory Default Settings: restores the transmitter back to default settings, clears any user adjustments and restores the latest factory calibration.
About Device: general device information such as serial number and software
2 Select Settings to switch between the Basic Mode and Advanced Mode user modes,
3 Monitoring provides options for monitoring and recording selected parameters, and
4 Device information menu with the following tabs:
change the units of parameters (metric/non-metric), enter a factory code to access restricted functionalities, or view information about the Insight software.
exporting the monitoring data as a CSV (comma-separated values) file.
Measurements: measurement graph view with parameter drop-down selection.
Calibration Information: read-only information about the latest stored calibration.
Diagnostics: troubleshooting and administrative information about the device status. Also includes an option to export the device error log as a text file. When contacting Vaisala support, it is recommended to include an up-to-date export of the error log with the support request.
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A

4.3.1 Basic and Advanced User Modes

You can switch between the Basic Mode and Advanced Mode user modes with the selections in the Settings menu.
Certain functionalities are only available in Advanced Mode. The options enabled by switching to Advanced Mode are often intended for administrative users: set the user mode according to the requirements of the personnel that use the device.
4.4 Configuring Analog Outputs with Insight
switches on the transmitter component board will be used instead of the parameter selected with Insight. When using Insight to configure the output, set all humidity parameter selection DIP switches on the transmitter component board to the OFF position (left) to ensure they do not cause a conflict with the Insight settings.
If you use Insight to set both analog output channels to output T measurement, the humidity parameter DIP switches do not have an eect on the output.
Note that the humidity output parameter selected with the DIP
Figure 14 Analog Output Configuration Options in Insight
Chapter 4 – Operating with Insight PC Software
To configure analog output with Insight:
1. Check that the output parameter selection DIP switches on the transmitter component board are switched to the OFF position.
2. Connect to Insight and select > Configure Device > Analog Output 1[2].
3. Select the output mode (either 0 … 10 V, 0 … 5 V, 1 … 5 V, or O).
4. Select the output parameter.
The default analog output setup for HMD65 is 1 channel for RH and 1 channel for T. Using Insight, you can set any RH and T output combination for the 2 channels (RH+RH, T+T, or RH+T).
5. Enter the lower and upper limits of the output scale for your selected parameter.
6. Set the error output value and the output clipping and error limits.
7. Select Save to store the configuration and exit the menu with Close when done.

4.4.1 Testing and Adjusting Analog Output Voltage (V) Level

• Computer with Windows operating system and Vaisala Insight software installed
• Vaisala USB cable 219690 for connecting the probe to Insight
• Multimeter for checking the analog output voltage reading
Note that configuring these settings requires using Insight in Advanced Mode.
You can test the voltage (V) output level of the transmitter with a multimeter, and adjust the output level (2-point adjustment) if necessary.
HMD65 User Guide M212243EN-A
outputs to normal operating mode. The transmitter does not output measurement data when the analog outputs are in test mode.
1. Switch to Advanced Mode in the Settings menu.
2. Select > Calibrate > Yes to switch the probe to calibration mode.
3. Select the analog output you want to test (Analog Output 1[2]).
4. Follow the instructions in the Insight interface to carry out required output tests and adjustments.
Configuring Minimum and Maximum RH and T
Always switch Test mode o after testing to return the analog
Errors with Insight
You can define the minimum and maximum limit that the RH or T measurement output can reach before the output moves to error state.
Note that configuring these settings requires using Insight in Advanced Mode.
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