TENMA 72-7235 User Manual

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Go-No Go and auto setup sequence.
FFT function.
Built-in help menu, multi-language and PC software.
Standard interface : USB, RS-232C, printer port.
Option : GPIB interface.
Display system
Display device Colour (320 x 240) 5.7 inches LCD
Display contrast Adjustable
Waveform display graticule 8 x 10 divisions (8 x 12 div, when menu off)
Display mode Dot, vector, accumulate
Vertical system
Bandwidth 150MHz (-3dB)
Channels 2
Vertical resolution 8-bit
Vertical sensitivity 2mV/div to 5V/div
Vertical accuracy ±3%
Rise time <2.3ns
Input coupling AC, DC, ground
Input impedance
1M±2% to 22pF
Polarity Positive and negative
Maximum voltage between signal and common at input BNC 300V (DC + AC peak), CATII
Waveform signal process CH1 + CH2, CH1 - CH2, FFT
Offset range
2mV/div to 50mV/div : ±0.5V 100mV/div to 500m/V/div : ±5V 1V/div to 5V/div : ±50V
BW limit 20MHz (-3dB)
Horizontal system
Time base range
1ns/div to 10s/div Roll : 250ms/div to 10s/div
Time base mode Main, window, window zoom, roll, X to Y
Time base accuracy ±0.01%
Delay range
Pre-trigger : 20 div maximum Post-trigger : 1000 div
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Signal Acquisition System
Real-time sample rate 100MS/s maximum on each channel
Equivalent sample rate 25GS/s ET maximum on each channel
Record length 125k/CH
Peak detection 10ns (500ns/div to 10s/div)
Acquisition mode Sample, peak detect, average
Average 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256
Trigger source CH1, CH2, line, ext
Auto level, auto, normal, single, TV, time delay, event delay, edge, pulse width
Coupling AC, DC, HF, LF, noise reject
DC to 25MHz : approximately 0.35 div or 3.5mV 25MHz to 150MHz : approximately 1.5 div or 15mV
X-Y mode
X-axis input / Y-axis input Channel 1/Channel 2
Phase shift ±3° at 100kHz
Cursor and measurement
Auto voltage measurement
pp, Vamp
, V
, V
, Vhi, VIo, V
, V
Auto time measurement
Frequency, period, rise time, fall time, positivie width, negative width, duty cycle
Cursor measurement
Voltage difference between cursors (∆V) Time difference between cursors (∆T) Frequency different between cursors (1/∆T)
Frequency counter
Readout resolution 6 digits
Frequency range AC coupled, 10Hz minimum to rated bandwidth
Signal source
All available trigger source except the pulse width and video trigger mode
External trigger
Range ±15V
DC to 30MHz : 50mV 30 to 150MHz : 100mV
Input impedance
1M±2% to 22pF
Maximum input 300V (DC + AC peak), CATII
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