Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ............................................................................................................................. 3
1. Development Environment ........................................................................................................ 3
2. Compile the Driver .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Compilation tool and kernel sources ............................................................................................ 3
2.2. Compile the Driver ........................................................................................................................ 3
3. Load the Driver .......................................................................................................................... 4
Mint 18.03 ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Development Environment ........................................................................................................ 4
2. Compile the Driver .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Compilation tool and kernel sources ............................................................................................ 4
2.2. Compile the Driver ........................................................................................................................ 5
3. Load the Driver .......................................................................................................................... 5
Raspberry Pi3 ................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Development Environment ........................................................................................................ 5
2. Compile the Driver .................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Compile Kernel source ................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1. Download and Install Tools ................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2. Get Kernel source ................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.3. Modify Kernel ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.4. Compile the Kernel ............................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Compile the Driver Source ........................................................................................................... 7
3. Load the Driver .......................................................................................................................... 7
Kali 2018.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 8
1. Development Environment ........................................................................................................ 8
2. Compile the Driver .................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Install the Kernel Header File ....................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Update the Software Source ................................................................................................. 8
2.1.2. Install the Kernel Header File ............................................................................................... 8
2.1.3. Compile Driver Source ........................................................................................................ 10
3. Load the Driver ........................................................................................................................ 10
Use the Graphical Interfac e ........................................................................................................... 11
Use the Command Line .................................................................................................................. 14
1. Identify the Device ................................................................................................................... 14
2. Create the Interface ................................................................................................................ 14
3. Change the Interface Status to Up .......................................................................................... 14
4. Start wpa_supplicant in the background ................................................................................. 14
4.1. Scan Wireless Networks (SSID)................................................................................................. 15
4.2. Connect to the AP ...................................................................................................................... 15
4.3. Enable DHCP client .................................................................................................................... 17
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
1. Development Environment
The development enviro nment in Ubuntu is required as follows:
Development Environment
OS Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Kernel version 4.13.0-36-generic
Gcc version 5.4.0
2. Compile the Driver
2.1. Compilati on tool and ke rnel sources
Before you compile the driver, please make sure you have the correct compile tool and
kernel sources. In Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, we can install compile tool gcc by com mand “apt-get
install gcc”
Note: We recommend you install the same version tool to compile the driver.
For example:
According to the command “cat /proc/version”, you could see your Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
system is compiled by gcc5.4.0. By default, gcc5.4.0 is already installed in Ubuntu 16.04
LTS, you could use gcc5.4.0 to compile the driv er direc t ly.
Generally, compatible kernel headers are already built in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, so you don’t
need to separately download and compile the kernel sources. However, if no related
kernel headers are integr ated in your system, please install the kernel sources first.
2.2. Compile the Driver
Use Terminal to go to the driver directory and run the following commands to com pi l e the
$ make clean
$ make
After compiling, you can see a name of the chip.ko file is stored in the directory of the
/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ #[kernel
Mint 18.03
3. Load the Driver
Here we show the 88x2bu.ko wireless driver loading process as an example. Run the
following command to load the driver.
$ sudo cp 88x2bu.ko /lib/modules/[kernel version]
version] is the directory name of the system kernel version
$ sudo depmod –a
$ sudo modprobe 88x2bu
Or directly use insmod to load the dr iv er.
$ sudo insmod 88x2bu.ko
After loading the driver, run the following command to check i f the driver is successfully
Mint 18.03
1. Development Environment
The development enviro nment in Mint is required as follows:
Gcc version 5.4.0
2. Compile the Driver
2.1. Compilati on tool and ke rnel sources
Before you compile the driver, please make sure you have the correct compile tool and
kernel sources. In Mint, w e can install compile tool gcc by command “apt -get install gcc”
Note: We recommend you install the same version tool to compile the driver.
For example:
Hardware version of
development board
According to the command “cat /proc/version”, you could see your Mint system is
compiled by gcc5.4.0, so we should use gcc5.4.0 to compile the driver.
Generally, compatible kernel headers are already built in Mint, so you don’t need to
separately download and compile the kernel sources. However, if no related kernel
headers are integrated in your system, please install the kernel sources first .
2.2. Compile the Driver
Use Terminal to go to the driver directory and run the following commands to compile the
$ make clean
$ make
After compiling, you can see a name of the chip.ko file is stored in the directory of the
3. Load the Driver
Here we show the 88x2bu.ko wireless driver loading process as an example. Run the
following command to load the driver.
$ sudo cp 88x2bu.ko /lib/ mo dules/[kernel version]/kernel/drivers/ net/wireless/
$ sudo depmod -a
$ sudo modprobe 88x2bu
Or directly use insmod to load the dr iv er.
$ sudo insmod 88x2bu.ko
After loading the driver, run the following command to check if the driver is successfully
$ lsmod
Raspberry Pi3
1. Development Environment
The development enviro nment in Raspberry Pi 3 is required as follows
OS 6.3.0-18-rpi-deb9u1
Kernel version 4.9.80-v7
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B