TomTom HP edition User Manual

TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- User Guide
Copyright ©1996-2004 TomTom B.V., The Netherlands.
TomTom is a trademark of TomTom BV.
Data copyright ©2004 Tele Atlas Inc, U.S.A.
Thank you for purchasing TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- as your navigation system. This User Guide is your reference using TomTom Navigator -HP Edition-.
Table of Contents
1. What you see on the screen
1.1. The main screen
1.2. The menu
1.3. The route summary
1.4. The map browser
1.5. The schematic view
2. Browsers and locations
2.1. Browsers
2.2. Picking locations
2.2.1 Picking your HOME location
2.2.2 Picking a favourite location
2.2.3 Picking a recent destination
2.2.4 Picking your GPS position
2.2.5 Picking a point of interest
2.2.6 Picking an address
3. The menu
3.1. Planning from A to B
3.2. Alternative routes
3.3. The route instructions
4. The preferences
4.1. Use night colours
4.2. Turn off 3D display
4.3. Turn off map display
4.4. Hide POI
4.5. Turn sound off
4.6. Change volume
4.7. Maintain favourites
4.8. GPS status
4.9. Switch map
4.10. Enable/Disable POI
4.11. Change map colours
4.12. Use larger keyboard
4.13. About Navigator
4.14. Set name display
4.15. Change Home location
4.16. Set metric units
4.17. Left-handed lay-out
4.18. Set schematic speed
4.19. Change voice
4.20. Switch Language
4.21. POI appendix
5. Installation
5.1. Using the CD-ROM
5.2. Requirements for installation
5.4. (Re-)Installing TomTom Navigator -HP Edition-, voices and maps
1. What you see on the screen
1.1. The main screen
The main screen of TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- is used to navigate to your destination. Your position is displayed on the map using your GPS receiver. If your GPS receiver is switched off, or has not (yet) determined a clear position from the GPS satellites, the main screen displays your last known position. To emphasize the fact that your actual position is unknown, the screen is displayed in black and white.
"Sound off" warning indicator
Next instruction
The name of the next street
Journey information
Your current GPS position
"Zoom in" button
"Next highway" indicator
"Zoom out" button
The dark red path indicates the calculated route. The route instructions will guide you along this path to reach your destination.
Your next driving instruction shows an arrow for the direction to follow and a distance indicator (presented in your
distance units preference) when to do it. The bottom of the screen shows the
street name you will reach if you follow the current driving instruction. If the "sound off" indicator
is not
shown, the displayed instruction will be accompanied by voice instructions. If necessary, use the sound
on preference
to switch on the voice instructions.
To increase or decrease the scale of the map, tap to zoom in or to zoom out relative to your current position. This keeps working when covered by the "next highway" indicator.
The journey information shows the current time, estimated time of arrival and the time left to reach your destination.
When the battery is low, a "low battery" warning symbol will start blinking in the area where you normally
see your "current speed".
Ignoring the planned route
TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- is very flexible. If you take a turn different from the one in the instruction ( by mistake or on purpose) TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- will adjust almost instantly to the new situation. It will keep guiding you to your current position as fast as it can calculate.
Operate the main screen
Tap roughly in the middle of the map to open the
Tap the journey information area to open the detailed
route summary
Tap the instruction area to repeat the last spoken instruction (if still available)
1.2. The menu
The menu opens when you tap roughly in the middle of the main screen. It provides access to all functions.
There are two pages. Use the button to cycle through the pages. You select an icon by tapping it. Until you take your stylus or finger off the screen, icons and buttons are only highlighted, not yet selected.
When a menu option is not available, the icon is dimmed and cannot be selected.
Current time
Menu options
"Next page" button
Relevant information (if available)
Cancel button
The 10 main menu options are explained in chapter 3.
The "change preferences" option gives access to several menu pages with preference options, which are explained in chapter 4.
1.3. The route summary
The route summary screen gives you an overview of the calculated route. From this screen you can decide how to use the route. The route summary screen is shown immediately after you have calculated a route, for example with "Navigate to...", "Plan from A to B", or "Find alternative...". You can also show is
by tapping Show status in the menu.
Current destination
Battery and GPS indicators
Application version
Map showing the calculated route
Journey summary
Route button
Map button
Done button
The current destination is shown as an address, the name of a favourite or a point of interest.
The indicators show battery strength, GPS signal strength, number of GPS satellites and GPS coordinates (if available). Tap this area to see the full GPS details, with the option to configure your GPS
Tap the application version to see the application version and copyrights.
The journey summary shows the estimated total journey time and total distance (presented in your
distance units preference). If the route shown is an alternative route, the original journey time and
distance are also shown for comparison.
Tap Route to display a complete list of route instructions.
Tap Map to browse around on the map of your route.
Tap Done to start navigating in the main screen.
1.4. The map browser
TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- offers many features that allow you to browse around on a map. You
can do so by tapping Browse map
in the menu, or tap Mapin the route summary screen.
On the map, you will find all the items you might find on a normal paper map, such as cities, towns, roads, streets, rivers and lakes, points of interest (such as petrol stations, restaurants and hospitals) etc.
You can also find more dynamic and personal elements, such as your current GPS position, your favourite locations or your current departure and destination.
Scale bar
Cursor position
GPS button
Zoom slider
Your current GPS location
Options button
Search button
Cursor button
The blinking icon represents your cursor. Simply tap the map anywhere to place the cursor at that position.
To increase or decrease the scale of the map, move the zoom slider (white square at the side of the screen) up or down. The map will zoom in (or out) relative to your cursor position.
To browse around, simply tap the map, keep your finger on the screen and drag it around.
option function
The search button allows you to search for a specific location and place your cursor there. You use it to locate:
an address
one of your favourite locations
your home location
a recent destination
a nearby point of interest (e.g. a hotel or petrol station)
your current GPS position
Related topic: To learn more about the options to search a location, see the
"Picking locations "
The cursor button provides functions for your cursor location (i.e. the location indicated by the blinking
icon). You can:
calculate a route from your current location to the cursor location
find a point of interest near the cursor location
centre the map around the cursor location
turn the cursor location into a favourite
The options button allows you to change the items that are currently being displayed on the map:
show the number of roads and streets
show the number of street names
show or hide all points of interest
show or hide all favourites
Tap Show POIto use the Enable/disable POI preference to specify which categories of points of interest can be displayed.
Note: The option to show or hide all points of interest in this menu is the same as
Show POI / Hide POI preference. Changes have direct effect on this preference.
Tap the GPS button (in the top right corner of the screen) to re-centre the map around your current GPS position.
Tap Doneto return to the main screen.
1.5. The schematic view
Instead of the main screen, a much simpler, schematic design can be used to display driving instructions. Some people prefer the simplicity of this "at-a-glance" schematic display.
You can switch to the schematic display using the turn off map display preference.
You can also set TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- to hide the map only when you go faster than a certain
"Sound off" warning indicator
Next instruction
Journey information
The name of the street you are currently on
A large copy of the schematic instruction arrow
The name of the next street
The screen items are described in Chapter 1.1.
2. Browsers and locations
2.1 Browsers
Tap a line to select it; if you change your mind and wish to go back to the previous screen
without selecting anything, press the BACK or CANCEL button
If there are more lines than fit on the screen, you can browse to the other pages of the list by
and .
When a line has too much text to fit on the screen, it will be abbreviated. When you tap an item
and keep your finger or stylus on the screen, the item will be adjusted in size in order to show the complete text.
browser with collapsed keyboard browser with popped-up keyboard
Most browsers allow you to search for items with a particular name. Simply type some letters of the name, by tapping the corresponding buttons on the keyboard. If no keyboard is visible, tap the keyboard
in the bottom corner open it. See chapter 4.12 how to change the size of the keyboard.
Tap to remove a character.
Tap to switch to the alternative keyboard, which allows you to enter digits and special symbols.
2.2 Picking locations
You can select a location by several options:
Home - your "home" location
Favourite - one of your own favourite locations
Recent destination - a location that you have recently travelled to
Point of Interest (POI) - a point of interest such as a petrol station, restaurant, hospital etc.
Address - a city, street and house number
GPS position - your current location (as measured by your GPS device)
2.2.1 Picking your HOME location
The main advantage of the HOME location is simply that you can select it with a single tap of your finger. It is therefore useful to set it to the location that is most central in your travels, such as your home, your parking spot or your office.
You can change your HOME location using the "change home location" preference.
If you don't specify a HOME position, the home icon in the location menu will remain dimmed.
2.2.2 Picking a favourite
Locations you travel to regularly (like family, friends, work address, important customers etc.) can be turned into favourite locations.
If you have never turned a location into a favourite yet, the "favourite" icon in the location menu is
dimmed. Otherwise, you will be presented with a browser listing of all your favourite locations in alphabetical order:
See chapter 2.1 for details about how to browse, search for particular items, etc.
You can turn locations into favourites using the "Add favourite" option in the menu, or using the "Add as favourite" cursor action in the
map browser. You can rename or delete favourites using the Maintain
2.2.3 Picking a recent destination
Every time you plan a route, the destination is automatically added to the list of recent destinations.
If you have never navigated anywhere, the "recent destination" icon in the location menu will be dimmed. Otherwise, you will be presented with a browser listing the most recently used destinations.
+ 29 hidden pages