Locking operation
Unlocking operation
To lock and unlock all the doors, push
the switches of the key slowly and securely.
Locking the doors with the wireless
remote cont rol key set s the thef t
deterrent system, and unlocking cancels
the system. For further infor mation
about t his system, see “Theft deterrent
system” on page 24.
To lock: Push the lock switch with all the
doors closed. All t he doors are locked simultaneously. At this time, the turn signal
lights flas h once.
Check to see that t he doors are securely
If the lock switch is pushed while any
door is not sec urely closed, locking will
not be performed and the s ecuri ty horn
will sound for 1 second.
If the lock switch is pus hed while the key
is in the igniti on, lock ing wi ll not be performed.
To unl ock: Push the unlock swit ch. All the
doors are unlocked s imult aneously. At t his
time, the tur n signal lights flash twice.
You hav e 30 s econds to open a door after
using the wireless remote unlock feature.
If a door is not opened by then, all the
doors will be aut omatic ally locked again.
If the loc k or unlock switch is kept
pressed in, the loc king or unloc king operation is not repeated. Releas e the switc h
and then push it agai n.
You can turn the answerback f uncti on on
or off , or change the setti ngs. For details ,
see “—Set ting optional functions ” on page
Your Toyota dealer can also per form the
above operation for you.
HILUX (Argentina) OM99908E
—Locking and unlocking