TomTom NAVIGATOR3 User Manual

Manual and Tutorials
TomTom Navigator Quickstart Guide
TomTom Navigator User Guide
Installation Poster
Copyright ©1996-2004 TomTom B.V., The Netherlands.
TomTom is a trademark of TomTom BV.
Data copyright ©2004 Tele Atlas Inc, U.S.A.
Thank you for purchasing TomTom Navigator as your navigation system. This Quick Start Guide contains basic instructions for using TomTom Navigator. This guide is to be used after the software has been installed on your Pocket PC and the GPS receiver has been connected.
If necessary, refer to one of the other two documents that have been supplied:
Installation poster
User guide
Refer to for the latest information.
The poster contains procedures for mounting and cabling the hardware, and installing the software, to make the system ready for first use.
This guide is provided on the CD-ROM and contains detailed instructions on using TomTom Navigator. For custom installation, refer to this guide.
Chapter 1 Launching Navigator for the first time
The GPS receiver is connected, and the TomTom Navigator software has been installed. Tap
TomTom Navigator on the Pocket PC’s start-up screen. The first time you do this, it will
start the installation wizard that will guide you through the configuration of TomTom Navigator. After that, tapping
will start TomTom Navigator.
If you cannot start TomTom Navigator, refer to the installation poster and verify that you have properly installed TomTom Navigator. More information on the installation of TomTom Navigator can be found in the user guide on CD-ROM 1.
Chapter 2 Understanding Navigator
When TomTom Navigator starts up it will show the Navigation View. It displays your position on the map; TomTom Navigator gets this position from your GPS receiver. If your GPS receiver is switched off, or has not (yet) determined a clear position from the GPS satellites, the Navigation View will indicate the GPS position as unreliable.
The Navigation View when your GPS position is not known
Your position is indicated by the sign.
A. To zoom in, tap in the lower right-hand corner. B. To zoom out, tap in the upper right-hand corner.
Please note that:
A. The first time you use the GPS receiver, it may take up to 45 minutes before it can
provide a position.
B. The GPS receiver has to have a free view to the sky.
C. In the car, place the GPS receiver behind the windscreen. If your car has a heat
reflecting windshield, place the GPS receiver behind the rear-view mirror or behind the rear window, or use an external GPS antenna.
The Navigation View when your GPS position is known but no destination has yet been provided
Tap the centre of the screen to open the Navigation Menu, which provides access to all the options and functions available.
Using Navigator
The Navigation Menu appears when you tap the centre of the Navigation View. It provides access to all navigation functions.
1. To access any of the functions, tap the corresponding icon.
2. To browse to the next menu page, tap More….
3. To return to the Navigation View, tap Exit.
Planning your first route
Navigate to an address
To plan a route from your current position to an address:
1. In the navigation menu, tap Navigate To. You are now asked to choose a type of destination. Some of the items on this menu
may be dimmed, indicating that they are currently unavailable.
2. Tap Address.
3. Enter the first letters of the name of the city. A few letters should be enough. Cities with
a name that sounds like the entered letters will be displayed in the list. Tap the city in the list.
Note: Depending on the postcode system of the country, you can also enter a postcode to find a city.
4. Enter the first letters of the street name until you see the street you are looking for in
the list. Then, tap on the street name.
5. Enter the house number or select a street crossing.
TomTom Navigator will now plan a route from your current GPS location to the destination you have just entered. A summary of the route is shown. Wait a few seconds for the route summary to close automatically, or tap the screen to close the route summary and to start navigation immediately.
The route summary is shown for a few
Start driving
Note: route planning will not start unless TomTom Navigator knows your current location – which requires a valid GPS signal. If necessary, refer to your installation poster to find out how to connect your GPS device.
Driving around
The screen will now look similar to this:
On the map, a dark red path indicates the planned route.
Shows the next driving instruction: an arrow showing what to do, and
a distance indicating when to do it.
At the very bottom you should see the name of the next street.
The lower right-hand corner shows your journey information:
the remaining time to the destination the estimated arrival time the remaining distance to the destination
Once you start driving, driving instructions will be provided in advance, by a voice. If you deviate from the proposed route, TomTom Navigator will provide a new route within seconds.
Should you miss a spoken instruction, you can tap on the driving instruction to repeat it.
Tap the journey information to display the route summary
A step further
Now try navigating to a point of interest or a location. In the Navigation Menu tap
Navigate To, then:
Tap Point of interest to navigate to a point of interest
Tap Recent location to navigate to one of your last destinations
To navigate to Home, Favourites or an itinerary destination you first have to define these locations. Refer to the User Guide for more information.
Set preferences
You can customise the look and feel of TomTom Navigator. Here's a quick guide to the most relevant. For a full description of all preference settings refer to the TomTom Navigator user guide on the CD-ROM.
Turning the sound on and off
You can turn off the voice that gives navigation instructions: In the navigation menu tap
Turn Sound OFF. In the Navigation View the icon in the lower left corner of the map
indicates that sound is turned off. To turn on sound, tap Navigation Menu.
Night and day colour scheme
Turn Sound ON in the
Normally, TomTom Navigator uses bright colours so that you can see the map even in bright sunlight. When it is dark outside, you may want to switch to night colours. The map will then be displayed using subdued colours that will not interfere with your night vision.
In the navigation menu, tap Use Night Colours. To switch back to day colours, tap
Use Daylight Colours.
Daylight colours
Night colours
Switch map
To plan routes and navigate in another country or area, you change maps. In the navigation menu tap
installed you can switch here to the major roads so that you can plan cross-border routes.
Switch map to load another map. Select a map from the list and tap OK. If
Chapter 3 Browsing the map
The view selector, always present in the top left corner of the screen, allows you to switch to the various views of TomTom Navigator. Tap the black tab to open the View Selector:
Map - Browse maps, look up addresses, routes, points of interest, and favourites Instructions – Route instructions in text Split View – Route instructions in text with detailed maps
Navigator – Navigator view Favourites – Overview of your favourite locations
Itinerary – Define and manage complex itineraries with multiple destinations and drive-bys
In this section we will have a closer look at the Map view. Select Map from the view selector to switch to the Map View.
On the map, you will find all the items you might find on a normal, paper map, such as cities; towns; roads; streets; rivers and lakes; points of interest (such as petrol stations, restaurants and hospitals) etc.
And around the map: the scale indicator , GPS signal indicator , zoom slider , route instructions personal elements, such as your current GPS position and route favourites
, and the map toolbar . On the map you will also find more dynamic and
, the current departure, destination
, itinerary destinations and drive-bys , and your home location and other
The blinking icon is the map cursor. Tap the map anywhere to place the cursor at that position. To browse around the map, tap and drag in any direction you want.
To increase or decrease the scale of the map, tap and hold the slider on the right side of the map and move it up or down. The map will zoom in or out around your cursor position.
Tap and hold the cursor to open the pop-up menu. The pop-up menu items are explained in the User Guide on the CD-ROM.
Button Function
Opens the Plan route screen for planning routes.
Allows you to search for a specific location and use it for a route, add it to your favourites or itinerary, or show it on the map. You use it to locate:
your home location
an address
a recent destination
one of your favourite locations
a nearby point of interest (e.g. a hotel or petrol station)
Allows you to change the level of detail in the map and to show and hide points of interest.
Chapter 4 Becoming an expert user
This Quick Start Guide explains only the most basic functions of TomTom Navigator. Read the User Guide to discover the wealth of functions and options that TomTom Navigator offers, such as:
Store, label and manage your home and other frequently used locations as favourites.
Search for points of interest nearby, and along your route.
Navigate to a point of interest, home, a favourite location, a recent
Choose alternative routes, manually block areas and roads.
Compose complex itineraries with multiple destinations and drive-bys.
Create your own points of interest.
View a route summary.
Change map style, colour scheme, contents, and map details.
Hide the map and use only instruction arrows.
Turn on/off guidance, navigation map, speed indicator, next motorway
Change the default speeds used for route planning.
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