Texas Instruments UCC28056EVM-296 User Manual

User's Guide
SLUUBS3A–October 2017–Revised January 2018
This user’s guide provides basic evaluation instruction from a viewpoint of system operation of a stand­alone PFC boost power converter.
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4
2 Description.................................................................................................................... 4
3 Performance Specifications ................................................................................................ 5
4 Test Setup .................................................................................................................... 5
5 Test Points.................................................................................................................... 7
6 Terminals ..................................................................................................................... 7
7 Test Procedure............................................................................................................... 7
8 Performance Data and Typical Characteristic Curves.................................................................. 9
9 Schematic, Assembly Drawing and Bill of Materials................................................................... 18
List of Figures
1 UCC28056EVM-296 Recommended Test Setup........................................................................ 6
2 Efficiency...................................................................................................................... 9
3 Load Regulation vs Output Power....................................................................................... 10
4 Line Regulation vs Input Voltage......................................................................................... 10
5 Power Factor vs Output Power........................................................................................... 11
6 THD vs Output Power ..................................................................................................... 11
7 85 VAC Startup No Load.................................................................................................. 11
8 85 VAC Startup Full Load................................................................................................. 11
9 115 VAC Startup No Load ................................................................................................ 11
10 115 VAC Startup Full Load ............................................................................................... 11
11 230 VAC Startup No Load ................................................................................................ 11
12 230 VAC Startup Full Load ............................................................................................... 11
13 265 VAC Startup No Load ................................................................................................ 12
14 265 VAC Startup Full Load ............................................................................................... 12
15 Low-Line Voltage and Current............................................................................................ 13
16 High-Line Voltage and Current........................................................................................... 14
17 85 VAC Valley Switching 50-mA Load .................................................................................. 14
18 115 VAC Valley Switching 50-mA Load................................................................................. 15
19 230 VAC Valley Switching 100-mA Load ............................................................................... 15
20 265 VAC Valley Switching 100-mA Load .............................................................................. 16
21 Q1 Max Vds Stress ........................................................................................................ 16
22 D4 Max Voltage Stress.................................................................................................... 17
23 UCC28056EVM-296 Schematic.......................................................................................... 18
24 UCC28056EVM-296 Top Assembly Drawing (Top view)............................................................. 19
25 UCC28056EVM-296 Bottom Layer Assembly Drawing (Top view).................................................. 19
26 UCC28056EVM-296 Top Copper Assembly Drawing (Top view) ................................................... 20
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UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
27 UCC28056EVM-296 Bottom Copper Assembly Drawing (Top view)................................................ 20
1 EVM Performance Specification ........................................................................................... 5
2 Test Points.................................................................................................................... 7
3 List of Terminals ............................................................................................................. 7
4 Total Standby Power ........................................................................................................ 9
5 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 21
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List of Tables
UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
SLUUBS3A–October 2017–Revised January 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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General Texas Instruments High Voltage Evaluation (TI HV EVM) User Safety Guidelines
Always follow TI’s setup and application instructions, including use of all interface components within their recommended electrical rated voltage and power limits. Always use electrical safety precautions to help ensure your personal safety and those working around you. Contact TI's Product Information Center
http://support/ti./com for further information.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
Failure to follow warnings and instructions may result in personal injury, property damage, or death due to electrical shock and burn hazards.
The term TI HV EVM refers to an electronic device typically provided as an open framed, unenclosed printed circuit board assembly. It is intended strictly for use in development laboratory environments,
solely for qualified professional users having training, expertise and knowledge of electrical safety risks in development and application of high voltage electrical circuits. Any other use and/or application are strictly prohibited by Texas Instruments. If you are not suitable qualified, you should
immediately stop from further use of the HV EVM.
1. Work Area Safety
1. Keep work area clean and orderly.
2. Qualified observer(s) must be present anytime circuits are energized.
3. Effective barriers and signage must be present in the area where the TI HV EVM and its interface electronics are energized, indicating operation of accessible high voltages may be present, for the purpose of protecting inadvertent access.
4. All interface circuits, power supplies, evaluation modules, instruments, meters, scopes and other related apparatus used in a development environment exceeding 50Vrms/75VDC must be electrically located within a protected Emergency Power Off EPO protected power strip.
5. Use stable and nonconductive work surface.
6. Use adequately insulated clamps and wires to attach measurement probes and instruments. No freehand testing whenever possible.
2. Electrical Safety As a precautionary measure, it is always a good engineering practice to assume that the entire EVM may have fully accessible and active high voltages.
1. De-energize the TI HV EVM and all its inputs, outputs and electrical loads before performing any electrical or other diagnostic measurements. Revalidate that TI HV EVM power has been safely de-energized.
2. With the EVM confirmed de-energized, proceed with required electrical circuit configurations, wiring, measurement equipment connection, and other application needs, while still assuming the EVM circuit and measuring instruments are electrically live.
3. After EVM readiness is complete, energize the EVM as intended.
3. Personal Safety
1. Wear personal protective equipment (for example, latex gloves or safety glasses with side shields) or protect EVM in an adequate lucent plastic box with interlocks to protect from accidental touch.
Limitation for safe use:
EVMs are not to be used as all or part of a production unit.
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UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
1 Introduction
The purpose of the UCC28056EVM-296 (EVM) is to aid in evaluation of the UCC28056 transition mode boost PFC converter. The EVM is a stand-alone PFC converter designed to operate with 85 to 265 V 47 to 63 Hz, AC input and up to 165-W DC output from 90 VAC to 265 VAC and 140 W at 85 VAC. The EVM can be used as it is delivered without additional work, to evaluate a transition mode boost PFC converter. This user’s guide provides basic evaluation instruction from a viewpoint of system operation of a stand-alone PFC boost power converter.
2 Description
2.1 Typical Applications
This EVM is used in the following applications:
AC adapter front end
Set top box
Desktop computing
Electronic lamp ballast
Digital TV
Entry-level server and web server
2.2 Features
This EVM has the following features:
Unified algorithm for working in critical mode (CRM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) with a high power factor across the entire operating range
AC input voltage from 85 to 265 V
AC line frequency from 47 to 63 Hz
Up to 165-W output power
High efficiency
TM, DCM control gives improved light-load efficiency
Burst mode for reduced standby consumption
Non-linear gain gives improved transient response
User-adjustable valley switching
Robust full-featured protection including overtemperature protection, brown-out protection, output overvoltage, cycle-by-cycle overcurrent, and gross overcurrent protections
Test points to facilitate device and topology evaluation
UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
SLUUBS3A–October 2017–Revised January 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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3 Performance Specifications
Table 1 displays the EVM performance specifications.
Parameter Test Conditions MIN TYP MAX Units
Input Characteristics
AC Voltage Range 85 265 V AC Voltage Frequency 47 63 Hz VCC UVLO On 10.65 VDC VCC UVLO Off 8.85 VDC
Input = 85 VAC, Full Load = 165 W 1.85
Input DC Current
Output Characteristics
Output Voltage No Load to Full Load 390 VDC Output Power 90 to 265 VAC 165 W Output Power 85 VAC 140 W Output Voltage Ripple 10 Vpp
System Characteristics
Peak Efficiency 97 % Operating Temperature Natural Convection 25 °C
Input = 115 VAC, Full Load = 165 W 1.43 Input = 230 VAC, Full Load = 165 W 0.71 Input = 265 VAC, Full Load = 165 W 0.64
Performance Specifications
Table 1. EVM Performance Specification
4 Test Setup
4.1 Test Equipment
DC Voltage Source: External DC input for VCC. The DC source should be capable of supplying 12 V and up to 100 mA.
AC Voltage Source: Capable of single-phase output AC voltage 85 to 265 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz, adjustable, with minimum power rating 200 W and current limit function. The AC voltage source to be used should meet IEC60950 reinforced insulation requirement.
DC Digital Multimeter: One unit capable of 0 to 450 VDC input range, four-digit display preferred. Output Load: DC load capable of receiving 380 to 410 VDC, 0.5 A, and 0 to 200 W or greater, with the
capability to display load current, load power, and so forth. Digital AC Power Meter: Capable of 0 to 300 VAC voltage measurement, 0 to 10 Arms current
measurement. Native power factor measurement and input current THD measurement is preferred.
Oscilloscope: Capable of 500-MHz full bandwidth, digital or analog: if digital, 5 Gsps, or better. Fan: 200 to 400 LFM forced air cooling is recommended, but not required. Recommended Wire Gauge: Capable of 10 A, or better than #14 AWG, with the total length of wire less
than 8 feet (4 feet input and 4 feet return).
SLUUBS3A–October 2017–Revised January 2018
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UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
Test Setup
4.2 Recommended Test Setup
Figure 1 illustrates the recommended test setup.
Figure 1. UCC28056EVM-296 Recommended Test Setup
High voltages that may cause injury exist on this evaluation module (EVM). Please ensure all safety procedures are followed when working on this EVM. Never leave a powered EVM unattended.
UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
SLUUBS3A–October 2017–Revised January 2018
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5 Test Points
Table 2 lists the EVM test points.
Test Points Name Description
Test Points
Table 2. Test Points
TP1 Line AC line TP2 Neutral AC neutral TP3 Rect AC rectifier output TP4 COMP Transconductance amplifier output TP5 DRV Gate-drive output TP6 GND Ground TP7 GND Ground TP8 GND Ground
TP9 VCC VCCsense TP10 VOSNS Voltage error amplifier inverting input TP11 BLK Bulk sense TP12 TP12 Small signal injection terminal TP13 TP13 Small signal injection terminal TP14 VEE DC input ground TP15 RVCC Positive DC input TP16 VOUT+ Output voltage TP17 VOUT– Output voltage return
6 Terminals
Table 3 lists the EVM terminals.
Terminal Name Description
J1 AC Input 3-pin, AC power input, 85 V–265 V J3 I_IND Inductor current sense J8 RVCC 2-pin, DC power input, 12 V typical J9 VOUT 4-pin, output voltage terminal, 390 V typical
7 Test Procedure
Use the following steps for the test procedure:
1. Refer to Figure 1 for basic setup. The required equipment for this measurement is listed in Table 2.
2. Before making electrical connections, visually check the board to make sure there are no suspected spots of damage.
3. Use a loop of wire to short the J3 terminals. Connect a current probe around the wire loop to measure the inductor current using an oscilloscope.
4. Keep the AC voltage source output off. Connect the AC source to the input of the AC power meter. Connect the output of the AC power meter to J1 with AC_line to J1-3, AC_earth to J1-1, AC_neutral to J1-2. Isolate the AC voltage source and meet the IEC60950 requirement. Set the AC output voltage and frequency within the range specified in Table 1, between 85 and 265 VAC and 47 to 63 Hz. Set the AC source current limit to 8.5 A.
Table 3. List of Terminals
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UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
Test Procedure
While the EVM does have a fuse installed, failure to set an appropriate current limit may result in damage to the fuse or other EVM components.
5. Keep the DC voltage source output off. Connect the DC source to J2. Set the DC output voltage to 12 V and the current limit to 100 mA.
6. Connect an electronic load set to either constant-current mode or constant-resistance mode. The load range is from 0 to 423 mA.
7. If the load does not have a current or a power display, TI recommends inserting a current meter between the output voltage and the electronic load.
8. Connect a voltage meter to TP16 and TP17 to monitor the output voltage
9. Turn on the AC voltage source output.
10. Turn on the DC source output.
7.1 Equipment Shutdown
Shut down the equipment using the following steps:
1. Shut down the AC voltage source.
2. Shut down the DC voltage source.
3. Shut down the electronic load.
High voltage may still be present after turning off the AC and DC sources. Use the electronic load to discharge the output capacitance before handling the EVM.
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SLUUBS3A–October 2017–Revised January 2018
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Output Power (W)
Efficiency (%)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
85Vac 115Vac 230Vac 265Vac
Performance Data and Typical Characteristic Curves
8 Performance Data and Typical Characteristic Curves
8.1 Standby Power
Table 4 lists the total standby power measurement. The electronic load is physically disconnected from J9
for this test. The average input power is measured at VIand external VCCover a 5 minute interval.
Table 4. Total Standby Power
Input Voltage (V
85 23 12.00743 104.0338 24.249 115 24 12.01006 107.022 25.285 230 39 12.00832 105.630 40.268 265 45 12.00830 105.902 46.272
) Input Power (mW) VCC Voltage (V) VCC Current (µA)
8.2 Efficiency
Figure 2 illustrates the EVM efficiency graph.
Total Standby Power
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Figure 2. Efficiency
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UCC28056EVM-296 Evaluation Module
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