442.4 x 120 x 43.7mm (17.42x 4.72 x 1.72")
Without Mount: 2.65 kg (5.84 lb)
WithMount: 2.74 kg (6.04 lb)
Enclosure Material
SGCC Steel
Total Non-Blocking Throughput
80 Gbps
Switching Capacity
160 Gbps
Forwarding Rate
119.04 Mpps
Max. Power Consumption
Power Method
Universal AC Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power Supply
AC/DC, Internal, 36W
Management Interface
Ethernet In-Band
SMB Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Switch
ESD/EMP Protection
Air: ± 16kV, Contact: ± 12kV
Operating Temperature
-5to 40° C (23 to 104° F)
Operating Humidity
10 - 90% Noncondensing
2 of 3
UniFi Aggregation Switch
USW-Aggr egation is a m anaged Layer 2 s witc h with eig ht 10G SF P+ ports,
off eri ng link ag gregatio n for h igh er c apacity and i nc rea sed avai lab ility.
USW-Aggr egation features Layer 2 c ap abiliti es a nd sup po rts h ighban dwidth links , ma kin g it id eal fo r ag gregatio n sw itc hing to an y U niFi
so lutio n that d eploys v ari ou s interconn ect topo logi es. Bu ilt-in 36W A C/DC
power s up ply can sup po rt cop per Eth ern et UF-R J45 -10 G m od ules (s old
separately) in all ei ght p or ts.