Texas Instruments TI-Nspire Guidebook

computer software for
math and science
This guidebook applies to TI-Nspire software version 1.4. To obtain the latest version of the documentation, go to education.ti.com/guides.

Important Information

Except as otherwise expressly stated in the License that accompanies a program, Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the amount set forth in the license for the program. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.


Please see the complete license installed in C:\Program Files\TI Education\TI-Nspire.
© 2008 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Macintosh®, Windows®, Excel®, Vernier EasyLink®, EasyTemp®, Go!®Link, Go!®Motion, and Go!®Temp are trademarks of their respective owners.
Important Information................................................................... ii
Introduction ............................................................................1
The TI-Nspire™ computer software for math and science .......... 1
How to use this guidebook............................................................ 1
Getting started .......................................................................3
Exploring the TI-Nspire™ desktop software................................. 3
Using menus and toolbar icons ..................................................... 4
Menu and toolbar options ..................................................... 4
Defining settings ............................................................................9
Changing language................................................................. 9
Understanding document settings....................................... 10
Changing library properties ................................................. 12
Understanding desktop views ..................................................... 12
Changing the desktop view.................................................. 12
Using the Normal view ......................................................... 13
Using the Handheld Screen view ......................................... 13
Using the Presentation view................................................. 14
Using the virtual keypad.............................................................. 15
Displaying the keypad ..........................................................15
Understanding the TI-Nspire™ tools........................................... 15
Using variables ...................................................................... 16
Using the catalog .................................................................. 16
Entering special characters or math templates................... 17
Taking and viewing screen shots.......................................... 18
Working with documents.....................................................21
Creating a new document ........................................................... 21
Saving documents ........................................................................ 21
Saving a document with a new name ................................. 22
Working with applications........................................................... 22
Adding an application to a page ......................................... 23
Using multiple applications on a page ................................ 25
Changing the page layout for multiple applications.......... 25
Swapping applications on a page........................................ 27
Working with problems and pages............................................. 28
Adding a problem to a document ....................................... 28
Adding a page to a problem................................................ 28
Selecting and moving pages with the Page Sorter............. 28
Deleting pages ...................................................................... 29
Opening LearningCheck™ files ...................................................30
Types of LearningCheck™ items that can be converted .....30
Opening LearningCheck™ items..........................................30
Important information about converting items..................31
Printing documents ......................................................................32
Using print preview...............................................................33
Using Variables..................................................................... 35
Linking values on pages............................................................... 35
Creating variables..................................................................35
Special considerations for variables ..................................... 38
Checking a variable’s value using the
Calculator application .....................................................39
Using (linking) variables........................................................39
Removing a linked variable ..................................................42
Using Calculator ................................................................... 43
Getting started with the Calculator application......................... 43
Before you begin...................................................................48
Entering and evaluating math expressions.................................48
Options for entering expressions .........................................48
Entering simple math expressions........................................48
Controlling the form of a result...........................................49
Inserting items from the Catalog ......................................... 50
Using an expression template...............................................51
Creating matrices...................................................................52
Inserting a row or column into a matrix..............................53
Inserting expressions using a wizard....................................53
Creating a piecewise function..............................................54
Deferring evaluation.............................................................55
Working with variables................................................................ 55
Storing a value in a variable.................................................55
Alternative methods for storing a variable .........................56
Checking a variable’s value ...................................................56
Using a variable in a calculation...........................................56
Updating a variable...............................................................57
Types of variables ..................................................................57
Entering multiple statements on the entry line.................. 58
Rules for naming variables....................................................58
Reusing the last answer ........................................................59
Temporarily substituting a value for a variable...................60
Creating user-defined functions and programs..........................60
Defining a single-line function.............................................60
Defining a multiple-line function using templates .............61
Defining a multiple-line function manually ........................62
Defining a program .............................................................. 63
Recalling a function or program definition ........................ 64
Editing Calculator expressions..................................................... 64
Positioning the cursor in an expression............................... 64
Inserting into an expression in the entry line ..................... 65
Selecting part of an expression............................................65
Deleting all or part of an expression on the entry line ......65
Financial calculations ................................................................... 65
Using the Finance Solver....................................................... 65
Finance functions included...................................................66
Working with the Calculator history........................................... 67
Viewing the Calculator history............................................. 67
Reusing a previous expression or result............................... 68
Deleting an expression from the history .............................69
Clearing the Calculator history............................................. 69
Using Graphs & Geometry ....................................................71
Getting started with Graphs & Geometry................................... 71
Getting acquainted with Graphs & Geometry .................... 72
The Tool menu.............................................................................. 72
Using the context menu ....................................................... 81
The work area............................................................................... 82
The Graphing view................................................................82
The Plane Geometry view..................................................... 83
The analytic window.............................................................84
To remove the analytic window from the work area......... 85
Creating and manipulating axes.......................................... 88
Moving about the work area ............................................... 91
Turning the grid on or off ....................................................91
Attaching an object to the grid ........................................... 92
The Zoom feature .................................................................92
Checking page contents ....................................................... 96
The entry line................................................................................ 96
Additional Graphs & Geometry features .................................... 97
Keystroke shortcuts............................................................... 97
Using the tab and arrow keys .............................................. 97
Using Sliders .......................................................................... 98
Opening and exporting files .............................................. 101
Attribute settings................................................................ 101
Changing the thickness and style of a line/outline........... 104
Locking measured values and points................................. 104
Working with functions............................................................. 105
Using the entry line............................................................. 105
Using the entry line expand button................................... 106
Graphing a family of functions .......................................... 107
Using the Text tool to enter functions...............................108
Graphing inequalities..........................................................109
Renaming f(x) ......................................................................110
Editing functions .................................................................111
Hiding a function on the work area...................................112
Deleting a function ............................................................. 113
Clearing the work area...............................................................113
The Trace tools ............................................................................ 113
Using Graph Trace ...............................................................114
Using Geometry Trace .........................................................115
Using Erase Geometry Trace ...............................................116
Manually manipulating functions .............................................117
Manipulating a linear function ..........................................118
Manipulating a quadratic function.................................... 118
Manipulating a sine or cosine function .............................119
Working with multiple objects at one time..............................120
Selecting multiple objects...................................................120
Deleting multiple selections ...............................................121
Moving multiple selections.................................................121
Drawing and working with points and lines ............................121
Creating a point...................................................................122
Creating a point on a specific object..................................122
Defining an intersection point(s)........................................123
Labeling (identifying) a point.............................................123
Naming a point ...................................................................124
Redefining a point...............................................................125
Linear objects..............................................................................126
Creating a line .....................................................................126
Creating a ray ......................................................................127
Creating a line segment......................................................127
Creating a line segment with defined midpoint...............128
Creating a parallel line........................................................129
Creating a perpendicular line.............................................130
Creating a vector .................................................................131
Moving a vector...................................................................132
Resizing a vector..................................................................132
Creating a tangent ..............................................................132
Creating and working with objects (shapes) ............................ 133
Creating a circle...................................................................133
Moving a circle.....................................................................134
Resizing a circle....................................................................134
Creating a triangle .............................................................. 137
Moving a triangle................................................................137
Reshaping a triangle ...........................................................138
Creating a rectangle............................................................138
Creating a polygon .............................................................139
Moving a polygon............................................................... 140
Reshaping a polygon .......................................................... 140
Creating a regular polygon ................................................ 141
Creating a circle arc............................................................. 142
Transferring Measurements....................................................... 143
Transferring a measurement .............................................. 143
Transferring a numerical text entry to an axis ..................144
Transferring a measurement onto a circle......................... 145
Measuring graphs and objects .................................................. 146
Identifying equations for circles and lines......................... 146
Measuring length................................................................ 146
Finding the area of a circle, polygon, rectangle or
triangle........................................................................... 148
Finding the perimeter of a circle, polygon,
rectangle or triangle ..................................................... 149
Finding the measure of an angle....................................... 149
Defining an angle with three points ................................. 150
Repositioning a measured value........................................ 151
Finding the slope of a line, ray, segment or vector........... 151
Adding text to the work area ............................................ 152
Moving text .........................................................................152
Using the Calculate tool ..................................................... 152
Exploring functions, graphs, and objects.................................. 154
Finding points of interest: zeroes, minima, maxima......... 154
Finding the definite integral of a function ....................... 155
Finding the derivative of a function at a point
(the slope)...................................................................... 156
Transformations.......................................................................... 157
Exploring symmetry ............................................................ 158
Exploring reflection ............................................................ 158
Exploring translation .......................................................... 159
Exploring rotation............................................................... 160
Exploring dilation................................................................ 161
Other investigations................................................................... 163
Bisecting a segment defined on a line............................... 163
Bisecting a segment ............................................................ 164
Bisecting an implied segment ............................................ 165
Bisecting an angle............................................................... 166
Bisecting an implied angle ................................................. 167
Creating a locus................................................................... 168
Animating objects ...................................................................... 170
Animating one point on an object .................................... 170
The animation control panel.............................................. 171
Changing the animation of a point in motion.................. 172
Pausing and resuming animation ...................................... 172
Resetting animation............................................................172
Stopping animation.............................................................172
Plotting collected data............................................................... 173
Creating a scatter plot.........................................................173
Using Lists & Spreadsheet.................................................. 177
Getting started with tables........................................................177
Before you begin.................................................................181
Navigating in a spreadsheet ...............................................181
Inserting a cell range into a formula.................................. 182
Methods of entering data...................................................184
Entering a math expression, text, or spreadsheet
Working with individual cells ....................................................185
Creating absolute and relative cell references .................. 185
Inserting items from the Catalog .......................................187
Deleting the contents of a cell or block of cells................188
Copying a cell or block of cells ...........................................189
Filling adjacent cells ............................................................191
Sharing a cell value as a variable........................................191
Linking a cell to a variable..................................................192
Preventing name conflicts...................................................192
Working with rows and columns of data..................................194
Selecting a row or column ..................................................194
Resizing a row or column....................................................194
Inserting an empty row or column.....................................195
Deleting entire rows or columns ........................................195
Copying rows or columns.................................................... 196
Moving a column.................................................................197
Clearing column data .................................................................198
Sorting data ................................................................................199
Sorting a range of cells in a column...................................199
Sorting a rectangular region ..............................................201
Sorting entire columns........................................................202
Generating columns of data ......................................................203
Creating column values based on another column...........204
Generating a list of random numbers................................204
Generating a numerical sequence......................................205
Creating and sharing spreadsheet data as lists.........................207
Sharing a spreadsheet column as a list variable................ 207
Linking to an existing list variable......................................209
Inserting an element in a list..............................................210
Deleting an element from a list..........................................210
Graphing spreadsheet data........................................................210
Capturing data from Graphs & Geometry................................. 212
Capturing data manually....................................................213
Capturing data automatically ............................................ 214
Creating function tables ............................................................ 216
Showing and Hiding function tables................................. 216
Generating a function table............................................... 217
Adding a function table from Graphs & Geometry .......... 218
Viewing values in a function table .................................... 219
Editing a function ............................................................... 219
Changing the settings for a function table....................... 220
Deleting a column in the function table ........................... 220
Using table data for statistical analysis..................................... 220
Plotting statistical data....................................................... 221
Statistical calculations ................................................................ 222
Performing a statistical calculation.................................... 222
Supported Statistical Calculations...................................... 225
Distributions ...............................................................................229
Calculating distributions.....................................................230
Supported Distribution functions ...................................... 231
Confidence Intervals................................................................... 237
Supported Confidence Intervals......................................... 237
Stat tests...................................................................................... 240
Supported Statistical tests .................................................. 240
Statistics Input Descriptions....................................................... 247
Exchanging data with other computer software..................... 248
Example - copying data from TI DataEditor...................... 249
Example - copying cells from an Excel® spreadsheet ....... 250
Using Data & Statistics .......................................................253
The Tool menu............................................................................ 254
Getting started with Data & Statistics....................................... 262
Creating plots from spreadsheet data ...................................... 262
Plotting data using the Quick Graph tool .........................262
Plotting data on a new Data & Statistics page.................. 265
Numeric plot types ..................................................................... 269
Dot plots ..............................................................................269
Box plots ..............................................................................270
Histograms........................................................................... 276
Normal probability plots..................................................... 283
Scatter Plots......................................................................... 284
X-Y line plots ....................................................................... 286
Creating multiple plots....................................................... 287
Categorical plot types ................................................................ 288
Dot charts.................................................................................... 288
Creating a dot chart............................................................ 289
Bar charts............................................................................. 291
Pie charts..............................................................................292
Plotting data using a Categorical split...............................294
Exploring data.............................................................................297
Moving points or bins of data............................................297
Selecting multiple points ....................................................299
Selecting a range of points.................................................301
Changing plot type..............................................................304
Rescaling a graph ................................................................305
Adding a movable line........................................................308
Rotating a movable line...................................................... 309
Showing regression lines.....................................................312
Showing residual squares....................................................313
Showing a residual plot ......................................................314
Removing a residual plot....................................................315
Using Window/Zoom tools.........................................................316
Graphing Functions ....................................................................318
Graphing functions using the Plot Function tool ..............318
Entering functions from other applications ...................... 319
Editing a function................................................................322
Using Data & Statistics functions in other
Using Show Normal PDF......................................................322
Using Shade Under Function ..............................................323
Using Graph Trace.......................................................................325
Using other Data & Statistics tools ............................................ 327
Inserting text........................................................................327
Hiding text ........................................................................... 328
Using Sliders.........................................................................328
Using Statistical Tools .................................................................332
Using Notes......................................................................... 333
Getting started with the Notes application..............................333
The Notes tool menu..................................................................334
Before you begin.................................................................335
The Notes work area .................................................................. 335
Notes templates..........................................................................336
Applying a Notes template.................................................336
Using the Q&A Template ....................................................336
Using the Proof Template ...................................................336
Inserting comments ....................................................................337
Formatting Notes text ................................................................337
Selecting text ....................................................................... 338
Applying a text format........................................................338
Inserting geometric shape symbols....................................338
Entering and evaluating math expressions...............................339
Entering an expression ....................................................... 339
Evaluating an expression....................................................339
Evaluating part of an expression ....................................... 339
Using Question....................................................................341
Understanding the Question toolbar........................................ 341
Navigating in the Question application.................................... 341
Answering questions.................................................................. 341
Answering single-answer questions................................... 342
Answering questions with multiple answers..................... 342
Working with TI-Nspire™ libraries.....................................343
What is a library?........................................................................ 343
Creating libraries and library objects........................................ 344
Private and Public library objects .............................................. 344
Using short and long names............................................... 345
Using library objects................................................................... 345
Using a public library object............................................... 346
Using a private library object ............................................. 346
Creating shortcuts to library objects......................................... 346
Included libraries........................................................................ 347
Restoring an included library .................................................... 347
Changing the designated library folder ................................... 348
Programming ......................................................................351
Overview of the Program Editor ............................................... 351
The Program Editor menu ......................................................... 352
Defining a program or function................................................355
Starting a new Program Editor .......................................... 355
Entering lines into a function or program ........................ 356
Inserting comments............................................................. 357
Checking syntax................................................................... 358
Storing the function or program ....................................... 358
Viewing an existing program or function................................. 358
Opening an existing function or program................................ 359
Importing a program from a library ......................................... 360
Creating a copy of a function or program................................ 360
Renaming a program or function ............................................. 361
Changing the library access level .............................................. 361
Finding text................................................................................. 362
Finding and replacing text......................................................... 362
Closing the current function or program ................................. 362
Running programs and evaluating functions........................... 362
Using short and long names............................................... 363
Using a Public library function or program ....................... 363
Using a Private library function or program......................364
Running a non-library program or function......................364
Interrupting a running program ........................................ 365
Getting values into a program...................................................365
Example of passing values to a program...........................366
Displaying information...............................................................366
Using local variables ................................................................... 367
Example of a local variable.................................................367
What causes an undefined variable error message?......... 367
You must initialize local variables ......................................368
Differences between functions and programs .........................368
Calling one program from another........................................... 369
Calling a separate program ................................................369
Defining and calling an internal subroutine .....................369
Notes about using subroutines...........................................370
Avoiding circular-definition errors ..................................... 370
Controlling the flow of a function or program........................370
Using If, Lbl, and Goto to control program flow......................371
If command..........................................................................371
If...Then...EndIf structures...................................................371
If...Then...Else... EndIf structures.........................................372
If...Then...ElseIf... EndIf structures......................................372
Lbl and Goto commands .....................................................372
Using loops to repeat a group of commands ...........................373
For...EndFor loops ................................................................ 374
While...EndWhile loops.......................................................375
Loop...EndLoop loops..........................................................376
Repeating a loop immediately ...........................................377
Lbl and Goto loops ..............................................................377
Changing mode settings ............................................................ 377
Setting a mode ....................................................................377
Debugging programs and handling errors ...............................377
Techniques for debugging..................................................378
Error-handling commands ..................................................378
Data Collection ................................................................... 379
Compatible sensor interfaces.....................................................379
Analyzing experimental data.....................................................379
Launching the Data Collection Console....................................380
Using Auto Launch ..............................................................380
Manually starting the Data Collection Console.................381
Getting started with the Data Collection Console ...................385
Using the Data Collection Console..................................... 385
Accessing the context menu ...............................................386
Data Collection Console buttons........................................386
Data Collection Console menus................................................. 388
Running an experiment and collecting data............................ 391
Data Collection variable names.................................................394
Storing collected data................................................................ 394
Retrieving stored experimental results ..................................... 394
Troubleshooting the Data Collection Console.......................... 394
Appendix: Service and Support .........................................397
Texas Instruments Support and Service..................................... 397
For general information ..................................................... 397
Service and warranty information ..................................... 397


The TI-Nspire™ computer software for math and science

This guidebook provides information about powerful, advanced software from Texas Instruments: the TI-Nspire™ computer software for math and science.

How to use this guidebook

The chapters in this guidebook include: Getting Started - Provides start up information and offers students and
educators an overview of the basic operations of the software. Working with Documents - Provides instruction for creating and
working with documents. Using Variables - Shows how to define variables that represent portions
of values and functions and use them across applications.
Using Calculator - Provides an overview of the Calculator application. Using Graphs & Geometry - Provides an overview of the Graphs &
Geometry application. Using Lists & Spreadsheet - Provides an overview of the Lists &
Spreadsheet application. Using Data & Statistics - Provides instruction for using the Data &
Statistics application to analyze data created in other applications.
Using Notes - Provides an overview of the Notes application. Working with TI-Nspire™ Libraries - Provides instruction for creating
and using Libraries. Using Program Editor - Provides instruction for creating and modifying
Programs using the Program Editor.
Data Collection - Provides an overview of the Data Collection tool. Service and Warranty Information - Includes service and warranty
information and contact information for technical support.
Introduction 1
2 Introduction

Getting started

Exploring the TI-Nspire™ desktop software

The desktop software provides the tools to create documents and work with problems. This screen illustrates the menu and toolbars, the page sorter, and the application work area.
À Menu bar - Provides tools for working with documents and
modifying system settings.
Á Toolbar - Provides quick access to tools for working with documents. Â Page Sorter - Provides a thumbnail view of each page in the
à Application work area - Displays a single page in a document.
Getting started 3

Using menus and toolbar icons

Menus and toolbar icons help you create and edit documents and problems and modify system settings.

Menu and toolbar options

The following table lists the options available under each menu, what the option does, and a shortcut key or alternate access method, if one exists. As you work with the software, note that menu options may not always be available.
Toolbar icons are another way to perform tasks. Each application also has its own toolbar, providing functions unique to that application. Application-specific tools are discussed in each application chapter.
When you move your cursor slowly over a tool icon, a brief text description of it displays on the screen.
Toolbar Icon
Menu Option Purpose
New Document
Open Document
Close Closes the document. Ctrl + W (+
Save Document
Creates a new document. If another document is open, you are asked if you want to save it before starting a new document.
Displays a file browser window to let you open an existing TI-Nspireé file. LearningChecké and Cabrié II Plus files also can be opened with the Open Document option.
Saves the document currently in the work area.
Keyboard Shortcut
Ctrl + N ( N on your Macintosh®)
Ctrl + O O on your Macintosh®)
W on your Macintosh®)
Ctrl + S (+ S on your Macintosh®)
4 Getting started
Toolbar Icon
Menu Option Purpose
Save As Saves the current
document in a new folder and/or under a new name.
Export Lets you export a file as a
Cabrié II Plus .fig file.
Keyboard Shortcut
Print Opens the Print dialog
box and enables you to print one or more pages in the open document.
Settings 8 Enables you to change
languages, modify and apply document settings to the system, or change library locations.
Exit Closes all applications and
prompts to save the currently active document.
Undo Cancels your latest action
and displays the work area as it was before the action.
Redo Re-applies the action
undone by the Undo command. Redo is not available unless you first perform an Undo command.
Ctrl + P
P on your Macintosh®)
Alt + F4
Ctrl + Z
Z on your Macintosh®)
Ctrl + Y (+ Y on your Macintosh®)
Cut Removes the selected text
or objects on the active page that you want
Ctrl + X (“ + X on your Macintosh®)
Getting started 5
Toolbar Icon
Menu Option Purpose
Keyboard Shortcut
Copy Makes a copy of the
selected information.
Paste Inserts information, either
cut or copied, at a designated location.
Delete Deletes the selected
objects, text, applications, pages, or problems.
Select Application
Selects the application (border is highlighted to indicate that the application is selected)
Swap Application
Swaps the location of the selected application with the current application.
Normal The default work area
Handheld Screen
Limits the work area to the space constraints of the handheld screen.
Ctrl + C (+ C on your Macintosh®)
Ctrl + V
V on your Macintosh®)
Ctrl + K (+ K on your Macintosh®)
Presentation Removes the Page Sorter
from the display and displays pages at full size.
Keypad View a virtual handheld
keypad you can use to manipulate objects and perform calculations, in the same way as the handheld keypad.
6 Getting started
Toolbar Icon
Menu Option Purpose
Collapse All Collapses all pages in the
Page Sorter so that only the problems for the open document are listed.
Expand All Expands the problems in
the Page Sorter so that all pages of all problems are listed.
Keyboard Shortcut
Previous Page
Takes you to the previous page in a document.
Next Page Takes you to the next
page in a document.
Insert Allows you to insert a
problem space, page, or add applications to the current page.
Layout 8 Lets you select one of
eight page layouts.
Problem Adds a new problem to
the current document.
Page Adds a new page to the
current problem.
Calculator Adds the Calculator
application to the selected page.
Ctrl + Left (+ Left on your Macintosh®)
Ctrl + Right (+ Right on your Macintosh®)
(+ I
Ctrl + I on your Macintosh®)
Getting started 7
Toolbar Icon
Menu Option Purpose
Keyboard Shortcut
To ol s
Graphs & Geometry
Adds the Graphs & Geometry application to the selected page.
Lists & Spreadsheet
Adds the Lists & Spreadsheet application to the selected page.
Notes Adds the Notes
application to the selected page.
Data & Statistics
Adds the Data & Statistics application to the selected page.
Program Editor 8
Allows you to create, view, open, or import a program.
Data Collection
Lets you collect experimental data from a sensor and automatically display it in a list or graph for analysis.
Variables Allows you to link a
variable to another page in the current problem.
Ctrl + D
D on your Macintosh®)
Ctrl + L L on your Macintosh®)
Catalog Allows you to insert
functions, units, symbols, and expression templates.
Symbols Lets you insert symbols.
Math Templates
8 Getting started
Allows you to insert expression templates.
Toolbar Icon
Menu Option Purpose
Keyboard Shortcut
Screen Shot 8Lets you take and view
screen shots of the current application work area.
Refresh Libraries
TI-Nspireé Help
Activate... Allows you to activate
About Displays information
Refreshes the list of libraries that have been stored and whose library documents have been saved.
Provides help information for this software.
your software if you are using a trial copy. This option is only available when using a trial version of the software.
about the TI-Nspire™ product.
Ctrl + J (“ + J on your Macintosh®)

Defining settings

You can change the settings your system uses, including language, document settings, and the library location.

Changing language

You specify the language for the software to display when you install it. You can change the language at any time by doing the following:
1. Select File > Settings > Change Language.
The Choose a Language dialog box displays.
Getting started 9
2. Use the drop-down menu to select the desired language. You must restart the application for the language change to take

Understanding document settings

You can change document settings for a specific set of problems. Document settings apply to the document you are working in, and can also be applied as the default settings for the system. When you customize these settings, the new options become the default settings for your work.
Document settings options
The following table lists the document settings and their selectable values.
Field Values
Display Digits Float
Float1 - Float12 Fix0 - Fix12
Angle Radian
Degree Gradian
Exponential Format Normal
Scientific Engineering
Real or Complex Format Real
Rectangular Polar
Auto or Approximate Auto
Vector Format Rectangular
Cylindrical Spherical
10 Getting started
Field Values
Base Decimal
Hex Binary
Unit System SI
Changing document settings
1. Select File > Settings > Document Settings. The Document Settings window displays.
2. Use the drop-down menus to view and select the desired option for each category.
3. When you have modified the settings to suit your needs, click OK to save the changes and close the window.
Applying document settings to the system
f Click Apply to System to apply the document settings to the entire
system. A prompt displays, asking you to verify that this is what you want to do.
Getting started 11

Changing library properties

To change the library location:
1. Click
2. Click
3. Navigate to the folder for the desired library location and click
4. Click
5. To return to the default library location, click
File > Settings > Library Properties. The Library Properties
dialog box opens.
Change. A Windows® Explorer dialog box opens.
The Windows® Explorer dialog box closes.
OK to accept the new library location.
Default > OK. The
default location is saved.

Understanding desktop views

You have a variety of options for viewing your work in the software:
Handheld Screen

Changing the desktop view

To change the desktop view:
f Click f To return to Normal view, click
View on the tool menu and select the desired view.
View > Normal View.
12 Getting started

Using the Normal view

The Normal view is the default view in your desktop software.

Using the Handheld Screen view

The Handheld Screen view allows you to preview documents as they will appear on the handheld screen. It limits your screen size to the limits you would have on the handheld.
Getting started 13

Using the Presentation view

The Presentation view displays pages without the navigation pane. This view is useful when displaying documents with a digital projector.
The Presentation view can be used with either the Normal view or the Handheld Screen view.
14 Getting started

Using the virtual keypad

The desktop software allows you to display and use a virtual keypad, which duplicates the behavior of the handheld keypad. Use the keypad to enter expressions and perform calculations with the desktop software, just as you do with the handheld.
Note: Many of the procedures in this guidebook include pressing
handheld keys. Some of these keys are available on your computer keyboard, but if you display and use the keypad, you will have access to much of the functionality and shortcuts available on the handheld keyboard.

Displaying the keypad

f To display the keypad, select View > Keypad or click .
The keypad displays.

Understanding the TI-Nspire™ tools

As you gain more experience working with documents, you will use the tools described briefly in this section: variables, catalog, symbols, math templates, and screen shot. This section gives a quick overview of the tools and their functions.
Getting started 15

Using variables

Variables can be any portion or attribute of an object or function created within an application. Examples of attributes that can become variables are the area of a rectangle, the radius of a circle, the value contained in a spreadsheet cell or the contents of a row or column, or a function expression. When you create a variable, it is stored in memory. Variable definitions are contained within a problem and do not carry over from problem to problem within a document.
You can find more information about variables in
Using Variables.

Using the catalog

Use the catalog to insert commands and functions, units, symbols and expression templates into your problems. The catalog window uses five tabs to categorize commands, special characters and templates:
contains all commands and functions, in alphabetical order
contains all math functions
provides a symbol palette for adding special characters.
contains math templates for creating two dimensional objects, including product, sum, square root and integral.
shows Public library (LibPub) objects.
16 Getting started
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