Texas instruments TI-NSPIRE Learning and Technology Handheld Part 2

Learning and Technology
Part 2
This guidebook applies to TI-Nspire™ software version 1.4. To obtain the latest version of the documentation, go to education.ti.com/guides.

Important Information

© 2008 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Macintosh®, Windows®, Excel®, Vernier EasyLink®, EasyTemp®, Go!®Link, Go!®Motion, and Go!®Temp are trademarks of their respective owners.
Important Information................................................................... ii
Introduction ............................................................................1
The TI-Nspire™ CAS math and science
learning handheld.................................................................... 1
How to use this guidebook............................................................ 1
Where to find more information...........................................2
Transferring Files ....................................................................3
Connecting two handhelds ....................................................3
Using connection cables................................................................. 3
USB cables................................................................................ 3
Connecting two TI-Nspire™ CAS handhelds
with the USB unit-to-unit cable........................................... 3
Backing up files to a computer .............................................. 4
Transferring documents ................................................................. 4
Rules for transferring files......................................................4
Sending a document............................................................... 4
Receiving a document............................................................. 5
Canceling a transfer................................................................ 5
Upgrading the Operating System ................................................. 9
Important Operating System download
Where to get Operating System upgrades............................ 9
Transferring the Operating System........................................ 9
OS Upgrade Messages........................................................... 11
Memory and file management ............................................15
Checking available memory......................................................... 15
Displaying the Handheld Status screen ............................... 15
Freeing memory ........................................................................... 15
Deleting items from memory ............................................... 15
Backing up files to another handheld................................. 16
Backing up files to a computer ............................................ 16
Resetting the memory.................................................................. 16
Using Calculator....................................................................19
Getting started with the Calculator application ........................ 19
Before you begin................................................................... 25
Entering and evaluating math expressions ................................ 25
Options for entering expressions......................................... 25
Entering simple math expressions........................................ 25
Controlling the form of a result...........................................26
Inserting items from the Catalog .........................................27
Using an expression template...............................................28
Creating matrices...................................................................29
Inserting a row or column into a matrix..............................30
Inserting expressions using a wizard....................................30
Creating a piecewise function..............................................32
Creating a system of equations ............................................32
Deferring evaluation.............................................................33
Working with variables................................................................33
Storing a value in a variable.................................................33
Alternative methods for storing a variable .........................34
Checking a variable’s value...................................................34
Using a variable in a calculation...........................................34
Updating a variable...............................................................35
Types of variables ..................................................................35
Entering multiple statements on the entry line..................36
Rules for naming variables....................................................36
Reusing the last answer ........................................................37
Temporarily substituting a value for a variable...................38
Creating user-defined functions and programs..........................38
Defining a single-line function.............................................38
Defining a multiple-line function
using templates .................................................................. 39
Defining a multiple-line function manually ........................40
Defining a program...............................................................41
Recalling a function or program definition.........................43
Editing Calculator expressions..................................................... 43
Positioning the cursor in an expression ...............................43
Inserting into an expression in the entry line......................43
Selecting part of an expression ............................................44
Deleting all or part of an expression on
the entry line ...................................................................... 44
Financial calculations....................................................................44
Using the Finance Solver.......................................................44
Finance functions included...................................................45
Working with the Calculator history ...........................................46
Viewing the Calculator history.............................................46
Reusing a previous expression or result...............................46
Deleting an expression from the history.............................. 47
Clearing the Calculator history.............................................47
Using Graphs & Geometry ................................................... 49
Getting started with Graphs & Geometry...................................49
Getting acquainted with Graphs & Geometry .................... 49
The Tool menu.............................................................................. 50
Using the context menu ....................................................... 59
The work area............................................................................... 60
The Graphing view................................................................ 60
The Plane Geometry view..................................................... 61
The analytic window............................................................. 62
To remove the analytic window from
the work area ..................................................................... 63
Creating and manipulating axes..........................................66
Moving about the work area ............................................... 69
Turning the grid on or off .................................................... 69
Attaching an object to the grid ........................................... 70
The Zoom feature ................................................................. 71
The entry line................................................................................ 74
Additional Graphs & Geometry features ....................................76
Keystroke shortcuts...............................................................76
Using the tab and arrow keys .............................................. 76
Using Sliders .......................................................................... 77
Opening and exporting files ................................................ 80
Attribute settings.................................................................. 80
Changing the thickness and style of a
line/outline.......................................................................... 83
Locking measured values and points................................... 83
Working with functions ............................................................... 84
Using the entry line............................................................... 84
Using the entry line expand button..................................... 85
Graphing a family of functions ............................................ 86
Using the Text tool to enter functions................................. 87
Graphing inequalities ........................................................... 88
Renaming f(x)........................................................................ 89
Editing functions................................................................... 90
Hiding a function on the work area .................................... 91
Deleting a function............................................................... 92
Clearing the work area ................................................................ 92
The Trace tools.............................................................................. 92
Using Graph Trace ................................................................. 93
Using Geometry Trace........................................................... 94
Using Erase Geometry Trace ................................................. 95
Manually manipulating functions............................................... 96
Manipulating a linear function............................................ 97
Manipulating a quadratic function...................................... 97
Manipulating a sine or cosine function...............................98
Working with multiple objects at one time................................ 99
Selecting multiple objects..................................................... 99
Deleting multiple selections............................................... 100
Moving multiple selections.................................................100
Drawing and working with points and lines ............................100
Points........................................................................................... 101
Creating a point...................................................................101
Creating a point on a specific object..................................101
Defining an intersection point(s)........................................102
Labeling (identifying) a point.............................................103
Naming a point ...................................................................104
Redefining a point...............................................................104
Linear objects..............................................................................105
Creating a line .....................................................................106
Creating a ray ......................................................................106
Creating a line segment......................................................107
Creating a line segment with defined
Creating a parallel line........................................................109
Creating a perpendicular line.............................................110
Creating a vector ................................................................. 111
Moving a vector...................................................................112
Resizing a vector..................................................................112
Creating a tangent ..............................................................112
Creating and working with objects (shapes) ............................113
Creating a circle...................................................................113
Moving a circle.....................................................................114
Resizing a circle....................................................................114
Creating a triangle ..............................................................117
Moving a triangle................................................................118
Reshaping a triangle ...........................................................118
Creating a rectangle............................................................ 118
Creating a polygon..............................................................120
Moving a polygon ...............................................................121
Reshaping a polygon...........................................................121
Creating a regular polygon.................................................121
Creating a circle arc.............................................................122
Transferring Measurements .......................................................124
Transferring a measurement...............................................124
Transferring a numerical text entry to an axis...................125
Transferring a measurement onto a circle.........................126
Measuring graphs and objects...................................................127
Identifying equations for circles and lines.........................127
Measuring length ................................................................128
Finding the area of a circle, polygon,
rectangle or triangle ........................................................129
Finding the perimeter of a circle, polygon,
rectangle or triangle ........................................................130
Finding the measure of an angle ....................................... 130
Defining an angle with three points ................................. 131
Repositioning a measured value........................................ 132
Finding the slope of a line, ray,
segment or vector ............................................................ 132
Adding text to the work area ............................................ 133
Moving text .........................................................................134
Using the Calculate tool .....................................................134
Exploring functions, graphs, and objects.................................. 135
Finding points of interest: zeroes,
minima, maxima............................................................... 136
Finding the definite integral of a function ....................... 137
Finding the derivative of a function
at a point (the slope)........................................................ 138
Transformations.......................................................................... 139
Exploring symmetry ............................................................140
Exploring reflection ............................................................140
Exploring translation .......................................................... 141
Exploring rotation............................................................... 142
Exploring dilation................................................................ 143
Other investigations................................................................... 145
Bisecting a segment defined on a line............................... 145
Bisecting a segment ............................................................ 146
Bisecting an implied segment ............................................ 147
Bisecting an angle............................................................... 148
Bisecting an implied angle .................................................149
Creating a locus................................................................... 150
Animating objects ...................................................................... 152
Animating one point on an object .................................... 152
The animation control panel.............................................. 153
Changing the animation of a point
in motion .......................................................................... 154
Pausing and resuming animation ...................................... 154
Resetting animation............................................................ 154
Stopping animation ............................................................ 154
Plotting collected data............................................................... 155
Creating a scatter plot ........................................................ 155
Using Lists & Spreadsheet ..................................................159
Getting started with tables........................................................ 159
Before you begin................................................................. 163
Navigating in a spreadsheet............................................... 163
Inserting a cell range into a formula .................................164
Methods of entering data .................................................. 166
Entering a math expression, text, or
spreadsheet formula ........................................................ 167
Working with individual cells ....................................................167
Creating absolute and relative
cell references...................................................................167
Inserting items from the Catalog .......................................169
Deleting the contents of a cell or
block of cells .....................................................................171
Copying a cell or block of cells ...........................................172
Filling adjacent cells ............................................................173
Sharing a cell value as a variable........................................ 174
Linking a cell to a variable..................................................174
Preventing name conflicts...................................................175
Working with rows and columns of data..................................176
Selecting a row or column ..................................................176
Resizing a row or column....................................................176
Inserting an empty row or column.....................................176
Deleting entire rows or columns ........................................177
Copying rows or columns....................................................178
Moving a column.................................................................178
Clearing column data.................................................................179
Sorting data ................................................................................181
Sorting a range of cells in a column...................................181
Sorting a rectangular region ..............................................183
Sorting entire columns........................................................184
Generating columns of data ......................................................185
Creating column values based on
another column ................................................................186
Generating a list of random numbers................................187
Generating a numerical sequence......................................187
Creating and sharing spreadsheet data as lists.........................189
Sharing a spreadsheet column as a list variable................ 189
Linking to an existing list variable......................................192
Inserting an element in a list..............................................192
Deleting an element from a list..........................................193
Graphing spreadsheet data........................................................193
Capturing data from Graphs & Geometry.................................195
Capturing data manually....................................................195
Capturing data automatically.............................................197
Creating function tables.............................................................198
Showing and Hiding function tables..................................199
Generating a function table ...............................................200
Adding a function table from
Graphs & Geometry..........................................................201
Viewing values in a function table.....................................202
Editing a function................................................................203
Changing the settings for a function table .......................203
Deleting a column in the function table............................204
Using table data for statistical analysis..................................... 204
Plotting statistical data.......................................................204
Statistical calculations ................................................................ 205
Performing a statistical calculation.................................... 205
Supported Statistical Calculations...................................... 208
Distributions ...............................................................................212
Calculating distributions..................................................... 213
Supported Distribution functions ...................................... 214
Confidence Intervals................................................................... 220
Supported Confidence Intervals......................................... 220
Stat tests...................................................................................... 223
Supported Statistical tests ..................................................223
Statistics Input Descriptions....................................................... 230
Using Data & Statistics .......................................................233
The Tool menu............................................................................ 234
Getting started with Data & Statistics....................................... 242
Creating plots from spreadsheet data ......................................242
Plotting data using the Quick Graph tool .........................242
Plotting data on a new Data
& Statistics page ............................................................... 245
Numeric plot types ..................................................................... 248
Dot plots .............................................................................. 248
Box plots .............................................................................. 250
Histograms........................................................................... 256
Normal probability plots..................................................... 263
Scatter Plots......................................................................... 264
X-Y line plots ....................................................................... 266
Creating multiple plots....................................................... 267
Categorical plot types ................................................................ 268
Dot charts....................................................................................268
Creating a dot chart............................................................ 269
Bar charts............................................................................. 271
Pie charts.............................................................................. 272
Plotting data using a Categorical split...............................274
Exploring data ............................................................................277
Moving points or bins of data............................................ 277
Selecting multiple points.................................................... 279
Selecting a range of points................................................. 281
Changing plot type ............................................................. 285
Rescaling a graph................................................................ 286
Adding a movable line........................................................ 289
Rotating a movable line .....................................................290
Showing regression lines .................................................... 293
Showing residual squares ................................................... 294
Showing a residual plot ......................................................294
Removing a residual plot....................................................295
Using Window/Zoom tools.........................................................297
Graphing Functions ....................................................................299
Graphing functions using the
Plot Function tool.............................................................299
Entering functions from other
Editing a function................................................................303
Using Data & Statistics functions
in other applications ........................................................303
Using Show Normal PDF......................................................303
Using Shade Under Function ..............................................304
Using Graph Trace.......................................................................306
Using other Data & Statistics tools ............................................308
Inserting text........................................................................308
Hiding text ...........................................................................309
Using Sliders.........................................................................309
Using Statistical Tools .................................................................313
Using Notes......................................................................... 315
Getting started with the Notes application..............................315
The Notes tool menu..................................................................316
Before you begin.................................................................317
The Notes work area ..................................................................317
Notes templates..........................................................................318
Applying a Notes template.................................................318
Using the Q&A Template ....................................................318
Using the Proof Template ...................................................318
Inserting comments ....................................................................319
Formatting Notes text ................................................................320
Selecting text .......................................................................320
Applying a text format........................................................320
Inserting geometric shape symbols....................................320
Entering and evaluating math expressions...............................321
Entering an expression........................................................321
Evaluating an expression ....................................................321
Evaluating part of an expression........................................321
Using Question ................................................................... 323
Understanding the Question toolbar........................................ 323
Navigating in the Question application....................................323
Answering questions ..................................................................323
Answering single-answer questions...................................324
Answering questions with multiple answers..................... 324
Working with TI-Nspire™ libraries.....................................325
What is a library?........................................................................ 325
Creating libraries and library objects........................................326
Private and Public library objects .............................................. 326
Using short and long names............................................... 327
Using library objects................................................................... 327
Using a public library object............................................... 327
Using a private library object ............................................. 328
Creating shortcuts to library objects.........................................328
Included libraries........................................................................ 329
Restoring an included library ....................................................329
Programming ......................................................................331
Overview of the Program Editor ............................................... 331
The Program Editor menu ......................................................... 332
Defining a program or function................................................335
Starting a new Program Editor .......................................... 335
Entering lines into a function or program ........................ 336
Inserting comments............................................................. 337
Checking syntax................................................................... 338
Storing the function or program ....................................... 338
Viewing an existing program or function................................. 339
Opening an existing function or program................................ 340
Importing a program from a library ......................................... 340
Creating a copy of a function or program................................ 341
Renaming a program or function ............................................. 341
Changing the library access level .............................................. 341
Finding text.................................................................................342
Finding and replacing text......................................................... 342
Closing the current function or program ................................. 343
Running programs and evaluating functions........................... 343
Using short and long names............................................... 344
Using a Public library function or program ....................... 344
Using a Private library function or program ..................... 345
Running a non-library program or function ..................... 345
Interrupting a running program........................................346
Getting values into a program .................................................. 346
Example of passing values to a program........................... 347
Displaying information .............................................................. 347
Using local variables................................................................... 348
Example of a local variable................................................. 348
What causes an undefined
variable error message?................................................... 348
You must initialize local variables......................................349
Performing symbolic calculations....................................... 349
Differences between functions and programs .........................349
Calling one program from another...........................................350
Calling a separate program ................................................350
Defining and calling an internal subroutine .....................350
Notes about using subroutines...........................................351
Avoiding circular-definition errors .....................................351
Controlling the flow of a function or program........................352
Using If, Lbl, and Goto to control program flow......................352
If command..........................................................................352
If...Then...EndIf structures...................................................353
If...Then...Else... EndIf structures.........................................353
If...Then...ElseIf... EndIf structures......................................354
Lbl and Goto commands .....................................................354
Using loops to repeat a group of commands ...........................355
For...EndFor loops................................................................355
While...EndWhile loops.......................................................356
Loop...EndLoop loops..........................................................357
Repeating a loop immediately ...........................................358
Lbl and Goto loops.............................................................. 358
Changing mode settings ............................................................358
Setting a mode ....................................................................358
Debugging programs and handling errors ...............................359
Techniques for debugging..................................................359
Error-handling commands .................................................. 359
Data Collection ................................................................... 361
Compatible sensor interfaces.....................................................361
Analyzing experimental data.....................................................361
Launching the Data Collection Console....................................362
Using Auto Launch .............................................................. 362
Manually starting the Data
Collection Console............................................................363
Getting started with the Data
Collection Console ................................................................366
Using the Data Collection Console.....................................366
Accessing the context menu ...............................................367
Data Collection Console buttons........................................367
Data Collection Console menus .................................................369
Running an experiment and collecting data ............................372
Data Collection variable names.................................................375
Storing collected data ................................................................375
Retrieving stored experimental results .....................................375
Troubleshooting the Data Collection Console..........................376
Appendix: Service and Support .........................................379
Texas Instruments Support and Service..................................... 379
For general information ..................................................... 379
Service and warranty information ..................................... 379
Service ......................................................................................... 379
Battery Precautions .................................................................... 379
Disposing of Batteries......................................................... 380


The TI-Nspire™ CAS math and science learning handheld

This guidebook provides information about a powerful, advanced learning handheld available from Texas Instruments: the TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld.
Your learning handheld comes equipped with a variety of pre-installed software applications that have features relevant to many different subjects and curriculums.
Extend the reach of your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld with accessories, such as the TI-Nspire™ CAS math and science learning software, TI-Nspire™ ViewScreen™ Panel, TI-Nspire™ Connections Cradle and TI-Nspire™ Computer Link Software.

How to use this guidebook

This guidebook is intended to supplement the printed guidebook that accompanied your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld.
The chapters in this guidebook include: Transferring Files- Provides instruction for connecting and transferring
data and files between two TI-Nspire™ CAS handhelds. Memory Management - Includes instruction for checking memory on
your handheld, and freeing memory if you need additional space. Using the TI-Nspire™ Computer Link Software - Provides instruction
for transferring documents between handhelds, capturing images from your handheld, backing up contents and updating the Operating System (OS) on your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld.
Using Calculator - Provides detailed instruction for using the Calculator application.
Using Graphs & Geometry - Provides detailed instruction for using the Graphs & Geometry application.
Using Lists & Spreadsheet - Provides detailed instruction for using the Lists & Spreadsheet application.
Using Data & Statistics - Provides detailed instruction for using the Data & Statistics application.
Using Notes - Provides detailed instruction for using the Notes application.
Introduction 1
Libraries - Provides detailed instruction for using TI-Nspire™ libraries of variables, functions, and/or programs that have been defined as library objects
Programming - Provides detailed instruction for using user-defined functions and programs.
Data Collection - Provides detailed steps for collecting experimental information from a sensor and automatically display it in a table and/or graph for analysis.
Service and Warranty Information - Includes service and warranty information and contact information for technical support.

Where to find more information

Additional product information is available in printed guidebook that accompanied your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld. An electronic version of the printed guidebook for using the TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld is included on the CD-ROM that came with your learning handheld. This guidebook is also available online as a free download at education.ti.com/guides.
2 Introduction

Transferring Files

Connecting two handhelds

This chapter describes how to connect one TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld to another, and how to transfer files between them. The TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld has a USB port which allows it to communicate with another TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld.
When the TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld is using TI-Nspire™ TI-84 Plus keypad, it can connect with another TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld using the TI-Nspire™ TI-84 Plus keypad or a TI-84 Plus using the USB port or the I/O port.

Using connection cables

Your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld comes with connection cables that allow you to share files with both a computer and another handheld.

USB cables

You can use USB cables to connect two TI-Nspire CAS handhelds, to connect a TI-Nspire CAS handheld to a computer.

Connecting two TI-Nspire™ CAS handhelds with the USB unit-to-unit cable

You can connect two handhelds this way as long as both handhelds are using the same keypad. You cannot connect a handheld using the TI-Nspire™ TI-84 Plus keypad to a handheld using the native TI-Nspire keypad.
The TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld USB A port is located at the center of the top of the TI-Nspire CAS handheld.
1. Firmly insert either end of the USB unit-to-unit cable into the USB A port.
2. Insert the other end of the cable into the receiving unit’s USB A port.
Tra nsferring Files 3

Backing up files to a computer

Use the TI-Nspire™ Computer Link Software software to back up the contents of your handheld to a computer. TI-Nspire™ Computer Link Software is available on the product CD that came with your handheld.

Transferring documents

Rules for transferring files

You can transfer documents and Operating System (OS) files.
If a document with the same name as the one you are sending already exists on the receiving TI-Nspire™ handheld, the document will be renamed. The system appends a number to the name to make it unique. For example, if Mydata existed on the receiving TI-Nspire™ handheld, it would be renamed Mydata(2).
Both the sending and receiving units will display a message that shows the new name.
There is a 255-character maximum length for a file name, including the entire path. If a transmitted file has the same name as an existing file on the receiving unit and the file names contain 255 characters, then the name of the transmitted file will be truncated to enable the software to follow the renaming scheme described in the previous bullet.
All variables associated with the document being transmitted are transfered with the document.
Transmissions will time out after 30 seconds.

Sending a document

1. Open My Documents.
Press c7.
2. Press the 5 and 6 keys on the NavPad to highlight the document you want to send.
3. Select
4. The file transfer begins. A progress bar displays to allow you to
4 Transferring Files
Send from the My Documents menu.
Press /c15.
follow the transfer. There is also a cancel button on the Sending... dialog to enable you to cancel the transmission while it in progress.
At the end of a successful transmission, the message "<Folder / File name> transferred as <Folder / File name>." displays. If the file had to be renamed on the receiving unit, the message will display the new file name.

Receiving a document

No action is required by the user of the receiving TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld. Units are automatically powered on when the cable is attached.
At the end of a successful transmission, the message "<Folder / File name> received." displays. If the file had to be renamed, the message will display the new file name.

Canceling a transfer

1. To cancel a transmission in-progress, press Cancel on the dialog of the sending unit. The user of either unit can also press
2. A link transmission error message displays.
3. Press
d or · to cancel the transmission error message.
Common error and notification messages
Shown on: Message and Description
Sending unit
"Transfer failed. Check cable
and try again."
This message displays if a cable is not attached to the sending unit’s link port. Remove and then reinsert the cable and try the document transmission again.
d or · to cancel the transmission
Press message.
Note: The sending unit may not always display this message. Instead, it may remain BUSY until you cancel the transmission.
Tra nsferring Files 5
Shown on: Message and Description
Sending unit
"Receiver does not have enough
storage space for file transfer."
This message displays when the receiving unit does not have enough memory to accept the file being transmitted.
The user of the receiving unit must free space in order to obtain the new file. To do this:
Delete unneeded files.
Store files on a computer for later retrieval, then delete them from the TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld.
Sending unit
transferred as
This message displays at the end of a successful transfer when the file had to be renamed because a file already exists on the receiving unit with the original name. The transmitted file is renamed by appending a number to the end of the name. Rename numbering always begins with (2) and can increment by one, as needed.
6 Transferring Files
Shown on: Message and Description
Sending unit
transferred as
<folder>/<new filename>."
This message displays when a new folder is created on the receiving unit to contain the transmitted document.
Receiving unit
Receiving unit
This message displays if the receiving unit has a document with the same name as the document being sent.
"<new folder>/<new filename>
This message displays when a new folder has been created to contain the transmitted document.
Tra nsferring Files 7
Shown on: Message and Description
Receiving unit
"Transfer failed. Check cable
and try again."
This message displays if the cable is not correctly attached to the receiving unit’s link port. Remove the cable then reattach it and try the transmission again.
d or · to cancel the transmission
8 Transferring Files

Upgrading the Operating System

You can upgrade the OS on your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld using your computer and TI-Nspire™ Computer Link Software. You can also transfer the OS from one unit to another.
OS upgrade operations do not delete user documents. If there is not enough room on the receiving handheld for the upgrade, the sending handheld is notified. The only time documents can be affected by an OS installation is if the receiving handheld has a corrupted OS. In this situation, documents may be affected by OS restoration. It is a good practice to back up your important documents and folders before installing an updated operating system.
See the important information concerning batteries before performing an OS upgrade.

Important Operating System download information

It is always a good practice to install new batteries before beginning an OS download.
When in OS download mode, the Automatic Power Down feature does not function. If you leave your handheld in download mode for an extended time before you begin the downloading process, your batteries may become depleted. You will then need to replace the batteries with new batteries before downloading.

Where to get Operating System upgrades

For up-to-date information about available OS upgrades, check the Texas Instruments Web site at http://education.ti.com.
You can download an OS upgrade from the Texas Instruments Web site to a computer, and use a USB computer cable to install the OS on your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld.
For complete information, refer to the instructions in the chapter on TI-Nspire™ Computer Link Software.

Transferring the Operating System

To transfer the OS from unit to unit:
1. Connect the two units. (For details, see the connection instructions at the beginning of this chapter.) Any open documents on the receiving unit should be closed before the transfer begins.
2. On the sending unit, open My Documents.
Tra nsferring Files 9
3. From the menu, select Send OS.
Press b9.
4. On the receiving unit, the message, "You are receiving an OS Upgrade. Unsaved changes will be lost. Would you like to continue?" displays along with Yes and No response buttons. Select Yes to receive the OS upgrade.
If Yes is not selected within 30 seconds, the unit automatically
responds with No, and the transmission is cancelled.
It is important to save and close all open documents before
performing an OS Upgrade. Continuing with an OS Upgrade on a unit with an open, unsaved document will cause the loss of that data.
5. While the upgrade is in progress, the receiving unit displays, "Receiving OS. Do not unplug cable." The sending unit displays, "Sending OS. Do not unplug cable."
6. After the transfer completes, the sending unit receives a completion message and can unhook the cable. On the receiving unit, the OS must be installed. This happens automatically. During the installation process, the receiving unit displays the message, "Installing OS <version number>."
7. When the installation completes, the unit displays the following message, "OS <version number> has been installed. Handheld will now restart." The restart is initiated. If the sending unit is still attached to the cable, the successful transmission message remains displayed on that unit’s screen.


For each receiving unit, remember to back up information, as necessary, and install new batteries.
Be sure the sending unit is on the Send OS screen.
10 Transferring Files

OS Upgrade Messages

This section lists the information and error messages that can be displayed on units during an OS Upgrade.
Shown on: Message and Description
Sending unit
"Receiver does not have
enough storage space. Make
<xxxK> available."
This message displays when the receiving unit does not have enough memory available for the new OS. The space requirement is shown so you know how much memory must be cleared for the new operating system. Files can be moved to a computer for storage to free the necessary space.
Sending unit
"Receiver must change batteries before upgrading the OS."
This message displays when the batteries in the receiving unit need to be replaced. Send the OS Upgrade once the batteries are replaced.
Sending unit
"Receiver has a newer OS
and cannot load this OS."
This message displays when the receiving unit has a newer OS version that the one being transmitted. You cannot downgrade an OS.
Tra nsferring Files 11
Shown on: Message and Description
Sending unit
"Upgrade not accepted by
This message displays when the receiving unit refuses the upgrade.
Sending unit
"OS has been transferred.
You can now unplug."
This message displays when the tranfer is completed and it is safe for the sending unit to unplug the cable.
Sending unit
"Sending OS. Do not
unplug cable."
This message, along with a progress bar, displays while the OS Upgrade is being transferred.
Both units
"Transfer failed. Check cable
and try again."
The sending and/or receiving unit is not properly connected. Reinsert the cable into each handheld, then try the transmission again.
12 Transferring Files
Shown on: Message and Description
Receiving unit
"You are receiving an OS Upgrade. Unsaved changes will be lost. Would you like
to continue?"
Receiving unit
Receiving unit
Receiving unit
This message displays when an OS Upgrade is about to begin. If you do not select Yes within 30 seconds, the system automatically responds with No.
"Receiving OS. Do not
unplug cable."
This message, along with a progress bar, displays while the OS Upgrade is being transferred.
"Installing OS."
This message displays once the transfer is completed. It is shown to keep you informed of the unit’s status.
"OS has been installed.
Handheld will restart."
This information message displays briefly before the unit automatically reboots.
Tra nsferring Files 13
Shown on: Message and Description
Receiving unit
"Install was corrupted.
Handheld will reboot. You
will need to retry OS
An error occurred during the transmission, and the installation was corrupted. The unit will reboot. After the reboot, reinstall the OS Upgrade.
14 Transferring Files

Memory and file management

Checking available memory

The Handheld Status screen shows the amount of memory (in bytes) used by all documents and variables on your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld. The Handheld Status screen displays the following information:
Storage Capacity
•Space Used
Free Space
Battery Status

Displaying the Handheld Status screen

f Select Handheld Status from the Home menu.
The Handheld Status window displays.

Freeing memory

If you have insufficient memory to store documents on your handheld, you must free memory to create the space you need. To free memory, you must delete documents and/or folders from memory. If you wish to keep the documents and folders for use later, you can back them up to another handheld or to a computer.

Deleting items from memory

If you have documents stored on your TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld that you no longer need, you can delete them from memory to create additional space.
Memory and file management 15
Before you delete documents from memory, consider restoring sufficient available memory by copying files to another handheld.
1. Open
2. Press
3. Select
My Documents.
Press c7.
£ or ¤ to select the folder or document you want to delete.
Press /c26.
The folder/document is permanently removed from the handheld.

Backing up files to another handheld

To back up files to another TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld, follow the steps below. Complete instructions for connecting two handhelds are provided in the Connectivity chapter.
1. Connect the two handhelds using the USB-to-USB Connectivity Cable.
2. Open
3. Press the 5 and 6 keys to highlight the document you want to send.
4. Select
5. When the file transfer is complete, a message displays on the
My Documents on the sending unit.
Press c7.
Send from the Document menu.
Press /c15.
receiving unit.

Backing up files to a computer

Use the TI-Nspire™ Computer Link software to back up the contents of your handheld to a computer. TI-Nspire™ Computer Link software is available on the product CD that came with your handheld.

Resetting the memory

The Reset button on the underside of the handheld resets all memory. When resetting all memory on the TI-Nspire™ CAS handheld, RAM and Flash memory is restored to factory settings. All files will be deleted. All system variables are reset to default settings.
Caution: Before you reset all memory, consider restoring sufficient available memory by deleting only selected data.
To reset all memory on the handheld, follow these steps.
16 Memory and file management
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