Toyota KUN26L-P series Owner's Manual

Welcome to the growing group of valueconsci ous people who drive Toyotas. We are proud of t he advanced engineeri ng and quality construction of each vehicle we build.
This Owner’s Manual explai ns the operation of your new Toyota. Please read it thoroughly and have all the occupants follow the i nstructi ons carefully. Doing so will help you enjoy many years of safe and tr oublefree motoring. For import ant information about t his manual and your Toyota, read the follow­ing pages carefully.
When it comes to s ervi ce, r emember that your Toyota dealer knows y our vehic le very well and is interested in your complet e s atis facti on. Your Toyota dealer will provide quality m aintenanc e and any other assistance you may require.
Please leave this Owner ’s Manual in this vehicle at the time of resale. The next owner will need this information also.
All information and specifications in thi s manual are current at the time of printing. However, because of Toyota’s polic y of cont inual product improvement, we reserve the right to make c hanges at any time without noti ce.
Please note that this manual applies to all models and explains all equipment, including options. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment not installed on your vehicl e.
All rights reserved. This material m ay not be reproduc ed or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Toyota Motor Corporation.
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Important information about this manual
Safety and vehicle damage warnings
Throughout this manual, you will see safety and vehic le dam­age warni ngs. You must follow these warnings carefully to avoid possible i njury or damage.
The types of warnings, what they look like, and how they are used in this manual ar e explained as follows:
This i s a warning against anything which may cause injury to people if the warning i s ignor ed. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to reduce the ri sk of inj ury to your self and others.
This is a warning against anything which may cause damage to the vehicle or its equipment if the warning is ignored. You are i nformed about what you must or must not do in order t o avoid or reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle and i ts equipment.
Safety symbol
When you see the safety symbol shown above, it means: “Do not...”; “Do not do this”; or “Do not let this happen”.
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Important information about your Toyota
Fuel and fuel filter
(diesel engine)
The fuel filter for a di esel engine does not need to be replaced periodical ly.
For long life performance of your vehicle, please follow these inst ructi ons:
z Only fill your fuel tank at a standard station.
z If the f uel system warning light comes on, have
your vehicle checked and the warning light reset by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible.
z The fuel filter should only be replaced at your
Toyota dealer to prevent the mixing of fuel with foreign mater ial and impur ities.
Occupant restraint systems
Toyota encourages you and y our family to take the time to read Section 13 of this Owner’s Manual carefully. In terms of helping you understand how you can receive the maximum benefit of t he occupant restraint systems this vehicle provides, Sec tion 13 of this Owner’s Manu­al is the most i mportant sec tion for you and your f amily to read.
Section 13 describes the functi on and operation con­cerning seats, seat belt s, SRS ai rbags and child r e­straint systems of this vehicle and some potential haz­ards you should be aware of. These systems work to­gether along with the overall structure of this vehi cle in order to provi de occ upant r estr aint in the event of a crash. The effect of each system is enhanced when it is used properly and together wi th other systems. No single occupant restraint system can, by itself, provide you or y our family wit h t he equal level of restraint which these systems can provide when used together. That is why it is important for you and your fami ly to understand the purpose and proper use of each of these systems and how they relate to each other.
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The purpose of all occupant restraint systems is to help reduce the possibility of deat h or serious injury in the event of a collision. None of these systems, either indi­vidually or together, can ensure that there is no i njury in the event of collision. However, the more you know about these systems and how to use them properly, the greater your c hances become of surv ivi ng an acc ident without death or s erious injury.
Seat belts provide the primary restraint to all occupants of the vehic le, and every occupant of the vehicle should wear seat belts properly at all times. Chil dren should always be secured in child restraint systems that are appropriate for thei r age and size. SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) airbags are, as t heir names i mply, designed to wor k with, and be supplemental t o, s eat belts and are not substitut es for them. SRS air bags can be very effective in reducing the risk of head and chest injuries by preventi ng contact of the head and chest with interior portions of the vehicle.
In order to be effect ive, the SRS airbags must deploy with trem endous speed. The rapid deploym ent of the SRS airbags makes the SRS airbags themselves poten­tial sources of serious injury if an occupant is too close to an airbag, or if an object or s ome part of hi s or her body has been placed between the occupant and the airbag at the time of deployment. This is j ust one exam­ple of how the ins truc tions in Section 13ofthisOwn­er’s Manual will help ensure proper use of the occ upant restraint systems, and increase the safety they can pro­vide to you and your family in the event of an accident.
Toyota recommends you to read the provi sions in Sec­tion 13 carefully and refer to them as needed duri ng your time of ownership of this vehicle.
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Accessories, spare parts and
modification of your Toyota
A wide variet y of nongenuine spare parts and acces sor ies for Toyota v ehicl es are c urr ently available in t he market. Using these spar e parts and accessories which are not genuine Toyota products may adv ersel y aff ect the safety of your vehi cle, even t hough these parts may be approv ed by certain authorities in your country. Toyota therefore cannot accept any liability or guarantee spare parts and ac cess o­ries which are not genuine Toyota products, nor for re­placement or installation involv ing such par ts.
This vehicle should not be modified with nongenuine Toyota products. Modif icat ion with nongenuine Toyota products could affect its performance, safety or durabili­ty, and m ay even violate government al regulations . In addition, damage or per formanc e pr oblems resulting from the modificati on may not be covered under warranty.
Installation of a mobile
twoway radio system
As the installation of a mobile twoway radio system in your vehicle could affect electronic systems such as multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, electronically controlled fuel pump, electronic engine cont rol system, cruise control system, antilock brake system and SRS airbag system, be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for pr ecauti onary mea­sures or spec ial instructions regarding i nstall ation.
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Scrapping of your Toyota
The SRS airbag device in your Toyota contains explo­sive chemicals. If the vehicle is scr apped with the ai r­bags left as it is , this may c ause an accident s uch as fire. Be sure to have the SRS airbag system removed and disposed of by a qualified service shop or by your Toyota dealer before you scrap your vehi cle.
Onpavement and offroad
driving tips
This vehicle will handle and maneuver differently from an ordinary passenger car becaus e it is desi gned for offroad use also. It has a s ignif icant ly higher r ollov er rate than ot her types of vehicles. In addit ion, this ve­hicle has a higher gr ound clearance and center of gravi­ty than that of an ordinary passenger c ar. This vehicle design feature causes this type of v ehicl e to be more likely to r ollover. Failure t o operate t his vehicle correctly may result in loss of control, accidents or vehicle rol­lover causing deat h or s erious injury. Be sure to read “Offroad vehicle precautions” on page 148 and “Off road driving pr ecautions ” on page 169.
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Model code
Check the model code to see what type of model your vehicle is.
The model code appears on the manufacturer’s plat e with the heading “MODEL”. See “Your Toyota’s identific ation” on page 159 for t he manufacturer’s plate locat ion.
Engine type
TGN: M odels with gasoline engine KUN: Models with diesel engine
Driving system
25, 26: Fourwheel drive models 35, 36: Pre Runner (twowheel drive models)
Transmission t ype
P: Automatic transmis sion M: Manual transmission
Cab type
T: Singlecab P: Doublecab
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Overview of instrument s and cont rols
Instrument panel overview 2....................................
Instrument cluster overview 4...................................
Indicator symbols on the instrument panel 5......................
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1. Side vent 136.......................
2. Instrument cluster 4.................
3. Center vents 136....................
4. Auxiliary box
5. Personal light s
6. Upper glove box
7. Cup holders
8. Lower glove box 141................
9. Power window s witc hes
10. Fourwheel driv e c ontrol lever 96....
11. Bottl e holder 144....................
12. Automatic t ransmi ssi on s elect or lever or manual t ransm iss ion
gear shift lever 91, 94..............
13. Parking brake lever 98..............
14. Hood lock release lever 23.........
15. Fuel filler door opener
16. Window lock switch
17. Power door loc k switch
18. Cup holder 142.....................
: If equipped
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Instrument panel overview
"View A
1. Headlight and t urn
signal swi tches 72..................
2. Wiper and was her switches 75......
3. Clock 138...........................
4. Front passenger ’s seat belt reminder li ght
5. Audio system 104...................
6. Emergency fl asher switch 73........
7. Air conditi oning controls 130.........
8. Ashtray 138.........................
9. Cigarette li ghter 138.................
10. Rear window def ogger switch
11. Power outlet
12. Cruise contr ol switch
13. Ignition sw itch 90...................
14. Tilt steering lock release lever 68....
15. Engine immobilizer system/ theft deterrent system indicator l ight
11/2 4................
16. Power rear view mi rror control swi tches
: If equipped
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"View B
1. Tachometer 79......................
2. Speedometer
3. Service reminder indicators
and indicator lights 80...............
4. Engine c oolant temperature
gauge 78...........................
5. Fuel gauge 78......................
6. Trip meter reset knob 79............
7. Odometer and two tr ip meters 79....
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Instrument cluster overview
Brake system warning light
Front passenger’s seat belt reminder light
(some models)
Discharge warning li ght
Low engine oil pressure warning light
Automatic transmissi on fluid temperature warn­ing light
(some models)
Unengaged “ Park” warning light
(some models)
Seat belt reminder light
(some models)
Low fuel level warning light
Antilock brake system warning light
(some models)
Open door warning light
SRS w arning light
(some models)
Timing belt replacement warning l ight
(diesel engine)
Headlight high beam indicator light
Turn signal indicator lights
Malfunction indicator lamp
Fuel system warning light
(diesel engine)
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Indicator symbols on the instrument panel
: For details, see “Service reminder indic ators and warning
buzzers” on page 80.
: If this light fl ashes, see “Cruise control” on page 99.
Cruise control i ndicat or light
(some models)
Front fog light indicator light ( some models)
Fourwheel drive indicator light (some m odels)
Engine preheating indi cator light ( diesel engine)
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Other equipment
Clock 138.....................................................
Cigarette lighter and ashtrays 138...............................
Power outlet 140...............................................
Rear console box 140..........................................
Glove boxes 141...............................................
Auxiliary box 141...............................................
Cup holders 142...............................................
Bottle holders 144..............................................
Floor mat 145..................................................
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To set the hour: Push the “H” butt on. To set the minutes: Push the “M” button.
The time can also be set by pushing the “H” or “M” button continuously.
The key must be in the “ ACC” or “ON” position.
If quick adjus tment to a full hour is de­sired, push the “:00” button.
For example, if t he “:00” but ton is de­pressed when the time is between 1:01—1:29, the ti me wil l change to 1:00. If the time is between 1:30—1:59, t he time will change to 2: 00.
If the electrical power source has been disconnected from the clock, t he time dis­play will automati call y be set to 1:00.
When the instrument panel lights are turned on, the brightness of the time indi­cation will be reduced.
Cigarette lighter and front ashtray
To use the cigarette lighter, press it in. After it finishes heating up, it automati­cally pops out ready for use.
If the engine is not running, the k ey must be i n the “ACC” position.
Do not hold the cigarette lighter pressed in.
Use a Toyota genuine cigarette lighter or equivalent for repl acement .
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Clock Cigarette lighter and ashtrays
To use the ashtray, pull it out.
When finished with your cigarette, thor­oughly extinguish it in t he ashtray to pre­vent other cigarett e butts from catching fire. After using the ashtray, close the lid completely.
To remov e the ashtray, press down on the lock spring pl ate and pull out.
To reduce the chance of injury i n case of an accident or sudden stop while driving, always close t he ash­tray completely aft er use.
Portable ashtray
PORTABLE ASHTRAY (some models)
To use the portable ashtray, open the lid.
The ashtray should be used in the bottle holders of the rear seat.
When finished with your cigarette, thor­oughly extinguish it in t he ashtray to pre­vent other cigarett e butts from catching fire. After using the ashtray, close the li d completely.
To remove the ashtr ay, pull it out of a bottle holder.
To reduce the chance of injury i n case of an accident or sudden stop while driving, always close t he ash­tray completely aft er use.
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The power outlet is designed for power supply for car accessories. To use it, open as shown.
The key must be in the “ ACC” or “ON” position for the power outlet to be used.
z To prevent the fuse from being
blown, do not use the electricit y over the tot al vehicle capacity of 12V/120W.
z To prevent the battery fr om being
discharged, do not use the power outlet longer than necessary when the engine is not running.
z Close the power outlet lid when the
power outlet is not in use. Inserting anything other than an appropriate plug that fits the outlet, or al lowing any liquid to get into the outlet may cause elect rical failure or short cir­cuits.
To use the rear console box, open as shown i n the ill ustrati on.
To reduce the chance of injury i n case of an acci dent or sudden stop, always keep the console box closed while driving.
Take care when placing sharpedged objects in the rear console box, as they may scrat ch or damage the inner surface of the compartment.
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Power outlet (some models)
Rear console box (some models)
Upper glove box (some models)
Lower glove box
To use the upper glove box:
Push anywhere on the labelled “PUSH”.
To use the lower glove box:
Open by pulling the lever.
Lock by ins erti ng the master key and turn­ing it clockwise.
Unlock by inserting the master key and turning it counter cloc kwis e.
To reduce the chance of injury i n case of an accident or a sudden stop, always keep the glove box door closed while driving.
Take care when placing sharpedged objects i n the glove box, as they may scratch or damage the inner surface of the compartment.
To use the auxiliary box, open as shown i n the ill ustrati on.
To reduce the chance of injury in case of an accident or a sudden stop, always keep the auxi liar y box closed while driving.
As thi s box is designed for holding light objects such as eyeglasses, do not place any heavy obj ects in it. Heavy objects may cause the box to open and the cont ents t o f ly out resulting in injur ies.
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Glove boxes
Auxiliary b ox (some models)
z In hot weather, the i nside of t he
vehicle ceiling becomes very hot. Do not leave anything flammable or deformable such as a lighter, glasses, etc. inside.
z Take care when placing sharp
edged objects in the auxiliary box, as they may scratch or damage the inner surface of the compartment .
The cup holder is designed for holding cups, drinkcans or bottles securely.
To use the cup holder, pull it out.
Do not put bottles in the cup hold­er while driving. Doing so may block the driver ’s view.
Do not place anything else other than cups or drinkcans in the cup holder, as such it ems may be thrown about in the compar tment and possibly injure people in the vehicle during sudden braki ng or in an acci dent.
To reduce the chance of injury in case of an accident or sudden stop while dri ving, keep the cup holder closed when it is not in use.
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Cup holder (instrument panel)
Front (some models)
Typ e A
Typ e B
Typ e C
The cup holder is designed for holding cups, dr inkcans or bottles securely. Your vehicle is equipped with sever al types of cup holders. To use t hem, ob­serve the above illustrations.
Do not put bottles in the cup hold­ers while driving. Doing so may ob­struct use of other f unctions.
Do not place anything else other than cups or drinkcans in the cup holders, as such items may be thrown about in the compar tment and possibly injure people in the vehicle during sudden braki ng or in an acci dent.
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Cup holder (console box)
Rear (some models)
The cup holder is designed for holding cups, drinkcans or bottles securely.
To use the rear cup holder, pull it out.
Do not place anything else other than cups, drinkcans or bottles in the cup holder, as such items may be thrown about in the compart­ment and possibly injure people in the vehicle during sudden braking or in an accident.
To reduce the chance of injury in case of an accident or a sudden stop while driving, keep the cup holder cl osed when it is not in use.
The bottle holders are designed t o hol d bottles securely.
Do not attempt to use the holders for purposes other than which t hey were intended. Inappropri ately sized or shaped objects m ay be thrown about in the compartment and possibly in­jure people in the vehicle during a sudden br aking or an accident.
HILUX (Argentina) OM99908E
Bottle holders
When using a bottle hol der, put a cap on the bottle. Otherwise, the liqui d will spill over when opening or clos­ing the door.
Use a floor mat of the corr ect size.
If the floor carpet and floor mat have 2 holes, then they are designed for use with locking clips . Fix the f loor mat w ith loc k­ing cl ips into the holes in the floor car pet.
Make sur e the floor mat is properly placed on the floor carpet. I f the floor mat slips and interferes with the movement of the pedals duri ng driv­ing, it may cause an accident.
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Floor mat
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Keys and Doors
Keys 8........................................................
Engine immobilizer system 11...................................
Wireless remote control 12.....................................
Side doors 18..................................................
Power windows 20.............................................
Tailgate 22....................................................
Hood 23.......................................................
Theft deterrent system 24......................................
Fuel tank cap 27...............................................
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Typ e A
Typ e B
Your vehicle i s supplied with two kinds of keys.
1. Master keys—Thes e keys work in ev­ery lock.
These keys ar e equi pped with the wir e­less remote cont rol transmitter.
2. Master keys—Thes e keys work in ev­ery lock.
3. Sub key—This key does not work in the glove box.
A t ransponder chip for engine immobiliz er system has been placed i n the head of the master and s ub keys. These c hips are needed to enable the system to function correctly, so be careful not to los e these keys. If you make your own duplicat e key, you will not be able to cancel the system or start the engine.
Your Toyota dealer will need one of mas­ter keys to make a new key with a buil t in transponder chi p.
To protec t i tems locked in the glove box when us ing valet parking, leave the sub key with the attendant.
Since the doors can be locked without a key, you should always car ry a spare key in case you accidentally lock your keys inside the vehic le.
For i nformat ion on use of the wireless remote control key, see “Wireless remote control” on page 12.
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Keys (with engine immo bilizer system)
When using a key containing a t rans­ponder chip, observe the following precautions:
z When starting the engine, do not
use the key with a key ring resting on the key grip and do not press the key ring against the key grip. Otherwise the engine may not st art, or may stop soon after it starts.
z When starting the engine, do not
use the key with other transponder keys around (including keys of oth­er vehicles) and do not press other key pl ates against t he key grip. Otherwise the engine may not st art, or may stop soon after it starts. If this happens, remove the key once and then insert it again af ter rem ov­ing other tr ansponder keys (includ­ing keys of other vehicles) fr om the ring or while gripping or covering them with your hand t o st art t he engine.
z Do not bend the key gr ip.
z Do not cover the key grip wi th any
material that cuts off electromagnet­ic waves.
z Do not knock the key hard against
other objects.
z Do not leave t he key exposed to
high t emperatures for a long period, such as on the dashboard and hood under direct sunlight.
z Do not put the key in water or
wash i t in an ultrasonic washer.
z Do not use t he key with elect romag-
netic materials.
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Your key number is shown on the plate. Keep the plate in a safe place such as your wallet, not in the vehicle.
If you shoul d l ose y our k eys or if you need additional keys, duplicates c an be made by a Toyota dealer using the k ey number.
We recommend writi ng down the k ey num­ber and storing it i n a safe place.
Your vehicle i s supplied with two kinds of keys.
1. Master keys—Thes e keys work in ev­ery lock.
2. Sub key—Thi s key will not work in the glove box.
To protec t i tems locked in the glove box when us ing valet parking, leave the sub key with the attendant.
Since the doors can be locked without a key, you should always car ry a spare key in case you accidentally lock your keys inside the vehic le.
Your key number is shown on the plate. Keep the plate in a safe place such as your wallet, not in the vehicle.
If you shoul d l ose y our k eys or if you need additional keys, duplicates c an be made by a Toyota dealer using the k ey number.
We recommend writi ng down the k ey num­ber and storing it i n a safe place.
HILUX (Argentina) OM99908E
Keys (without engine immobilizer system)
The engine immobilizer system is a theft pr evention system. When you in­sert the key in the ignition switch, the transponder chip in t he key’s head transmits an electronic code to the ve­hicle. The engine wi ll start only when the electronic code in the chip corre­sponds to the registered ID code for the vehicle.
The system is automatically set when the key is removed from the ignition s witc h. The indicator light will start flashing to show the system is set.
If any of the following indicator conditions occurs, contact your Toyota dealer.
The i ndicat or light stays on.
The indi cator light does not s tart flash­ing when the k ey is removed from the ignition switch.
The indicat or light flashes inconsistent­ly.
Inserting the regist ered key in the i gniti on switch automatically cancels the system, which enables the engine to start. The indicator light will go off.
For your Toyota dealer to mak e a new key with a builtin transponder chi p, your deal­er will need your key number and master key. However, there is a limit to the num­ber of additional keys your Toyota dealer can make for you.
If you make your own dupl icate key, you will not be able to cancel the sys­tem or start the engine.
Do not modify, remove or di sas­semble the engine immobilizer sys­tem. If any unauthoriz ed changes or modifications are made, proper opera­tion of the system cannot be guaran­teed.
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Engine immobilizer system (some models)
1. Indic ator light
2. Unlock switch
3. Lock switch
4. Alarm switch
The wireless r emote cont rol system is designed to lock or unlock al l the doors, or activate the alarm from a dis­tance wi thin approximately 1 m ( 3 ft.) of the vehicle.
When you operate any switch, push it slowly and securely. At this time, the indi­cator light fl ashes once.
The wireless remote c ontrol k ey is an electronic component. Obser ve the follow­ing instruct ions in order not to c ause dam­age t o the key.
Do not leave the k ey in places where the temper ature becomes high such as on t he dashboard.
Do not disassemble it.
Avoid knock ing it hard against other objects or droppi ng it.
Avoid putting it in water.
Youcanuseupto4wirelessremotecon­trol keys for the same vehicle. Cont act your Toyota dealer for detailed inf ormati on.
If the wireless remote control k ey does not actuat e the door s or alarm, or operate from a normal distance or if the indicat or light on the key is dimmed or does not come on:
Check for closeness t o a radio trans­mitter such as a radi o station or an airport which can i nterf ere with normal operation of the key.
The batter y may have been consumed. Check the battery in the key. To re­place the battery, see “—Repl acing bat­tery” on page 16.
If you lose your wireless remote control key, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of theft, or an accident . (See “If you lose your keys” on page 199.)
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Wireless remote contro l (some models)—
Locking operation
Unlocking operation
To lock and unlock all the doors, push the switches of the key slowly and se­curely.
Locking the doors with the wireless remote cont rol key set s the thef t deterrent system, and unlocking cancels the system. For further infor mation about t his system, see “Theft deterrent system” on page 24.
To lock: Push the lock switch with all the doors closed. All t he doors are locked si­multaneously. At this time, the turn signal lights flas h once.
Check to see that t he doors are securely locked.
If the lock switch is pushed while any door is not sec urely closed, locking will not be performed and the s ecuri ty horn will sound for 1 second.
If the lock switch is pus hed while the key is in the igniti on, lock ing wi ll not be per­formed.
To unl ock: Push the unlock swit ch. All the doors are unlocked s imult aneously. At t his time, the tur n signal lights flash twice.
You hav e 30 s econds to open a door after using the wireless remote unlock feature. If a door is not opened by then, all the doors will be aut omatic ally locked again.
If the loc k or unlock switch is kept pressed in, the loc king or unloc king opera­tion is not repeated. Releas e the switc h and then push it agai n.
You can turn the answerback f uncti on on or off , or change the setti ngs. For details , see “—Set ting optional functions ” on page
Your Toyota dealer can also per form the above operation for you.
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—Locking and unlocking doors
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