Unitec CAME Wiring User Manual

Unitec CAME Gate and Gate Controller
For Multi-Lane Applications
Installation Guide
This document provides comprehensive operational procedures for the Unitec Gate Controller. In this manual, we will discuss the setup, operation and maintenance of the Came gate and gate controller, which is only used in multi-lane applications.
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© 2011 Unitec, Incorporated. All rights reserved. No part of this book, including text, screen examples, diagrams, or icons, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of Unitec, Incorporated.
Sentinel, Portal TI, Wash Select II. Unitec, and the Unitec Logo are trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks of Unitec, Incorporated.
All other products, services, and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................1
Site Planning .........................................................................................................................................1
Electrical Planning................................................................................................................................3
Power Requirements........................................................................................................................3
Conduit Requirements......................................................................................................................3
Wiring Requirements........................................................................................................................3
Loop Planning and Installation............................................................................................................3
Gate Reset Loop...............................................................................................................................4
Merge Loops.....................................................................................................................................5
System Wiring.......................................................................................................................................5
Gate Controller Power......................................................................................................................6
Gate Power.......................................................................................................................................7
Gate to Gate Controller Wiring.........................................................................................................8
Control Signal Wiring........................................................................................................................8
Configuration settings........................................................................................................................11
Portal/Sentinel Settings..................................................................................................................11
Wash Select II Settings ..................................................................................................................12
System Test Procedure......................................................................................................................14
Testing System Interface for Lane 1 ..............................................................................................14
Testing System Interface for Lane 2 ..............................................................................................15
Testing System Interface for Lane 3 ..............................................................................................15
Testing System Interface for Lane 4 ..............................................................................................16
Test for Merge Area........................................................................................................................16
Gate Controller I/O Definitions ..........................................................................................................18
Document Number: GC1004 i Document Title: Unitec CAME Gate and Gate Controller Installation Guide
Index of Figures
Figure 1. Example Multi-Lane Site Plan........................................................................................................2
Figure 2. Gate Reset Loop Dimensions........................................................................................................4
Figure 3. Multi-Lane Merge Loop Placement................................................................................................5
Figure 4. Wire the AC Power to the Gate Controller.....................................................................................6
Figure 5. Gate Power....................................................................................................................................7
Figure 6. Came Gate to Gate Controller Connections..................................................................................8
Figure 7. WSII to Gate Controller to Gate Connections...............................................................................9
Figure 8. Portal/Sentinel to Gate Controller to Gate Connections..............................................................10
Figure 9. Wash Interface Screen................................................................................................................11
Figure 10. Wash Select II CPU Board ........................................................................................................12
Index of Tables
Table 1. Gate Controller I/O Definitions......................................................................................................18
Document Number: GC1004 ii Document Title: Unitec CAME Gate and Gate Controller Installation Guide


This document provides instructions for installing the Unitec gate controller for use with the Sentinel, Portal or WashSelect II entry units and Unitec supplied gates. Topics covered in this manual include:
Conduit and wiring requirements for the gate controller and gates
Guidelines for locating and installing vehicle detection loops (required for safe gate opera tion)
Connection schematics for the gate and gate controller wirin g.
Additional instructions for installing the entry units and gates are available in the installation manuals that are provided with those products.

Site Planning

Figure 1 depicts a typical multi-lane gated installation. The gates are located approximately 10 ft past the entry units and positioned on the same centerline as the terminal. Vehicle detection loops are required after each arm to prevent the arm from closing on a vehicle. Additional loops may be required in the ‘merge’ area to ensure accurate queuing of vehicles. Additional details on planning and installation of loops are provided later in this document.
The gate controller is supplied in NEMA enclosure and should be mounted on a wall in
the equipment
Document Number: GC1004 1 Document Title: Unitec CAME Gate and Gate Controller Installation Guide
Figure 1. Example Multi-Lane Site Plan
Document Number: GC1004 2 Document Title: Unitec CAME Gate and Gate Controller Installation Guide

Electrical Planning

Power Requirements

Each barrier gate requires a 115-120 VAC on a 5-Amp dedicated breaker, which should be provided during wash construction. Most installers will have power supplied directly fr om one of the three phases used to power the wash motors and controllers. If this method is used, special attention should be given to proper grounding at the unit, as well as in the brea ker panel.
Note: Follow all local and national electrical codes!

Conduit Requirements

Plan your conduit runs so that the barrier gate control signal wiring and the loop wiring enter through the bottom of the base of the gate. Figure 1 shows a typical sit e layout with the followin g conduit runs:
A conduit between the AC service panel and the entry units for power wiring.
A conduit between the entry units and gates for power wiring.
A conduit between the gate controller (located in the equipment room) and the entry units
for control signal wiring.
A conduit between the entry units and the gates for contro l signal wiring.
Conduit between the gates and loops the loop leads.

Wiring Requirements

Wires to be pulled through the conduits are listed in the following tables. Wires should be 18 AWG (minimum) and color-coded to facilitate installation and troubleshooting. The quantities shown are per lane.
Qty From To Function
3 AC Service Panel Gate Gate Power (115 VAC) 4 Gate Controller Entry Units Control wires 3 Gate Controller Gate Control wires

Loop Planning and Installation


Unitec provides 18-foot vehicle detection loops that can be used for the gate arm reset or merge loops. Two loop types are available: direct burial and saw cut installation. Direct burial loops
Document Number: GC1004 3 Document Title: Unitec CAME Gate and Gate Controller Installation Guide
would only be used in new construction (where concrete is not yet poured). Saw cut loops are used in pre-existing concrete and installed in a rectangular groove that is cut into the concrete. Refer to the loop installation instructions for detailed installation procedures.

Gate Reset Loop

Each gate requires one gate reset loop. The reset loop should be formed into a 6’ long by 3’ wide rectangle and located as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Gate Reset Loop Dimensions
Document Number: GC1004 4 Document Title: Unitec CAME Gate and Gate Controller Installation Guide
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