Texas instruments UCC23513-1EVM-014 User Manual

Using the UCC23513-1EVM-014

User's Guide
Literature Number: SLUUBW3A
October 2018–Revised July 2019

1 Introduction

User's Guide
SLUUBW3A–October 2018–Revised July 2019
Using the UCC23513-1EVM-014
The UCC23513-1EVM-014 evaluation module is designed for evaluation of TI's 5-kV channel gate drivers with opto-compatible input, and UCC23511. The input is current driven, requiring between 7 mA and 16 mA for device turn-on, and can be reverse biased for turnoff. The UCC23513 is a 4-A source and 5-A peak sink current driver while the UCC23511 is capable of 1.5-A source and 2-A sink peak output current for driving Si MOSFETs, IGBTs, and SiC transistors. This user's guide covers the UCC23513-1EVM-014, which is used for evaluation of the UCC23513 and UCC23511, which are pin-to­pin compatible devices.
Developed for high voltage applications where isolation and reliability are required, the UCC2351x family of devices deliver reinforced isolation of 5 kV common mode transient immunity (CMTI) greater than 150 V/ns. It offers lower propagation delay, lower­part to-part delay skew, higher CMTI, smaller Pulse Width Distortion, and higher operating temperature, which provides significant performance upgrade over opto isolated gate drivers, while still maintaining pin­to-pin compatibility.
The input current and voltage characteristics of the e-diode™ functionally mimics the primary side of an opto-isolator. The output side VCC has a wide recommended operating range from 14-V to 33-V and allows the device to be used in a low-side or high-side configuration along with bipolar supplies for SiC Power FETs. The pin-to-pin compatibility enables designers to use the UCC23513 and UCC23511 in existing designs and new designs for motor drives, industrial power supplies, solar inverters, and UPS.

2 Description

The UCC23513-1EVM-014 evaluation board utilizes a SN74LVC2G17DBVR (dual Schmitt-Trigger buffer) to drive signal current on the primary side of the device. The board is populated with clips and 2-position headers for flexibility in connecting power and signal inputs, along with signal test points and large GND vias to enable installation of ground springs. The PCB layout is optimized with minimal loop area in the input and output paths and showcases design for high voltage between the primary side and secondary side with >8 mm creepage. For detailed device information, refer to the UCC23513 and UCC23511 datasheets and TI's Isolated gate driver solutions.
isolated single-
and a surge immunity tested up to 8 kV along with a
Part Number Description Package
UCC23513 4-A source / 5-A sink, output current
UCC23511 1-A source / 2-A sink, output current

2.1 Features

Evaluation module for the UCC23513 and UCC23511 in stretched SO-6 package
5-V input buffer, and 14-V to 33-V VCC power supply range
4-A and 5-A source/sink current capability (UCC23513)
1.5-A and 2-A source/sink current capability (UCC23511)
e-diode is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
Isolation for 1 minute per UL 1577
Table 1. EVM Compatible Devices
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Stretched SO-6 package with >8.5-mm
creepage and clearance
Stretched SO-6 package with >8.5-mm
creepage and clearance
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Buffer disconnect headers for custom input drive solution
PCB layout showcases high voltage isolation design between primary side and secondary side
Unpopulated pads for bootstrap supply, split supply, and turn on/turn off resistance
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2.2 I/O Description

J1–1 Anode Buffer input J1–2 GND input J2–1 Cathode Buffer input J2–2 GND input J3–1 Anode Buffer Jumper J3–2 Anode Buffer Jumper J4–1 Cathode Buffer Jumper J4–2 Cathode Buffer Jumper J5–1 Cathode Resistor to GND Jumper J5–2 Cathode Resistor to GND Jumper J6–1 VG to 1 nF Load Jumper J6–2 VG to 1 nF Load Jumper J7–1 VG to 180 nF Load Jumper J7–2 VG to 180 nF Load Jumper P1–1 +5 V Buffer Supply
P1-2 GND P2-1 +14 V–33 V Output Side Supply P2-2 VSS
Table 2. Jumpers Setting

2.3 Jumpers (Shunt) Options

JACK Jumper Setting Options FACTORY SETTING
Option A: Jumper not installed, IN/PWM signal provided by external signal Option B: Jumper on J1-1 and J1-2 set Anode Buffer Input low
Option A: Jumper on J2-1 and J2-2 set Cathode Buffer Input low Option B: Jumper not installed, IN/PWM signal provided by external signal
Option A: Jumper on J3-1 and J3-2, pass signal to Anode Resistor Option B: Jumper not installed, Anode_R left floating for external drive
Option A: Jumper on J4-1 and J4-2, pass signal to Cathode Resistor Option B: Jumper not installed, Cathode_R left floating for external drive
Option A: Jumper not installed, Cathode_R left floating from GND Option B: Jumper on J5-1 and J5-2, ties Cathode_R to GND
Option A: Jumper installed, VG tied to 1nF test load Option B: Jumper not installed, VG floating
Option A: Jumper not installed, VG floating Option B: Jumper installed, VG tied to 180nF test load
Table 3. Jumpers Setting
Option A
Option A
Option A
Option A
Option A
Option A
Option A
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3 Electrical Specifications

Table 4. UCC23513-1EVM-014 Electrical Specifications
Primary-side power supply 4.5 5.5 V Driver output power supply 14 33 V Switching frequency 0 1 MHz Operating junction temperature range -40 150 °C

4 Test Summary

In this section, the UCC23513-1EVM-014 is tested in its default configuration. Different jumper settings, PWM signal input options, and voltage source settings can be found in Section 3 Electrical Specifications.

4.1 Definitions

This procedure details how to configure the UCC23513 evaluation board. Within this test procedure, the following naming conventions are followed. Refer to the UCC23513-1EVM-014 schematic, Section 8, for details.
VXX: External voltage supply name V
: Voltage at test point TPxx. For example, V(TP12) means the voltage at TP12.
: Voltage at jack terminal Jxx
: Terminal or pin yy of jack xx
DMM: Digital multi-meters UUT: Unit under test EVM: Evaluation module assembly. In this case, the UUT assembly drawings have location for jumpers,
test points, and individual components.
Electrical Specifications

4.2 Equipment

4.2.1 Power Supplies
Two DC power supply with voltage/current above 5-V/0.1-A and 35-V/0.5-A (for example: Agilent E3634A)
4.2.2 Function Generators
One function generator over 1 MHz (for example: Tektronics AFG3252)

4.3 Equipment Setup

4.3.1 DC Power Supply Settings
DC power supply #1 – Voltage setting: 5-V – Current limit: 0.05-A
DC power supply #2 – Voltage setting: 15-V for the UCC23513 and UCC23511 – Current limit: 0.1 A
4.3.2 Digital Multi-Meter Settings
Digital multi-meter #1
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Shunt #1 Shunt #3
Shunt #2
Shunt #4
Test Summary
– DC current measurement, auto-range
Digital multi-meter #2 – DC current measurement, auto-range
4.3.3 Function Generator Settings
Table 5. Function Generator Settings
Pulse DC ~ 100 kHz 50% 0 ns 5 V 0 V High Z
4.3.4 Oscilloscope Setting
Channel A 500 MHz or above DC 1 Mor automatic 10× or automatic OFF Channel B 500 MHz or above DC 1 Mor automatic 10× or automatic OFF
4.3.5 Jumper (Shunt) Settings
Default shunt configuration should be adequate for this test.
Table 6. Oscilloscope Settings
Figure 1. Default Jumper Settings
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SLUUBW3A–October 2018–Revised July 2019
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