Trane Performance Climate Changer Air Handlers
Creating optimal learning environments
Quality indoor
environments are key to learning
Children need quiet, comfortable spaces for effective
learning. School districts need the lowest possible
utility costs. Trane® Performance Climate Changer™
air handlers deliver quiet, energy-saving performance
to meet the needs of children — and the school districts
that serve them.
An air handler you need to meet your
needs — and your budget
Schools need quiet, comfortable environments that
facilitate learning. And just as important, school
districts need affordable HVAC systems. Quiet, efficient
Trane® Performance Climate Changer
solidly built with just the features you need — and are
available with your choice of options to reduce sound
output and increase energy efficiency even further.
air handlers are

Designed to meet your budget
Budgets continue to be stripped of essential funding. But with
Trane, schools can still get the air handlers they need with energyefficient features that will continue the savings into the future.
• Advanced energy recovery options include AHRI 1060-certified
energy wheels, which recover energy from the exhaust air stream,
transferring it to the air being distributed throughout a building
and reducing the workload on chillers and boilers, lowering
energy use and utility bills. Air-to-air plate heat exchangers are
a great solution to recover sensible energy (heat only) from an
exhaust air stream, with little or no cross-contamination. These
exchangers may also be used for free reheat in dehumidification
applications, including dedicated outdoor air systems. Where
exhaust air is not available, exchangers can be used in series
to heat the dehumidified air.
• AMCA 611-certified Traq
airflow monitoring and measuring
dampers ensure appropriate levels of outside air to help maintain
good indoor air quality without the excessive energy consumption
associated with over-ventilation.
• Superior casing construction delivers low air leakage rates and
up to 30 percent lower energy consumption.
Simpler maintenance and more-reliable operation
Trane® air handlers are engineered to be easy to live with
throughout their long life cycles, with easy-to-perform maintenance
procedures and rugged, durable construction that’s built to last.
• Routine service like filter changes is straightforward,
uncomplicated and can be completed quickly.
• Quiet, direct-drive plenum fans have no belts requiring tension
adjustment or changing, for years of reliable service.
Engineered for easier installations
Trane understands that new air handlers often are ordered to replace
older units, which can mean fitting into tight spaces. That’s why
our air handlers are engineered with removable panels, and can
have multiple shipping splits, making it easier to navigate through
narrow spaces.
Minimal classroom disruptions for maximum learning
Trane Performance Climate Changer™ air handlers come with
standard features for quiet environments as well as additional
features for advanced sound-reduction needs.
Direct-Drive Plenum (DDP) fans provide quieter operation than
belt-driven fans.
Trane: Making buildings better for life
At Trane, we have over one hundred years of experience helping
customers around the world improve learning environments and
achieve better financial and operational performance.
Improved air quality
Comfortable spaces allow children and teachers to focus on
education. Trane air handlers offer multiple strategies to deliver
superior indoor air quality.
• The Trane Catalytic Air Cleaning System (TCACS) can dramatically
improve indoor air quality, reducing levels of organic and
inorganic airborne contaminants — including disease-causing
bacteria and viruses.
For more information about Trane
air handler solutions for schools,
visit Trane.com/PerformanceAHU
or contact your Trane account manager.
© 2013 Ingersoll Rand CLCH-SLB025-EN
December 12, 2013