Trimble eDriver Logs User Manual

eDriver Logs® ELD Android Driver Guide

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The eDriver Logs ELD system complies with and is tested against the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.


This guide is intended to complement Trimble’s eDriver Logs® ELD training. No driver should attempt to rely solely on the eDriver Logs ELD guide without first completing training from your company.

If there is an ELD Compliance Malfunction on the device and you are not able to immediately resolve the malfunction, you must begin

keeping paper logs until the device is once again compliant. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for common causes and resolutions. If your logs can no longer be accessed on the device, you must reconstruct your logs on paper for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days. For this reason you are required to carry a paper log book in your vehicle at all times.

Trimble bears no responsibility for the driver’s failure to comply with this requirement.

You are required to keep this guide in your vehicle at all times. Provide this documentation to the auditor in the case of a D.O.T. inspection. eDriver Logs ELD relies on accurate input of data and appropriate use by the driver.

Trimble assumes no liability for erroneous, accidental, or intentional input of data or misuse of the product.

The regulations announced by the FMCSA and the Canadian government are subject to change. Trimble will endeavor to automatically update the eDriver Logs ELD device as soon as practical. Trimble assumes no liability for reasonable delays in providing system updates or upgrades.

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Carriers and Drivers are solely responsible for ensuring that eDriver Logs® ELD is used correctly and in compliance with all hours of service and other FMCSA laws and regulations.

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Login 1 Logout 3 Driver Overview 4 Symbols & Warnings 7 Device Abbreviations & Terms 9

Driver Status 10

Status Change 14 Rest Break 16 Yard Moves 17

Driver Vehicle Inspection 18 Co-Driver login 21 Country Selection 21 Shipments 22 Trailers 22 Manual Location Entry 23

Working With Logs 24

Certify Logs 26

Editing Logs 27 Accept / Reject Log Changes 29

Driver Options 30

Unidentified Driver 31 Take Exception 32 Cycle Duty Summary 33 Roadside Inspection 33

Safe Mode 34 Malfunction & Data Diagnostic Indicators 35

Troubleshooting 37

Communications 37 GPS 38 Odometer 39 Touchscreen 40 Power 41 Ignition 42 Login Errors 42 Application Errors 42

Roadside Instructions 43

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This screen is shown when the vehicle is stopped and no driver is signed in to the logging device. Tap on the line that says Enter Driver ID, then use the on-screen keyboard to enter the Driver ID. Tap Next on the keyboard to move to the password line. Type your driver password. Then tap the Done button on the keyboard. Tap Sign In.

When you sign in, the device will contact the server and download your daily logs.

WARNING: Power on the Mobile Software displaybeforepoweringupyourCommercial Motor Vehicle.

WARNING: If using a Tablet device, LOGIN, LOGOUT, and HOS data may not be accurate if the device is not wired or wireless connected to the ECM during eDriver Log events. Federal Regulations require device to be connected to ECM of the vehicle.

TIP: Wherever an underlined text field appears on the screen, tap once above the line to show the keyboard. Tap the Done button when you have finished typing to close the keyboard.


Trimble eDriver Logs User Manual
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From the Home screen tap the eDriver Logs icon. Yellow box in below image. This will return you to the eDriver Logs application.


The Home button will return you to the main screen of the Android tablet.

The Recent Apps button will show you the most recent applications running on your Android device.

The Back button will return you to a previous screen. The Back button is used if you mistakenly tap the Status button. Tap the Back button to return you to the main driver screen.

NOTE: Always review your logs before operating the vehicle to ensure that all information is true and correct. You are responsible for ensuring that all records required to be in your possession are available in electronic and/or paper format.

Questions and Answers

Q:What if I was not provided with a password?

A:If your motor carrier did not provide you with a password you will need to contact your motor carrier to request a password.


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When you are finished with your shift or otherwise done

























































































































































































































































































































using the vehicle, tap Status and then tap OFF Sign




























































































































































































































































































































Questions and Answers






Do not use the Rest Break feature unless you will be










































































































returning to duty in the same vehicle during your shift.









































































































If the DVIR feature is enabled, you may be prompted to

Q: I forgot to sign out of the logging device in an-

create a driver vehicle inspection report before signing

out. If On Duty Sign Out is enabled, you will have the

other vehicle before I signed into this logging

option to sign out in either Off or On Duty status. Only

device. What will happen to my records?

sign out in On Duty status if you will be continuing to

A:If both logging devices are connected to the web server, a mes-

work before the end of your shift and will go Off Duty

from another device or through the Driver Portal.

sage will be sent to the previous vehicle to sign you out. Return

If you have the option to select Off Duty status

to the first device as soon as possible and verify that you are

signed out. Inspect your records carefully and report any errors

enabled, make sure to choose OFF Sign Out when

to your supervisor. Make it a habit to sign out every time that

you are finished with your shift. Changing status to Off

you are finished using a vehicle, to protect the integrity of your

Duty should only be done if you will continue using the

electronic records.

device before the end of your shift.











































































































You may also be prompted to review your logs on the

Do not attempt to edit or correct your log until you have verified

that you are signed out of the first device. Once you are signed

device during sign out. Tap Yes to be taken to the

out of the first device, navigate to Options and Request Logs

log(s) that require review. See

for more

from the device you are currently using before editing your log.

information. Tap No to proceed without reviewing









































































































your logs. Tap Back to cancel and return to the Driver



















































































































































































































After the sign out process is complete, the logging device will send your records to the Trimble Server.


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This is the main screen of the application, showing

G: Options Button, tap to bring up the options.

thedriver’sname, current duty status, and hours


You may view Review Logs, Request Logs, Take

and minutes of driving time left.



Exception, Diagnostics, Cycle Duty Summary,

A: Options Icon, tap to bring up Review Logs,



and Roadside Inspection. Either make a selection



or tap the Options icon (A) to close the Options

Request Logs, Take Exception, Diagnostics, Cycle










Duty Summary, and Roadside Inspection. Either


















make a selection or tap the Options Icon












again to close the options from view.











B: Driver Name, the name of the driver










that the information is currently being











displayed for.























C: Current Status, displays the current












status of the of the driver and the date






















and time of the status change.












D: Gain Time, the date (month/day/year)











and time at which your available drive












time will increase, presuming you do not










change duty status before then.





















E: Driver Card, if another driver is logged












into the device a driver card will display.












The status of the additional driver will












be shown as well as the name, country












selection and time left.












F: Status Button, tap the button to change












the status of the driver.








































H: + Driver, tap the button to allow a co-driver to sign in. The driver will become the active driver and the Driver Name (B) will be shown with that new driver.

I:Shipment Button, tap the button to enter in shipment information.

J: Trailers Button, tap the button to add a


trailer or make a trailer change.



K: Logs Button, tap the button to display


the Logs screen.


L: DVIR, tap the button to enter the DVIR


M: Rest Break Button, tap this to change

your status to OFF and begin a break

N: System Time, displays the current


date, time, and time zone.


O: Symbols & Warnings Area, icons


displaying the current status of


connection and missing information will


be displayed.


P: Available Drive Time Gauge, your


available drive time will be shown as a


colored gauge. The color reflects the


appropriate driving time left.


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The color reflects the approximate driving time remaining:

Green - more than 3 hours remaining

Yellow - between 1 and 3 hours remaining

Red - less than 1 hour remaining

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<![endif]>Daily WorkShift

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US property-

US passenger-






south of

















carrying limits1

carrying limits2

































60°N limits3



















































11 hours

10 hours











13 hours













































Rest Break

8 hours

Not applicable







Not applicable














































14 hours

15 hours











14 hours






Not applicable

Not applicable











13 hours














































Not applicable

Not applicable











14 hours













































Off Duty

Not applicable

Not applicable











14 hours





















70 hours in 7 days






60 hours in 7 days

60 hours in 7 days











(Cycle 1)




























70 hours in 8 days

70 hours in 8 days





120 hours in 14 days


























(Cycle 2)


















































1 See US 49 CFR §395.3

2 See US 49 CFR §395.5

3 See CA SOR-2005-313 §12-29

Tap the circled arrow below Gain Time At to display Driving Time Details, including active exceptions and the time remaining under each applicable hours of service rule. You may need to swipe up and down to view more detail if it does not all fit on the screen. The information displayed includes Active Exceptions, Work Shift Driving, Work Shift Rest Break, Work Shift Duty, and Cycle Duty.

If you have uncertified logs, proposed edits, or unidentified driver events that require review, you will see an orange flag over the Options button and three orange lines in the upper left corner. See Options and View Logs for more information. A red flag indicates missing data. See Driver Options.


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Questions and Answers


Q: What is the difference between Work Shift rules




























































































































and Daily rules?






































Q: How do I tell which of my HOS limits is lowest

A:Work Shift rules restrict the on duty time that a driver may










accumulate from the moment the driver reports to duty to the


(which is being displayed in the Available Drive

moment he or she is released from duty. Work Shift calculations


Time gauge)?

do not reset until the driver has accumulated the minimum con-


A:Tap the arrow button beneath your name to show your availabil-

secutive off duty time required by the applicable US or Canadi-


an hours of service regulations.


ity details. This shows the amount of time remaining under each

Canada has additional rules, called Daily Rules, which restrict


applicable HOS limit, the lowest of which is displayed in the


the on duty time a driver may accumulate from the start of one


Available Drive Time gauge.


24-hour log period to the start of the next and establish manda-





Q: What is Available Drive Time, and how is it calcu-

tory minimums for the total off duty time a driver must accumu-



late within a log period. Daily calculations automatically reset at


the beginning of each log day


A: Available Drive Time is the maximum time in hours and min-


Q: Why do my driving time details show “Salesper-


utes (hh:mm) that a driver legally may continue to operate a


commercial vehicle without rest. The logging device calculates

son” instead of “Cycle Duty”?


the time remaining until each applicable hours of service limit

A: If you are operating in the US as a driver salesperson1, the typi-


will be reached. The lowest of these is displayed as Available


cal cycle duty limit does not apply toward your driving time left


Drive Time.


so long as you do not exceed 40 hours driving in any period of





Q: What does it mean if driving time left is N/A?

seven consecutive days. The salesperson value shows how long


A: N/A means that the logging device cannot calculate Available

you may continue to drive under this driver salesperson excep-




Drive Time due to insufficient data. Review all records of duty

1 See US 49 CFR §395.1(c)


status, including paper logs, to determine your actual driving


Canada has additional rules, called Daily rules, which restrict the on


time left.




duty time a driver may accumulate from the start of one 24-hour log




period to the start of the next and establish mandatory minimums for




the total off duty time a driver must accumulate within a log period.




Daily calculations automatically reset at the beginning of each log day.


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[Green] The logging device is currently connected to your vehicle gateway. All drive time will be recorded correctly.

[Gray] The black box or Vehicle Data Service has stopped sending data to eDriver Logs ELD. Drive events will not be recorded and paper logs should be used.

[Red] The connection to the engine has been lost and drive events will not be recorded. Paper logs should be used.


[Green] The device currently has a good lock on GPS.

[Yellow] The device is connected to some GPS satellites but not enough to establish a valid position. Location information will need to be filled in manually.

[Red] No GPS connection available. Location information will need to be entered manually.


[Green] The vehicle gateway currently has a cellular connection and is able to send data.


The logging device is waiting for driver logs to be synchronized with the Fleet Manager.

[Yellow] The cellular connection has been closed because the logging device has no new data to send. A connection will be re-established when there is data to send.

[Red] The vehicle gateway cannot connect to make a cellular connection. Reasons may include low signal strength or a network service interruption.


The trailer list is empty.


The shipment list is empty.


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Miscellaneous Warnings

[Orange] This icon can represent a few different warnings. Read the text that accompanies the icon to determine what the warning is and if any action is needed.

[Red] Data diagnostics appear on your device when a driver is signed in to the application. If your device enters a data diagnostic state, you will see a red triangle icon in the action bar at the top of the screen.

Navigate to your log events to determine the exact type of diagnostic event that has occurred, and see Troubleshooting for common causes and resolutions.


The logging device cannot obtain vehicle location data frequently enough to meet International Fuel Tax Agreement requirements.

Drivers must keep paper records of their route of travel and miles per jurisdiction until normal location detection resumes. A warning audio will sound once when the failure is detected, and a different audio will sound when this failure is resolved.


The vehicle is moving but the person operating the vehicle has not been identified. Stop driving and either sign in or change status as directed.


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The following abbreviations and terms are used in records generated by this logging device.


Asset Control Center




Cellular Communications








Engine Control Module




Electronic Logging Device



ELD Login

When an authorized user logs in to an





ELD Logout

When an authorized user logs out of an





Inactive - Charged

A log event that was edited and is no


longer the active event



Inactive - Rejected

A request edit that was rejected and was


not applied to your log



Inactive - Requested

A log edit that has been requested by a


non-driver Fleet Manager user but has


not yet been applied to your log




Off Duty




On Duty, not driving




Personal Conveyance




Sleeper Berth




Trimble Fleet Manager




Yard Moves




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Every time you sign in, the logging device will request your electronic

records of duty status (daily logs) from the server.

When you receive a message that logs are received or up-to-date, tap OK to view your last recorded duty status and current driving time left.

If you are configured to operate commercial vehicles in both the United States and Canada, you may preview your driving time left for either country before completing the sign in process. For more information see Country Selection.

Questions and Answers

Q:I’ve been waiting a long time, but still haven’t received my logs. What should I do?

A:The system will try to reach the server for sixty seconds. If the server cannot be reached, you will receive an error message and must reestablish communications before signing in. If you have recently signed in to this device, a Stop button will appear after sixty seconds, allowing you to continue signing in without reaching the server.

Q: I received a message that there are proposed edits and/or uncertified logs that need to be reviewed on the eDriver Logs website. What do I do?

A: You will need to sign in to the ELD Driver Portal to complete

TIP: If you entered the wrong login information or do not yet have enough time available, tap Cancel to return to the Login screen. Reenter the correct information or wait until you have time available and try again.


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After previewing availability, tap Status and then choose the button that best represents your initial duty status. See the Change Status section for a complete list of buttons and corresponding duty statuses. The screenshot below may be different if Driver Role Selection is enabled.

You will be required to enter an annotation (comment) when selecting Yard Moves (ON YM) or Personal Conveyance (OFF PC). See Change Status for more information about these options.

If you are the first driver to sign in during your work shift, the device will prompt you to confirm the vehicle ID. If the vehicle ID has changed or is not correct, tap the pencil icon and enter or update the vehicle ID. If the vehicle ID displayed is correct, or you are finished entering the ID, tap OK. Please use caution when updating your vehicle ID to validate that the vehicle ID matches the one used by your carrier. This is only available if you company has enabled the setting in configuration.

You may be prompted to enter your location if GPS data is not available. See Manual Location Data Entry.


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Questions and Answers

Q:I don’t see a Driving button. How do I record when I am driving the vehicle?

A:When you tap ON Driver, you are indicating that you are on duty and preparing to operate the vehicle. The logging device will detect when the vehicle is moving and record the correct duty status for you based on the movement of the vehicle. See the details below.

If you are the only driver signed in to the vehicle, you will be automatically transitioned to Driving status any time the vehicle moves, unless you are in Personal Conveyance or Yard Moves status.

Q:I don’t have a co-driver. Do I still need to tap the On Driver button before I operate the vehicle?

A:Yes. The logging device uses this information not only to maintain accurate driver logs but also for other record keeping, such as determining when driver vehicle inspection reports need to be created or reviewed.

ON Driver


Vehicle reaches 5mph


Driver’s duty status is recorded as Driving (Line 3)


D (Automatic origin)










Vehicle stops then ignition is shut off


Device ends automatic Driving event and starts a manual


D (Driver origin)





Driving Event












Vehicle stops for 5 minutes


Driver is prompted whether to remain Driving or change


ON Driver





to On Duty or another status












Vehicle stops then device is shut off


No odometer change when device turns back on (odome-


On Driver (when device shut off)





ter must be available)




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