Digital Business Telephone SystemsDigital Business Telephone Systems
Standard Telephone
User Guide
October 2002
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Voice Mail - Direct Transfer ......................................................................................................... 26
Other Voice Mail Feat u res .................................................................. .....................................26
Feature Access Co d es .................. .............. .............. ................... .............. .............. ...................... 27
Notes to Users
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
This guide provides operating instructions for standard analogue telephones connected to a Strata
CTX system.
This guide is divided as follows:
Chapter 1 – The Basics provides descriptions and operating procedures for all of the features
available with standard analog telephones.
Chapter 2 – Advanced Operation explains how to use the features which are available on the
standard telephone.
Notes to Users
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
Elaborates specific items or references other information. Within some
tables, general notes apply to the entire table and numbered notes apply
to specific items.
Calls attention to important instructions or information.
Represents telephone buttons.
shows a multiple PC keyboard or phone button entr y. Entries without
spaces b et w een them show a simultane ous en t ry.
Example: Delete+Enter.
Entries wi t h s paces between th em show a seque ntial entr y.
+ 5.
Tilde (~)Means “through.” Example: 350~640 Hz frequency range.
Grey words w i t hin t h e pri n te d text d enote cross-references. In the
See Figure 10
electronic versi on of this document (Strata CTX W inAdmin Application
Software and Documentation Library CD-ROM or FYI Internet
download), cross-references appear in blue hypertext.
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
The Basics1
This chapter shows you the basic operation of your standard analogue telephone.
♦A represen t at ive in your company is assigned as the CTX System Administrator for the Strata
CTX telephone system. The CTX System Administr ator is responsible for assigning telephone
features. Be sure to c he ck w i t h your CT X Sy st em A dministrator and make sure you know which
features are enabled on your s y s tem.
♦The feature access codes, such as
check with your CT X Sy s tem Administra t or regarding codes.
Ringing Patterns
♦Trunk-to-station call – One second On, three seconds Off.
♦Station-to-station call – 0.4 seconds On, 0.2 seconds Off, 0.4 seconds On, three seconds Off.
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
Under special circumstances, Trunk-to-station calls may be programmed to em u late outsi de
facilities. Consult your CTX System Administrator.
on page 3, can change if they are reprogramme d. A ga in,
The term “flash/recall” is used in a number of feature instructions. Since many standard telephones
have a
➤ To manually flash the hookswitch, while on a call, press the hookswitch down about 1/2 second,
You should hear dial tone after doing this.
then release it.
Recall on Outside Lines
Some outside line features, such as conferencing or behind PBX operation require “recall on the
outside line,” to dial the PBX feature access code or extension numbers.
To recall an outside line
button, this guide assumes that you have one. If your standard telephone does not have
button, perform the following to “Flash the hookswitch.”
The Basics
1. Press
2. Press
. After you press
. You hear the PBX dial tone. You can now dial a P BX feature ac cess cod e or extension
Making a Call
➤ Lift the handset, then dial the number.
A line may be automatically selected or you can manually choose a line. Dial tone plays through the
handset. Call progress tones (Ringback Tone, Busy Tone, etc.) are heard through the handset.
Answering a Call
➤ Pick up the handset.
, you hear dial tone. This recalls the Toshiba system only.
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
The Basics
Message Waiting
A message light and/or interrupted dial tone indicates a message for your phone.
An extension can receive up to four simultaneous Message Waiting indications. One message is
reserved for the Message Center.
Responding to a Message Waiting Indication
Message Waiting
1. Lift the handset, then press
2. After answering the message(s), place the handset back on-hook.
3. If the Msg indication remains On, you have more messages; repeat Steps 1~3 above to retriev e them.
Voice mail devices turn Off the indications after a short delay, after you checked all messages.
4. To manually turn off your Msg light, lift the handset, then press
. Your phone rings the extension or voice mail device that sent the
. Do this step for each message
Turning On/Off Message Waiting LED on Another Extension
If you call an extension and it is busy or there is no answer, you can light that extension’s Message
Waiting LED and enable that extension to call you back.
1. Dial an internal extension. You hear busy tone or there’s no answer.
2. Press
3. Han g up. Th e Msg LED on th e call ed telephone flashes until th e ca lled part y presses the flashing
4. To turn Off a Message LED tha t y o u hav e tur ne d o n f or another exte n s i on, press
extension number that has the message light set. Hang up to re lease you r telephone.
. The Msg LED flashes red on the called phone.
button - which calls you back.
plus the
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
Call Transfer
Call Transfer
The Basics
1. While on a call, press
. You hear internal dial tone.
2. Dial the extension where the ca ll will be tran sferred. You can re main on the li ne and announc e the call
or immedi at el y “blind tran s fer” the call.
During cal l tra n sfer, you can connect all three parties by pressing
If you get voice mail, you can leave a message or hang u p an d l et the t ransferred calle r leave
a message.
If you hear a long single tone, then announce the call over the called ph o ne’s speaker.
3. Tr ansfer with Camp On: If the station to which you want to transfer the call is busy, you may hang
up and the transferred trunk or station will be camped on to t he busy d es tina tion.
To transfer a call directly to Voice Mail (VM)
1. While on a call, press
2. Enter
3. Enter the VM mailbox number (usually the same as the extension number).
4. Hang up (the caller is connected to the VM mailbox) or, you can press
to return to the calling
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
The Basics
Conference Calls
You can confe ren ce together up to ei g h t p art i es (includin g your own) - with up to si x parties being
external network lines. The actual number of conference parties with acceptable volume levels
depends on the local and far end telephone line conditions.
The person who initiates the conference cal l i s th e Ma ster. If, after th e conference is es t a bl ished, the
Master exits the conference, and the first station to have been added to the conference becomes the
To conference calls
Conference Calls
1. While on a call, press
2. Call another station or outside line.
3. When the called party answers, press
again to return to the original connection.
4. All parties are conferenced.
5. Repeat the above steps to add lines to the conferen ce. Keep in mind t h e maximum number of allowed
conference parties.
To transfer conference control
1. Do Steps 1 and 2 above to add the line you wish to transfer conference control to. See previous Note.
2. Announce the call and hang up to transfer the call. Thi s station now becomes the conf erence “mas ter”
with the ability to add or delete parties.
When the “master” of the c onfere nce hangs u p, control is automat ically tr ansf erred to t he f irst
internal station adde d t o t h e c o n ference call. If no other intern al sta t i ons are included i n the
confere n ce ca ll, the call will be disconnecte d.
. You hear dial tone.
. If you receive a busy tone or no answer, press
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
Conference Calls
Adding Voice Mail to a Conference
The Conference Master can add voice mail to a conference. This feature enables participants in a
conference to liste n to or leave a voice mail message during one phone call.
To add Voice Mail to a conference call (perfor med by C onference Mast er)
The Basics
1. Press
to place the current call on Consultation Hold.
2. Dial the voice mail (VM) extension number, then enter the VM mailbox and security code. This a dds
the voice mailbox to the conference.
3. Press
to reconnect to the original party. (You can continue to add conference members by
and dialling another extension.)
Now, all parties in the conference can listen to or record a message to this voice mailbox. Only the
Master can control the VM with touchtones.
Connecting Two Outside Lines
1. Whil e talking on an outside call, press
2. Dial an outside line access code and outside phone number.
3. After the party answers, press
If you receive a busy tone or if the station does not answer, press
4. Hang-up. The two outside lines remain connected.
See the Call Pickup section to pick up a call on hold from another extension.
. You he a r dial tone.
to return to the original
Strata CTX Standard Telephone User Guide October 2002
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