Translation of the original repair
instruction, compiled: 06.08.15
Sabre Saw
Type 5 1217 0020
Techn. Doc. No. 552
Illustration can differ from the original
Repair Manual
and Spare Parts List

Pneumatic Sabre Saw
5 1217 0020
Translation of the original repair
instruction, compiled: 06.08.15
Page 3 of
Spare Parts List
Description: Part and drawing number:
Pneumatic Sabre Saw
5 1217 0020
Item Qty. Description Part and drawing number Remarks
1 Motor, assy. 5 1217 1000
see extra list
1 Handle, assy. 5 1216 6000
see extra list
1 Gearbox head 5 1216 4000
see extra list
1 Performance Kit
5 1217 9990

Pneumatic Sabre Saw
5 1217 0020
Translation of the original repair
instruction, compiled: 06.08.15
Page 4 of
Spare Parts List
Description: Part and drawing number:
Pneumatic Sabre Saw 5 1217 0020