Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication
supersedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
TEKPROBE, and TekSecure are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
DPX, WaveAlert, e*Scope, and OpenChoice are trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
14200 SW Karl Braun Drive
P.O. Bo x 5 00
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For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200.
World w ide, vi s it www.tektronix.com to find contacts in your area.
Tektronix warrants that the product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three (3)
years from the date of original purchase from an authorized Tektronix distributor. If the product proves defective
during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will repair the defective product without charge for
parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product. Batteries are excluded from
this warran
reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become the property of Tektronix.
ty. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty work m ay be new or
In order to o
of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be
responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix,
shipping charges prepaid, and with a copy of customer proof of purchase. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the
product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Tektronix service center is
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This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate
resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product;
b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage
or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modified or
integrated with other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time or difficulty
of servicing the product.
btain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration
s returned to any other locations.
nance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage
[W16 – 15AUG04]
Table of Contents
General Safety Summary .........................................................................................iii
her Probes. .................................. ................................ ......................145
iiTDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
General Safety Summary
Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
this product or any products connected to it.
To avoid potential hazards, use this product only as specified.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
To Avoid Fire or Personal
Use Proper Power Cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and
certified f
Connect and Disconnect Properly. Connect the probe output to the measurement
probe reference lead to the circuit under test before connecting the probe input.
Disconnect the probe input and the probe reference lead from the circuit under test
before disconnecting the probe from the measurement instrument.
Ground the Product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor
of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output
terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
Observe All Terminal Ratings. To a v o id fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings
Connect the probe reference lead to earth ground only.
Do Not Operate Without Covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
or the country of use.
nt before connecting the probe to the circuit under test. Connect the
rmation before making connections to the product.
Avoid Exposed Circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components
when power is present.
Replace Batteries Properly. Replace batteries only with the specified type and
Recharge Batteries Properly. Recharge batteries for the recommended charge
cycle only.
Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
Provide Proper Ventilation. Refer to the manual’s installation instructions for
details on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manualiii
General Safety Summary
Symbols and Terms on the
These terms may
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
These terms may appear on the product:
the marking.
read the marking.
The following symbol(s) may appear on the product:
appear in this manual:
dicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read
indicates an injury ha zard not immediately accessible as you
N indicates a hazard to property including the product.
ivTDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Compliance Information
This section lists the EMC (electromagnetic compliance), safety, and
environmental standards with which the instrument complies.
EMC Compliance
EC Declaration of
Conformity – EMC
Meets intent of Directive 2004/108/EC for Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Compliance was demonstrated to the following specifications as listed in the
Official Journal of the European Communities:
EN 61326-1:2006, EN 61326-2-1:2006. EMC requirements for electrical equipment
for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
CISPR 11:2003. Radiated and conducted emissions, Group 1, Class A
exceed 8 major divisions peak-to-peak. Ambient conducted field may induce triggering when the trigger threshold
is offset less than 4 major divisions from ground reference for the IEC 61000-4-3 test.
Theincreaseintracenoisewhilesubjectedtoatestfield (3 V/rms over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz,
with 80% amplitude modulation at 1 kHz) is not to exceed 2 major divisions peak-to-peak. Ambient conducted
0% amplitude modulation at 1 kHz) is not to
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manualv
Compliance Information
Australia / New Zealand
Conformity – EMC
field may induce
the IEC 61000-4-6 test.
Performance C
levels (IEC 61000-4-11).
triggering when the trigger threshold is offset less than 1 major division from ground reference for
riterion C a pplied at the 70%/25 cycle Voltage-Dip and the 0%/250 cycle Voltage-Interruption test
Complies with the EMC provision of the Radiocommunications Act per the
following st
andard, in accordance with ACMA:
CISPR 11:2003. Radiated and Conducted Emissions, Group 1, Class A, in
with EN 61326-1:2006 and EN 61326-2-1:2006.
viTDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Compliance Information
Safety Compli
EC Declaration of
Conformity – Low Voltage
U.S. Natio
nally Recognized
Testing Laboratory Listing
Canadian Certification
Additional Compliances
Compliance was demonstrated to the following specification as listed in the
Official Journal of the European Communities:
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
EN 61010-1: 2001. Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement control and laboratory use.
UL61010B-1:2003, First Edition, Safety Requirements for Electrical
Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use.
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1-92 - Safety Requirements for Electrical
Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use. CAN/CSA
C22.2 No. 1010.1B 97 - Amendment 2 to CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1-92
- Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control,
and Lab
IEC 61010-1: 2001. Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use.
oratory Use.
ment Type
Safety Class
Pollution Degree
Test and measuring equipment.
A measure of the contaminants that could occur in the environment around
within a product. Typically the internal environment inside a product is
considered to be the same as the external. Products should be used only in the
environment for which they are rated.
Pollution Degree 1. No pollution or only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs.
Products in this category are generally encapsulated, hermetically sealed, or
located in clean rooms.
Pollution Degree 2. Normally only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs.
Occasionally a temporary conductivity that is caused by condensation must
be expected. This location is a typical office/home environment. Temporary
condensation occurs only when the product is out of service.
Pollution Degree 3. Conductive pollution, or dry, nonconductive pollution
that becomes conductive due to condensation. These are sheltered locations
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manualvii
Compliance Information
Pollution Degree
Installation (Overvoltage)
Category Descriptions
where neither t
from direct sunshine, rain, or direct wind.
Pollution Deg
conductive dust, rain, or snow. Typical outdoor locations.
Pollution Degree 2 (as defined in IEC 61010-1). Note: Rated for indoor use only.
Term inals o
designations. The installation categories are:
low-voltage installation.
connected to the low-voltage installation.
directly connected to MAINS.
n this product may have different installation (overvoltage) category
ement Cate gory I. For measurements performed on circuits not
emperature nor humidity is controlled. The area is protected
ree 4. Pollution that generates persistent conductivity through
nt Category IV. For measurements performed at the source of
ent Category III. For measurements performed in the building
ment Category II. For measurements performed on circuits directly
Overvoltage Category
Overvoltage Category II (as d efined in IEC 61010-1).
viiiTDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Compliance Information
Product End-of-Life
l Considerations
This section provides information a bout the environmental impact of the product.
Observe the following guidelines when recycling an instrument or component:
Equipment Recycling. Production of this equipment required the extraction and
use of natural resources. The equipment may contain substances that could be
harmful to
end of life. In order to avoid release of such substances into the environment and
to reduce the use of natural resources, we encourage you to recycle this product
in an appropriate system that will ensure that most of the ma t erials are reused or
recycled appropriately.
y Recycling. This product might contain an optional lithium ion (Li-ion)
rechargeable battery, which must be recycled or disposed of properly.
the environment or human health if improperly handled at the product’s
This sym
Union requirements according to Directives 2002/96/EC and 2006/66/EC
on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries. For
Tektronix Web site (www.tektronix.com).
bol indicates that this product complies with the applicable European
tion about recycling options, check the Support/Service section of the
Transporting Batteries
um-Ion batteries are subject to disposal and recycling regulations that
vary by country and region. Always check and follow your applicable
regulations before disposing of any battery. Contact Rechargeable Battery
Recycling Corporation (www.rbrc.org) for U.S.A. and Canada, or your local
battery recycling organization.
Many countries prohibit the disposal of waste electronic equipment in
standard waste receptacles.
Place only discharged batteries in a battery collection container. Use electrical
tape or other approved covering over the battery connection points to prevent
short circuits.
Mercury Notification. This product uses an LCD backlight lamp that contains
mercury. Disposal may be regulat ed due to environmental considerations. Please
contact your local authorities or, within the United States, refer to the E-cycling
Central Web page (www.eiae.org) for disposal or recycling information.
The capacity of the optional lithium ion rechargeable battery pack in this product
is under 100 Wh. The lithium-equivalent content, as definedbytheUNManual
of Tests and Criteria Part III Section 38.3, is under 8 g per pack and 1.5 g per
individual cell.
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manualix
Compliance Information
Restriction of Hazardous
Always check al
before transporting a Lithium-Ion battery.
cases, be specifically limited or prohibited.
This product has been classified as Monitoring and Control equipment, and is
outside the
scope of the 2002/95/EC RoHS Directive.
l applicable local, national, and international regulations
an end-of-life, damaged, or recalled battery may, in certain
xTDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
This manual contains operating information for the TDS3000C Series Digital
Storage Oscilloscopes. The manual consists of the following chapters:
The Getting Started chapter briefly describes features of the oscilloscope
and provides installation instructions.
The Application Examples chapter provides examples on how to solve a
variety of measurement problems.
The Reference chapter describes the selections or available range of values
for each option.
The Appendix A: Specifications chapter includes electrical, environmental,
and physical specifications for the oscilloscope, as well as certifications and
The Appendix B: Factory Setup chapter contains a list of the menus and
the Save/Recall front-panel button, and then the Recall Factory Setup screen
The Appendix C: Accessories chapter briefly describes standard and optional
ls with the default settings that the oscilloscope recalls when you push
The Appendix D: Probe Basics chapter provides basic information o n the
P3010 and the P6139A probes, and on other probes.
The Appendix E: Cleaning chapter describes h ow to take care of the
The Appendix F: Ethernet Setup chapter describes how to set up t he
oscilloscope for printing through the network, and remote programming.
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manualxi
Preventing Ele
CAUTION. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage components in the
when directed to do so.
Use a Ground Strap. Wear a grounded, antistatic wrist strap to discharge the static
voltage from your body while installing or removing sensitive components.
static charge in the work area where you install or remove sensitive components.
Avoid handling sensitive components in areas that have a floor or benchtop
surface capable of generating a static charge.
Handle Components Safely. Do not slide sensitive components over any surface.
Do not t
Transport and Store Carefully. Transport and store sensitive components in a
static-protected bag or container.
e and its accessories. To prevent, ESD, observe these precautions
ork Area. Do not use any devices capable of generating or holding a
ouch exposed connector pins. Handle sensitive components as little as
xiiTDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Firmware Updates Through
the Internet
If a newer versi
USB flash drive to update your oscilloscope.
To update the fi
1. From your c omputer, access the www.tektronix.com Web site and c heck if a
newer version of oscilloscope firmware is available.
If there is a newer version of firmware, download the firmware file from the
web page. Unzip and copy the tds3000c.img file into the root folder of a
USB flash dr
2. Power off your oscilloscope.
3. Insert the USB flash drive into the flash drive port on the front of the
4. Power on your oscilloscope.
5. When prompted, push the OK Load New Firmware menu button to start
the firmware load process.
NOTE. Do not power off the oscilloscope or remove the USB flash drive until the
loscope finishes installing the firmware.
on of firmware becomes available, you can use the Internet and a
rmware, follow these steps:
6. Wait for the oscilloscope to reboot itself.
7. When prompted, remove the USB flash drive.
8. Push the Utility front-panel button.
9. Push the Version bottom button. The oscilloscope displays the firmware
version n umber.
10. Confirm that the version number matches that of the new firmware.
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manualxiii
xivTDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Getting Started
Initial Setup
In addition to a product and feature description, this chapter covers the following
How to perform a quick functional check, install and compensate passive
probes, compensate the signal path, and set the time and date
How to install the power cord, battery pack, and operate the oscilloscope
safely with battery power
How to install application modules and the communication module
How to use the menu system
How to identify the oscilloscope controls and connectors
The following procedures describe how to quickly verify that the oscilloscope is
powering up and functioning correctly, compensate passive probes using the
built-in compensation signal, run the signal path compensation (SPC) routine for
maximum signal accuracy, and set the time and date.
You should perform all initial setup procedures the firsttimeyouusethe
You should perform the probe compensation procedure whenever you attach a
passive probe for the first time to any input channel.
You should run the signal path compensation routine whenever the ambient
temperature changes by 10 °C (18 °F) or more.
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual1
Getting Started
Functional Check
Perform this qu
ick functional check to verify that your oscilloscope is operating
1.Connect the oscilloscope power cable. (See
page 9.)
2.Power on the oscilloscope.
Wait for the confirmation that all self tests
have passed.
3.Connect the oscilloscope probe to channel
1. Attach the probe tip and reference lead to
the Probe Comp connectors.
Probe Comp
4.Push the Autoset button. You should see a
square wave in the display (approximately
2TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Getting Started
Probe Compensation
Perform this ad
justment to match your probe to the input channel. This should be
done whenever you attach a passive probe for the first time to any input channel.
1.Connect the oscilloscope probe to channel
1. Attach the probe tip and reference lead
to the Probe Comp connectors, then push
If using the probe hook-tip, ensure a proper
connection by firmly twisting the tip onto the
2.Check the shape of the displayed waveform.
3.If necessary, adjust your probe.
Probe Comp
Over compensated
Under compensated
Compensated correctly
Autoset button
NOTE. See Appendix D: Probe Basics for more information about the probes
provided with your oscilloscope.
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual3
Getting Started
Signal Path Compensation
ing the Oscilloscope
Time and Date
The SPC routine
measurement accuracy. You can run the routine anytime but you should always
run the routine if the ambient temperature changes by 10 °C (18 °F) or more.
To compensate the signal path, follow these steps:
1. Disconnect
2. Push the Utility button.
3. Push the System screen button to select Cal.
4. Push the Signal Path screen button.
5. Push OK Compensate Signal Path. This procedure takes several minutes
to complete.
NOTE. The signal path compensation does not include calibration to the probe tip.
To set your oscilloscope to the current date and time, follow these steps:
1. Push the Utility button.
2. Push the System bottom button to select Confi g.
optimizes the oscilloscope signal path for maximum
any probes or cables from the channel input connectors.
3. Push t
4. Push
he Set Date & Time bottom button. Use the side menu buttons to
set the date and time values.
the OK Enter Date/Time side button to set the oscilloscope date and
4TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Product and Feature Description
The TDS3000C series oscilloscopes consist of the following models:
2100 MHz
4100 MHz
2300 MHz
4300 MHz
2500 MHz
4500 MHz
Getting Started
1.25 GS/s
1.25 GS/s
2.5 GS/s
2.5 GS/s
Acquisition Features
WaveAlert Waveform Anomaly Detection. This feature automatically detects
anomalous waveforms by comparing the current waveform to the previous
waveform. WaveAler
t sets how the oscilloscope responds: stop on anomaly, beep
on anomaly, and save anomalous waveform to a USB flash drive. It’s useful for
capturing signal glitches and intermittent waveform errors. (See page 59.)
Separate Digitizers. This feature ensures accurate timing measurements with
separate digitizers for each channel. Each digitizer can sample at up to the
maximum sample rate; the acquisition on all channels is always concurrent to
provide full single-shot bandwidth on each channel.
Normal Acquisition. This feature acquires 10,000 point waveforms to capture
horizontal detail, and then you can use the zoom
function to analyze the
detail. (See page 57.)
Fast Trigger Acquisition. This feature acquires u p to 3,400 waveforms per second
(500 point mode) so you can see rapidly changing signals or intermittent si
irregularities. (Seepage57.)
Pretrigger. You can capture signals that o ccur before the trigger point. You can
position the trigger point at the beginning of the acquisition, at the end, or at
any location in between. (See page 67.)
Delay. You can also delay the acquisition so that it starts after the trigger point.
Use delay when you want to acquire the signal at a specific time after the trigger
point. (See page 68.)
Peak Detect. This feature allows you to see pulses as narrow as 1 ns even at the
slower time base settings. Peak Detect helps you see noise and glitches in your
signal. (Seepage55.)
Signal Processing
Average. You can apply averaging to your signal to remove uncorrelated noise
and improve measurement accuracy. (See page 56.)
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual5
Getting Started
Display Features
Envelope. You c
a signal. (See page 56.)
Waveform Math. You can use waveform math to add, subtract, multiply, or divide
waveforms. For example, you can use math to analyze differential signals or to
calculate a power waveform. (See page 72.)
FFT Analysis. You can use FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) measurements to convert
a time-domain signal into its frequency components for analysis. (See page 73.)
Color LCD Display. You can identify a nd differentiate waveforms easily with
color coding. Waveforms, readouts, and buttons are color matched to increase
productivity and reduce operating errors. (See page 64.)
Digital Phosphor. A Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope can clearly display intensity
modulation in y our signals. The oscilloscope automatically overlays subsequent
acquisitions and then decays them to simulate the writing and decay of the
phosphor in the CRT of an analog oscilloscope. This feature results in an
intensity-graded waveform display that shows the information contained in the
intensity modulation. (See page 53.)
Signal Preview. You can use the preview feature to optimize the control settings
when setting up a single-shot acquisition. As you adjust the controls, the
adjustments modify the current acquisition to show a preview of how the next
acquisition should appear. (See page 54.)
an use envelope to capture and display the maximum variation of
Measurement Features
Trigger Features
Cursors. You can use cursors to take simple voltage, time, and frequency
measurements. (See page 59.)
Automatic Measurements. You can choose from a list of au
measurements. (See page 82.) You can customize the measurements by changing
reference levels or by adding measurement gating. (See page 79.)
XY Waveform Cursors. You can use cursors to take measurements on XY
waveforms. (See page 62.)
Dual Triggers. You can use the main (A) trigger system alone or add the B trigger
to capture more complex events. You can also use the A and B triggers together to
set up a wait-for-time or wait-for-events trigger. (See page 92.)
Logic Triggers. You can trigger on a Boolean condition between two signals. You
can use logic triggers to analyze problems in digital circuits, or synchronous
state machines. (See page 97.)
Pulse Triggers. You can trigger on a signal that meets a timing or threshold
condition. You can use pulse triggers to analyze problems in digital circuits, with
tomatic waveform
6TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Getting Started
Convenience Features
bus contention
(See page 102.)
Video Trigger. You can trigger on video fields or lines to see a stable display of
standard video signals. (See page 107.)
source, from the lowest-numbered active channel to the highest-numbered active
channel. (See page 96.)
Built-In External Trigger. All models have an external trigger input. Four-channel
models have the external trigger connector on the back of the oscilloscope.
e*Scope Web-based Remote Control. You can access your TDS3000C oscilloscope
through the Internet, from across a room to across the world. (See page 118.)
Built-in Ethernet. You can connect your TDS3000C oscilloscope to a network
Internet using the built-in 10BaseT Ethernet port, for e*Scope access or
or the
printing screen images to network printers. (See page 149.)
Autoset. You can use Autoset to quickly set up the vertical, horizontal, and
trigger controls for a usable display. (See page 52.)
, or in bus transceivers, transmission lines, and op-amp circuits.
g Trigger. You can sequentially use each active channel as a trigger
nel models have the external trigger connector on the front panel.
pe QuickMenu. You can use the built-in Scope QuickMenu for simplified
oscilloscope operation. (See page 21.)
Single Sequence. One button sets the trigger parameters to the correct settings for
a single-shot acquisition (or single-sequence acquisition). (See page 51.)
SB Flash Drive Port. YoucanuseaUSBflash drive to store and recall
waveforms and setups, as well as upgrade the oscilloscope firmware and install
new features. (See page 86.)
Probe Support. You can use the standard probes or choose an optional probe for
aspecific application. Appendix D provides information and limitations. (See
page 139.)
Multilingual User Interface. On-screen menus and messages are in 11 languages.
(See page 109.)
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual7
Getting Started
Optional Feat
Operating Positions
Application Mo
measurement features. (See page 135.)
Communication Module. You can install the communication module to add
RS-232, GPIB, and VGA ports for remote programmability, or to display the
oscilloscope screen on a monitor. (See page 13.)
Battery Power. You can install a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery pack
(TDS3BATC) to use the oscilloscope without line power. (See page 9.)
Use the handle and feet to place the oscilloscope in a convenient operating
dules. You can install application modules to add new test and
8TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Getting Started
Connecting Po
Using Battery Power
You can operate the oscilloscope from a mains supply with line voltage between
90 V
is grounded t
and is not operator replaceable.
You can operate the oscilloscope continuously for approximately three hours from
the option
power is connected, and a gauge icon
The oscilloscope turns off automatically when the battery runs low; the screen
may turn white a few minutes before the automatic shutdown.
Refer to the Environmental Considerations for information about proper battery
disposal. (See page ix, Environmental Considerations.)
and 250 VACand frequency between 47 Hz and 440 Hz. The oscilloscope
hrough the power cord grounding connector. The line fuse is internal
al rechargeable TDS3BATC battery pack. A triangle icon in the display
shows when the battery is in use, a power-plug i conshows when line
shows the charge level in the battery.
TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual9
Getting Started
Operating Safe
Battery Power
ly with
WARNING. To avoid electric shock, connect the rear-panel ground terminal to
earth ground
when operating the oscilloscope from battery power.
For safe operation, the oscilloscope chassis should always remain at earth ground
Without a connection between the chassis and earth ground, you can
receive a shock from exposed metal on the chassis if you connect an input to
a hazardous voltage (>30 V
,>42Vpk). To protect yourself against possible
shock, you can attach the Tektronix-supplied grounding wire from the terminal on
the rear panel to earth ground. If you use a different grounding wire, it must be
at least 18 gauge.
If you choose not to attach the grounding wire, you are not protected against
ric shock if you connect the oscilloscope to a hazardous voltage. You can still
use the oscilloscope if you do not connect a signal greater than 30 V
(42 Vpk)
to the probe tip, the BNC connector center, or the common lead. Ensure that all
probe common leads are connected to the same voltage.
WARNING. Hazardous voltages may exist in unexpected places due to faulty
circuitry in the device under test.
CAUTION. When operating the oscilloscope on battery power do not connect a
grounded device, such as a printer or computer, to the oscilloscope unless the
scilloscope’s grounding wire is connected to the earth ground.
10TDS3000C Series Oscilloscope User Manual
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