Tektronix TDS 3054, TDS 3052, TDS 3032, TDS 3034, TDS 3014 Datasheet

500 MHz, 300 MHz, and 100 MHz Bandwidths
Sample Rates up to 5 GS/s 2 or 4 Channels Full VGA Color LCD on all Models Built-in Floppy Disk Drive For Easy
Storage and Documentation 21 Automatic Measurements Centronics Port Standard on all Models
for Quick, Convenient Hardcopies 9-bit Vertical Resolution Multi-Language User Interface QuickMenu User Interface Mode for
Quick, Easy Operation Advanced Triggers, such as, Glitch,
Width, and Logic Telecommunications Mask Testing (TMT) Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for
Frequency and Harmonic Analysis Extended Video Application Module Support for Active Probes, Differential
Probes, and Current Probes that Provide Automatic Scaling and Units
Telecommunications Manufacturing (Telecom Mask Test Application Module for Pass/Fail Compliance of ITU-T G.703 and ANSI T1.102 (Up to STS-1 Rates) Standards)
Digital Design and Debug Video Design and Service (Video
Application Modules Offer Line Count, HDTV and Custom Video Trigger, Video Display Graticules, SDI to Analog Video Conversion with Composite and Component Outputs, Video Picture Identification and Vectorscope)
Industrial Electronic Design Power Supply Design Connected Instrumentation (10Base-T
LAN, GPIB and VGA Modules with RS-
232) Highly Mobile Environments (Optional
Battery Pack for Convenient Use in the Field or Away from the Bench)
The TDS 3000 Series of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
The TDS 3000 oscilloscopes are the lowest priced, most portable Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (DPOs). Now every design engineer and technician can take advantage of the tremendous benefits of DPOs. DPOs deliver a new level of insight that makes dealing with complex signals simple. DPOs display, store, and analyze, in real-time three dimensions of signal infor­mation: amplitude, time, and distribution of amplitude over time.
DPOs have an intensity graded color display that provides information about the frequency of occur­rence of signal amplitudes and widths. This helps the user locate and characterize waveform anomalies that can be elusive on traditional Digital Storage Oscilloscopes. The fast update rate of DPOs also makes it easier to capture and display infrequent waveforms or waveform variations.
Features and Benefits Applications
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS 3012 • TDS 3014 • TDS 3032 • TDS 3034 • TDS 3052 • TDS 3054
The TDS 3000 Series graphical user inter­face offers a new operating mode called QuickMenu. This quick access user inter­face makes the main oscilloscope controls accessible with a push of a single button. Included with every scope is an On-Line Tour disk that runs in the oscilloscope. This disk gives an overview of the prod­uct’s operation and capabilities.
The portable form factor allows the instrument to go wherever it is needed. The Communication and Application Modules enable the instrument to be con­figured for specific applications or upgraded without returning it to the man­ufacturer. The TekProbe
Level II interface provides power to a range of application specific accessories.
With the application module concept, the TDS 3000 Series can be easily adapted to the needs of the user. These modules are easily installed by the user. At power on the scope indicates which modules are installed. Currently, there are five applica­tion modules available for the TDS 3000 Series – a telecommunications mask test module, an FFT module, an advanced trigger module, a 601 digital video module and an extended video module. In addi­tion, there are three communication modules available – a 10Base-T LAN/RS­232 module, a GPIB/RS-232 module and a VGA/RS-232 module. Centronics port is standard.
Peak Detect – High frequency and random glitch capture. Captures glitches as narrow as 1 ns.
Sample – Sample data only. Envelope – Max/Min values acquired over one
or more acquisitions. Average – Waveform data from 2 to 572 (selectable) acquisitions is averaged. Single Sequence – Use SINGLE SEQU E NCE button to capture a single triggered acquisition sequence at a time.
Main Trigger Modes – Auto (supports Roll Mode for 40 ms/div and slower), Normal.
B Trigger – Trigger after time or events. Trigger After Time Range – 13.2ns to 50 s. Trigger After Events Range – 1 to 9,999,999
events. External Trigger Input (available on TDS 30X2 only) – >1 Min parallel with 17 pF; Max input voltage is 150V RMS.
Edge – Conventional level-driven trigger. Positive or negative slope on any channel. Coupling selec­tions: DC, noise reject, HF reject, LF reject. Video – Trigger on all lines or individual line, odd/even or all fields, or analog HDTV formats (1080i, 1080p, 720p, 480p). See optional TDS 3VI D and TDS 3SDI application modules for extended video triggering and measurement features. Logic (Standard on TDS 30X4, must purchase TDS 3TRG for TDS 30X2) – PATTERN: Specifies AN D, OR, NAND, NOR when true or false for a specific time. STATE: Any logic state. Triggerable on rising or falling edge, of a clock.
Note: Logic triggers can only be used on combi­nations of 2 inputs.
Pulse (Standard on TDS 30X4, must purchase TDS 3TRG for TDS 30X2) – WIDTH (or GLITCH): Trigger on pulse width less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to a selectable time limit ranging from 39.6 ns to 50s.
RUNT: Trigger on a pulse that crosses one thresh­old but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again. SLEW RATE: Trigger on pulse edge rates that are either faster or slower than a set rate. Edges can be rising, falling, or either.
Comm (must purchase TDS 3TMT) – provides isolated pulse triggering required to perform DS1/DS3 telecommunications mask testing per ANSI T1.102 standard.
Automatic Waveform Measurements –
Period, Frequency, +Width, –Width, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Duty Cycle, –Duty Cycle, +Overshoot, –Overshoot, High, Low, Max, Min, Pk-Pk, Amplitude, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Burst Width. Display any four measurements from any combi­nation of waveforms.
Thresholds – Settable in percentage or voltage. Gating – Measurements can be gated using the
screen or vertical cursors.
TDS 3000 Series Electrical Characteristics
TDS 3012 TDS 3032 TDS 3052 TDS 3014 TDS 3034 TDS 3054
Bandwidth 100MHz 300 MHz 500 MHz 100 MHz 300 MHz 500 MHz Channels 222444 Sample Rate on Each Channel 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 5 GS/s 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 5 GS/s Maximum Record Length 10K points on all models Vertical Resolution 9-bits on all models Vertical Sensitivity (/div) 1 mV-10V on all models Vertical Accuracy ±2% on all models* Max Input Voltage (1 M) 150V RMS CAT I on all models Position Range ± 5 div on all models BW Limit 20 MHz 20, 150MHz 20, 150MHz 20 MHz 20, 150MHz 20, 150MHz Input Coupling AC, DC, GND on all models Input Impedance Selections 1 Min parallel with 13 pF, or 50 Time Base:Range (/div) 4 ns – 10 s/div 2 ns – 10 s/div 1 ns – 10 s/div 4 ns – 10 s/div 2 ns – 10 s/div 1 ns – 10 s/div
Accuracy 200 ppm 200 ppm 200 ppm 200 ppm 200 ppm 200 ppm Display Monitor Color LCD
* Derated at 0.07%/°C for temperatures above +28°C and below +18°C.
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