This User's Guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the TPS61280 evaluation module
(EVM). This EVM enables test and evaluation of the Texas Instruments' TPS61280 device, a 2.3-MHz
(typ.), up to 4.8-V input, step-up dc-dc converter with integrated Pass-Through Mode. This User's Guide
includes EVM specifications, user software description, the schematic diagram, bill of materials, and board
layout. After the release of the A-version device in the summer of 2014, the EVM is assembled with the
TPS61280A (supports PWM mode during startup which is not available for TPS61280).
The TPS61280 device provides a power-supply solution for products powered by either a three-cell
alkaline, NiCd or NiMH battery, or a single-cell Li-Ion or Li-polymer battery. The wide input voltage range
is ideal for portable power applications such as mobile phones or computer peripherals. In addition, the
TPS61280 can also maintain its output biased at the input voltage level. In this mode, the synchronous
rectifier is current-limited, and allows external loads (for example, an audio amplifier) to be powered with a
restricted supply. In this mode, quiescent current is reduced to 18 μA. Input current in shutdown mode is
less than 5 μA in order to maximize battery life.
The TPS61280EVM is designed to operate over the full input voltage range and produces a fixed output
In order to operate this EVM, only a dc power supply able to deliver between 2.3 V and 4.8 V is required.
•Single-Cell Ni-Rich, Si-Anode, Li-Ion, LiFePO4 smart-phones or tablet PCs
•2.5G, 3G, and 4G mini-module data cards
•Current-limited applications featuring high peak power loads
•95% Efficiency at 2.3-MHz operation
•VINrange from 2.3 V to 4.8 V
•2-μA quiescent current in low IQ pass-through mode
•Integrated pass-through mode (35 mΩ)
•Programmable valley inductor current limit and output voltage via I²C interface
•True pass-through mode during shutdown
•Thermal shutdown and overload protection
•Total solution size < 20 mm², sub 1-mm Profil
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TPS61280-585 Evaluation ModuleSLVU955A–December 2013–Revised June 2014
This header is the positive connection to the input power supply. The power supply must be connected
between these pins and pins 5 and 6 (GND). Twist the leads to the input supply and keep them as short
as possible. The input voltage must be between 2.3 V and 4.8 V.
3.1.2Pin 3: Input Sense VIN
This header is intended to measure the input voltage directly on the input capacitor close to the device.
Therefore, a four-wire power and sense supply can be connected. Twist the leads to the sensing
Pin 4: Input Sense GND
This header is intended to measure the GND close to the input of the device. Therefore, a four-wire power
and sense supply can be connected. Twist the leads to the sensing connector.
3.1.3Pin 5 and 6: GND
This header is the return connection to the input power supply. Connect the power supply between these
pins and pins 1 and 2 (VIN). Twist the leads to the input supply and keep them as short as possible. The
input voltage must be between 2.3 V and 4.8 V.
3.2J2 Output Connector
3.2.1Pin 1 and 2: VOUT
This header is the positive connection of the output voltage. Connect the load between these pins and
pins 5 and 6 (GND).
3.2.2Pin 3: Output Sense VOUT
This header is intended to measure the output voltage directly on the output capacitors.
3.2.3Pin 4: Output Sense GND
This header is intended to measure the GND close to the output of the device.
Pin 5 and 6: GND
This is the return connection of the output voltage. Connect the load between these pins and Pin 1 and 2
TPS61280-585 Evaluation ModuleSLVU955A–December 2013–Revised June 2014
This 10-pin header connects the USB-to-GPIO adaptor to the TPS61280EVM-585.
J10: SMA Input Connector
This SMA connector is connected to the input voltage of the converter. It can be used to easily analyze
the noise spectrum of the input voltage with a spectrum analyzer. By default, J10 is not assembled on the
3.3.1J11: SMA Output Connector
This SMA connector is connected to the output voltage of the converter. It can be used to easily analyze
the noise spectrum of the output voltage with a spectrum analyzer. By default, J11 is not assembled on
the EVM.
3.4.1J3: Enable Jumper
Placing a jumper across pins EN and ON ties the EN pin to VIN, and enables the device. Placing a jumper
across pins EN and OFF ties the EN pin to GND, which disables the device.
J4: VSEL, Output Voltage Selection
Placing a jumper across pins HIGH and VSEL ties the VSEL pin to VIN, and selects the default output roof
voltage. Placing a jumper across pins LOW and VSEL ties the VSEL pin to GND, and selects the default
output floor voltage.
Connector and Test Point Descriptions
Table 1. TPS61280 VSEL Settings
ValueDescriptionDefault Output Voltage
HIGHSelects the Output Roof Voltage as stored in register 0x033.15 V
LOWSelects the Output Floor Voltage as stored in register 0x023.35 V
J5: nBYP, Forced Bypass Selection
Placing a jumper across pins nBYP and ON ties the nBYP pin to GND and enables the pass-through
mode. Placing a jumper across pins nBYP and OFF ties the nBYP pin to VIN and enables auto DC/DC
boost mode.
Table 2. TPS61280 Mode of Operations
EN InputnBYP InputDevice Status
LOWLOWThe device is shut down in pass-through mode featuring a shutdown current down to ca. 2 μA typ. The
LOWHIGHThe device is shut down and the output voltage is reduced to a minimum value (VIN – VOUT ≤ 3.6 V).
HIGHLOWThe device is active in forced pass-through mode. The device supply current is approximately 15 μA typ.
HIGHHIGHThe device is active in auto mode (dc/dc boost, pass-through). The device supply current is approximately
load current capability is limited (up to ca. 250 mA).
The device shutdown current is approximately 8.5 μA typ.
from the battery. The device is short-circuit protected by a current limit of ca. 7300 mA.
50 μA typ. from the battery.
J6: GPIO/PG, General Purpose In/Out and Power Good
This pin can either be configured as a input (mode selection) or as dual role input/open-drain output
(nRST/nFAULT) pin. Per default, the pin is configured as nRST/nFAULT input/output.
Pin GPIO/PG is connected to HIGH per default. This pin is tied to VIN via pull-Up resistor R5.
SLVU955A–December 2013–Revised June 2014TPS61280-585 Evaluation Module