Triton Sidescan User Manual

-- Sidescan Processing Guide --
Software Version 7.6
Tony M. Ramirez
September, 2014
Triton Imaging Inc.
Engineering Office
2121 41st Avenue, Suite 211
Capitola, CA 95010
USA 831-722-7373 831-475-8446
© 2014 TRITON
This user guide is provided as a means to become familiar with TRITON’s software through an explanation of the
options available for processing sidescan data. The user interface presented in this guide is subject to change to accommodate software upgrades and revisions. While every precaution has been taken to eliminate errors in this guide, TRITON assumes no responsibility for errors in this document.
Users of this document are required to have a valid license for Perspective and MosaicOne in order to activate the
software. TRITON hereby grants licensees of TRITON’s software the right to reproduce this document for
internal use only.
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Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Settings ...................................................................................................... 1
2.1 File Paths .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2.2 Number of Cores .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
3.0 Import ....................................................................................................... 2
3.1 File Import ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Projection/Datum ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
3.3 Navigation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.4 Import Processing Option .................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 Review ........................................................................................................ 4
4.1 Launch Waterfall Display ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Bottom Tracking ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 TVG Adjustments ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.0 Process ...................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Sidescan Mosaic Wizard..................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.1 Choose/Create Mosaic File ......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.2 Choose Mosaic Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 12
5.1.3 Select/Order Input Lines ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.1.4 Geometry Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.5 Line and Channel Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.6 Corrections and Filters................................................................................................................................................ 16
5.2 Re-merge Mosaic ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Other Processing Options .................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.3.1 Navigation Processing ................................................................................................................................................ 19
5.3.2 Merge Lines ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
5.3.3 Move Line ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.4 Add Lines .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.5 Remove Lines .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.3.6 Single Channel Auto Flip ............................................................................................................................................. 19
6.0 Enhance ..................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Color Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.2 Histogram........................................................................................................................................................................... 20
7.0 Interpret ................................................................................................... 22
7.1 dB-based Imagery .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
7.2 Interactive Waterfall Display ............................................................................................................................................. 22
7.3 TargetOne .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
7.4 SeaClass ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
8.0 Export ....................................................................................................... 24
8.1 GeoTiff ............................................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.2 KML .................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
9.0 Workflow ................................................................................................... 25
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1.0 Introduction
This document presents a sample workflow for processing sidescan data using Triton’s Perspective software. Also covered are some of the interpretation tools available in Perspective and a brief discussion of export options. Having Perspective open and following the steps outlined in this document from start to end will provide the user with a basic understanding of how the software works and the tools available with the MosaicOne sidescan processing module in Perspective.
2.0 Settings
Before getting started it is best to review the the settings are correct. The selecting this toolbar button or by selecting the
Program Settings
Program Settings
2.1 File Paths
In the file paths to set. The top one is called
Initial Working Path
for Perspective to look in for importing and saving files.
The second file path option sets the location for creating pyramid files which increases the speed of zooming in and out of large GeoTiffs. In addition to setting the file
settings tab there are two
sets the default folder
and verify
are accessed by either
Settings Info
option in the
path, it is important to also select the
checkbox to activate this feature.
2.2 Number of Cores
Below the file paths is a section titled (or threads) to use for working in Perspective. The default is 2 cores but the software will accommodate up to 8 cores for faster performance.
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Number of Cores
for setting the number of cores
3.0 Import
3.1 File Import
To get started, the raw sidescan data files need to be imported into Perspective using the
Raw Data File
menu as shown in the capture to the right. Please note that currently Perspective only supports the XTF and SEGY file formats.
To convert from other formats we have a several converters on our website at:
option from the
Some of the sonar manufacturers have their own converter so please contact us if you have difficulty finding the converter you need.
Selecting the A single file can be selected or multiple files for quickly importing multiple days of recorded data.
Import/Raw Data File
option will open a file browser to locate raw data files.
3.2 Projection/Datum
If the data was collected in anything other than Latitude-Longitude, the Projection wizard will launch and ask for the correct projection and datum to use as shown in the following screen captures. Be sure to indicate which hemisphere, north or south!
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If the projection used for the raw data files is not present in the standard lists, select the Custom button to either manually enter the projection values or download a custom projection string from:
A custom datum can also be created by manually entering the datum values. For more information on using the custom projection and datum options, open the under
Program Settings
tab in the
Program Settings
. Note that the projection and datum can be preset in the
prior to importing data files or background imagery.
file and look
3.3 Navigation
There are two important things that happen as the raw data is imported into Perspective. The first is the creation of cache files for each imported line. This allows the original data files to be unchanged during all the processing steps performed. The other is the extraction of the navigation data from the raw data files for display in the map view.
Perspective uses a GIS-like file tree structure for managing imported data as shown to the right. The extracted navigation is placed in the Navigation file tree node, separated into different types depending on the data present in the raw data file.
For example, navigation from an EdgeTech 4600 data file will be split into three parts; one for the vessel position, one for the sidescan navigation and another for the bathymetry navigation. Although the raw navigation for the sidescan and bathymetry from a combined sonar are identical, this is important as it allows for the navigation to be processed differently. It is often important to smooth the heading for sidescan data but for bathymetry data it is preferred to only remove navigation anomalies such as spikes in the data.
Navigation processing is a very important step for improving the quality of sidescan
mosaics. See Triton’s Perspective - Navigation Processing Guide for more information.
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3.4 Import Processing Option
In the Program Settings, there is an option to launch the processing wizards upon importing raw data. If this is selected, upon importing the raw data file(s), the dialog shown below will pop-up asking if you would like to process the data at this time.
If you know the data has good navigation with uniform parallel beams, a good bottom track from acquisition, and also that TVG corrections were made during data acquisition and recorded to the raw data files, then the data can be processed during import with either the
Use Wizard
Use Previous Settings
The wizard remembers the previous settings used but allows the values to be adjusted. However often when working in a consistent environment with the same sonar the only setting that needs to be changed is the file name. Assuming the settings are good from previous processing, then selecting the mosaic without having to go through the wizard to select and adjust processing options.
To get the best results from processing sidescan data it often is best to first process the navigation separately, then to review the raw data in the sidescan waterfall window to verify the bottom tracking is good and to create a TVG curve if needed.
Use Previous Settings
option will create a sidescan
4.0 Review
4.1 Launch Waterfall Display
In order to verify and reset the bottom tracking and also to adjust the TVG, the data must be viewed in the waterfall display which replays the raw XTF files. The waterfall display can be launched a couple different ways. The easiest is by double-clicking on the sidescan navigation line in the map view. This will open the waterfall at the location selected and will put a circle on the navigation line indicating where along the line the waterfall is displaying data for.
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As the waterfall scrolls, the position in the map view updates to show the current location of the waterfall display.
The other option to open the waterfall window is right-clicking on the navigation line in the file tree as shown to the right. This will launch the waterfall at the beginning of the navigation line but will still place the position circle on the map display for tracking the waterfall position.
This cursor tracking feature is very helpful for interpretation allowing correlation of features in the waterfall with same feature in the mosaic or in other background data.
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4.2 Bottom Tracking
To the right is an example of the waterfall view showing sidescan data collected using a Klein 5000 sonar. The red line in the waterfall window shows that the selected file already has bottom tracking saved in the raw data file.
If the file is not bottom tracked, or to either review or reset the bottom tracking, select the bottom tracking toolbar button shown here.
Selecting this toolbar button will open the window to the right for setting or adjusting the bottom tracking. Options available are explained well in the section of the
Important notes for using the bottom tracking tool are presented here:
1. The data is viewed
horizontally at the top of
the window with an across­track zoom slider bar and along-track zoom "Compress" options.
2. The Color tab allows the user to improve the image quality in the bottom track view.
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