UNI-T UTD2000CEX-II Series, UTD2102CEX-II, UTD2072CEX-II User Manual

UTD2000CEX-II Series
Digital oscilloscope
User Manual
Table of contents
General safety overview-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Safety terms and symbols 3
1.1 General check 4
1.2 Before use 4
1.3 Front panel introduction 5
1.4 Back panel introduction 6
1.5 Overview of operation panel function 6
1.6 User interface 9
Chapter 2 -Vertical channel setting 9
2.1 pen / activate / close analog channel 9
2.2 Channel coupling 10
2.3 Bandwidth limit 10
2.4 voltage /division 10
2.5 Probe 10
2.6 Reversed phase 10
Chapter 3 - Trigger system setting 10
3.1 rigger system interpretation 10
3.2 Edge trigger 11
3.3 Pulse trigger 12
3.4 Video trigger 13
3.5 Slope trigger 14
3.6 Under amplitude trigger 15
3.7 Over amplitude trigger 16
Chapter 4 - Horizontal system setting------------------------------------------ 17
4.1 ROLL scroll mode--------------------------------------------------------------- 17
4.2 Windows extensions------------------------------------------------------------ 17
4.3 Independent Time Base------------------------------------------------------- 18
Chapter 5 - Mathematical operation--------------------------------------------- 18
5.1 Mathematical function---------------------------------------------------------- 18
5.2 FFT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
5.3 Logical operation---------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Chapter 6 -Sampling system setting-------------------------------------------- 21
6.1 Sampling rate--------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
6.2 Acquisition type------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
6.3 Storage depth-------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Chapter 7 - Display system setting --------------------------------------------- 23
7.1 XY Mode--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
7.2 Application of XY model-------------------------------------------------------- 24
Chapter 8 - Automatic measurement--------------------------------------------25
8.1 All parameters measurement------------------------------------------------- 26
8.2 Voltage parameter--------------------------------------------------------------- 27
8.3 Time parameter------------------------------------------------------------------ 27
8.4 Delay parameter----------------------------------------------------------------- 27
8.5 User defined parameters------------------------------------------------------ 27
Chapter 9 - Cursor measurement------------------------------------------------ 28
9.1 Time measurement------------------------------------------------------------- 28
9.2 Voltage measurement 28
Chapter 10 - Storage and callback
10.1 Set up storage and callback 29
10.2 Waveform storage and callback 29
10.3 Screen copy 30
Chapter 11 - Auxiliary function setting
11.1 Waveform recording 31
11.2 Pass test 31
11.3 System upgrade 32
Chapter 12 - Other function key 36
12.1 Auto setup 36
12.3 Factory setting 36
Chapter 13 - System prompt and troubleshooting
13.1 System prompt information explaination 37
13.2 Troubleshooting 38
Chapter 14 - Technical specification
Chapter 15 - Appendix 42
Appendix A: Accessories and options 42
Appendix B: Maintenance 42
Appendix C: Warranty overview 43
Appendix D: Contact us 43
---------------------------------------------- 29
---------------------------------------- 30
11.4 waveform record---------------------------------------------------------------33
11.5 AUTO strategy---------------------------------------------------------------- 34
11.6 Recorder ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35
11.7 Waveform generator---------------------------------------------------------- 35
11.8 System Upgrade--------------------------------------------------------------- 35
12.2 Run/Stop------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
------------------------ 37
------------------------------------------- 38
PREFACE Dear Users:
Hello! Thank you for choosing this brand new UNI-T device. In order to safely and correctly use this instrument .please read this manual thoroughly, especially the Safety Notes part. After reading this manual, it is recommended to keep the manual at an easily accessible place, preferably close to the device, for future reference.
Copyright Information
UNl-T Uni-Trend Technology (China) Limited. All rights reserved. Trademark Information UNI-T is the registered trademark of Uni-Trend Technology (China) Limited. Document Version UTD2000CEX-II-20170422-V2.00
UNI-T products are protected by patent rights in China and foreign countries, including issued and pending patents. UNI-T reserves the rights to any product specification and pricing changes. UNI-T reserves all rights. Licensed software products are properties of Uni-Trend and its subsidiaries or suppliers, which are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Information in this manual supercedes all previously published versions.
UNI-T will guarantee that the product will be free from defects for a three-year period. If the product is re-sold, the warranty period will be from the date of the original purchase from an authorized UNI-T distributor. Probes, other accessories, and fuses are not included in this warranty. If the product is proved defective within the warranty period, UNI-T reserves the rights to either repair the defective product without charging of parts and labor, or exchange the defected product to a wor king e quival ent pr oduct. Repla cemen t parts and pr oducts may be brand new, or pe rform a t the s ame spe cific ation s as bra nd new products. All replacement parts, modules, and products become the property of UNI-T. The “customer” refers to the individual or entity that is declared in the guarantee. In order to obtain the warranty service, "customer" must inform the defects within the applicable warranty period to UNI-T, and to perform appropriate arrangements for the warranty service. The customer shall be responsible for packing and shipping the defective products to the designated maintenance center of UNI-T, pay the shipping cost, and provide a copy of the purchase receipt of the original purchaser. If the product is shipped domestically to the location of the UNI-T service center, UNI-T shall pay the return shipping fee. If the product is sent to any other location, the customer shall be responsible for all shipping, duties, taxes, and any other expenses. This warranty shall not apply to any defects or damages caused by accidental, machine parts’ wear and tear, improper use, and improper or lack of maintenance. UNI-T under the provisions of this warranty has no obligation to provide the following services:
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
a) Any repair damage caused by the installation, repair, or maintenance of the product by non UNI-T service representatives. b) Any repair damage caused by improper use or connection to an incompatible device. c) Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of a power source that does not conform to the requirements of this manual. d) Any maintenance on altered or integrated products (if such alteration or integration leads to an increase in time or difficulty of product maintenance).
This warranty written by UNI-T for this product, and it is used to substitute any other express or implied warranties. UNI-T and its distributors do not offer any implied warranties for merchantability or applicability purposes. For violation of this guarantee, UNI-T is responsible for the repair or replacement of defective products is the only remedy available to customers. Regardless of whether UNI-T and its distributors are informed that any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damage may occur, UNI-T and its distributors shall not be responsible for any of the damages.
General Safety Overview
This instrument strictly complies with the safety requirements for electronic measuring instrument GB4793 and IEC 61010-1 safety standard during design and manufacturing. Please understand the following safety preventative measures, to avoid personal injury, and to prevent damage to the product or any connected products. To avoid possible dangers, be sure to use this product in accordance with the regulations.
Only trained personnel can perform the maintenance program. Use the correct power line: Only use the dedicated UNI-T power supply appointed to the local region or country for this product. Correct Plug: Don't plug when the probe or test wire is connected to the voltage source. Ground the product: This product is grounded through the power supply ground wire. To avoid electric shock, grounding conductors must be connected to
the ground. Please be sure that the product is properly grounded before connecting to the input or output of the product.
Correct connection of oscilloscope probe: Ensure that the probe ground and ground potential are correctly connected. Do not connect ground wire to high voltage. Check all terminal ratings: To avoid fire and the large current charge, please check all the ratings and the marks on the product. Please also refer to the
product manual for details on the ratings before connecting to the product.
Do not open the case cover or front panel during operation Only use fuses with ratings listed in the technical index Avoid circuit exposure: Do not touch exposed connectors and components after power is connected. Do not operate the product if you suspect it is faulty, and please contact UNI-T authorized service personnel for inspection. Any maintenance, adjustment,
or replacement of parts must be performed by UNI-T authorized maintenance personnel.
Maintain proper ventilation Please do not operate the product in humid conditions Please do not operate in inflammable and explosive environment Please keep the product surface clean and dr
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
Safety Terms and Symbols
The following terms may appear in this manual: Warning: The conditions and behaviors may endanger life. Note: The conditions and behaviors may cause damage to the product and other properties. The following terms may appear on the product: Danger: Performing this operation may cause immediate damage to the operator. Warning: This operation may cause potential damage to the operator. Note: Th is oper ation m ay cause damage to the p roduct and dev ices connected to the product. The following symbols may appear on the product:
This man ual des cribes the ope ration o f the UT D2000C EX-II s eries digital oscillo scope . T he manu al incl udes the follow ing sec tions:
Chapter 1 Intro ductio n Guide Chapter 2 Vertical channe l setting Chapter 3 Trigger s ystem s etting Chapter 4 Horiz ontal s ystem setting Chapter 5 Mathe matica l operation Chapter 6 Sampl ing sys tem setting Chapter 7 Displ ay syst em setting Chapter 8 Automati c measu rement Chapter 9 Curso r measu rement Chapter 10 Stor age and callba ck Chapter 11 Auxiliary fu nction setting Chapter 12 Othe r funct ion keys Chapter 13 Syst em prom pt and troubles hootin g Chapter 14 Technical sp ecific ation Chapter 15 Appendi x
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
Brief introduction of UTD2000CEX-II series digital phosphor oscilloscope
1) UTD2000CEX-II series digital oscilloscope contains the following 2 models
Analog channel number
Analog bandwidth
2) UTD2000CEX-II series digital oscilloscope is based on UNI-T’s unique Ultra Phosphor technology. A multi-functional, high performance oscilloscope tha t is easy to u se, w ith exc elle nt t echnica l sp ecif ica tions, a per fect combination of many functionalities that can help users to quickly conduct testing. UTD20 00CEX-II series is aimed at satisfying the most e xtensive os cil los co pe m ark et s, i ncl udi ng com mun ic ati ons , s emi con duc to rs, computers, aerospace de fense, instr umentation, industrial electronics , consumer electron ics, automotive el ectronics, field maintenance, R&D, education, etc.
3) Main features of UTD2000CEX-II series digital oscilloscope:
Configure 100MHz/70MHz two levels bandwidth, providing two channels
for each model
The highest real-time sampling rate: 1GS/s, can capture the faster signal
Standard storage depth of 25kpts.
Waveform capture rate of up to 30,000wfms/s
Wav eform uni nt err up ted recor din g s upp or ts u p t o 80 00 w av efo rm s
8 inches WVGA (800 * 480) TFT LCD, ultra wide screen, vivid color, clear
Ab undan t t ri gg er fe at ur es, inclu di ng a v ar ie ty of advan ced tr ig ge r
Standard configuration interface: USB-OTG, Pass/Fail (pass / fail)
Automatic measurement of 34 waveform parameters
Support USB disk storage and software upgrades via USB disk, one key
copy screen capture function
Su pp ort Pl ug a nd Pla y U SB dev ic es, an d ca n u se U SB inter fa ce t o
communicate with the computer
Chapter 1 – Introduction Guide
This chapter introduces on using the oscilloscope for the first time, the front and rear panels, the user interface, as well as the built-in help system.
1.1General Inspection
It is recommended to follow the steps below before using the UTD2000CEX-II series for the first time.
1.1.1 Check for Damages caused by Transport
If the packaging carton or the foam plastic cushions are severely damaged, please contact the UNI-T distributor of this product immediately.
1.1.2 Check attachments
Please check Appendix A for the list of accessories. If any of the accessories are missing or damaged, please contact UNI-T or l ocal distr ibutors of t his product.
1.1.3 Machine Inspection
If the instrument appears to be damaged, not working properly, or has failed the functionality test, please contact UNI-T or local distributors of this product. If the equipment is damaged due to shipping, please keep the packaging and notify both the transportation department and UNI-T distributors, UNI-T will arrange maintenance or replacement.
1.2 Before Use
To perform a quick verification of the instrument’s normal operations, please follow the steps below:
1.2.1 Connect to the Power Supply
The power supply voltage range is from 100 VAC to 240 VAC, the frequency range is 45Hz to 440Hz. Connect the oscilloscope to the power supply line that came with the oscilloscope or any power supply line that meets the host country standards. Turn the power button on the back of the oscilloscope to ON. Now the soft power button in the front of the oscilloscope should be lit green.
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
1.2.2Boot Check
Press the soft power button and the light should change to yellow. The oscillo scope th en will show a bo ot anim ation, a nd it will enter the norm al interface afterwards.
1.2.3Basic Function Check
After the oscilloscope enters the normal interface, find the button at the bottom right of the operation panel. Long press button to hear the voice of the relay switch, and then press the button, the screen will automatically complete the signal condition, 1kHz ,3Vpp square wave signal appears on the sc re en . Pr es s th e k ey ag ain , t he n th e i nt er nal re fe ren ce in pu t is disconnected, the channel can be in a normal external input state.
1.2.4Probe Compensation
When the probe is connected to any input channel for the first time, this step might be required in order to match the probe and the input channel. Please follow the following steps:
Set the attenuation coefficient in the probe menu and the switch on the probe to 1 0x, and co nnect the p robe to CH 1. Make su re the probe’s c onnector is properly connected with the oscilloscope. Connect the probe’s main clip and gr ound cli p to the o scillos cope’s ca librati on and g round terminal respectively. Open CH1 and press the button. Observed waveforms
Excessive Compensation Correct Compensation   Insufficient Compensation
If the displayed waveform does not look like the above “correct compensation” waveform, use a non-metallic screwdriver to adjust the probe’s variable capacitance until the display matches the "correct compensation" waveform.
Warning: To avoid electric s hock when me asuring hig h voltage us ing the probe, please ensure that the probe insulation is in good condition and avoid physical contact with any metallic part of the probe.
1.3Front panel introduction
Front panel
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
①.Screen display area
②. Multifunction knob
. Function menu key. Control menu softkey.. Probe compensation signal connecting piece and grounding. Trigger control area.. Horizontal control area.. Vertical control area.. Analog channel input.. Power soft key
1.4 Back panel introduction
1 2
Back panel
①.Pass/FailPass/fail test output, also supports Trig_out output
②. AWG:This model does not support. Security lock: you can use the security lock (sold separately)
Oscilloscope can be locked in a fixed position through the key hole .
. Power Switch: after the AC socket is connected to the power supply, turn
on the Power Switch. Press the button on the front panel to Power On.
. AC power input socket : AC power input port . Use the power cord supplied within the accessory package to connect the oscilloscope to the AC power supply (the power supply for the oscilloscope to require is 100 to 240 V, 50Hz/60Hz).
1.5 Operation Panels
This section describes the front panel operations to help users to quickly familiarize with the UTD2000CEX-II series.
(1)Vertical Control
①.Press buttom to open or close the two channels display. ②. Press buttom to open the mathematical operations menu for add, subtract, multiply, divide, FFT, filtering, logic, and advanced operations. . Vertical Position Knob: Used to adjust the vertical position of the current channel waveform. . Vertical Scale Knob: Used to adjust the vertical scale of the current waveform. The vertical scale has 1, 2, and 5 steps.
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
(2) Le ve l Con tr ol
①.Press buttom to display wind ow extension a nd holdoff time.
②. Horizonta l Position Knobused t o adjust the horizonta l position of the current channel waveform. . Horizontal Scale Knob:used to adjust the vertical scale of the current waveform. The vertical scale has 1, 2, and 5 steps.
(3) Tri gg er Co nt rol
Trigger Level Knobused to adjust the currently selected trigger level.
Press to pop-up the trigger menu.
Press to force generate a single trigger event . Press to display the built-in help information . Press to center the trigger level, trigger position, and channel position
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
( ) Aut o Se tti ng4
When this ke y is presse d, the oscil loscope wi ll automatically adju st the vertical sc ale factor, time base, and t rigger mode according to the inpu t signals.
(5). Run/S top
Press the k ey to "run" or "stop" sa mpling. RU N state is in dicated by green light . STOP state is indicated b y red light .
(6). Singl e trigg er
Press this k ey to set up single trig ger mode.
(7).Correction signal switching
Long press the key to drive the cor rection si gnal to enter or leave t he channel
(8).Screen copy
Press this key to quickly copy the screen wav eform to the USB storag e device in BM P bitmap form at
(9).Multipurpose Knob
Multipurpo se: During menu operat ions , turn the knob to s elect subm enu, then press t he knob to c onfirm the o ptions .
(10).Function Keys
①. Measure se tting key: can set meas ure source to all param eters, custom par ameters and perform me asurement statistics, select measureme nt indicat ors, etc. ②. Sampling setting key: set up acquisition mode and the storage depth . . Stor age in terface key: can se lect di fferen t type s for st orage and waveform, which can be stored int ernally or through USB device. . Curs or m eas ure men t ke y : c an m easu re w ave for m’s time and voltage ma nually wit h cursor. . Display set ting key : used f or the display settings such a s display type, form at, duration, grid bri ghtness, a nd waveform brightnes s. . The utility key : can be used to choose some less commonly used settings s uch as self-calibrati on, system information, languag e, menu display, waveform recording, pass test, square wave output, frequency meter, system up grades, ba cklight br ightness, o utput, etc .
⑦. Press th is key to res tore to fac tory default settings . ⑧. Press th is key to ope n the wavef orm recording menu.
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
1.6 User interface
Dis play in terfa ce
①.Trigger status identific ation: inc lude TRIGED , AUTO, READY, STOP, and ROLL ②. Indicates the amount of time represented by one square, which can be adjusted by the horizontal scale knob. . Shows the horizonta l displace ment, whic h can be adj usted by tu rning the horizontal position knob. . Displays trigger source, type, slope, coupling, level, etc.
a. Trigger Source: they are CH1, CH2, AC Line, EXT,etc. b Trigger types : edge, pulse width, video, slope, etc.. c Trigger slope: rising, falling, and rising/falling. For example, is rising.. d Trigger coupling: DC, AC, high frequency, low frequency and noise. . For example, is DC coupling. ⑤. Hardware frequency meter: display the frequency information of current channel. ⑥. USB d evice Identific ation : This i con wi ll be d ispla yed when an USB storage device is connected. ⑦. Channel vertical status Identification: Displays channel activation state, channel coupling, bandwidth limit, vertical profile, and probe attenuation
coefficient. . Sampling Rate/A cquisiti on Mode: I ndicates the current sampl ing rate and storage depth.
Chapter 2 -Vertical Channel Setting
2.1 Open / activate / close analog channel
CH1~CH2 contains 3 states: open, activate, and shut down.
Open: Allows the corresponding channel waveform to be displayed on the screen. Activate: Only opened state can be activated. In the active statethe vertical menu and the vertical control knobs (POSITION, SCALE) are available for changing activated channel setting. Any of the channels that has been opened but not be en activ ated coul d be acti vated by p erssing the correspondin g channel keys
Shut down : No waveform appears on the display. The table below describes the channel menu:
Pass AC and DC components of the input signal
Pass AC part of input signal only
Displays ground signal
Turns off bandwidth limit function
Limits bandwidth to 20MHz to reduce the noise.
The vertical sensitivity of the current channel can be set to 1, 2, and 5 order.
Set Fine Adjustment to be within the coarse range. Set the channel’s vertical sensitivity with 1% of the current amplitude value.
A value is automatically selected according to the probe’s attenuation coefficient, to ensure consistency between the vertical profile readout and the displayed waveform.
Normal waveform display
Reverse waveform
Full bandwidth
Coarse Adjustment
Fine Adjustment
Bandwidth Limitation
Vertical Sensitivity
Reverse Phase
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
Chapter 3 - Trigger System Setting
Trigger determines when the oscilloscope starts to collect data and displays waveform. Once the trigger is correctly set, it can convert unstable signals into meaningful waveforms. In the beginning of data acquisition, it collects enough data to compose the wave form starting at the lef t of the trigger point, and continues until the trigger condition is met.
3.1 Trigger System Interpretation (1)Trigger Source
Trigger Source : a signal to be used to generate a trigger. Triggers can be obtained from a variety of sources such as input channels (CH1, CH2), external trigger (EXT), Line AC, alternate trigger, etc.
Input channel: Select any one of the analog signal input terminal (CH1,CH2)
on the front panel of the oscilloscope as a trigger signal.
■ External trigger: Select the input Trig EXT from the back of the oscilloscope. For example, the external clock input can be used on the Trig EXT terminal as a trigger source. EXT signal trigger level ranges from –3V~ +3V which can be set.
■ AC LinePower supply signal, used to observe the relationship between power signals such as lighting equipment and power supply equipment, to obtain stable synchronization.
■ Alternate trigger: automatically turn on the independent time base after being selected .
(2) Trigger Mode
This oscilloscope provides three kinds of trigger modes: Auto trigger, Normal trigger, and Single trigger
■ Auto trigger: When there is no trigger signal, the system automatically runs and displays data. When the trigger signal is generated, it automatically switch to trigger scanning and signal synchronization.
2.2 Channel Coupling Using CH1 as an example, when a signal is connected to CH1 and activated, press F1 and select channel coupling via the multipurpose knob. You can also switch to channel coupling by continuously pressing the F1 key. Press the multipurpose knob to confirm selection.
2.3 Bandwidth Limitation When bandwidth limitation is open, the bandwidth of the oscilloscope is limited to about 20MHz, and attenuates any signal above 20MHz. It is commonly used to reduce the high frequency noise . When the bandwidth limit function is on, the BW logo will appear in the vertical state identification
2.4 Vertical Sensitivity The vertical sensitivity is divided into coarse and fine adjustments. In coarse adjustment, the sensitivity range is from 1mV/div ~ 20V/div, with 1 – 2 – 5 order. For example: 10mV - >20mV - >50mV - >100mV In fine adjustment, it is adjusted with 1% of the current amplitude value .
For example10.00mV—>10.10mV—>10.20mV—>10.30mV Note: div means square of the display area , one div(square) stands for one grid
2.5 Probe In order to set the attenuation coefficient of the probe, the coefficient needs to be set up in the channel operation menu. If the probe attenuation coefficient is 10:1, the probe coefficient should then be set to 10X to ensure correct voltage reading. The coefficients can be set to 0.001X, 0.01X, 0.1X, 1X, 10X, 100X, and 1000X with 1 – 2 – 5 order.
2.6 Reverse Phase When reverse phase is turned on, the waveform flips 180 degrees. A reverse phase logo will appear in the vertical state identification
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
Note: This mode allows 50ms/div or slower time shift without triggering in ROLL mode.
■ Normal trigger: The oscilloscope can only collect data when the trigger condition is satisfied. When it is not triggered, the oscilloscope will wait for the triggered signal.
■ Single triggle : When the user presses the "run" button, the oscilloscope will wait for the trigger. When the instrument detects a trigger, the waveform is sampled and displayed, and enters the STOP state. Press the SINGLE button on the front panel of the oscilloscope to quickly enter the single trigger mode.
(3) Trigger Coupling
Trigger coupling determines which part of the signal will be transmitted to the trigger circuit. The coupled type includes DC, AC, low frequency, high frequency suppression, and noise suppression.
■ DCPass all components of the signal
■ AC: Blocks the DC component and attenuates any signal components below 10Hz.
■ High frequency suppression: Attenuates high frequency components over 1MHz.
■ Low frequency suppression: Blocks the DC component and attenuates low frequency components below 680 kHz.
■ Noise suppression: Suppress high frequency noise in the signal, and reduces probability of error.
(4) Trigger Sensitivity
The minimum signal required to generate a correct trigger. For example, normally the input channel (CH1~CH2) trigger sensitivity is 1div, which means the signal should be at least 1 div.
(5) Pre-Trigger / Delayed Trigger
Data collected before / after the Trigger event. Trigger position is usually set at the level center of the screen, and you can observe 7 grids of pre-trigger and delay trigger information. The horizontal displacement of the wave can be adjusted by the horizontal displacement position knob in order to observe more pre-trigger information.
(6) Forced Trigger
Press the FORCE key to generate a forced trigger signal. If the waveform is not displayed in normal mode or single shot mode, press the FORCE button to collect signal baseline to ensure the acquisition is normal.
3.2 Edge Trigger
The signal can be triggered by the rising or falling edge. Press the TRIG MENU to enter the trigger menu. Press F1 to select the trigger type, and select the edge trigger mode with the multipurpose knob.
The edge trigger menu descriptions :
CH1, CH2
AC Line Alternate trigger
Set any one of the CH1,CH2 as a trigger signal
Set external trigger as the source
Set AC line as trigger
Set CH1, CH2 as alternate trigger source
Set the falling edge as the trigger signal
Set the rising and falling edge as the trigger signal
Pass all components of the signal
Blocks the DC components of the signal
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
Trigger Coupling
Trigger Mode
Suppression of signal frequency above 1.23MHz
Suppression of signal frequency below 680kHz Suppress the noise of the trigger signal,
trigger sensitivity is halved.
When the signal input is not triggered, the system automatically collects the waveform data and displays the scan baseline on the screen. When a trigger signal is generated, it automatically turns to the trigger scan.
The data acquisition stops when the signal is not triggered.
Generates a trigger , and then stops
Set the rising edge of the signal as trigger
Set the falling edge of the signal as trigger Set the rising and falling edge of
the signa as trigger
High frequency suppression
Low frequency suppression
Noise suppression
3.3 Pulse Width Trigger
Pulse width trigger can set the capture condition through the pulse width. Press the TRIG MENU button to enter the trigger menu. Press F1 to select trigger type, and select the Pulse Width Trigger mode with using the Multipurpose knob.
The pulse width trigger setting menu (1) :
Pulse Width
CH1, CH2
AC Line
AC High frequency
Low frequency suppression
Noise suppression
Functions Type
Trigger Coupling
Trigger Mode
Pulse Width Setting
Next Page
Set any one of the CH1,CH2 as the trigger source
Set external trigger as the trigger source
Set AC line as the trigger source
Pass all components of the signal
Blocks the DC components of the signal
Suppression of signal frequency above 1.23MHz
Suppression of signal frequency below 680kHz
Suppress the noise of the trigger signal, trigger sensitivity is halved.
When the signal input is not triggered, the system automatically collects the waveform data and displays the scan baseline on the screen. When a trigger signal is generated, it automatically turns to the trigger scan.
The data acquisition stops when the signal is not triggered.
Generates a trigger , and then stops
Enter settings page
Enter Trigger Setting Menu (2)
UTD2000CEX-II User Manual
+ 32 hidden pages