Teledyne 3010PAC User Manual

Oxygen Analyzer
Model 3010PAC
Percent Oxygen Analyzer
Flush Mount Control Unit, PN D-66192B
Intrinsic Safe Barriers Assy., PN C-66426
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
P/N M66395
ECO # 99-0323
Model 3010PAC
Copyright © 1999 Teledyne Analytical Instruments
All Rights Reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language or computer language in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether it be electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Teledyne Analytical Instruments, 16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA 91749-
This equipment is sold subject to the mutual agreement that it is warranted by us free from defects of material and of construction, and that our liability shall be limited to replacing or repairing at our factory (without charge, except for transportation), or at customer plant at our option, any material or construction in which defects become apparent within one year from the date of shipment, except in cases where quotations or acknowledgements provide for a shorter period. Components manufactured by others bear the warranty of their manufacturer. This warranty does not cover defects caused by wear, accident, misuse, neglect or repairs other than those performed by Teledyne or an autho­rized service center. We assume no liability for direct or indirect damages of any kind and the purchaser by the acceptance of the equipment will assume all liability for any damage which may result from its use or misuse.
We reserve the right to employ any suitable material in the manufacture of our apparatus, and to make any alterations in the dimensions, shape or weight of any parts, in so far as such alterations do not adversely affect our warranty.
Important Notice
This instrument provides measurement readings to its user, and serves as a tool by which valuable data can be gathered. The information provided by the instrument may assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by his process; however, it is essential that all personnel involved in the use of the instrument or its interface, with the process being measured, be properly trained in the process itself, as well as all instrumen­tation related to it.
The safety of personnel is ultimately the responsibility of those who control process conditions. While this instrument may be able to provide early warning of imminent danger, it has no control over process conditions, and it can be misused. In particular, any alarm or control systems installed must be tested and understood, both as to how they operate and as to how they can be defeated. Any safeguards required such as locks, labels, or redundancy, must be provided by the user or specifically requested of Teledyne at the time the order is placed.
Therefore, the purchaser must be aware of the hazardous process conditions. The purchaser is responsible for the training of personnel, for providing hazard warning methods and instrumentation per the appropriate standards, and for ensuring that hazard warning devices and instrumentation are maintained and operated properly.
Analytical Instruments, the manufacturer of this instrument, cannot accept responsibility for conditions beyond its knowledge and control. No statement expressed or implied by this document or any information disseminated by the manufacturer or its agents, is to be construed as a warranty of adequate safety control under the user’s process
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Analyzer
Table of Contents
Specific Model Information..................................iv
Preface ................................................................v
Part I: Control Unit, Model PAC.............Part I: 1-1
Part II: Intrinsic Safe Barriers ...............Part II: 1-1
Remote Probe ...........................................
Appendix......................................................... A-1
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Model 3010PAC
Specific Model Information
The instrument for which this manual was supplied may incorporate one or more options not supplied in the standard instrument. Commonly available options are listed below, with check boxes. Any that are incorpo­rated in the instrument for which this manual was supplied are indicated by a check mark in the box.
Instrument Serial Number: __________________________
19" Rack Mount
The 19" Relay Rack Mount units are available with either one or two series 3010PAC analyzer Control Units in­stalled in a standard 19" panel and ready to mount in a standard rack. See Appendix for details.
Cell Class* ____________________ (B-1 standard).
Enter Class Designation
* See Part II, Chapter 2 and/or any addendum that may be attached
to this manual for cell specifications.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Analyzer
The Analytical Instruments Model 3010PAC Percent Oxygen Analyzer is a versatile microprocessor-based instrument for detecting oxygen in a variety of background gases. It is a “split architecture” instrument. This means that a general purpose Control Unit, designed for nonhazardous areas only, remotely controls a specially designed Analysis Unit, or remote probe, that can operate in a hazardous area.
Part I of this manual covers the Model 3010PAC General Purpose flush­panel and/or rack-mount Control Unit only. This Control Unit is for indoor use in a nonhazardous environment. The Analysis Units (or Remote Probes) they control, can be designed for a variety of hazardous environments. Part II of this manual covers the 3010PAC Analysis Unit.
Typical Applications
A few typical applications of the Model 3010PAC are:
Monitoring inert gas blanketing
Air separation and liquefaction
Chemical reaction monitoring
Semiconductor manufacturing
Petrochemical process control
Quality assurance
Gas analysis certification.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Model 3010PAC
Model and Part Number Designations
The part numbers are the most specific identification. When using this manual for operation, maintenance, or ordering parts, check the part numbers on your Instruments to be sure of a match. Where an underscore (_) appears in a model number, the unit has more than one application. For example, 3010P_C means that the same unit is part of the 3010PAC and the 3010PBC models.
3010TA: NEC Type Trace Oxygen Analyzer with flush mount Control
Unit. Consists of 3010TA Control Unit, PN D-64596A and a 3010T Analysis Unit, PN D-65478.
3010PA: NEC Type Percent Oxygen Analyzer with flush mount
Control Unit. Consists of 3010PA Control Unit, PN
D-64596B or C and a 3010P Analysis Unit, PN D-65479.
3010TB: NEC type Trace Oxygen Analyzer with bulkhead mount
Control Unit. Consists of 3010TB/PB Control Unit, PN D-66190A, and a 3010T Analysis Unit, PN D-65478.
3010PB: NEC type Percent Oxygen Analyzer with bulkhead mount
Control Unit. Consists of 3010TB Control Unit, PN D-66190 B or C, and a 3010T Analysis Unit, PN D-65479.
3010TAC: CENELEC type Trace Oxygen Analyzer with flush mount
Control Unit. Consists of 3010TA Control Unit, PN D-66192A, and a 3010T_C Analysis Unit, PN C-66336
3010PAC: CENELEC type Percent Oxygen Analyzer with flush mount
Control Unit. Consists of 3010PA Control Unit, PN D-66192 B or C, and a 3010P_C Analysis Unit, PN B-39923C
3010TBC: CENELEC type Trace Oxygen Analyzer with bulkhead
mount Control Unit. Consists of 3010TB Control Unit, PN D-66194A, and a 3010T_C Analysis Unit, PN C-66336
3010PBC: CENELEC type Percent Oxygen Analyzer with bulkhead
mount Control Unit. Consists of 3010PB Control Unit, PN D-66194 B or C, and a 3010P_C Analysis Unit, PN B-39923C
Options: See Specific Model Information sheet, on page iv for details.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Analyzer
Main Features of the Analyzer
The Model 3010PAC series Oxygen Analyzers are sophisticated yet
simple to use. The main features of these analyzers include:
A 2-line alphanumeric display screen, driven by microprocessor electronics, that continuously prompts and informs the operator.
High resolution, accurate readings of oxygen content: from low 0-1 % levels through 0-100 %. Large, bright, meter readout.
Optional stainless steel cell block available.
Advance design Micro-Fuel Cell sensor with a one year warranty and an expected lifetime of two years.
Versatile analysis over a wide range of applications.
Microprocessor based electronics: 8-bit CMOS microprocessor with 32 kB RAM and 128 kB ROM.
Three user definable output ranges allow best match to users process and equipment: 0-1 % through 0-100 %.
Air-calibration range for convenient spanning at 20.9 %.
Auto Ranging allows analyzer to automatically select the proper preset range for a given measurement. Manual override allows the user to lock onto a specific range of interest.
Two adjustable concentration alarms and a system failure alarm.
Self-diagnostic testing, at startup and on demand, with continuous power-supply monitoring.
Two way RFI protection.
RS-232 serial digital port for use with a computer or other digital communications device.
Analog outputs for Concentration and Analysis Range: 0–1 V dc standard. Additional isolated 4–20 mA dc optional.
Compact and versatile design: flush-panel, rack-mountable, or bulkhead mounted Control Units available.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Model 3010PAC
Model 3010PAC complies with all of the requirements of the Commonwealth of Europe (CE) for Radio Frequency Interference, Electromagnetic Interference (RFI/EMI), and Low Voltage Directive (LVD).
The Analysis Unit is Intrinsically safe and CENELEC approved. The Control Unit is suitable for general purpose areas. The probe is CENELEC approved (certification code EEXIA IICT6).
The following International Symbols are used throughout the Instruction Manual for your visual and immediate warnings and when you have to attend CA UTION while operating the instrument:
STAND-BY, Instrument is on Stand-by, but circuit is active
Protective Earth
CAUTION, The oper ator needs to ref er to the
manual for further information. F ailure to do so may compromise the saf e operation of the equipment.
CAUTION, Risk of Electric Shock
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: Control Unit
Models 3010PAC
Oxygen Analyzer
Part I
Control Unit
Flush Mount
Part Number: D-66192B
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: i
Model 3010PAC Oxygen Analyzer
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview........................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Control Unit Front Panel................................................. 1-1
1.3 Recognizing Difference Between LCD & VFD............... 1-3
1.4 Control Unit Rear Panel................................................. 1-3
2 Operational Theory
2.1 Introduction .................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Electronics and Signal Processing ................................ 2-1
3 Installation
3.1 Unpacking the Control Unit............................................ 3-1
3.2 Mounting the Control Unit .............................................. 3-1
3.3 Electrical Connections................................................... 3-3
3.3.1 Primary Input Power .............................................. 3-4
3.3.2 50-Pin Interface Connector ................................... 3-4
3.3.3 RS-232 Port ......................................................... 3-9
3.3.4 Remote Probe Connection................................... 3-10
3.4 Testing the System......................................................... 3-11
4 Operation
4.1 Introduction .................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Using the Data Entry and Function Buttons ................... 4-2
4.3 The System Function ..................................................... 4-3
4.3.1 Setting Display...................................................... 4-4
4.3.2 Setting up an Auto-Cal........................................... 4-5
4.3.3 Password Protection.............................................. 4-5 Entering the Password................................... 4-6 Installing or Changing the Password ............. 4-7
ii: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: Control Unit
4.3.4 Logout.................................................................... 4-8
4.3.5 System Self-Diagnostic Test .................................. 4-9
4.3.6 V ersion Screen ...................................................... 4-10
4.4 The Span Functions....................................................... 4-10
4.4.1 Cell Failurel ........................................................... 4-10
4.4.2 Span Cal................................................................ 4-11 Auto Mode Spanning ..................................... 4-11 Manual Mode Spanning................................. 4-12
4.5 The Alarms Function...................................................... 4-13
4.6 The Range Function ...................................................... 4-15
4.6.1 Setting the Analog Output Ranges......................... 4-15
4.6.2 Fixed Range Analysis ............................................ 4-16
4.7 The Analyze Function.................................................... 4-17
4.8 Signal Output ................................................................. 4-17
5 Maintenance
5.1 Fuse Replacement ......................................................... 5-1
5.2 System Self Diagnostic Test........................................... 5-2
5.3 Major Internal Components............................................ 5-3
5.4 Cleaning ........................................................................ 5-4
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: iii
Model 3010PAC Oxygen Analyzer
iv: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
1.1 Overview
The Analytical Instruments Model 3010PAC Analyzer Control Unit, together with a 3010PAC Analysis Unit, is a versatile microprocessor­based instrument for detecting percent amounts of oxygen in a variety of gases.
Part I, this part, of this manual covers the Model 3010PAC series General Purpose flush-panel and/or rack-mount Control Units. (The Analy­sis Unit is covered in Part II of this manual.) The Control Unit is for indoor use in a nonhazardous environment only. The Analysis Units (or Remote Probes) it controls can be designed for a variety of hazardous environ­ments.
1.2 Control Unit Front Panel
The standard 3010PAC Control Unit is housed in a rugged metal case with all remote controls and displays accessible from the front panel. See Figure 1-1. The front panel has a digital meter, an alphanumeric display, and thirteen buttons for operating the analyzer.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: 1-1
1 Introduction Model 3010PAC
Figure 1-1: Front of Unmounted Control Unit
Function Keys: Six touch-sensitive membrane switches are used to
change the specific function performed by the analyzer:
Analyze Perform analysis for oxygen content of a sample gas.
System Perform system-related tasks (described in detail in chapter 4, Operation.).
Span Span calibrate the analyzer.
Zero Zero calibrate the analyzer.
Alarms Set the alarm setpoints and attributes.
Range Set up the 3 user definable ranges for the instrument.
Data Entry Keys: Six touch-sensitive membrane switches are used to
input data to the instrument via the alphanumeric VFD display:
Left & Right Arrows Select between functions currently
displayed on the VFD screen.
Up & Down Arrows Increment or decrement values of
functions currently displayed.
1-2: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
Enter Moves VFD display on to the next screen in a series.
If none remains, returns to the Analyze screen.
Escape Moves VFD display back to the previous screen in a
series. If none remains, returns to the Analyze screen.
Digital Meter Display: The meter display is a LED device that
produces large, bright, 7-segment numbers that are legible in any lighting. It is accurate across all analysis ranges from 0-1 % through 0-100 %
Alphanumeric Interface Screen: The backlit VFD screen is an easy-
to-use interface between operator and analyzer. It displays values, options, and messages that give the operator immediate feedback.
Standby Button: The red I/O button switches the instrument
power between I (ON) and O (a Keep-Alive state). In the O state, the instrument’s circuitry is operating, but there are no displays or outputs.
CAUTION: The power cable must be unplugged to fully
disconnect power from the instrument. When chassis is exposed or when access door is open and power cable is connected, use extra care to avoid contact with live electrical circuits .
Access Door: For access to the front panel electronics, the front panel
swings open when the latch in the upper right corner of the panel is pressed all the way in with a narrow gauge tool. Accessing the main circuit board and other electronics requires unfastening the rear panel screws and sliding the unit out of the case.
1.3 Recognizing Difference Between LCD & VFD
LCD has GREEN background with BLACK characters. VFD has DARK background with GREEN characters. In the case of VFD - NO CONTRAST ADJUSTMENT IS NEEDED.
1.4 Control Unit Rear Panel
The Control Unit rear panel, shown in Figure 1-2, contains the electrical connectors for external inputs and outputs. The input/output functions are described briefly here and in detail in the Installation chapter of this manual.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: 1-3
1 Introduction Model 3010PAC
Figure 1-2: Model 3010PAC Rear Panel
Power Connection Universal AC power source.
Analog Outputs 0-1 V dc concentration and 0-1 V dc
range ID. Optional isolated 4-20 mA dc and 4-20 mA dc range ID.
Alarm Connections 2 concentration alarms and 1 system
RS-232 Port Serial digital concentration signal
output and control input.
Remote Probe Provides all electrical interconnect to
the Analysis Unit or Remote Probe.
Remote Span/Zero Digital inputs allow external control of
analyzer calibration.
Calibration Contact To notify external equipment that
instrument is being calibrated and readings are not monitoring sample.
Range ID Contacts Four separate, dedicated, range relay
contacts. Low, Medium, High, Cal.
1-4: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
Remote Probe Interfaces with an Analysis Unit or
Remote Probe (external sensor/sample system).
Network I/O Serial digital communications for local
network access. For future expansion. Not implemented at this printing.
Note: If you require highly accurate Auto-Cal timing, use external
Auto-Cal control where possible. The internal clock in the Model 3010PAC is accurate to 2-3 %. Accordingly, internally scheduled calibrations can vary 2-3 % per day.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: 1-5
1 Introduction Model 3010PAC
1-6: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
Operational Theory
2.1 Introduction
The Model 3010PAC Oxygen Analyzer Control Unit uses an 8031 microcontroller with 32 kB of RAM and 128 kB of ROM to control all signal processing, input/output, and display functions for the Model 3010PAC analyzer. (The sample system and Micro-Fuel Cell sensor are covered in Part II, Analysis Unit, in this manual.) System power is supplied from a universal power supply module designed to be compatible with any international power source.
2.2 Electronics and Signal Processing
All of the Analyzer electronics are located on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) assemblies inside the Control Unit chassis. The PCB locations are illustrated in section 5, Maintenance.
Refer to Figure 2-1, Block Diagram of the 3010PAC CU Electronics:
In the presence of oxygen, the sensor (in the Analysis Unit) generates a current. A current to voltage amplifier (in the Control Unit) converts this current to a voltage.
The second stage amplifier amplifies the voltage. It also uses a signal from the thermistor (which is physically located in the Analysis Unit cell block) to provide temperature compensation for the sensor signal. The thermistor is a temperature dependent resistance that changes the gain of the amplifier in proportion to the temperature changes in the block. This thermistor signal compensates for the change in the cell output due to the temperature changes. The result is a signal that is temperature independent. The output from the second stage amplifier is sent to an 18-bit analog to digital converter controlled by the microprocessor.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: 2-1
2 Operational Theory Model 3010PAC
Figure 2-1: Block Diagram of the 3010PAC CU Electronics
2-2: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
The digital concentration signal—along with input from the control panel—is processed by the microprocessor, and appropriate control signals are directed to the display, alarms and communications port as well as to the optional gas control valves in the Analysis Unit.
The same digital information is also sent to a 12 bit digital to analog converter that produces the 0-1 V dc and the optional 4-20 mA dc analog concentration signal outputs, and the analog range ID outputs.
The microprocessor monitors the power supply, and activates the system failure alarm if a malfunction is detected.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Part I: 2-3
2 Operational Theory Model 3010PAC
2-4: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
Installation of Model 3010PAC Analyzers includes:
1. Unpacking, mounting, and interconnecting the Control Unit and the Analysis Unit
2. Making gas connections to the system
3. Making electrical connections to the system
4. Testing the system.
This chapter covers installation of the Control Unit. (Installation of
the Analysis Unit is covered in Part II of this manual.)
3.1 Unpacking the Control Unit
The analyzer is shipped with all the materials you need to install and prepare the system for operation. Carefully unpack the Control Unit and inspect it for damage. Immediately report any damage to the shipping agent.
3.2 Mounting the Control Unit
The Model 3010PAC Control Unit is for indoor use in a general purpose area. It is NOT for hazardous environments of any type.
The standard model is designed for flush panel mounting. Figure 3-1 is an illustration of a Model 3010PAC standard Control Unit front panel and mounting bezel. There are four mounting holes—one in each corner of the rigid frame. Drawing number D-64596, at the back of this manual, contains a panel cutout diagram.
On special order, a 19" rack-mounting can be provided. Per order, one or two 3010PAC series Control Units are flush-panel mounted on the 19" rack panel. See Figure 3-2.
Part I: 3-1 Teledyne Analytical Instruments
3 Installation Model 3010PAC
Figure 3-1: Front Panel of the Model 3010 Control Unit
Figure 3-2: Single and Dual 19" Rack Mounts
All operator controls are mounted on the control panel, which is hinged on the left edge and doubles as a door to provide access to the internal components of the instrument. The door is spring loaded and will swing open when the button in the center of the latch (upper right corner)
3-2: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
is pressed all the way in with a narrow gauge tool (less than 0.18 inch wide), such as a small hex wrench or screwdriver Allow clearance for the door to open in a 90-degree arc of radius 7.625 inches. See Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3: Required Front Door Clearance
3.3 Electrical Connections
Figure 3-4 shows the Control Unit rear panel. Connections for power, communications, and both digital and analog signal outputs are described in the following paragraphs. Wire size and maximum length data appear in the Drawings in the back of this manual.
Figure 3-4: Rear Panel of the Model 3010PAC Control Unit
For safe connections, no uninsulated wiring should be able to come in contact with fingers, tools or clothing during normal operation.
Part I: 3-3 Teledyne Analytical Instruments
3 Installation Model 3010PAC
CAUTION: Use Shielded Cables. Also, use plugs that provide
excellent EMI/RFI protection. The plug case must be connected to the cable shield, and it must be tightly fastened to the analyzer with its fastening screws. Ultimately, it is the installer who ensures that the connections provide adequate EMI/RFI sielding.
3.3.1 Primary Input Power
The universal power supply requires a 85–250 V ac, 47-63 Hz power source. The power cord receptacle and fuse block are located in the same assembly. Insert the female plug end of the power cord into the power cord receptacle.
CAUTION: Power is applied to the instrument's circuitry as
long as the instrument is connected to the power source. The switch on the front panel is for switching power on or off to the displays and
outputs only.
Fuse Installation: The fuse block, at the right of the power cord receptacle, accepts US or European size fuses. A jumper replaces the fuse in whichever fuse receptacle is not used. Fuses are not installed at the factory. Be sure to install the proper fuse as part of installation. (See Fuse Replacement in chapter 5, maintenance.)
3.3.2 50-Pin Equipment Interface Connector
Figure 3-4 shows the pin layout of the Equipment Interface connector. The arrangement is shown as seen when the viewer faces the rear panel of the analyzer. The pin numbers for each input/output function are given where each function is described in the paragraphs below.
Figure 3-4: Equipment Interface Connector Pin Arrangement
3-4: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Oxygen Anal yzer Part I: Control Unit
Analog Outputs: There are four DC output signal pins—two pins
per output. For polarity, see Table 3-1. The outputs are: 0–1 V dc % of Range: Voltage rises linearly with increasing oxygen,
from 0 V at 0 ppm to 1 V at full scale ppm. (Full scale = 100% of programmable range.)
0–1 V dc Range ID: 0.25 V = Low Range, 0.5 V = Medium Range,
0.75 V = High Range, 1 V = Air Cal Range.
4–20 mA dc % Range: Current increases linearly with increasing oxygen,
from 4 mA at 0 ppm to 20 mA at full scale ppm. (Full scale = 100% of programmable range.)
4–20 mA dc Range ID: 8 mA = Low Range, 12 mA = Medium Range, 16
mA = High Range, 20 mA = Air Cal Range.
Table 3-1: Analog Output Connections
Pin Function
3 + Range ID, 4-20 mA, floating 4 – Range ID, 4-20 mA, floating 5 + % Range, 4-20 mA, floating 6 – % Range, 4-20 mA, floating
8 + Range ID, 0-1 V dc 23 – Range ID, 0-1 V dc, negative ground 24 + % Range, 0-1 V dc
7 – % Range, 0-1 V dc, negative ground
Alarm Relays: The three alarm-circuit connectors are spring termi-
nals for making connections to internal alarm relay contacts. Each pro­vides a set of Form C contacts for each type of alarm. Each has both normally open and normally closed contact connections. The contact connections are indicated by diagrams on the rear panel. They are capable of switching up to 3 amperes at 250 V ac into a resistive load. See Figure 3-6. The connectors are:
Threshold Alarm 1: • Can be configured as high (actuates when concen-
tration is above threshold), or low (actuates when concentration is below threshold).
• Can be configured as failsafe or nonfailsafe.
• Can be configured as latching or nonlatching.
• Can be configured out (defeated).
Threshold Alarm 2: • Can be configured as high (actuates when concen-
tration is above threshold), or low (actuates when concentration is below threshold).
Part I: 3-5 Teledyne Analytical Instruments
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