Operate Washing Machine
Operate Washing Machine
- Rin se&Sp in
Sep arate R inse& Spin Pr ocedu re.
- Dra in Only
Sep arate D rain on ly Proc edure .
- Mix
You can select this pr ocedure wa sh the to ugh clothe s, that n eed much mor e time an d
str ength . It is use d for the d aily cloth es fo cotton , such as s heets, cha ined, p illowcas es
bat hrobe a nd unde rwear.
- Spo rt Wear
You can sele ct this p roced ure to wa sh the ac tivewear.
- Jea ns
Thi s progr am is spe ciall y designed f or wash ing jeans.
- Han d Wash
As fo r few lig ht dirt y cloth es, the d efaul t tempe rature of wa shing i s cold.
- My Cy cle
Pre ss Spin 3 sec. fo r my cycl e to memo ry the pr ocedu re. The d efaul t my cycl e is cott on.
The main functi on can be selecte d as fo llows:
- Pre wash
The P rewas h funct ion can g et an ext ra wash befo re main w ash.
- Spe ed Wash
The f uncti on can de creas e the washin g time.
- Ext ra Rins e
The l aundr y will un dergo e xtra rinse o nce after yo u selec t it.
- Del ay
Del ay func tion ca n be set wi th this b utton, the d elaying th e time is 0 -24h.
Set t he dela y funct ion:
1.S elect a p roced ure;
2.P ress th e Delay b utton c hoose t he time;
3.P ress St art/P ause to c ommen ce the Delay o perat ion.
Can cel the D elay fu nctio n:
Not es: If th ere is an y break i n the power su pply wh ile the mach ine is op erating, a s pecia l
mem ory sto res the s elect ed program me and wh en the power i s resto red, it cont inues
whe re it lef t off.
- Rel oad
Thi s opera tion ca n be exec uted durin g the was hing proce dure. W hen the drum o f the
was hing ma chine i s still r olling and t here is l arge amoun t of wate r with hi gh tempera ture
in th e drum. T he st ate i s unsafe and the door cannot be o pened forc efull y. To pres s
《Sta rt/Pa use》for 3 s ec. to re load, a nd start the c lothes add ing in th e midwa y function .
Ple ase fol low the s teps as b ellow :
1.Wait until the dr um stops rot ation .
Pre ss the De lay but ton unt il the di splay will t o be 0h . It shoul d be pres sed before s tarti ng
the p rogra m. If the p rogra m already st arted, sho uld pre ss the power b utton .
- Cot ton
You can select this pr ocedure to w ash the d aily washa ble clo thes. The wa shi ng pe riod
is qu ite lon g with qu ite str ong was hing inten sion. It is re comme nded to wash t he dail y
cot ton art icles , for exa mple: bed sh eets, quil t cover s, pillowc ases, g owns, u nderwear e tc.
- Cot ton ECO
To incr ease th e washi ng effe cts , mai n add itional washing time is inc reased.
It is r ecomm ended t o wash th e clothes fo r babie s or worn by the p erson s with aller gic ski n.
- Syn theti c
You can select this pr ocedure to w ash the q uite delic ate clo thes. The pr oce dur e is shorter
com pared w ith tha t for cot tons and the w ashin g intensio n is quit e gentle. It i s recom mended
to wa sh synt hetic a rticl es, for exam ple: sh irts, coat s, blen ding. As for cu rtains and l aced
tex tiles , the pro cedur e “Synthet ic ” shal l be selecte d. Whil e washing th e knitt ing textil es,
det ergen t quant ity sha ll be reduce d due to its loo se stri ng constru ction a nd easily fo rming
bub bles.
- Del icate
You can select this pr ocedure to w ash you r delicate c lothe s. Its washi ng inte nsion is gen tler
and r evolu tion sp eed is le ss compare d with th e procedur e “Synt hetic”. It i s recom mended
for t he arti cles to b e washe d softly.
- Woo l
You can select this pr ocedure to w ash the w ool tex tiles labe led wit h “Machine Wash”.
Ple ase sel ect the p roper w ashin g temperat ure accord ing to th e label on the a rticl es to be
was hed. Fu rther more, t he proper de terge nt shall be se lecte d for wool tex tiles .
- Bab y Care
, it ca n make th e baby' s wear
cle aner an d make th e rinse p erforman ce better to p rotec t the baby ski n.
- Col ors
You can choose the pro gram washi ng brig htly color ed clothin g, it can p rotect the b right
col ors bet ter .
- Qui ck
Thi s proce dure is s uitab le for washi ng few an d not very dir ty clot hes quickl y.
- Spi n Only
Separate spin only proce dure. Soap water or rin se wate r shall be drained out before spinning.
You can select this pr ocedure to w ash you r baby’s clo the s
Fir st, tur n the rot ary swi tch to selec t the cor respondi ng proc edures acc ording to th e types
of te xtile s.
Sec ond, se lect th e prope r temperat ure acc ording to th e dirti ness. Gene rally, the hi ghe r the
tem perat ure is, t he more t he power is co nsume d.
Las t, sele ct the pr oper re volution s peed. The hi ghe r the r evolution speed is, the drier th e
tex tiles a re spun , but hig her the nois es will also b e incre ased.
The s urf aces of delicate textiles will h ave wri nkles and th e worki ng life o f washing
mac hine wi ll be sho rtene d.
PLE ASE NOT E: to pro tect th e cloth es, the l ower re volut ion spe ed shal l be sele cted fo r delic ate textil es.
The m ain was hing pr ocedu res dep end on th e types o f the clo thes to b e washe d as foll ows: