3. Remove the porcelain cooking grill (3) from the unit. Remove the Angle Drip pan (25)
from the unit. Note: the Angle Drip pan is designed to be lined with tin foil for easy clean up.
( If you have not lined the Angle Drip pan with aluminum foil, do so now). Reach down and
remove the u shaped fire pot cover (5). You should now be able to peer down and see the
firepot below.( At the bottom of the fire pot you will see the hot rod (22) protruding out below
the auger. When you turn the unit on, the hot rod will turn cherry red "hot" for four minutes.
This will ignite the pellets flowing into the fire pot. Turn the power switch "ON" and run the
auger until you can see pellets come out into the firepot. It normally takes about 5 minutes
before the auger is fully charged with pellets. Once pellets start to enter the firepot, turn the
power switch back to the "OFF" position.
4. Replace the U shaped fire pot cover(5) , Angle drip pan (25) and the porcelain grille (3).
On the Control Board (14), turn the power switch to "ON" , and set the temperature dial to
high. The unit will start. In less than three minutes, you will see a large amount of smoke
come out of the grille and the burner will then automatically start.
9. FOR YOUR FIRST FIRING: With the(2) door closed and let the grill burn on High for 30-
45 minutes to cure the paint and season the grill prior to your first cooking of food. We
recommend spraying the porcelain grill (3) with "PAM" before the very first use to prevent food
from sticking. After the first use, the natural oils from the meat and the porcelain coating
should prevent sticking.
10. After your first firing on the grill, it should only take 10 to 20 minutes of warm up time
before you can cook.
1. Your
should not be moved when it is hot. If you are considering
hauling your grill in a vehicle right after cooking on it, make sure the fire is completely out. No
fire or heat in the firepot what so ever. Don't ever put water in the firepot, it will jam the unit.
2. The TRAEGER GRILL is designed to operate with the "DOOR CLOSED". Cooking with
the door open will dramatically lengthen your cooking times. Remember ... a watched pot
never boils.
3. Don't put pellets directly in the firepot by hand on start-up. More is not better. Putting
too many pellets in the firepot on start-up may cause incomplete combustion and a blackening
on the food.
NEVER add pellets by hand to a hot firepot. This is dangerous and you may get
burned. If you run out of fuel and lose your fire during a cook, let the unit cool completely,
and start all over again with relighting procedures.
5. When estimating cooking times please remember that the outside temperature will
dramatically alter your cooking times. If it is hot it will take less time and if it is cold it will take
longer. Wind will also lengthen your cooking time as it wipes the heat off the surface of the