Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supercedes
that in all pre viously published material. Specificat ions and pri ce change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
WaveAlert, and e*Scope are trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Contacting Tektronix
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For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
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Table of Contents
Related Manualsvii.................................................
Getting Started
Overview of the Manual1--2...........................................
Communication Modules1--4..........................................
Installing a Communication Module1--6.................................
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Table of Contents
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Related Manuals
This manual documents the commands for remotely controlling your oscilloscope. With this information, you can write computer programs to perform
functions, such as setting the front--panel controls, taking measurements,
performing statistical calculations, or exporting data for use in other programs.
The following documents are available for download from the Manuals Finder
Web site at www.tektronix.com:
TDS3000C Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes User Manual. Information
about installing and operating your oscilloscope.
TDS3000C Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Technical Reference.
Oscilloscope specifications and a performance verification procedure.
TekVISA Programmer Manual. Description of TekVISA, the Tektronix
implementation of the VISA Application Programming Interface (API).
TekVISA is industry--compliant software for writing interoperable oscilloscope
drivers in a variety of Application Development Environments (ADEs).
TDS3000B Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes User Manual. Information
about installing and operating your oscilloscope.
TDS3000B Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Technical Reference.
Oscilloscope specifications and a performance verification procedure.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
You can write computer programs that remotely set the oscilloscope front panel
controls or that take measurements and read those measurements for further
analysis or storage.
To get you started with programming the oscilloscope, this section includes the
HOverview of the Manual summarizes the type of programming information
contained in each major section of this manual (page 1--2).
HInstalling a Communication Module provides instructions to install one of
the optional communication modules (page 1-- 6).
HConnector Locations shows the RS-232 and GPIB connector locations on
the back panel of the TDS3000B and TDS3000C oscilloscopes (page 1--7).
HSetting Up Ethernet Remote Communications describes setting up for
Ethernet 10baseT remote control, including connecting the oscilloscope and
setting the appropriate front-panel controls (page 1--8).
HSetting Up GPIB Remote Communications describes setting up for GPIB
remote control, including connecting the oscilloscope and setting the
appropriate front-panel controls (page 1--18).
HSetting Up RS-232 Remote Communications describes setting up for RS-232
remote control, including connecting the oscilloscope and setting the
appropriate front-panel controls (page 1--21).
HComparing GPIB and RS-232 compares the characteristics of the GPIB and
RS-232 interfaces (page 1--26).
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 1
Getting Started
Overview of the Manual
The information contained in each major section of this manual is described
Syntax and Commands
Application Menu Commands
Alias Commands
Acquisition Commands
The Syntax and Commands chapter describes the structure and content of the
messages your program sends to the oscilloscope. Figure 1--1 shows a syntax
diagram and command parts as described in the Command Syntax subsection.
Command Parts
Figure 1- 1: Common message elements
Chapter 2 also describes the effect of each command and provides examples of
how you might use it. The Command Groups section provides a list by functional area. The Command Descriptions section arranges commands
alphabetically (Figure 1--2).
ACQuire:NUMACq? (Query Only)
ACQuire? (Query Only)
Commands Grouped in Functional AreasCommands Listed Alphabetically
Figure 1- 2: Functional groupings and an alphabetical list of commands
1- 2
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
Status and Events
Your program may request information from the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope
provides information in the form of status and error messages. Figure 1--3 on
page 1--3 illustrates the basic operation of this system.
The Status and Events chapter starting on page 3--1 describes how to use service
requests (SRQs) and various event messages in your programs.
Your program requests
status and event reports
as the Controller.
The oscilloscope sends status and
event reports using a communications
module or the Ethernet port built--in on
TDS3000B/TDS3000C series models.
GPIB Cable
Figure 1- 3: Service Requests (SRQs) provide for event (interrupt) driven programs
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 3
Getting Started
Communication Modules
Communication modules let you communicate with, or remotely control, your
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series oscilloscopes.
Table 1--1 lists the available communication modules. Figure 1--4 shows the
connector configuration for each module.
Table 1- 1: Communication modules
Communication module
TDS3EMThis communication module adds Ethernet 10baseT local area network
TDS3GMThis communication module adds GPIB and RS-232 ports to all TDS3000
(LAN) and RS-232 ports to your TDS3000 Series oscilloscope. You can use
the Ethernet port for remote programming or printing to a LAN printer.
Communication modules are user-instal lable. All TDS3000B Series and
TDS3000C oscilloscopes have a built-in Ethernet port.
oscilloscopes. You can attach a printer to these ports or use them for remote
programmability. Communication modules are user-installable.
TDS3VMThis communication module adds VGA and RS-232 ports to all TDS3000
oscilloscopes. You can attach a printer to the RS-232 port or use it for
remote programmability. You can attach a monitor to the VGA port to
enhance viewing the screen from a distance. Communication modules are
TDS3GVThis communication module adds VGA, GPIB, and RS-232 ports to all
TDS3000 oscilloscopes. You can attach a printer to these ports or use them
for remote programmability. You can attach a monitor to the VGA port to
enhance viewing the screen from a distance. Communication modules are
1- 4
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
Figure 1- 4: Communication module connectors
The TDS3EM Ethernet Communication Module (TDS3000 Series only) has a set
of four status LEDs. Figure 1--5 identifies each LED and describes its purpose.
LINK: Indicates Ethernet connection when lit.
TX: On when oscilloscope is transmitting data.
RX: On when oscilloscope is receiving data.
CLSN: On when oscilloscope is attempting to transmit and receive at the same time.
Figure 1- 5: TDS3EM LEDs
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 5
Getting Started
Installing a Communication Module
CAUTION. To avoid damage to the oscilloscope or communication module,
observe all ESD precautions described in the User manual.
NOTE. Do not install a TDS3EM module into a TDS3000B Series or TDS3000C
Series oscilloscope. Installing the TDS3EM module will cause both the built-in
Ethernet port and the module’s Ethernet port to stop functioning.
To install one of the optional communication modules, follow these steps:
1. Turn the oscilloscope power off.
2. Push down on the latching tab to remove the blank cover.
3. Slide the communication module into the compartment until the internal
connectors are seated and the latching tab locks.
4. Turn power on. The communication module is now ready for your use.
To remove a communication module, follow these steps:
1. Turn the oscilloscope power off.
2. Push down on the latching tab and then use a small screwdriver to alternately
pry out the sides of the communication module.
3. Slide out the communication module and store it in an ESD-shielded bag
Install the blank cover if no other communication module is to be installed.
Latching tab
1- 6
Figure 1- 6: Communication module mounting location
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Connector Locations
Getting Started
Figure 1--7 shows the location of the installed communication module, as well as
the rear-panel connectors. The built-in Ethernet port and External trigger are only
available with the TDS3000B and TDS3000C Series models.
Power input
Parallel printer port
Communication Module
Figure 1- 7: Communication module location
Ethernet port
External trigger
DC power output
+14.2 V DC
≤400 mA
Ground terminal
CAL switch
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 7
Getting Started
Setting Up Ethernet Remote Communications
The following sections describe how to set up the Ethernet communications for
network hard copy printing and remote programmability. The Ethernet port
requires a straight-through 10BaseT cable with RJ-45 connector. No transceiver
is necessary .
Contacting Your Network
Ethernet Setup Form for
Ethernet Hardware address:::::
(User: copy this address from the UTILITY > System: I/O > Ethernet Network Settings > Change Instrument Settings
screen before sending this form to the network administrator)
Type of IP address requested: Dynamic (DHCP/BOOTP) -Static -
(User: See page G--1 of the TDS3000C Series DPO Oscilloscope User Manual for information on dynamic and static IP
Settings (from network admin.):
Instrument Name___________________
Instrument (IP) Address______.______.______.______
Domain Name: __________________________
DNS IP Address: ______.______.______.______
Gateway IP Address: ______.______.______.______
Subnet mask ______.______.______.______
HTTP Port:________
To connect the oscilloscope to the network, you need to obtain information from
your network administrator. For your convenience, make two photocopies of the
form shown below and send them to your network administrator to fill in. The
administrator can then return one copy and keep the other copy for filing.
1- 8
(User: Enter these values on the UTILITY > I/O > Ethernet Network Settings > Change Instr ument Settings
Network Administrator: Please provide network information about the
following printer:
Printer Location: ____________________________________________
Printer Make: _________________ Model: ______________________
(User: fill in above printer information before sending form)
Printer Network Name: ______________
Printer Server Name: ________________
Print Server IP Address: _____._____._____._____
(User: Enter above information on the UTILITY > I/O > Ethernet Printer Settings > Add Printer screen.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
The Ethernet Menus
Push the UTILITY button, then push the System bottom button to select I/O.
The oscilloscope displays the I/O menu, as shown in Figure 1--8, which contains
the Ethernet Network Settings and Ethernet Printer Settings bottom buttons.
Figure 1- 8: The Ethernet Network Settings menu
Ethernet Network Settings Menu. Figure 1--9 shows the Ethernet Change
Instrument Settings screen. Table 1--2 describes the Ethernet Network Settings
fields. The procedures on page 1--13 (for networks that support DHCP/BOOTP)
and 1--14 (for networks that do not support DHCP/BOOTP) describe how to set
up the oscilloscope to communicate on your network using the appropriate
instrument IP information from your network administrator.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 9
Getting Started
Figure 1- 9: The Change Instrument Settings screen
Table 1- 2: Ethernet Network Settings side menu
Change Instrument
Ethernet Address:The factory-set Ethernet address for this
module or instrument. This field cannot be
Instrument Name:An alphanumeric label assigned to the
oscilloscope for easier network reference.
Check with your network administrator to
determine instrument name restrictions and
that the instrument name you request does not
already exist.
User Password:A password that causes the oscilloscope
e*Scope web server to prompt for user
authentication before allowing ethernet
access. Access is permitted for the duration of
the network browser session. Leaving this
blank allows any browser to access the
1- 10
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Table 1- 2: Ethernet Network Settings side menu (Cont.)
Change Instrument
Settings (cont.)
Instrument IP
Domain Name:The name of the domain to which the
A unique Internet Protocol (IP) address that
identifies the oscilloscope. You must enter an
IP address in order for the oscilloscope to
communicate with the network. Obtain an
instrument IP address from your network
If your network supports DCHP/BOOTP
protocols, then you can also set DCHP/
BOOTP to ON and let the oscilloscope
automatically obtain a dynamic IP address
from the network. Dynamic IP addresses can
change each time the oscilloscope is turned
oscilloscope is attached. Although not required
to communicate with the network, the domain
name is used to assist with printer communications. Obtain the domain name (if
necessary) from your network administrator.
Getting Started
DNS IP Address:The IP address of the domain name system
(DNS). Although not required to communicate
with the network, the DNS IP address is used
to assist with printer communications. Obtain
the DNS IP address (if necessary) from your
network administrator.
Gateway IP Address:Obtain the gateway IP address from your
network administrator.
Subnet Mask:Obtain the subnet mask value from your
network administrator.
HTTP Port:The HTTP Port field sets the network http
socket value for the oscilloscope. This field
lets you set up the oscilloscope as an e*Scope
web server on a port ot her than the default
port 80. This is useful for avoiding conflicts
with existing web servers that use the same IP
address through a router.
DHCP/BOOTPOnOffEnables or disables Dynamic Host Configura-
tion Protocol (DHCP) and BOOTP support.
DHCP is software that automatically assigns
IP addresses to devices logging onto the
network. Your network administrator can tell
you whether DHCP/BOOTP should be on or
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 11
Getting Started
Table 1- 2: Ethernet Network Settings side menu (Cont.)
DebugOnOffHelps in debugging network communications
problems by displaying the last 30 characters
transmitted and received by the oscilloscope.
Only displays information when receiving and
responding to remote commands or software
such as WaveStar for Oscilloscopes (TDS3000
Series, TDS3000B Series only).
Test ConnectionPushing this button tests the oscilloscope
connection to the Ethernet. The oscilloscope
effectively “pings” the network to locate itself.
While testing, the menu displays Testing... .If
the oscilloscope can locate itself on the
network, the menu displays OK.Ifthe
oscilloscope cannot locate it self, the menu
displays No Response.
Table 1--3 describes the Ethernet Printer Settings menu. The procedure on
page 1--15 describes how to enter network printer settings. Note that you do not
need to be connected to the network to add printer setup information.
Table 1- 3: Ethernet Printer Settings side menu
Add PrinterPrinter NameThe name of a print er queue on the desig-
nated print server. Obtain this information from
your network administrator.
Server NameThe name of the server running the printer
queue software.
your network administrator.
Server IP addressThe IP address of the server running the
printer queue software.
tion from your network administrator.
Rename PrinterSelected printer in listLets you edit the selected printer’s settings.
Delete PrinterSelected printer in listDeletes the selected printer information from
the oscilloscope.
Confirm DeleteOnOffEnables or disables the oscilloscope from
displaying a confirmation window before
deleting a printer configuration.
If you have set the domain name and DNS IP address in the Change Instrument
Settings of the Ethernet Network Settings menu, then all you need to enter is either
the server name or the server IP address. The DNS server will look up the missing
Obtain this information from
Obtain this informa-
1- 12
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
Setting the Oscilloscope
Ethernet Parameters
You need to set two types of Ethernet parameters for the oscilloscope; the
oscilloscope IP address and one or more remote printer addresses. The oscilloscope IP address uniquely identifies the oscilloscope to other devices on the
network, and is required for the oscilloscope to communicate over the network.
The remote printer addresses enable you to send hard copy printouts to a
specified network printer. You can store multiple network printer configurations.
Ethernet Network Settings: DHCP/BOOTP supported. The purpose of a DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) or BOOTP (Boot Protocol) server is to
issue an IP address to a network device that requests an address. The IP address
enables that device to communicate with the network. This is similar to the
personal computer Plug&Play concept.
The following procedure assumes you have installed the TDS3EM Communication Module and cable into a TDS3000 Series oscilloscope.
For TDS3000B and TDS 3000C series oscilloscopes, a RJ-45 connector, with
10BaseT cable attached to the oscilloscope Ethernet port, is required.
If your network supports DHCP/BOOTP, perform the following steps:
1. Power on the oscilloscope.
2. Push the UTILITY front panel button.
3. Push the System screen button to select I/O.
4. Push the Ethernet Network Settings screen button.
5. Push the Change Instrument Settings side button to display the Instrument
Setup dialog box.
6. Push the DHCP/BOOTP side button to select On. The screen displays the
clock icon while it is talking with the network to obtain an IP address for the
oscilloscope. This step should only take a few moments, but the actual time
will vary depending on your network. The clock icon disappears when the
task is finished.
To verify that the network assigned an IP address to the oscilloscope, push
the Change Instrument Settings side button to display the oscilloscope
Ethernet settings. The instrument IP address field should now be filled in.
If the instrument IP address field is blank, then the oscilloscope was not able
to obtain an IP address from the network. Contact your network administrator for help.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 13
Getting Started
NOTE. If the DHCP/BOOTP server assigns a dynamic IP address, then the value
in the Instrument IP Address field may be different each time you power on the
oscilloscope. This is not a problem if you are mostly sending hard copy to a
network printer. However, if you intend to remotely control the oscilloscope, a
static IP address is more convenient, as the oscilloscope IP address does not
change, making it easier for remote devices to access the oscilloscope.
Ethernet Network Settings: DHCP/BOOTP Not Supported. If your network does not
support DHCP/BOOTP, you must enter the Ethernet settings manually. You can
obtain these settings from your network administrator by using the form on
page 1--8.
The following procedure presumes that you have installed the TDS3EM
Communication Module and cable into a TDS3000 Series oscilloscope.
TDS3000B and TDS3000C series oscilloscopes simply require an RJ-45
connector with 10BaseT cable attached to the oscilloscope Ethernet port.
Do these steps to enter the Ethernet parameters:
1. Use the Ethernet network setup form on page 1--8 to request the necessary
network information from your network administrator.
2. Power on the oscilloscope.
3. Push the UTILITY front panel button.
4. Push the System screen button to select I/O.
5. Push the Ethernet Network Settings screen button.
6. Push the Change Instrument Settings side button to display the Instrument
Setup dialog box.
7. Push the side menu ↑and ↓ buttons to select a field to edit.
8. Enter the required information from the Ethernet network setup form into
each field:
HThe general purpose knob selects a character in the character list. The list
of available characters changes depending on which field is selected.
HThe Enter Character button enters the selected character from the
character list at the cursor position in the current field. You can also use
the SELECT button next to the general purpose knob to enter the
selected character .
1- 14
HThe ← and → buttons move the cursor left or right in the current field.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
HThe Back Space button deletes the character to the left of the cursor
position in the field.
HThe Delete button deletes the character at the cursor position in the field.
HThe Clear button deletes all characters from the current field.
9. Push the OK Accept side button to apply the field settings. Push the MENU
OFF button to exit from the menu without applying any changes.
10. Push the Test Connection side menu button to verify that the Ethernet
settings are correct and that the oscilloscope can locate itself on the network.
11. If the oscilloscope does not establish a connection to the network, check that
you correctly entered the Ethernet instrument settings, and that you have
connected the oscilloscope to the Ethernet connector with an appropriate
10baseT cable. If the settings and cable are correct, contact your network
administrator for help.
Ethernet Printer Settings. This procedure presumes that you have successfully
established communications with the network by using one of the previous
Do these steps to add a network printer to the oscilloscope (you can store up to
21 printers in the Ethernet network printer list):
1. Obtain the printer name, server name, and server IP address of the network
printer or printers to which you are sending hard copy data.
2. Power on the oscilloscope.
3. Push the UTILITY menu button.
4. Push the System screen button and select the I/O System.
5. Push the Ethernet Printer Settings screen button. The oscilloscope displays
the Printer Configuration window, as shown in Figure 1--10.
6. Push the Add Printer screen button to display the Add Printer dialog box.
7. Push the side menu ↑and ↓ buttons to select a field to edit.
8. Enter the required information into each field:
HThe general purpose knob selects a character in the character list. The list
of available characters changes depending on which field is selected.
HThe Enter Character button enters the selected character from the
character list. Y ou can also use the SELECT button next to the general
purpose knob to enter the selected character.
HThe ← and → buttons move the cursor left or right in the current field.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 15
Getting Started
Figure 1- 10: The Ethernet Printer Settings window
HThe Back Space button deletes the character to the left of the cursor
position in the field.
HThe Delete button deletes the character at the cursor position in the field.
HThe Clear button deletes all characters from the current field.
9. Push the OK Accept side button to apply the field settings. Push the MENU
OFF button to exit from the Add Printer menu without applying any
changes. You do not need to power cycle the oscilloscope to apply printer
settings; you can select and use newly-entered printers immediately.
10. Select a network printer in the Ethernet printer list. You select a printer by
using the general purpose knob to highlight a printer name in the list.
11. Push the MENU OFF button to exit from the System I/O menus.
12. Push UTILITY > System: Hard Copy > Port to verify or set the printer
port to Ethernet.
13. Verify or set the printer format. Verify that the current oscilloscope hard copy
format can print on your network printer.
1- 16
14. Set Inksaver to ON to print the oscilloscope screen as a black on white
background image.
15. Push the MENU OFF button to exit from the System Hard Copy menu.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
16. Test the network printer by pressing the hard copy button. The printer should
print the current screen. If the printer does not print the screen, check the
HHard copy port is set to Ethernet.
HHard copy file format is compatible with the network printer.
HThe printer IP and server information you entered is correct.
HThe network printer is powered on and is online.
17. To print to a different network printer, push UTILITY > System: I/O >
Ethernet Printer Settings, and use the general purpose knob to select a
network printer. Make sure that you also set/verify the hard copy file format
when you change network printers.
Ethernet Error Messages
The following error conditions can occur when you are having network
problems. Read the text that follows to help rectify the problem.
Print Server Not Responding. This notifier displays when the oscilloscope
attempts to send data to the selected network printer but the network refuses the
connection to the network printer. This usually means that the network printer
server is offline or the print server IP address is incorrect.
If DNS is available then you can verify the network print server data by entering
the printer name and either (but not both) the print server name or the IP address.
The DNS protocol will fill in the missing data if the user-supplied data is correct.
If DNS is not available, then contact your network administrator for help.
Printer Not Responding. This notifier displays when the oscilloscope attempts to
send data to the selected network printer but the print server is unable to forward
the data to the network printer. This usually means that the network printer is
offline or the printer name is incorrect. Contact your network administrator to
obtain the correct printer queue name.
DNS Server Not responding. This notifier displays when either the Domain
information (Domain name or IP address) is not correct, or the print server name
or printer server IP address is not validated (via the Domain Name Server).
DNS Protocol
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
You enable DNS protocol by entering the DNS IP address and the domain name
using the Ethernet Network Setup menu. DNS enables the oscilloscope to query
the network for either the name of a device with a specified IP address, or the IP
address of a named device. DNS fills in missing settings when you enter partial
printer configuration information.
1- 17
Getting Started
Ethernet, VISA, and
The VISA standard, developed by the VXI plug & play Systems Alliance,
provides a common Input/Output (I/O) library for software developers so that
software from different vendors can run on the same platform. All applications
that communicate with the Ethernet must use a VISA.
A Tektronix version of VISA, referred to in this document as TekVisa, is
available for download from the www.tek.com Web site.
NOTE. If you are connecting the oscilloscope to a network only to print screen
hard copy data, or if you are using e*scope capabilities in a browser, you do not
need to install or configure a VISA.
Setting Up GPIB Remote Communications
The TDS3GM and TDS3GV communication modules have D-type shell GPIB
connectors that conform to IEEE Std. 488.1-1987 standards. Attach an IEEE Std
488.1-1987 GPIB cable (available from Tektronix as part number 012-0991-00)
to this connector. If needed, you can stack GPIB connectors as shown in
Figure 1--11.
GPIB Requirements
Follow these rules when you connect your oscilloscope to a GPIB network:
HAssign a unique device address to each device on the bus. No two devices
can share the same device address.
HDo not connect more than 15 devices to any one bus.
HConnect one device for every 2 meters (6 feet) of cable used.
HDo not use more than 20 meters (65 feet) of cable to connect devices.
HTurn on at least two-thirds of the devices on the network while using the
HConnect the devices on the network in a star or linear configuration as shown
in Figure 1--12 on page 1--19. Do not use loop or parallel configurations.
HAvoid using GPIB address 0. This is typically reserved for controllers.
Appendix C: Interface Specifications gives more information on the GPIB
configuration of the oscilloscope. If needed, you can stack GPIB connectors as
shown in Figure 1--11.
1- 18
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
GPIB connectors
Getting Started
Figure 1- 11: How to stack GPIB connectors
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
Figure 1- 12: Typical GPIB network configurations
Appendix C: Interface Specifications gives more information on the GPIB
configuration of the oscilloscope.
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
1- 19
Getting Started
Setting the GPIB
You need to set the GPIB parameters of the oscilloscope to match the configuration of the bus. Once you have set these parameters, you can control the
oscilloscope through the GPIB interface.
1. Push the UTILITY menu button.
2. Push the System screen button and select the I/O System. See Figure 1--13.
1- 20
Figure 1- 13: Selecting the System: I/O menu
3. Push the GPIB screen button.
4. Push the Talk/Listen Address screen button and use the general purpose
knob to set the Address.
The oscilloscope is set up for bidirectional communication with your controller.
If you want to isolate the oscilloscope from the bus:
HPush the Off Bus screen button. This disables all communication with the
If you want to enter a special mode of operation to communicate directly with
non-488.2 hard copy devices:
HSelect the Hard Copy (Talk Only) screen button, then push the hard copy
to have the oscilloscope send hard copy information to a printer.
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