Differential Probes
TDP1500 • TDP3500 Data Sheet
Features & Benefits
Easy to Use
Connects Directly to DPO7000, DPO4000, and MSO4000 Series
Oscilloscopes Using TekVPI Probe Interface
Provides Aut
Easy Access to Probe Comp Box Controls or Oscilloscope Probe
Menu Display for Probe Sta tus, Setup Control, and Diagnostic
Integrated Scope/Probe System
Direct Connection to and Powered from TekVPI™ Oscilloscope
Interface (Connects directly to TekVPI scopes without the need of an
external power supply, like many competitors require)
Single-button Oscilloscope Probe Menu Access
Setup and Co
AutoZero - Zeros Out Output Offset
Remote GPIB/USB Probe Control Through the Oscilloscope
(Requires TEK-USB-488 Adapter for GPIB control on DPO400 0 and
omatic Units Scaling and Readout on the Oscilloscopes
ntrol from Probe Comp Box or Oscilloscope User
Outstanding Electrical Performance
3.5 GHz and 1.5 GHz Bandwidth Models – Accurate Measurements
for Serial and Digital Applications
Excellent Common Mode Rejection – Reduces Measurement Errors
in Higher C
Low Capacitive and Resistive Loading – Maintains Signal Fidelity and
Reduces DC Biasing Interactions
Versatile Mechanical Pe rformance
Compact P robe Head Size for Probing Small G e ometry Circuit
DUT Attachment Accessories Enable Connection to Fine-spaced
Robust Des
ommon Environments
ign for Reliability
Design, Validation, Debugging, and Characterization of Common
High-speed Serial Bus Designs:
Serial ATA
Ethernet (GbE)
USB 2.0
Signal Integrity, Jitter, and Timing Analysis
uring Engineering and Test

Data Sheet
Differential Probes - A Better Measurement Tool
Differential active probes p rovide truer signal reproduction and fidelity
for high-frequency measurements. W ith ultra-low input capacitance and
versatile device-under-test connection capabilities, the TDP1500 a nd
TDP3500 Differ
ential-ended Active probes provide excellent high-speed
electrical and mechanical performance required for today’s digital system
Specifically designed for use and direct connection to the TekVPI™
probe interface used on the DPO7000, DPO4000, and MSO4000 Series
oscilloscopes, the TDP1500 and TDP3500 Differential probes achieve
high-speed signal acquisition and measurement fidelity by solving three
traditional problems:
DUT loading effects - Are reduced by lower input capacitance and high
input resistance
DUT connectivity - A variety of accessories exist for attaching to small
SMDs, some come standard or recommended
Maximizing of system (oscilloscope and probe) bandwidth - probing
solutions for all measurements for TekVPI interface oscilloscope models
up to 3.5 GHz
Bandwidth (Probe only) 1.5 GHz warranted (TDP1500)
Attenuation (Probe only) 1x/10x (TDP1500)
Rise Time (Probe only) 265 ps typical (TDP1500)
Differential Input
Differential Input
Differential Input Dynamic
CMRR >60 dB at 1 MHz (TDP1500, TDP3500)
Input Offset Range ±7 V (10x or 1x) (TDP1500)
Operation Voltage Input
Range (Common Mode
Input Range)
Max Input Voltage
Propagation Delay
3.5 GHz warranted (TDP3500)
5x (TDP3500)
110 ps typical (TDP3500)
1 pF (TDP1500)
0.3 pF (TDP3500)
200 k (TDP1500)
100 k (TDP3500)
±8.5 V (10x) (TDP1500)
±850 mV (1x) (TDP1500)
±2 V (TDP3500)
>25 dB at 1 GHz (TDP1500, TDP3500)
±1 V displayed (TDP3500)
±7 V (1x) (TDP1500)
±7 V (10x) (TDP1500)
+5 V to -4V (TDP3500)
<50 nV/root Hz (TDP1500)
35 nV/root Hz (TDP3500)
±25 V (DC + pk AC) (TDP1500)
±25 V (DC + pk AC) (TDP3500)
5.3 ns typical (TDP3500)
5.4 ns typical (TDP1500)
Physical Characteristics
Cable Length*
Weight g oz.
Probe Only*
*1Typical for TDP1500.
Power Requirements
TDP1500 and TDP3500 are powered directly by the DPO7000, DPO4000, and
MSO4000 Series Oscilloscopes with TekVPI probe interface.
Recommended Oscilloscopes
DPO7000, DPO4000, MSO4000 Series Oscilloscopes with TekVPI probe interface.
1200 48
160 5.4
Minimum System Requirements / Instrument
The TDP3500 is fully supported on DPO7000, DPO4000, and MSO4000. The
TDP1500 is fully supported on the DPO4000 and MSO4000. TDP1500 functions
properly with DPO7000 Series firmware version 4.0.0 and above, but does not
provide range control on the oscilloscope menu.
2 www.tektronix.com