2Bench Setup Diagram and Configuration................................................................................. 9
3Example Input and Output Waveforms (Channels 3 and 4 are PWM Inputs, Channels 1 and 2 are Outputs) 10
4Overlap is Allowed When DT Connected to VCCI (Channels 3 and 4 are PWM Inputs, Channels 1 and 2
5Test Waveforms if DT is Left Open (Channel 3 and 4 are PWM Inputs, and Channel 1 and 2 are Driver
6Test Waveforms if DT Connected to RDT(Channel 3 and 4 is PWM Inputs, and Channel 1 and 2 is Driver
UCC2x5xxEVM-286 evaluation modules are designed for evaluation of TI's 5.7-kV
channel gate driver family with 4-A source and 6-A sink peak current for driving Si MOSFETs, IGBTs and
WBG devices such as SiC and GaN transistors. This user's guide covers the UCC21520EVM-286,
UCC21520DW, UCC20520DW, UCC21521CDW, and UCC21530DWK, respectively. To evaluate other
Iso-Drivers in the UCC2x5xx family, TI recommends that the user read the data sheet thoroughly before
switching the part in the EVMs covered by this user guide. In this user guide, the UCC21520EVM-286
evaluation module is shown as the primary example, and the key differences between the
UCC21520EVM-286 and the UCC20520EVM-286, UCC21521CEVM-286, and UCC21530EVM-286 will be
highlighted accordingly.
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Developed for high voltage applications where isolation and reliability is required, the UCC2x5xx delivers
reinforced isolation of 5.7 kV
transient immunity (CMTI) greater than 100 V/ns. It has the industry’s fastest propagation delay of 19 ns
and the tightest channel-to-channel delay matching of less than 5 ns to enable high-switching frequency,
high-power density, and efficiency.
The flexible, universal capability of the UCC2x5xx with up to 18-V VCCI and 25-V VDDA/VDDB allows the
device to be used as a low-side, high-side, high-side/low-side, or half-bridge drivers with dual PWM input
or single PWM input. With its integrated components, advanced protection features (UVLO, dead time and
enable/disable), and optimized switching performances, the UCC2x5xx enables designers to build smaller,
more robust designs for enterprise, telecom, automotive, and industrial applications with a faster time to
isolated dual-
and a surge immunity tested up to 12.8 kV along with a common-mode
The UCC2x5xx evaluation board has three independent screw terminal blocks for VCCI, VDDA, and
VDDB. The 3-position headers with jumpers for all the key input signals, such as PWM INPUTs (INA, INB
or PWM), dead time (DT) programming and enable/disable function (EN/DIS), allow designers to easily
evaluate different protection functions. A variety of testing points also support most of the key feature
probing of the UCC2x5xx. Moreover, the PCB layout is not only optimized with minimized loop area in
each gate driver loop and power supply loop with bypassing capacitors, but the layout also supports high
voltage test between the primary side and secondary side with 120-mil PCB board cutout. Importantly, the
creepage distance between two output channels are maximized with bootstrap diode in footprint of
TO252-2(DPAK), which facilitates high-voltage, half-bridge testing for a wide variety of power converter
topologies. For detail device information, refer to UCC21520DW, UCC20520DW, UCC21521CDW and
UCC21530DWK data sheets and TI's Isolated gate driver solutions.
Using the UCC21520EVM-286, UCC20520EVM-286, UCC21521CEVM-286,
and UCC21530EVM-286
•Evaluation module for the UCC21520DW, UCC20520DW, and UCC21521CDW in a wide body SOIC16 (DW), along with the UCC21530DWK in wide body SOIC-14 (DWK) package
•3-V to 18-V VCCI power supply range, and up to 25-V VDDA/VDDB power supply range
•4-A and 6-A source/sink current capability
Isolation for 1 minute per UL 1577
•TTL/CMOS-compatible inputs
•Onboard trimmer potentiometer for dead-time programming
•3-position header with for INA, INB, DT and enable/disable
•PCB layout optimized for power supply bypassing cap, gate driver loop
•PCB board cutout that facilitates high voltage isolation test between primary side and secondary side
•Maximized creepage distance between two output channels
•Support for half-bridge test with MOSFETs, IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs with connection to external
power stage
•Testing points allows probing all the key pins of the UCC21520DW, UCC20520DW, UCC21521CDW,
UCC21530DWK, and other wide-body ISO driver family parts.
Using the UCC21520EVM-286, UCC20520EVM-286, UCC21521CEVM-286,
and UCC21530EVM-286
3.3Jumpers (Shunt) Setting
Jumper not installed, INA/PWM signal provided by external signal and this
pin is default low if left open
Jumper not installed, INB signal provided by external signal and this pin is
default low if left open
enable/disable pin
Jumper on J-DT-2 and J-DT-1 allows driver output overlap or driver output
follows PWM input for UCC21520EVM and UCC21521CEVM. The dead
time will be around 0 ns in this option for UCC20520EVM
Jumper on J-DT-2 and J-DT-3 set the dead time by DT (in ns) = RDT(in kΩ)
× 10. For better noise immunity and dead-time matching, TI recommends
to parallel a 2.2-nF or above bypassing capacitor from DT pin to GND.
J-DIS or J-
Option A:
Option B:Jumper on J-INA-2 and J-INA-1 set INA low
Option C:Jumper on J-INA-2 and J-INA-3 set INA high
Option A:
Option B:Jumper on J-INB-2 and J-INB-1 set INB low
Option C:Jumper on J-INB-2 and J-INB-3 set INB high
Option D:Header J-INB is not installed, and no connection on the device under test
Option A:Jumper not installed, the devices under test are enabled when left open on
Option B:Jumper on J-DIS-2 and J-DIS-1 or J-DIS/EN-2 and J-DIS/EN-1
Option C:Jumper on J-DIS-2 and J-DIS-3 or J-DIS/EN-2 and J-DIS/EN-3
Option A:Jumper not installed, interlock with 8-ns dead time