No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be
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The contents are subject to change without prior notice.
Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding obligations for
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agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or
Conditions of Sale.
DMX21T0496-1.1DMX21 CCITT Modem
LM11T0545-1.2LM11 Background Luminance Meter
General Safety Considerations
Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are
highlighted as follows:
Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow
instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or
even death.
Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and
follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be
damaged or important data could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
Product Related Safety Precautions
The FD12P Weather Sensor delivered to you has been tested for
safety and approved as shipped from the factory. Note the following
Ground the product, and verify outdoor installation grounding
periodically to minimize shock hazard.
Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can damage the
product or lead to malfunction.
Safety Summary
The following are general safety precautions must be observed during
all phases of installation, operation and maintenance.
Neglecting to follow these precautions or specific warnings and
cautions elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design,
manufacture and intended use of the instrument. Vaisala Oyj. and its
Subsidiaries do not answer for the consequences if the customer
neglects to follow these requirements.
Ground the Equipment
To minimize the hazard of electrical shock, follow accurately the
installation procedure in Chapter 3, Installation, on page 29.
Note that the chassis of the FD12P Weather Sensor must be
connected to a good electrical earth. The instrument is equipped with
a three-conductor AC power cable. Be sure that the earth wire of the
cable is connected to an electrical ground.
There is also a grounding clamp at the bottom of the electronics
enclosure of Weather Sensor FD12P. Good grounding with a 16-mm
cable must be provided. Besides increasing safety, this also protects
the Weather Sensor against lightning induced voltages.
To prevent operator injury or damage to the Weather Sensor, check
that the LINE VOLTAGE SETTING is correct before connecting the
line power (See Figure 12 on page 45.) Also ensure that the line power
outlet is provided with a protective ground contact.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gases or
fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment
constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Do not service or adjust alone.
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person,
capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Keep away from live circuits.
Component replacement or internal adjustments must be made by
qualified maintenance personnel. Operating personnel must not
remove instrument covers. Do not remove or replace any components
with the power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous
voltages may exist even with the power cable disconnected. To avoid
injuries disconnect power, and discharge all circuits before touching
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not
modify or substitute parts in the instrument. Contact Vaisala or its
authorized representative for repairs to ensure that safety features are
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
The component boards including CMOS microchips should be
transported and stored in conductive packages. Although new CMOS
devices are protected against overvoltage damages caused by static
electric discharge of the operator, careful handling is recommended:
the operator should be properly grounded. Unnecessary handling of
component boards should be avoided.
Radio Frequency Interference Statement (USA)
The United States Federal Communications Commission (in 47 CFR
15.838) has specified that the following notice must be brought to the
attention of users of this kind of a product in the USA:
Federal communications commission radio frequency interference
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not
installed and used properly, that is in strict accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and
television reception. The Weather Sensor is designed to provide
reasonable protection against such interference in an airport
installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment causes
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-reorient the receiving antenna
-relocate this device with respect to the receiver
-move this device away from the receiver
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/television technician for additional suggestions.
ESD Protection
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent damage
to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are adequately protected
against ESD for their intended use. However, it is possible to damage
the product by delivering electrostatic discharges when touching,
removing, or inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.
To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages yourself, take
the following precautions:
-Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly grounded and
protected ESD workbench. When this is not possible, ground
yourself to the equipment chassis before touching the boards.
Ground yourself with a wrist strap and a resistive connection cord.
When neither of the above is possible, touch a conductive part of
the equipment chassis with your other hand before touching the
-Always hold the boards by the edges and avoid touching the
component contacts.
Intel® is a registered trademark of the Intel Corporation in the U.S.
and other countries.
For certain products Vaisala normally gives a limited one-year
warranty. Please observe that any such warranty may not be valid in
case of damage due to normal wear and tear, exceptional operating
conditions, negligent handling or installation, or unauthorized
modifications. Please see the applicable supply contract or conditions
of sale for details of the warranty for each product.
This chapter introduces the FD12P Weather Sensor features,
advantages, and the product nomenclature.
The FD12P Weather Sensor is an intelligent, multi-variable sensor for
automatic weather stations and airport weather observing systems.
The sensor combines the functions of a forward scatter visibility meter
and a present weather sensor. In addition, the sensor can measure the
intensity and amount of both liquid and solid precipitation.
The FD12P can be used to automatically determine the visibility and
precipitation related weather codes in the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) standard SYNOP and METAR messages. The
sensor can also be employed as an observer's aid in a semi-automatic
weather observing system. The sensor is also suitable for other
weather observing systems providing valuable information, for
example, to road and harbor authorities.
The versatility of the FD12P is achieved with a unique operating
principle. The FD12P measures precipitation water content with a
capacitive device and combines this information with optical scatter
and temperature measurements. These three independent
measurements together provide data sufficient for an accurate
evaluation of current visibility and weather type.
Hardware Structure
The structural basis of the FD12P is the pole mast that supports the
transducer crossarm (FDC115). The crossarm contains the optical
units, FDT12B Transmitter and FDR12 Receiver. The DRD12 Rain
Detector is fastened to the crossarm. The electronics enclosure with
the main data processing and interface units is mounted to the pole
mast as seen in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1FD12P Weather Sensor Site
The following numbers are related to Figure 1 above:
1= Transducer crossarm
2= DRD12 Rain Detector
3= DTS14 Temperature Sensor
4= Pole mast
5= Electronics enclosure
The FD12P Weather Sensor consists of three parts: sensing elements,
electronics enclosure, and structural elements. They are described in
detail on the next page.
The FDT12B Transmitter emits pulses of near infrared light. It is
permanently tilted 16.5º downwards. The optical power is stabilized
by a closed hardware loop. The unit also includes a receiver circuit for
monitoring lens contamination.
The FDR12 Receiver measures the scattered part of the FDT12B light
beam. The FDR12 contains also an additional light transmitter for
monitoring lens contamination. Like the transmitter, the receiver is
also tilted 16.5º downwards. Therefore, the receiver unit measures
light scattered at an angle of 33°.
The DRD12 Rain Detector outputs a signal proportional to the amount
of water on two RainCap™ sensing elements. These elements consist
of thin wires protected by an insulating glass coating. The presence of
water changes the capacitance of the elements. The combined
capacitance of the plates is measured by the DRD12 electronics.
Integrated heating resistors keep the elements dry when, for example,
fog and melt snow fall on them. The Rain Detector is protected by a
windshield to decrease the effect of wind on the measurement results.
The DRD12 is illustrated in Figure 2 below.
The DTS14B Temperature Sensor is a Pt100 thermistor that is used to
measure the crossarm temperature. See Figure 2 below.
Figure 2DRD12 Rain Detector and DTS14B Temperature
The following numbers refer to Figure 2 on page 19:
1= Two RainCapTM elements
2= DRD12 Rain Detector
3= Wind shield
4= Assembly clamp
5= DTS14 Temperature sensor
Electronics Enclosure
The FDP12 Control Unit is the main data processor and
communication unit of the FD12P.
The DRI21 Interface Board is a Vaisala, general-purpose sensor
interface, with several analog and digital input channels. In the
FD12P, one of the DRI21 Interface Board channels is used for
measuring the crossarm temperature and the DRD12 analog signal. In
addition, the DRI21 controls the DRD12 heating and reads the
precipitation ON/OFF status.
The FDW13 Mains Power Supply converts the mains voltage to
24 VAC power for the FDS12 regulator and the heater elements. The
FDW13 includes also the mains voltage selector and the mains
ON/OFF switch, which also functions as an automatic fuse.
The FDS12 DC Voltage Regulatorconverts the AC or DC input
voltage (min. 18 V) to 12 VDC power used by FD12P electronics. The
FDS12 also includes one relay used to control heater power.
The DMX21 Modem (optional) is a standard, 300-baud modem used
only in the leased line mode with the FD12P.
The FDE12 Backup Temperature Sensor is included.
Structural Elements
The structural elements include the pole mast with a standard height
of 2 meters and the FDC115 Transducer Crossarm with a length of
1.5 meters, which is also the total width of the FD12P.
The FD12P Weather Sensor is a microprocessor controlled, intelligent
sensor combining optical forward scatter measurement, capacitive
precipitation sensing, and temperature measurement. The main units
of the FD12P are shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3FD12P Block Diagram
The FD12P evaluates Meteorological Optical Range (MOR) by
measuring the intensity of infrared light scattered at an angle of 33°.
The scatter measurement is converted to the visibility value (MOR)
after a careful analysis of the signal properties. Special processing is
used in case of precipitation.
The FD12P software detects precipitation droplets from rapid changes
in the scatter signal. The droplet data is used to estimate optical
precipitation intensity and amount. In addition to the optical signal,
the analog output of the DRD12 Rain Detector is used to estimate the
precipitation intensity and type.
The output of the DRD12 is proportional to the water amount on the
capacitive sensing surfaces while the optical intensity is proportional
to the total volume of the reflecting particles. The ratio of optical and
capacitive intensities is used to determine the basic precipitation type.
The crossarm temperature (TS) is measured with the DTS14B
Temperature Sensor connected to the DRI21 interface card. The
temperature data together with the optical signal profile and the
DRD12 surface sensor data are used to determine the actual weather
The software performs all signal analyses in the FD12P except the
DRD12 Rain ON/OFF status, which is hardware-based and is used as
an auxiliary parameter. The FD12P has a fixed program that is divided
into tasks executed under control of a real-time operating system
kernel. Each task is like an endless loop with a limited function. The
operating system kernel controls the timing of the tasks and the
interactions between the tasks.
Using FD12P
The FD12P is typically used as a component of a weather observing
system. The final weather message (SYNOP, METAR) is then coded
in the central unit of a weather observation system (for example,
Vaisala MILOS 500) or by a human observer using the FD12P as an
observation aid.
The FD12P output is a digital serial interface, which can be
configured into two different operating modes: the sensor can be set to
send a data message automatically at selected intervals, or the FD12P
can be polled by the host computer. The same serial line is also used
as an operator interface.
The operator controls and checks the operation of the FD12P by using
a maintenance terminal. A set of built-in commands and test routines
is provided for configuring and monitoring the multiple functions of
the FD12P.
The standard data messages contain a status character for indicating
faults detected by the internal diagnostics. If the error status is set, the
operator can view a special status message. It contains detailed results
of the diagnostics and a written description of the fault. Using this
information, the operator can take corrective action or provide the
maintenance personnel with valuable advice.
This chapter provides you with information to help you install this
Before installation, read section Product Related Safety Precautions
on page 13.
Organizing Installation
Before you begin to install the FD12P Weather Sensor, make a plan of
the installation steps. The following is an example of how to organize
the installation process.
1.Surveying the site:
-Find the most representative measurement site.
-Determine orientation of the Weather Sensor.
2.Cabling plan is required for the following:
-Grounding cabling layout and cable type.
-Power supply cabling layout and cable type.
-Modem/signal cabling layout and cable type.
3.Ordering the construction materials and cables.
4.Digging for cables and foundation.
5.Casting the concrete:
-Prepare concrete blocks by using a casting mold.
-Cast the fixing bolts in their places at the same time.
-Install the base plate with the bolts on the concrete block.
-Level the plate.
-Mount the pole mast on the base plate.
-Mount the junction box to the pole mast (optional). Junction
boxes are available from Vaisala.
7.Connecting cables:
-Connect the mains and signal cables of the site to the junction
box or have them ready for direct connection to the sensor.
8.Final installation:
-Install the electronics enclosure and the crossarm of the
FD12P to the pole mast.
-Connect the power and signal cables of the FD12P.
-Connect the modem/signal line to the host computer, display,
9.Start-up tests for the system.
Location and Orientation
The main requirements for the location of the FD12P are as follows:
1.Place the FD12P at a site where the measurements will be
representative of the surrounding weather conditions.
The ideal site has a minimum clearance of 100 meters from all
large buildings and other constructions that generate heat and/or
obstruct precipitation droplets. Also avoid shading of trees as
this may cause changes in the microclimate.
2.Make sure the site is free of obstacles and reflective surfaces,
which disturb the optical measurements and act as obvious
sources of contamination.
There must not be any obstacles in the line-of-sight of the
transmitter and receiver units (see Figure 4 on page 31). If the
transmitter beam is reflected from obstacles back to the receiver
unit, the sensor will indicate too low MOR values as the
reflected signal cannot be distinguished from the real scatter
signal. Reflections are detected by rotating the sensor crossarm.
They will change depending on the crossarm orientation. Also
the visibility reading will change accordingly.