Digital Oscilloscope
Page <1> 06/05/09 V1.1
Go-No Go and auto setup sequence.
FFT function.
Built-in help menu, multi-language and PC software.
Standard interface : USB, RS-232C, printer port.
Option : GPIB interface.
Display system
Display device Colour (320 x 240) 5.7 inches LCD
Display contrast Adjustable
Waveform display graticule 8 x 10 divisions (8 x 12 div, when menu off)
Display mode Dot, vector, accumulate
Vertical system
Bandwidth 250MHz (-3dB)
Channels 2
Vertical resolution 8-bit
Vertical sensitivity 2mV/div to 5V/div
Vertical accuracy ±3%
Rise time <1.4ns
Input coupling AC, DC, ground
Input impedance
1MΩ ±2% to 22pF
Polarity Positive and negative
Maximum voltage between signal and common at input BNC 300V (DC + AC peak), CATII
Waveform signal process CH1 + CH2, CH1 - CH2, FFT
Offset range
2mV/div to 50mV/div : ±0.5V
100mV/div to 500m/V/div : ±5V
1V/div to 5V/div : ±50V
BW limit 20MHz (-3dB)
Horizontal system
Time base range
1ns/div to 10s/div
Roll : 250ms/div to 10s/div
Time base mode Main, window, window zoom, roll, X to Y
Time base accuracy ±0.01%
Delay range
Pre-trigger : 20 div maximum
Post-trigger : 1000 div
Signal Acquisition
Real-time sample rate 100MS/s maximum on each channel
Equivalent sample rate 25GS/s ET maximum on each channel
Record length 125k/CH
Peak detection 10ns (500ns/div to 10s/div)
Acquisition mode Sample, peak detect, average
Average 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256