VCC: VCC is the UC3517’s logic supply. Connect to a
regulated 5VDC, and bypass with a 0.1µF ceramic ca-
pacitor to absorb switching transients.
MM: VMM is the pri mary motor supply. It connects to the
UC3517 phase outputs through the motor windings. Limit
this supply to less than 40V to prevent breakdown of the
phase output transistors. Select the nominal V
MM voltage
for the desired continuous winding current.
SS: VSS is the secondary motor supply. It drives the LA
and LB outputs of the UC35 17 w hen a mono stable in the
UC3517 is active. In the bilevel application, this supply is
applied to the motor to charge the winding inductance
faster than the primary supply could. Typically, Vss is
higher in voltage than V
MM, al though VSS must be less
than 40V. The V
SS supply should have good transient ca-
GROUND: The ground pin is the common reference for
all supplies, inputs and outputs.
RC: RC controls the timing functions of the monostables
in the UC3517. It is normally connected to a resistor (R
and a capacitor (C
T) to ground, as shown in Figure 3.
Monostable on time is determined by the formula T
ON ≈
0.69 R
T CT. To keep the monostabl e on indefinitely, pull
RC to V
CC through a 50k resistor. The UC3517 contains
only one RC pin for two monostables. If step rates comparable to T
ON are commanded, incorrect pulsing can re-
sult, so consider maximum step rates when selecting R
and CT. Keep TON ≤ T STEP MAX.
A and ØB: These logic outputs indicate half-step posi-
tion. These outputs are open-col lector, low-current drivers, and may directly drive TTL logic. They can also drive
CMOS logic if a pull-up resistor is provided. Systems
which use the UC35 17 as an encoder and use a different
driver can use these outputs to disable the external driver,
as shown in Figure 8. The sequencing of these outputs is
shown in Figure 5.
A1, PA2, PB1, and PB2: The phase outputs pull to
ground sequentially to cause motor stepping, according to
the state diagram of Figure 5. The sequence of stepping
on these lines, as well as with the L
A and LB lines is con-
trolled by STEP input, the DIR input, and the
HSM input.
Caution: If these outputs or any other IC pins are pulled
too far below ground either continuously or in a transient,
step memory can be lost. I t is recommended that these
pins be clamped to ground and supply with high-speed diodes when driving inductive loads such as motor windings or solenoids. This clamping is very important
because one side of the wi nding can "ki ck" in a direction
opposite the swing of the other side.
A and LB: These outputs pull to VSS when their corre-
sponding monostable is active, and will remain high until
the monostable time elapses. Before and after, these outputs are high-impedance. For detail timing information,
consult Figure 5.
STEP: This logic input clocks the logic in the UC3517 on
every falling edge. Like all other UC3517 inputs, this input
is TTL/CMOS compatible, and should not be pulled below
DIR: This logic input controls the motor rotation direction
by controlling the phase output sequence as shown in
Figure 5. This signal must be stable 400ns before a falling
edge on S TEP, and must remain stable through the edge
to insure correct stepping.
HSM: This logic input switches the UC3517 between halfsteppin g (
HSM = low) and full-stepping (HSM = high) by
controlling the phase output sequence as show in Figure
5. This line requires the same set-up time as the DIR input, and has the same hold requirement.
Figure 3. Test Circuit Figure 4. T im ing Waveforms