TomTom PRO 7150, PRO 7150 TRUCK Information Sheet

Let’s drive business
TomTom PRO 7150 TRUCK
Your trucks are large, now your satnav is too. The new TomTom PRO 7150 TRUCK has a 5" screen that makes navigating your trucks even easier giving clear visual instructions to guide your drivers around restrictions.
Save time and fuel with the smartest routes
The TomTom PRO 7150 TRUCK gets your fleet to their destination across the whole of Europe (45), it takes into account:
• The lower speeds of trucks on all roads
• Sharp angles that trucks nd difcult
• That trucks prefer left turns to right turns
• IQ Routes® uses real speed data to calculate the fastest route for any time of day of the week
Additionally it routes around known access restrictions for weight, dimensions and hazardous materials in: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom
And with TomTom Map Share™ you can make corrections to your maps adding height and
weight restrictions to streets or block a road completely by yourself.
Keep your drivers safe
Driving with a navigation device is safer as it takes the stress out of route-nding and allows your drivers to focus on the road ahead. The TomTom PRO 7150 TRUCK keeps your drivers safe. It is packed with safety features like:
• Warns for restrictions and dead ends
• Avoid areas where the size or load of their vehicle might make maneuvering hazardous
• Large screen and new user interface and capacitive Fluid Touch screen let's drivers pich to zoom in an out of maps, or scroll through menus with the tips of their ngers, needing less
taps and allowing them to focus on the road
• Advanced Lane Guidance - to help navigate dif cult junctions
• Text to speech - receive spoken instructions from the device for minimal distraction from the
road ahead
• TomTom PRO devices come with free maps for as long as you have a subscription to WEBFLEET in the LIVE tariff. Download free maps at least 4 times a year and receive all
updates to the road network and points of interest
IQ Routes
Advanced Lane Guidance
Text-to-speech Screen size (13cm / 5”)
Height Width
Weight Hazmat
Let’s drive business
Ready* for WORKsmart™ fleet management
The PRO 7150 TRUCK can be part of TomTom WORKsmart™ solutions – for effortless eet management. Inform your customers of the arrival times, use the digital tachograph information to reschedule your plans in real-time or manage working hours effortlessly
with a single click.
WORKsmart™-Tra f fi c – Avoid jams and keep your drivers on the move
WORKsmart™-Tra c k – Keep an eye on your vehicles in real time
WORKsmart™-Job – Stay in the loop with the progress of jobs
WORKsmart™-Time – Manage your drivers’ time at the touch of a button
WORKsmart™-Eco – Keep your company green
WORKsmart™-Insight – At-a-glance information for smarter decisions
* Requi res a subs cripti on to TomTom WEBFL EET
and a TomTom LINK i n the veh icle.
Battery life Up to 3 hours autonomous operation
LIVE Services connectivity Yes, Depending on WEBFLEET® subscription
Yes, for hands-free calling
Internal memory 8 GB internal flash memory
Screen size 5” / 13 cm
Screen type 16:9 Capacitive widescreen
Screen resolution WQVGA (480 x 272 pixels)
Device size 143 mm (W) x 88 mm (H) x 19 mm (D)
Device weight 266 grams
Map coverage All EU countries, EU 45
27122 012_P RO7150_ TRUC K_ds _UK
Dimens ional, w eight and hazar dous mat erial re stric tions are available on ma jor and i nterconn ecti ng roads in the fo llowin g countri es: AT, BE, CH, D E, DK, E S, FR, H U, IE, IT, LU, N L, PT, SE, U K and on th e major r oad net work i n CZ, FI , GR, NO, PL, SI, S K.
Please c heck to /bus iness fo r the late st coverage of countrie s.
WORKsmart™-Trafc WORKsmart™-Time
WORKsmart™-Track WORKsmart™-Eco
WORKsmart™-Job WORKsmart™-Insight