For Cooling, Ventilating and
Make-Up Air Applications
The Trane packaged air handling
product line is suitable for cooling,
ventilating and make-up air
applications. Unit sizes range from
1500 to 14,000 cfm (0.7-6.6 cu. m/s)
/2 to 1 5 hp motor capabilities.
Units are ETL and CSA certified to UL-
1995 standard for heating, cooling and
ventilating equipment. Units are
available in one of eight standard
arrangements. Air handling units are
suitable for commercial, institutional
and industrial applications where
external system pressure losses are as
high as three inches WC.
Arrangements are divided into two
classifications — standard and high
cfm blower types.
The standard blower unit consists of a
blower cabinet that houses the
dampers, filters and blower in one
cabinet. An optional evaporative
cooling unit with standard 8 or optional
12-inc h media may also be included.
The high cfm blower unit uses a
separate damper/filter cabinet with a Vbank filter arrangement and a blower
cabinet. An optional coil cabinet is
offered on units with a cfm range of up
to 6,300. Both standard and high cfm
blower arrangements may also include
a downturn supply air plenum, outside
air and/or return air, intake hood and a
roof curb.
All units are completely packaged, rail
mounted and wired to help assure a
smooth installation and easy start-up.
Air control options offer a similar range
of control features from manual
dampers to modulating dampers that
may include mixed air, dry bulb,
pressure sensing, enthalpy control,
DDC interface or ASHRAE Cycle control
Features and Benefits
ETL and CSA UL-1995 Certified.
Cfm ranges from 1,500 to 14,000.
Motor sizes up to 15 hp.
ODP motors with high efficiency and
totally enclosed options.
Draw-thru cooling coil cabinet with
stainless steel drain pan.
Evaporative cooling with standard 8 or
optional 12-inch media (203 or 305
Insulated roof curb.
Standard 18-gauge cabinets.
Standard one-inch washable filters.
Standard blower door safety interlock
Standard 24-volt circuit breaker.
Standard printed circuit main
connection board.
Wiring harnesses with stamped wire
Arrangement B —— Electrical cabinet isolated from the airstream.
Air Handler with— Blower door interlock switc h with service o ver ride.
Standard Blower— Insulated Fan Section
— 1” Permanent Filters
Arrangement C —Same as Arrangement B with
Air Handler with Standard— Insulated Supply Plenum
Blower and Downflow
Supply Plenum
Arrangement D —Same as Arrangement B with
Air Handler with Standard— Evaporative Cooler
Blower and— Sealed pump motor with float valve
Evaporative Cooler— Heavy duty stainless steel water tank
— High Efficiency 8 media
— Self cleaning design
Arrangement E —Same as Arrangement D with
Air Handler with Standard— Insulated Supply Plenum
Blower, Evaporative Cooler
and Downflow
Supply Plenum
Arrangement G —— Blower door interloc k switch with service override
Air Handler with— 1” Permanent Filters
High Cfm Blower— Electrical cabinet isolated from the airstream
— Quick opening access door
— V bank filter and damper cabinet
— Fully insulated filter/damper and blower cabinet
Arrangement J —Same as Arrangement G with
Air Handler with High Cfm — Insulated Supply Plenum
Blower and Downflow
Supply Plenum
Arrangement K —Same as Arrangement G with
Air Handler with High Cfm— Coil Section
Blower and Coil Section— Mounting for 4-6 row coils
— Stainless steel drain pan with
Arrangement L —Same as Arrangement K with
Air Handler with High Cfm— Insulated Supply Plenum
Blower, Coil S ection and
Downflow Supply Plenum
Note: Motors/Air Inlet Configur ation/Air Contr ol and D amper Arrangement must be selected f or eac h unit.
Legend is as follows:
B/F/D — Standard blower/Filter/Damper
SP — Supply Plenum
EV — Evaporative Cooler
F/D — Filter/Damper
B — High cfm Blower
CC — Coil Cabinet
Air Inlet Configuration (Digit 18 of the Model Number)
12345See Note Below
Note: Horizontal outside air over return air . Specify air inlet configuration 4 or 5
and then select miscellaneous option “D” for horiz ontal return.
/4” tapped outlets
A H 0 A 20 0 A 0 D0 0 0 C F 1 0 5 H 0 P
123 45,678910,1112131415161718192021
Digit 1,2 — Unit Type
AH = Air Handling Unit
Digit 3 — Furnace T ype
0 = None
Digit 4 — Development Sequence
A = First Generation
Digit 5,6 — Unit Size
20 = 1500 - 8000 Cfm
40 = 4000 - 14000 Cfm
Digit 7 — Venting T ype
0 = None
Digit 8 — Main Pow er Supply
A = 115/60/1
B = 208/60/1
C = 230/60/1
D = 208/60/3
E = 230/60/3
F = 460/60/3
G = 575/60/3
S = Special Main Power Supply
Digit 9 — Gas Control Option
0 = No gas control option
Digit 10, 11 — Design Sequence
DO = Design Sequence
Digit 12 — Fuel Type
0 = No selection
Digit 13 — Heat Exchanger Mater ial
0 = No selection
Digit 14 — Air Handler Arrangements
B = Blower (Standard)
C = Blower (Standard) Plenum
D = Blower (Standard) Evaporative Cooler
E = Blower (Standard) Evaporative Cooler/
G = Blower (High CFM)
J = Blower (High CFM)/Plenum
K = Blower (High CFM)/Coil Cabinet
L = Blower (High CFM)/Coil Cabinet/
S = Special Air Handler Arrangement
Digit 15 — Motor Selection
A=1/2 HP w/contactor
B=3/4 HP w/contactor
C = 1 HP w/contactor
D=1 1/2 HP w/contactor
E = 2 HP w/contactor
F = 3 HP w/contactor
G = 5 HP w/contactor
H=1/2 HP w/magnetic starter
J=3/4 HP w/magnetic starter
K = 1 HP w/magnetic starter
L=1 1/2 HP w/magnetic star ter
N = 2 HP w/magnetic starter
P = 3 HP w/magnetic starter
Q = 5 HP w/magnetic starter
R=7 1/2 HP w/magnetic star ter
T = 10 HP w/magnetic starter
U = 15 HP w/magnetic starter
S = Special Motor
Digit 16 — Motor Speed and Starter
0 = No Selection
1 = Single Speed ODP 1800 RPM
2 = Single Speed TEFC 1800 RPM
3 = Single Speed High Efficiency ODP
1800 RPM
4 = Single Speed High Efficiency TEFC
1800 RPM
5 = 2S1W ODP 1800/900 RPM
6 = 2S2W ODP 1800/1200 RPM
S= Special Motor Speed and Starter
Digit 17 — Coil Options
0 =No cooling coil selection
A =DX coil, 4 Row, Single Circuit
B =DX coil, 4 Row, Dual Circuit
C =DX coil, 6 Row, Single Circuit
D =DX coil, 6 Row, Dual Circuit
E = Chilled Water Coil, 4 Row, Single
G = Chilled W ater Coil, 6 R ow, Dual Circuit
S =Special coil
Digit 18 — Air Inlet Configuration
1 = Outside Air (OA) Horizontal Inlet
2 = Outside Air W/Air Hood, Horiz ontal Inlet
3 = Bottom Return Air (RA)
4 = Outside and Return Air (OA/RA)
5 = Outside and Return Air W/Air Hood
S= Special Air inlet configuration
Digit 19 — Air Contr ol and Damper
0 =No Selection
A =Outside Air 2 pos. Motor/ SR
B =Return Air 2 pos. Motor/ SR
C =O A/RA 2 pos SR
E = OA/RA Mod Mtr W/Mixed Air Control/
Min Pot/SR
H =OA/RA Mod Mtr W/Mixed Air Control/
K =O A/RA Mod Mtr W/Min Pot/SR
M =O A/RA Mod Mtr w/Dry Bulb/Mixed Air
Control/Min Pot/SR
N = OA/RA Mod Mtr w/Enthalpy Controlled
P = OA/RA Mod Mtr W/ Space Pressure
R =O A/RA Mod Mtr W/ S-350 P
Proportional Mixed Air Control/SR
U = OA/RA MTR. W/External 0-10 VDC and
4-20 mA Analog Input/SR
(External Input)
W= ASHRAE Cycle I (OA/RA 2 pos.
w/warm-up stat/SR
W/Warm-up Stat/Mixed Air/min pot/SR
Y =ASHRAE Cycle III (O A/RA Mod.
W/Warm-up Stat/Mixed Air/SR
Z = Manual Dampers
S =Special air control and damper
Digit 20 — California Shipment
0 = Non-California Shipment
1 = California Shipment
Digit 21 — Miscellaneous Options
B =12” Evaporative Media (Celdek)
C =Moisture Eliminators
D =Horizontal Return
E = Continuous Fan Relay
F =Freezestat
H =Return Air Firestat
J =Supply Air Firestat
K =Manual Blower Switc h
N = Double Wall Construction
P = Low Leak Dampers
Q = Clogged Filter Switch
W= Interlock Relay — 24/115V Coil
X =Interlock Relay — 24/115/230V Coil
Z = 8” Evaporative Media (Glasdek)
1 = 12” Evaporative Media (Glasdek)
2 = Hinged Service Access Doors
Pack aged Air Handler Arrangement Reference
Standard BlowerStandard Blower W/EC-MateHigh CFM BlowerHigh CFM Blower W/Cooling
Arrang ements B, CArrangements D , EArrangements G, JArrang ements K, L
4. Corrected BTUH Output = Corrected BTUH Input x Ef ficiency
Altitude (Feet)
Metric Conv ersion T able
Unless otherwise specified, the following conversions may be used for calculating SI unit
1 cubic foot= 0.028 m
1 foot = 0.0305 m1 gallon = 3.785 L
1 inch = 25.4 mm1,000 Btu/Cu. Ft. = 37.5 MJ/m
1 psig = 6.894 kPa1 liter/second = CFM x 0.472
1 pound = 0.453 kg1 meter/second = FPM ¸ 196.8
1,000 Btu per hour = 0.293 kW
1 inch water column = 0.029 kP a
P erformance
Table PD-1 — Air Handling Perf or mance Data — Arrangements B-E
Note: Refer to T able for Accessory Pressure Losses (Rooftop Ar rangement G-L) and Tables for Cooling Coil Data. (Roof top A r rangement K-L) Do not exceed 6,300
Cfm for units with cooling coils. .
T otal External Static P ressure (Inc hes of Water)
Table PD-5 — Air Handling Accessory Pressure Loss Data — Arrangements G-L
3.412 MBH = 1 kW
(F-32) 5/9 = C
1 In. W.C. = 248.8 Pa
1 LB. = 0.453 kg
1 .) Data cer tified in accordance with ARI Standard 410.
2.) Capacity based on 80 F EDB, 67 F EWB, 45 F Sat. Suction, 100 F Liquid.
3.) Weight listed is the total weight of the dry coil.
4.) Coils denoted by an asterisk ( * ) require special pricing; consult product marketing for special coil requirements and pricing.
Table PD-8 — Standard Conditions and Specifications — Refrigerant DX Coil
Elevation0 Ft.
Entering Air Temperature DB:80 F95 F
Entering Air Temperature WB:67 F74 F
Suction Temperature:45 F45 F
Liquid Temperature:100 F100 F
Fouling Factor:0 HR x FT2 x F/BTU
Coil Type:DE optional DH
T ube Size:
Row Sizes:4,6
Fin Type:Delta-Flo
Fin Size:0.0055” Aluminum
Fin Spacing:Standard — 96, (120), 144 Fins/Ft.
Circuiting:Standard —Single
Unit SizeFinned WidthFixed Finned Length
1 . Above specification is for standard coil with standard fin spacing.
Specify fin spacing and dual circuiting.
2. Special coils — contact Product Marketing.
3. Every order requires a coil selection.
/2” O.D. x 0.016” TWT Copper
Optional — 72 thru 180 Fins/Ft.
Optional — Dual:
a) Intertwined
b) Face-Split
Perf ormance
Table PD-9 — Chilled Water Coil Performance D ata — Roof top Arrangements K, L
Capacity based on 95 F EDB, 74 F EWB, 45 EWT, 70 GPM