THOMSON WhisperTrak Series Installation Manual

Thomson WhisperTrak™ Electric Linear Actuator
Installation Manual
Edition 2018-01
Version History
Edition Reason for revision
2011-06 First edition.
2012-05 4000 N model added and updated safety information.
2012-08 High speed version added.
2013-04 General technical update, changed page count, updated address list.
2013-07 Rewritten Electrical Installation section. Drawings and diagrams removed.
2016-05 New control options added. Updated some technical data and address list.
2017-01 Operation temp. for 4000 N changed. Performance and temp. derate diagrams added.
Slow blow added to fuse table. Safety nut info. and cleaning recommendations added.
2017-03 Certications line changed and ETL note added to table on page 12.
2017-05 Slow blow removed from fuse text and table on page 8.
2017-05:2 Molex connector wiring table changed.
2018-01 Sentence changed to “** Channel A leads channel B when extending“ on page 11.
The Thomson WhisperTrak™ is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from date of delivery. The application of this product is the responsibility of the buyer and Thomson makes no representation or warranty as to the suitability of the product for any particular use or purpose. For a copy of the entire warranty for this product that is contained in our standard terms and conditions of sale, please go to eng/support/terms_and_conditions.php.
Technical changes to improve the performance of the equipment may be made without prior notice!
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by printing, photocopying,
microlm or any other method) or processed, copied or distributed by electronic means without the
written permission of Thomson.
1. General ...................................................................................................... 4
1.1 About this manual .................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Target group ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Symbols used ........................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Transport and storage ............................................................................................ 4
1.5 Packaging .............................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Disposal ................................................................................................................. 4
1.7 Support .................................................................................................................. 4
2. Safety ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Safety notes ........................................................................................................... 5
3. Standards .................................................................................................. 5
3.1 EC Declaration of conformity ................................................................................. 5
4. Installation ................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Name plate ............................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Terminology ...........................................................................................................6
4.3 Operation environment ......................................................................................... 6
4.4 Mechanical installation ........................................................................................... 7
4.5 Electrical installation .............................................................................................. 8
5. Technical specications ........................................................................ 12
5.1 Technical data ...................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Performance diagrams ........................................................................................ 13
5.3 Safety nut information .......................................................................................... 14
5.4 Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 14
5.3 Type designation key ........................................................................................... 15
1. General
1.1 About this manual
This manual decribes how to install the Thomson WhisperTrak™ electric linear actuator both mechanically and electrically. It also contains, among other things:
• technical data
• dimensional drawings
• type designation key.
It is important to carefully read this manual before installing the actuator and to have the correct
qualications needed to perform the installation.
1.2 Target group
This manual addresses qualied mechanical and electrical personnel.
1.3 Symbols used
This symbol is shown to highlight a general warning, general instruction or as a warning for a mechanical hazard.
1.4 Transport and storage
The actuator may only be transported and stored in the original packaging supplied by Thomson. The temperature during transportation and storage must be between -25 to +40 °C (-13 to +104 °F). Avoid shocks to the package. If the package is damaged, check the actuator for visible damage and notify the carrier, and if appropiate also Thomson.
1.5 Packaging
The packaging consists of a cardboard box. The box contains the actuator and this manual.
1.6 Disposal
Where required by law, used packaging and actuators are taken back by Thomson for professional disposal if the transportation cost is taken over by the sender. Please contact Thomson for information on where to ship it.
1.7 Support
In case you need technical support or any information related to this product, please contact the nearest Thomson Service Center. See the back of this manual. You can also visit for information on this product and how to get in touch with us.
Safety and Standards
2. Safety
2.1 Safety notes
• Only properly qualied personnel are permitted to perform mechanical and electrical installation on this product. Properly qualied personnel are familiar with mechanical or electrical installation work and that have the appropiate qualications for their jobs.
• Read this manual and any other available documentation before working on the equipment. that the actuator is or shall be a part of.
• Keep strictly to the data in this manual and on the name plate on the actuator and never exceeed the performance limits stated herein.
• Never work on the actuator or its installation with the power on.
• Never unplug any cables or connectors during operation or with power on.
• Immediately stop using the actuator if it seems faulty or broken in any way and notify an appropiate person so that corrective actions can be taken.
• Never try to open the actuator as that will compromise the sealing and the function of the actuator. There are no serviceable components inside.
• Grease may be present on the extension tube. Contact is non-hazardous. Film should not be removed.
3. Standards
3.1 EC Declaration of conformity
We, Tollo Linear AB Declare that this product corresponds with the directive 2006/42/EC, RoHS directive 2002/95/EC, WEEE directive 2002/96/EC, low voltage directive 2006/95/EC (EN60204-1:2006), directive of electromagnetic compatibility 2004/108/EC (EN55014-1:2006, EN61000-6-3:2007, EN50011, EN55015:2006 & EN55022:2006) and the standard for medical electrical equipment - part 1-2 (EN 60601-1-2 third edition).
Thomson WhisperTrak™ W12(24)xx-xxxxx-xxxx
Product Description
Can be used when the machine or the system, which it shall be, a part of is in accordance with the demands in the EEC Machinery Directive and/or other relevant regulations.
Kristianstad 2011-01-24
Håkan Persson Product Line Manager Name Title Signature
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